Picking up from June
-- this is the sixth month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020. First, it was CoVid, now we're in the early
stages of the Second American Civil War.
The growing urgency created by orchestrated, catastrophic events over the first half
of 2020 to prepare for what's coming compelled me to make a quick 1:43 video --
the first of its kind in a year. The larger, more fact-filled video to which
this one refers
has also been posted.
(Originally shot on July 11.)
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for July
his is the sixth month I've been maintaining this blog.
The CoVid hoax has now segued into the communist takeover of the United States.
At the end of June, more and more reports poured in relating to attacks on small communities -- people
in their vehicles, small businesses, churches. Ordinary citizens have been caught unaware, because the vast majority
of wars in which Americans have been engaged have been on foreign soil. Now the war is being fought at home. Never before has it been more important to ignore FAKE NEWS and share information
with fellow citizens for the purposes of self-preservation.
Norwegian & Confederate Flags: Do you really need a high IQ to see the difference?
July 31, 2020
Not The Onion: Michigan Inn Forced To Remove Norwegian Flag Because It 'Resembles' Confederate Banner --
"Just when we thought the woke PC madness of 2020 couldn't get anymore absurd, a local incident out of Michigan is so astoundingly stupid that
even the AP reported on it with a tone that aptly captures the inanity: Owners of a Michigan bed and breakfast have removed a Norwegian flag
outside of their business after being accused of promoting racism from people who think that it is a Confederate flag." I covered this yesterday.
The Left is testing the limits of human stupidity.
"It's All A SMOKESCREEN" (only a few people know about this) -- Robert Kiyosaki is putting his life, his reputation,
and all he holds dear to tell you what's really happening. See it now. It won't stay up long. Both of these first two videos
come from an excellent YouTube channel -- Video Advice.
Ice Age Farmer -- Latest Videos -- I covered crucial revelations from Ice Age Farmer on
"July 5 - Afternoon & Evening." I'm not posting any one video here because over the past week,
this channel has posted five important videos covering topics that Ice Age Farmer specializes in: food availability,
climate tracing, unidentifiable seeds, lab-grown food.
Jackboots at Dawn: German Gestapo Comes after "Right-Wing" Journalists -- I can relate to this, perhaps as much or more than anyone,
because I know what it feels like to be targeted by those in authority because of what you think, write, or sell -- where completely baseless
accusations are used to prosecute you. Do you get a fair trial? No, of course, not. You spouse, your children (or in my case, child), your
employees, other members of your family, are threatened to ensure that your case never makes it to trial. This is the subject matter of
Chapter 3 of Meditopia.
Almost 30 Million Americans Went Hungry Last Week As Recovery Stalls -- Ok, boys and girls. Here's a pop quiz:
What's the difference between the number of Americans who went hungry LAST WEEK, and the number of Americans who will be going
hungry one year from now, given current trends? -- (assuming that many are still alive). Answer: Add an extra zero.
Masks Aren't Enough: Dr. Fauci Says People Should "Probably Use Eye Shields" To Protect Against COVID-19 -- Should I start wearing a butt plug?
I still have my oxygen tank and other scuba gear. Should I start carrying that around? What about my feet? Should I tape up my feet after cover them
with antiseptics before I put my shoes on? When is somebody going to put this New World Order clown and
voodoo doctor out of his misery.
Heated Vaccine Debate -- Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz -- Dershowitz is just another whore to pharmaceutical interests.
He makes so many factual statements, it's difficult to stomach. If you've been following this blog, you know what they are.
Alex Jones, Full Show, July 29, 2020 -- Jones has been getting a little mroe strident than usual. Like most shows, this one
weighs in at well over two hours. Among the highlights: Civil War coming to America.
Maybe we can limit the number of those killed to only ONE BILLION?
The risks of signing on with the Satanic Globalists.
Planned assasinations of public officials who don't cooperate with BLM and Antifa agenda.
Loading up stolen trucks full of gasoline and driving them into people houses, and when people come out of
their burning houses, they are gunned down. Democrat politicians are stepping up calls to ban the
Second Amendment and forcibly take away everyone's guns while simultaneously giving more arms to Antifa and BLM.
"Austin City Council Officially Call for Blowing Up Police Station As Symbol of Ending Police Hate
10,000 children per week are now dying in the U.S. from starvation and malnutrition in
the U.S. because of CoVid. This far exceeds Covid deaths. Internationally, it's more like 100,000 children per week.
Particulars on the "If Trump Wins, We'll Burn Down America!" movement
At 49:00 -- New Antifa / BLM instructions to organizers nationwide: murder anyone and everyone,
even police, if they do not stop at a checkpoint, as instructed.
Mass assassinations and bombings planned by Antifa / BLM members.
Planned Parenthood's connection to eugenics and the Nazi Party in German back in the 30s is exposed.
It's racist roots are exposed. BLM's tactic has backfired. Margaret Sanger's legacy is ruined.
The show finishes with an update on mandatory vaccines (at 1:49:05) by Jon Rappoport.
Why Texas Is In Trouble -- "Everything is bigger in Texas, including the supersized salaries of its city managers, school superintendents,
state staffers, and other public servants. Last year, 78,064 state and local government employees made more than $100,000 each, and 18,600 of them
out-earned Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who made $153,750." This is why the Central Bankers decided to pull the plug. Any system that is this
corrupt, with government workers being paid many times over what they're worth, is going to collapse sooner or later. Well --- sooner has
arrived. On steroids.
Russia Hopes To Register World's First COVID-19 Vaccine By Aug. 12 -- This will only push other drug companies
to rush a vaccine and be even more irresponsible. And why shouldn't they be with no legal liabilities to worry about? Efficacy?
What efficacy? Screw that! We're gonna make billions!
Posted July 5, but worth reposting after Biden's lastest gaffes.
See posts below for more details.
People argue that Biden's dementia is so advanced, he really
shouldn't be running for President . . . I beg to differ. From the
perspective of the real rulers, those who are REALLY in charge,
the only way that Biden could be a more perfect candidate is if
he were dead. You know -- Like "Weekend at Bernie's"
July 29, 2020
Repost from July 5 in celebration of Biden's latest gaffe:
Joe Biden: 'I'm Joe Biden's Husband, Joe Biden' -- Why is this man allowed to run for anything?
Because from the perspective of the true controllers, Joe Biden would make the perfect commander-in-chief.
No leader would be easier to control that this pathetic, feeble, specimen of human brain rot and celebral decay.
When Biden opens his mouth, you can almost hear the bacteria munching away on his decomposing neural tissue.
Poor candidate? Are you kidding? It doesn't get any better than this.
Letter from a friend on the radical transgenderism of the Elite --
"Dear Greg -- I'm attaching a picture of a guy named Mel Gates. Recently, Bill Gates looks if he is overflowing with estrogen.
In July, he continues to wear his pink sweater which is an "Illuminati" code for "being non-threatening," and he pronounces his decrees
for humanity with his special speech-impediment and his Kermit-The-Frog voice." "In the attached photo -- [click to enlarge] --
we can again see strong evidence that his "wife" or "husband" Mel(inda) Gates
is, in fact, a man. Just look at those powerful hands and massive forearms. Mel Gates simply could NOT be a woman." "Are we surprised? No. Since 2007, the sold-out mainstream-media
has never yet bothered to mention
that Barack Obama has a "husband" called Mike." "We are ruled by un-elected fucking freaks."
Americans Are Too Mentally & Emotionally Weak To Take The Red Pill -- PCR's take on an amazing article
from Unz.com. Conclusion: "We believe that the American people and their institutions are under attack and that Covd-19, BLM, and the
planned demolition of the economy are part of a 3-pronged offensive designed to splinter the country, rewrite its history, enslave its people,
and set the stage for an alternate system in which the bulk of the nation's wealth will be controlled by a handful of power-mad Mandarins
who will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions. "It will take a colossal effort to scupper the plan."
September Always Comes Before November -- This is the latest post from Dr. Richard Sauder on his blog,
Event Horizon Chronicle. I'm mentioned in the article, as it relates to what has been communicated to me on my latest
ayahuasca vision quests.
URGENT // THREE Prophetic WARNING DREAMS of Judgment Coming to America -- This is a link that Richard Sauder put in his
blog. Almost 16 minutes. Well worth watching, in my opinion. It bears a startling resemblance to what I have been seeing in my
own ayahuasca visions since May, 2019. You get a sense of these premonitions in three of my last four books:
The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca (2012), The Joys of Psychopathocracy: Why Criminality is Essential to Effective
Modern Government / Our Rebirth in the Wake of Their Destruction of Our World (2017), and Living on the Precipice: Global
Corruption, The Supremacy of "Fake" & Reflections on Near-Term Human Extinction (2018).
Goldman Warns "Real Concerns Are Emerging" About The Dollar As Reserve Currency; Goes "All In" Gold --
Ten years from now, history may mark July, 2020 as the month when the dollar began its final crash. (I say "final" because the U.S. dollar
has already lost 97% of its value over the past 100 years.) Silver hit $25 an ounce. Gold hit a historical high of $2,000 an ounce.
This is what the early stages of a currency crash look like.
"Peaceful Protesters" -- This is what your community will look like after the "peaceful protesters" behind
BLM and Antifa descend upon your community like the plague of locusts that they are. And please don't call them violent or
It's not politically correct, and you don't want Democratic Party operatives doxxing or cancelling you for having the
audacity to call a spade a spade. Let's me frank: these people are the scum of the earth -- dregs that nobody
would hire or want working in a respectable organization. They have nothing. They are nothing. So they have nothing
better to do than make the rest of our lives miserable. We should expect it. This is just what demonic, mutant zombies do.
For dozens of similar pictorial gems that document America's communist takeover, see:
We Asked Our Readers to Send Photos of the Democrat Party Sanctioned Destruction and Rioting in their Community -- We Were Shocked
at What They Sent In.
July 28, 2020 -- Morning
This Couldn't Possibly Happen. Could it? --
This comes from VernonColeman.com (Dr. Vernon Coleman). Almost 11 minutes. His ultimate point?
Both the CoVid nasal test and the vaccines are about turning humans in controllable robots.
It's about taking away your humanity and converting you into something sub-human, something more a product of AI than anything biological.
You should watch this video and then share it.
BREAKING: American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation with SCOTUS Press Conference. -- Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
I don't know why henchmen for Bill Gates and Änthony Fauci haven't had these practitioners assasinated yet, but God bless them.
God bless them all. This is what professionals who choose truth over professional advancement and big money ass-kissing look like.
Mike Ditka: 'If You Can’t Respect Our National Anthem, Get The Hell Out Of The Country' -- National anthem?
No, no, no. I got a better idea. Participate in a riot with the express purpose of destroying property or causing bodily harm,
and we're arresting you, sticking you in an airplane, and dropping you off in a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Why Marxist Organizations Like BLM Seek To Dismantle The "Western Nuclear Family" -- It's all demonic. Support for transsexualism,
pedophilia, bestiality -- if it defies the Creator's natural order of things and serves to give the Divine the middle finger, the Left
supports it. More proof that the leftist/communism movement is a collective case of mass demonic possession -- as I discussed so many
times previously.
America's Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It's Not Going To End In November --
"These rioters are very serious about their goals, and they aren't going to be happy with just a few half-hearted "reforms"
... For many of them, nothing short of the overthrow of the entire system will suffice." You see, there's a reason for this.
They are the bottom feeders of society. Every country has them. From where I sit, this author is right. The roits are not going to
end in November. They are going to dramatically accelerate.
"Fear City, Myths, and Legends" -- More from "Quite Frankly." This YouTubers cracks me up. Truth wraps in comedy.
This one is two-hours, so it's the kind of thing you listen to for entertainment while you're doing other things.
July 27, 2020
Florida Sheriff Literally Praying for Death Penalty After Criminal's Alleged Heinous Spree: 'He's a Thug, He's a Criminal' --
This kid is only 26 and he had already been to prison twice and had 260 charges in his arrest history -- most of them violent.
So here's the deal. Three guys are out fishing and for fun and entertainment, this kid pulls a Smith & Wesson and murders
all three guys before heading to McDonald's for some cheeseburgers and McNuggets. Just remember that this is the kind of creature that the Democratic Party and liberal establishing
is funding, encouraging, and rooting for.
The Worst Year In History? -- 536? 1349? 1520? 1918? . . . all horrific for different reasons.
But 2020 gets my vote, because it has strong indicators that it could be, as I argue in my book, Living on the Precipice (2018),
the prelude to the extinction of our species.
Greenland & Asteroid Debris Field Revisited:
I opened the posts for July 20 with this, but
it's coming back -- front and center. The image above links to a trailer of the movie,
Greenland, (2020)
but it is a fictional account of what whistleblowers are increasingly describing with disturbing regularity. See first post below.
July 26, 2020 -- Afternoon & Evening
If This is True -- This comes from the YouTube channel, Marfoogle News, and runs 22 minutes.
It expands on a subject that we first picked up from Israeli News Live --
see Ben DeNoon website here.
The focus here is the
fact that the Earth appears to be passing through an asteroid debris field. More and more reports are coming in from viewers
about observed incoming asteroids -- reports that can be found nowhere in the mainstream media.
Additionally, more and more government money is being allocated for "debris impact cleanup." The latest whistleblowers for this
activity aren't bloggers or politicians. No. It's government auditors. Accountants. The pencil pushers.
If any of this is true, it trumps everything else I have reported so far. We are back to Ben DeNoon's comment,
which came to him from a highly placed White House source: "Come September, there will be no one left on earth who doesn't
know we're in serious trouble." Is it true or not? We will know within the next 60 days.
Help for Relocation --
This is also on Ben DeNoon's site. Extremely helpful if you're looking for a safer place. It would take you hours to go through
the submissions in the Comment section, many of which contains valuable insights.
Where to Live -- The U.S. Democratic Party platform for 2020 is out. It comes just short of saying that all white people need to be
exterminated for the betterment of humanity -- NOW! Unbelievable. If you want to know just how stupid people are, just imagine that there are
millions of white people in the U.S. who are signing on to this. "I'm up for suicide! Please! Pick me! Pick me!"
This video puts forth a flurry of statistical charts and presents the conclusion that if you're stuck in the U.S.,
the best place to relocate is the intermountain region of the West. (It clocks in at a short 1:45, so you have no excuse not to see it). We live in Ecuador, where we don't have any racial issues. Socioeconomic, yes. Racial, no.
The general concensus here is: "Todos somos mestizos" (Ultimately, we are all mixed blood). If this were the concensus in the
U.S., we wouldn't even be discussing this.
Truth Bombs by Deborah Tavares -- It's 48 minutes of material the defies the common narrative, full as it is with
merciless fake news. Watch now. It won't be up for long.
Biden Campaign 'Mistreating Latino Field Organizers And Suppressing Latino Vote' According To Scathing Letter --
We're in an age where everything is about posturing, and substance means nothing. It is a well-established fact that President Lyndon Johnson, a
canonized saint in the Civil Rights movement, would privately refer to black people as "worthless, fuckin' niggers." That's highly disrespectful,
in my opinion, but that's the crazy world we live in.
Now loving on Jesus IN YOUR OWN HOME could be a 'hate crime' -- "A vague new hate-crime law under consideration in Scotland could
criminalize something people do unwittingly in their homes. The U.K.'s Christian Institute warns it could restrict Christians' freedom to
proclaim Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation or to call people to repent of sin, "even in church." That's because it could offend irreligious or anti-religious people.
Shots Ring Out After Armed Militias Descend on American Heartland City -- Once you get beyond all the
posturing through the fakestream media, you realize that this is what a prelude to the Second American Civil War looks like.
It's only a matter of time before the posturing goes "hot."
Jail Fauci: Yelp Says 60% of Restaurants Are Closed for Good -- The fundamental question is: should there be consequences
to destroying an economy and permanently injuring millions of people with a fake medical model to which you have a personal invested
Seattle Police Abandon Residents As Antifa Uses Twitter, Facebook To Organize Nationwide Protests --
"The Seattle Police Department announced on Friday that residents and business owners are essentially on their own, after the City Council banned the
use of pepper spray and other 'less lethal tools' to disperse crowds. 'Simply put, the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to
preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd,' reads a letter from Seattle Chief of Police, Carmen Best -- who added that thanks to the
City Council, 'Seattle Police will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend.'"
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
is a famous poem by Percy Shelley -- published in 1818.
Inspired by engravings on an archeological find in Egypt extending into antiquity, it speaks of a king of incredible power, believed
to have been Ramesses II. (See:
poem guide).
The image above links to a scene
from Alien Covenant (2017) and involves the destruction
of an entire planet's civilization in the span of an hour -- think Western Civilization on earth, but another planet's version.
(All the inhabitants are killed by what? You guessed it. A virus.) I believe the relevance is clear: we are confronting forces which are committed to nothing less
than the destruction of our civilization and the physical death of 93% of all humans on this planet (if we use the Georgia Guidestones
as our roadmap). People like Bill Gates are the Ozymandias's of our day -- people who's appetite for power, money, influence and
subjugation of humanity have no bounds. It goes without saying that the intended victims of these exercises in genocide -- whose
co-conspirators currently include, but are not limited to,
the mainstream media, Big Tech, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the entire U.S. Democratic Party establishment,
either find a way to curb these ambitions -- or depart the way of the doo-doo bird.
SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland --
You either put a stop to the rioters and their non-stop violence, or they put a stop to you. These are not -- nor were they ever --
peaceful protesters. They're armed combatants. They've declared war on you, your family, your community, your values, and everything
you hold dear. They've declared on your country. The charges are treason, destruction of public and private property, and in many
cases, murder. Pretend you're a juror. What sayeth you?
Whitey Is the Problem: First Look at DNC Party Platform Includes 15 References to Whites -- ALL of them Negative --
Whites comprise 76% of the U.S. Again, a declaration of war on 76% of the people in ANY country is a declaration of war on that country itself.
How is it that people are dumb enough to listen to a political party that is provably the most racist organization in the history of U.S.
politics, when it comes to ANYTHING involving race.
Canada Approves "Glory Holes" For Safe Sex During Pandemic -- Why should ANYONE listen to the government -- any government -- when
it comes to their personal sex life? People who listen to this unsubstantiated nonsense don't have a life. They've surrendered their
sovereignty to the States. So they deserve what's coming.
The Biden Campaign: Disease, Depression, & Racial Discord -- "As the presidential election draws closer, the Biden campaign's strategy
has increasingly focused on blaming Trump for disease, depression, and racial unrest. Presidents, like coaches of sports teams, get too much credit
during good times and too much blame when troubles occur. The last six months have brought a motherlode of bad luck on Trump's campaign;
the worst pandemic in a century; a massive lockdown of the economy; public health measures resulting in 40 million people out of work and living
in extreme social isolation; weeks of rioting with widespread looting, unopposed attacks on police and the burning down of many businesses.
While Trump is responsible for none of it, the Biden campaign strategy has become the party of disease, depression, and racial violence in order
to aggravate all three crises."
Young Americans Have Used 33% Of Their Total Savings During COVID-19 -- "We dread to think what will happen in 8 months if there is still
no vaccine or cure, and the economy is still barely functioning as it is today." Well, that's the point here. There is a cure. We don't need
a vaccine. Moreover, we'd be closer to a collective realization of this if people would stop listening to fake news.
Wealthy Elites Buy Private Islands To Isolate From "Coronavirus Storm" -- Proof positive that all the money in the world will not
make you smarter. People are who they are, regardless of how much money they have. Here in Latin America, a person who behaves in a
low-class way is called a "cholo." What is that same person called if they get rich? That's right. "Cholo con plata" ("Low-life with
silver" or ""Low-life with money").
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Quotes Karl Marx in Radio Interview -- There ya go. These Satanists just can't
resist the temptation to show their true colors. They're not shy about their Satanic leanings anymore. No, no, no. Gotta let that
freak flag fly!
More than 2,000 Portland demonstrators take to street for 57th night in a row, clash with feds -- "Police say the
crowd threw Molotov cocktails,
lit fires in a park and in trash cans." In any other country in the world, these "peaceful protestors" would have been recognized for what
they are: combatants who are a threat to national security on every level. Bring out the marksmen and get those body bags and deep
unmarked graves ready! Yet Democrat pols, the media, and countless zombie supporters
push a false narrative as to the real threat.
Musings of the Great John Rappoport: I've been aware of Jon's work since the 1990s, when he documented how fake and
fraudulent the whole HIV/AIDS fiasco was. He is a friend of a very
close friend of ours. The following is a summation of his latest thoughts sent to me by a different friend this morning, who compiled them:
Jon Rappoport is one of the world's foremost longtime experts in the areas of vaccines and of pandemics (including plan-demics devised in
bio-laboratories such as AIDS, COVID, MERS, SARS, Ebola and Zika).
Jon Rappoport can be viewed at NOMOREFAKENEWS.COM, at BANNED.VIDEO, at InfoWars TV and on YouTube. He has been center-stage in the world
since the COVID-HOAX PLAN-DEMIC was launched.
Jon Rappoport confirms what many medical doctors (and what most retired medical doctors) have stated, namely that vaccines are never safe,
never effective, never useful and always highly destructive.
Jon Rappoport points out that it is well-established that the standard COVID test called "the PCR Test" has over 60 percent (some say 83 percent)
FALSE POSITIVES, thus rendering it absolutely useless.
Jon Rappoport points out that wearing a mask will increase the likelihood that you will test POSITIVE (or FALSE-POSITIVE) for COVID.
All day long, you breathe back in all kinds of germs, viruses, bacteria, funguses and pathogens that your body already had the wisdom to
previously breathe out. By breathing back in germs, viruses, funguses, bacteria and pathogens, you vastly increase the dangerous concentration
in your bloodstream of the very same germs, viruses, funguses, bacteria and pathogens.
All day long, you breathe back in the carbon-dioxide (CO²) that your body already had the wisdom to previously breathe out.
By re-inhaling your exhaled carbon-dioxide (CO2), you also reduce the level of oxygen (O2) in your bloodstream because that higher CO2
level automatically reduces your O2 level.
Your bloodstream is supposed to be an oxygen-rich environment in which germs, viruses, bacteria, funguses and pathogens are supposed to have a
lower chance of survival because they are supposed to be killed by the very richness of oxygen that your blood is supposed to have. But because you
have reduced the level of oxygen (and increased the level of carbon-dioxide) in your bloood, those same germs, viruses, bacteria, funguses and
pathogens can survive for longer and more easily make you sick.
Because more germs are surviving in mask-wearers, we already know the medical explanation as to why mask-wearing INCREASES the likelihood that you
will test POSITIVE (or FALSE-POSITIVE) for COVID or to get sick in some other way.
Indeed, official figures confirm that mask-wearers have a HIGHER CHANCE of testing positive for COVID, that mask-wearing INCREASES your chance of
testing positive for COVID, and that mask-wearers also have a HIGHER CHANCE of getting sick in some other way.
The Zionist London-NY-Axis regime WANTS the figures for COVID to increase so that it will enable it to introduce heavier restrictions across the world.
And that is why the Zionist London-NY-Axis regime advises you to wear a mask.
And that is ALSO why the Zionist London-NY-Axis regime wishes you to have yourself tested for COVID because if you test FALSE POSITIVE,
that will enhance their figures and thus enable heavier restrictions.
And that is ALSO why the Zionist London-NY-Axis regime pays 13,000 USD dollars per COVID case reported in the USA (even if the case in question
was due to triple gunshot to the head).
And that is ALSO why the Zionist London-NY-Axis regime pays 13,000 USD dollars per COVID death reported (even if the death in question took place
after the person tested FALSE-POSITIVE for COVID).
And that is ALSO why the Zionist London-NY-Axis regime pays 39,000 USD dollars per COVID case reported where the patient is ALSO placed on a
ventilator (because the ventilator, in combination with sedation, ensures that the patient will be killed off quicker and can thus be chalked up as a
COVID death).
Because most public hospitals in the USA are on the verge of bankruptcy, these enhanced statistics for COVID cases and COVID deaths are also
a major boon in restoring those hospitals to financial viability.
There is little conformity from lab to lab in the actual protocol of the COVID PCR Test or its interpretation.
The first main reason for the COVID-HOAX PLAN-DEMIC is to wage economic warfare on humanity in keeping with the UN's Agenda 21, which calls
for a 90 percent decrease in the world population by 2100 AD. Note: the UN is a private corporation belonging to the Zionist London-NY-Axis cabal
or capstone (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild).
The second main reason for the COVID-HOAX PLAN-DEMIC is to implement the current Chinese system of Technocracy and behavioral control in the
Western world. In this system of behavioral control by social credit scores, you get locked down for not being a "good" robot who obeys his orders.
A "bad" robot is anyone who wishes to be an individual, in the old-fashioned way, and who refuses to recognize the "holiness" of the collective
and the "perfection" of Technocracy's Fearless Leader.
This is a major attempt to make Ivan Pavlov's satanic dream come true, where the stimulus given by the Luciferian-Freemasonic
"leaders" of this system of Scientific Socialism automatically delivers the desired behavior among the populace like in a perfect
Feedback-Control-System. If you have a theological view of the world and of history (and only a theological view would seem an accurate
one over the long term), then you will immediately understand that this has been the ultimate dream of all Satanists ever since Lucifer
rebelled and was cast out of Heaven.
5G Radiation Linked To Coronavirus Infection, New Study Suggests -- Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Yeah. What we've known for 5 months. What thousands of scientists have been saying all along, as mainstream media and
"official" media sources have been tagging this provable causal connection as "conspiracy theory."
Vote Democrat and This Will Happen to Your City -- PCR put this out this morning.
Hard to believe what's happened to Portland, and the local Democrat establishment is supporting it.
I know some people may think my zombie apocalypse article from yesterday was unnecessary harsh. It's not.
It's right on the money.
The Models Were Wildly Wrong About Reopening Too -- "... ...the predictive ability of Imperial College's COVID
epidemiology modeling amounts to little more than an exercise in statistical astrology."
Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One -- This is a very thoughtful analysis of
the likely outcome of the 2020 election -- (presuming we still have one). Forces are aligning that may very well lead to civil
war. Brandon Smith, the author, concludes: "The temptation for conservatives will be to fully embrace government power in order
to stop the leftists, but if we refuse to support martial law measures, if we demand or assert alternative solutions (such as
community based security), if we stand by our principles of limited government and if we fight back against the globalists
specifically instead of only focusing on the political left, then there is a chance we can stop them from taking control. That said,
if we bow to government power and hand over our freedom just to defeat the leftists, then we will lose the greater battle against
globalism in the long run."
Our current zombie apocalypse:
We must find a way to deal with the ZOMBIES that now besiege us -- if for no other
reason that a failure to do so ignores the greatest threat of all. Like the UNDEAD in
the Game of Thrones series (go to 2:08 in the video link),
the Zombies on the Left outnumber us and our foes, invested with all the nefarious forces vomited from the
depths of Hell itself, will not stop until they have slaughtered or zombified every other human being on earth. Even three months ago,
I would have discounted such a notion as pure delusion. Looking at the global landscape before me, I now find such a conclusion
July 23, 2020 -- Afternoon & Evening
Demonic possession, the zombie apocalypse & the political left:
Yeah, COVID Was Just A Bad Flu After All. (Plus 22 Falsities You Probably Still Believe) --
This will be the only post for the evening. It's that vitally important that everyone read it. In my most recent video post
(a 22-minute spot that they may or may not take down), I talk about an encounter I had here in Cuenca with an elderly
gentleman (about 70 years) who became very upset when I told him how ridiculous the mask-wearing was -- that it had no
bearing whatsoever on staying clear of Covid, etc. He then shot back with a laundry list of his academic accomplishments,
to which I responded, "Well, then I feel sorry for you, because you've been miseducated." His reply as he left the
restaurant we were at was: "You've gotta be one of those fuckin' Trump supporters!" This is becoming a broader phenomenon, as you'll see if you take a few minutes to study the
post above. It is increasingly obvious that what happened to me was not an isolated
incident. Provable, empirical facts are no longer persuasive to the majority of people. People adopt "truths," their "facts,"
based on what seems appropriate to their political outlook. Real truth no longer has any meaning. The reader who sent me this
link made reference to something in the comment section:
a reader was lamenting that he could not point out the provably facts surrounding CoVid without those around him becoming
completely unglued. Many years ago, we used to
joke about a coming zombie apocalypse -- never realizing that
we would get to the day where an actual zombie apocalypse would arrive. Regretably -- it's here. We've reached a point where
thinking people are surrounded by mindless, soulless parasites with no ability to reason, no ability to access the part of the brain that
normally processes logic, no ability to even hear a scientific reality without morphing into an as-yet-undefined, jungle animal with all
fangs and claws fully extended. Black Lives Matter rioters? Zombies. ANTIFA? Zombies. Clearly. The reports on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, BBC -- zombies. Same with most of the mainstream media. Big Tech? Now there's a viper's nest of full-fledged zombies. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram -- yeah. Zombies. Most U.S. university professorial chairs? Zombies. Democrat governors, state legislators, mayors, prosecutors, etc. Severe, untreatable zombification. In fact, most of the Democrat party in the U.S. -- the party once filled with noble ideas about
democracy and fair treatment for the working men and women of society -- has morphed into a zombified state -- a cruel caricature of its former self.
Its prominent members display elements not only of zombification, but demonic possession -- as I elucidated in a previous post. Most of "high priests" of the medical establishment -- Dr. Anthony Fauci being a classic case. Most zombies, however, do not fit the grotesque imagery of a Hollywood series or movie.
That's how the zombie apocalypse came without you noticiing it. Most zombies look just like you, so it's hard to tell the difference. Until they give themselves away by opening their mouths.
The Fifth Column: Nothing will destroy a country faster than the traiterous
acts of a critical mass of its paid-off leadership to undermine all the values
upon which that country rests. We'll seeing that now.
July 23, 2020 -- Morning
The Strange Life & Death of Whistleblower, David Goldberg -- I had a friend send this video, along with a series of others,
all devoted to the material this supposed whistleblower was releasing. Predictably, all of it -- not some of it, all of it -- was removed
from YouTube. (It has been reposted on Brighteon.) This makes sense since Goldberg had been a Mossad intel agent,
with high level Israeli security clearances. He was in a
position to know what plans were unfolding and who was on the kill list. It shocked him so much, he decided to tell the public -- to the
best of his ability. His final audio prior to his assassination by poisoning -- the link you have above --
came out in June, 2019. His description of planned events that were coming down the pike matches pretty close to what
we've been seeing for the last 6 months. Six days ago, Jeff Rense did an
interview with Brother Nathaniel (Milton Kapner) -- a Messianic Jew with a sizeable audience, with some interesting perspectives,
discussing the particulars of Goldberg's last audio. If you live in the United States, I HIGHLY recommend
that you listen to both videos. Your life could depend on it, and I'm not exaggerating.
5G > CoVid Causality PROOF -- Ok, naysayers -- those of you who didn't think that 5G caused all this Corona shit: dodge this bullet.
Boom! You're dead. Any leftist who sees this video (assuming they can even hold still long enough to see all 14 minutes of it) is going to go
apoplectic and will need additional medication. Point of the video at conclusion: DO NOT get the "nasal test."
The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dismissed covid19 as nonsense.
The president of Burundi was vilified in the Western press.
The president of Burundi expelled the World Health Organization from his country.
The president of Burundi died suddenly of a "heart attack".
The NEW president of Burundi immediately reversed his predecessor's Covid19 policies.
The assassination tool used to take out leaders who have the audacity to do what is best for
their people is called a "Venus shooter." I'm sure that what happened here.
We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History -- 6"Back in March, international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA,
was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus scare as a hoax. Here he analyses the coronavirus hoax from its beginning and shows how
governments have lied and endangered millions of lives. Dr Coleman proves that the response of governments has killed far more people than the coronavirus.
For more unbiased information about other important issues, please visit http://www.vernoncoleman.com"
US Strikes $2 Billion Deal To Buy COVID-19 Vaccine From Pfizer -- "In the latest deal involving a (clearly anxious) government and a
(clearly greedy) pharmaceutical giant peddling an as-yet-unfinished remedy or vaccine, the US Department of Health and Human Services and the DoD
have announced a deal with Pfizer to buy 100 million doses of a vaccine candidate -- once it has been tested and approved and all that."
Imagine -- a product in development that cannot possibly work, given what we know about the causal relationship between 5G and "CoVid."
Yes, boys and girls, that's how anxious your government is to zombify you and make you easier to track and govern.
Tucker responds to intrusive reporting by New York Times -- The NYT has been running stories on Tucker Carlson's whereabouts
(his home -- where he lives with his wife and four children) for the purposes of inciting violence against them. In the mind of the Left, the
objective is clear: "Say something contrary to our politics, and we'll kill you, your wife, and your kids." Will anyone at the NYT ever be
prosecuted? Of course not. This is the new normal.
Bank Announces It Will Be Paying Americans To Bring in Spare Change -- The central bankers really have a talent for kicking
in my gag reflex. This is so obvious: the U.S. currency has been so thoroughly debased, that the metal in most coins is worth, combined
with their nominal mint value, exceeds their accepted value in commercial. So they're paying a premium to get them off the streets and
out of grandma's mattress. This is shows how badly they want to replace their fiat currency game with digital currency, which will
make it even easier for them to steal our money.
Greenland (2020)
is a movie set to release next month
that's about a family just trying to make it through a cataclysmic pounding of the earth by asteroids. Given the long history of
Hollywood's use by the elite to bring us "predictive programming," it's only natural to ask: is this, yet again, such an instance?
We will know soon enough because if the sources cited in posts below are true, "there will be no one left on earth come September
who doesn't know we're in big trouble." On the other hand, if this IS true and if members of the Elite DID know about it, then
why the fake scams of 2020? Doesn't make any sense, does it? Was the need to distract the public really that pressing? Comments below.
July 20, 2020
Event bigger than COVID or shocking toward November 2020? Astrology prediction -- "Osher" is a respected astrologer, and
even if this is not a discipline you either respect or believe in, it's worth listening to this. Most of this was recorded last
December (2019), yet it accurately describe many things about 2020 -- over half of which is already over. He describes how our world will
change dramaetically, beginning in March -- (it did). Censorship will get worse than ever before -- (it has). Last half will be
far worse than the first half -- (that's evident already), etc.
Latest from J. Stone -- Contains many vital recent articles -- great bedtime reading if you still have small children:
Genocide Coming -- "I hate making predictions, but I am going to now. Here is what I firmly believe will be done to kill off America. . ."
Insider info: Pandemic mayhem in October (much worse than the last 5 months).
Florida proven to be inflating COVID stats by more than 10X.
Avoid the PCR test at all costs. "I don't know what the hell it is, but it is clearly not as advertised.
The Coronavirus test is not credible and likely to be for clandestine brain access."
Prepare for impact -- Did we really get hit by one of the asteroids in the debris field through which we are already passing in June?
(Unreported officially). And is it true that we have five more coming in September? I honestly don't know. But what's troubling is that I've posted some of
Steve's previous posts and he's been quite accurate on a number of things. I'm going to be following this. Either this information is true
or it's not. There's no middle ground. I'm going to be following this story. The next post is connected to this one and it comes
from the same source. Focus on the core information and if Steve's evangelical angle bothers you, just ignore it. Still --- listen
to the course information.
New Source Confirms In Coming Asteroids -- This follows from the previous post.
If this begins happening in September or October, all bets are off. A friend sent this and my cheeky reply was:
"That we should be so lucky. I don't believe any of this. It's just too convenient. Evil is having too much fun making us all miserable and
using fear porn to get us to pee our pants on demand.
Kill me with an asteroid? Are you kidding? No way. I'd miss going through the news everyday so I enjoy my daily enema.
Stop sending stuff like this to me and giving me false hope!"
Insightful response to the above. I sent these links to a close friend and respected author.
He replied with the following letter:
"Something like this could happen, sure. "Remember my dream of a week ago, where I was told that there is a 60
day period, that judgment has already been rendered and the penal
sentence, so to speak, will absolutely be imposed on or about 11
September 2020. There is no questioning it. The verdict is final. "I was told in the dream that whatever it is, is immutable, it will
absolutely, 100% happen. There is no appeal. I felt that it was
somehow connected to or with China, but exactly how I could not say.
It could be that China will bear the brunt of whatever it is that is
coming, or perhaps it is the other way around. I do not know. "Remember Byron Searle's vision from the "Lord" of a week ago where he
was told that 7 weeks remain until the judgment? 49 days from the 13th
would make it around about September 1st. "I saw another guy who was apparently given a judgment warning in a
visionary state about this coming September. "I, therefore, do not rule out the possibility of very BIG events
occurring in September.
"We have several weeks until then. You know the Bat drill. Get as ready
as you can. We could face no electricity, no internet, no telephone,
no functioning economy or government, no medical service, no gasoline,
no law enforcement, etc. If your bridge down below wash out, and your
mountainside collapses, you could be living in a pup tent and cooking
over a wood fire. You'll have water, but you'll have to lug it up the
"Best regards,
If you send your comments on the posts above to greg@gregcaton.com, I'll respond in kind.
AOC: Always remember that our need to advance politically and extend our power
will always exceed your need to survive. Check out the post to the right that
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted and then immediately deleted in late May.
If those asteroids really are coming later this year, then at least we'll know
that there was an element of karma in the entire affair.
NASA Warning: Massive Asteroid Approaching Earth! -- This was posted on Saturday. Interestingly it comes from
NASA (which is Hebrew for "deception"). The problem is that there are so many of them coming now that it's getting harder to
deceive the public and say they don't exist. Unlike the hundreds of fake images that come out of their graphic arts department,
the ones that may be coming will not be so easy to airbrush. We'll see.
"Margin call, gentlemen!" -- This comes from an email I sent a friend: "All your Elite (the ones you've mentioned)
are about to face the music. If we speak in market terms, the Luciferians placed short-sell bets -- quadrillions of
dollars and every other currency on earth that they created. But on some level
God even controls markets. They bet against God. They bet in the
wrong direction, and are about to lose everything -- even their souls. "In a manner of speaking, what ayahuasca told me is that the Time of Choosing
(i.e. placing your bets) is ended. And now, it's" Margin call, gentlemen." It's reminiscent of the end of the movie, Trading Places,
where "Duke & Duke" -- among the richest traders on Wall Street, lose everything. This 58
second video is the perfect metaphor for what's happening, of which the
asteroids are -- hard as it may seem to believe -- just the beginning of
their travails." Your Overlords thought they were Masters of the Universe, when really,
they were babies just moving their artificial constructs around
on a cosmic version of E-Trade.
Another Medical Doctor Exposes Bill Gates Wicked Agenda On Depopulation of the World -- No matter what befalls the earth,
the Luciferians will continue to pursue their agenda, if for no other reason than that when you are this far gone, this committed
to working for the dark side, you sacrifice free will and now you're operating on autopilot.
July 19, 2020
Georgia Open Carry Law Zinged by Left Amid ATL Crime Spikes -- Again, this reminds me of my days in
kindergarten, when students were too immature in their mastery of language to know how to skillfully respond to insults. So what do you do?
You have to respond or the insult might be true, right! So how to respond when someone calls you an idiot, a retard,
"four-eyes," dwarf, twat, or something worse that your name-calling, crayon-hoarding, toy-stealing, multiple-syllable-wielding, schoolyard enemies
have managed to successfully pick up from their even more sophisticated, mature, and surprisingly, intellectually, and emotionally developed older siblings?
You know what I'm talking about. Those ever-dreaded collection of hard-to-understand, hard-to-pronounce, ego-destroying, verbal thunderbolts
that have the power to send you to the bathroom crying, while pee streams down your leg.
Pea-brain, bed-wetter, caca-eater, potty-head, pussy-breath, dick-head, fuck-face, and
on and on the list goes. Your foes are seemingly all-powerful in their ability to summon assaults that could not, would not, nor would they
ever be found in your teacher's dictionary. Answer: You use the universal, multiple-purpose, ever-dreaded, Swiss Army knife of all insult comebacks:
"I know you are, but what am I?" Now I understand that there's a perverse kind of cuteness watching five-year olds behave like this.
What is less entertaining is to watch adults resort to this post-toddler behavior, let alone watch an intensified form of it become the standard
operating procedure of the Left, the mainstream media, and the most popular political party in America, the U.S. Democratic Party. (In fact,
for the rest of this article, let's just refer to this collection of like-minded beings, "the Party." What I'm describing, by the way, does not
exonerate Republicans for their atrocities, but this kind of demonic possession has strangely found a home in America's Left -- more so than
any other place on earth.) For example,
the Indian-American conservative author, filmmaker, Dinesh D'Souza, has done a superb job of demonstrating that few organizations have historically has been
as supportive of racism against black people as the U.S. Democratic Party -- the same party that hurls the "racial" charge to anyone and everyone that
disagrees with any of their positions. Predictably, the mainstream media, Wikipedia, and the left have gone
to considerably lengths to paint D'Souza as a wingnut and conspiracy theorist. He is neither. D'Souza is a meticulous researcher and
documentarian. He has learned to cross his "T's" and dot his "I's" while machine gunning his critics to death with a barrage of
indisputable references. He is impressive and formidable. Watching liberals attempt to debate him is downright embarrassing.
It's like watching one of our aforementioned kindergartners trying to take on a high school boxing champion in the ring.
It would be, at once, both brutal and unfair. It only make sense that the Left devoted considerable resources to go after him criminally.
They have to do this. They have no choice. They are certainly powerless to logically address this accusations. So, let's get back to our article above. We have an explosion in the number of robberies and
murders occurring in the U.S. as a result of the funding of BLM and Antifa radicals, a declaration of war against America's police forces,
and the media's active encouragement and, indeed, collaboration with the violence and mayhem -- as I have been documenting on this blog.
The evidence of this is shocking and overwhelming. Even YouTube, in its embrace of the far Left position, cannot stop the flood of
posted videos confirming the violence. How do the Democratic perps respond? Do they say, "Ok, fine, that was irresponsible. Guess we'll have
to change our position. We deeply apologize for the billions of dollars in losses and thousands of lives"? No, of course not. They uniformly double down, as we see
in this article. The mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Bottoms, blames Open Carry Laws (most particularly Georgia's). After all, what could
possibly make the public safer than destroying what's left of the Second Amendment, removing people's guns, making law-abiding citizens
powerless to defend themselves against violent criminals, all the while you fund violent mobs? All logic and reason has been abandoned
in the current debate. Causality has lost all meaning. Using the principles of logic used by the Left, I should sue the estate of
the obstetrician who did my circumcision 64 years ago, because it affected my grades in high school and prevented me from getting into
a better college. Some people will say I'm heartless, a racist, a misoygnist, and a monster for bringing this up.
But what my adversaries don't understand that I already have a powerful, compelling response waiting for them. "I know you are, but what am I?"
Black murder is normal | Michael Smith | TEDxJacksonville -- Meet Pastor Michael Smith and learn why the racist narrative of
of the Left is true hypocrisy at its worst. This was posted in January, 2015, has almost a million hits, and to be honest, I have no
idea why YouTube hasn't banned it, because it has no many truthful facts that it guaranteed to make any leftist foam at the mouth.
I'm not sure anyone with sympathy for the Leftist racist narrative should watch this without having their medication ready beforehand.
"Putin Hacked Our Coronavirus Vaccine" Is The Dumbest Story Yet -- "This week, mainstream media is reporting what is
arguably the single dumbest Russiavape story of all time, against some very stiff competition." Most people who are really, really stupid try
to hide it. Most people want to display their best attributes and qualities -- and downplay their deficiencies. So if you're not very smart --
no problem -- let's see your better qualities! Not so with the media. They lack the good sense to even do this.
Fake News is so intertwined into what they are and what they do that they apparently are oblivious to proving ever more convincingly that
there isn't a shred of truth to what they put out. This was a Big Pharma propaganda campaign to try and convince a doubting public
that a CoVid vaccine would have value. That it was so valuable, somebody, somewhere might want to steal it. Nice try. Now there ya go -- get back in your straight jackets where you belong.
Stock Market Crash 2020: Welcome To The End Game -- We have less than five and a half months until the end of 2020.
If we make it to Christmas without the market collapsing, I'll actually be surprised -- as will a lot of other people, who, unlike
myself, following markets for a living.
Face Masks Mandated By UK Government Specifically Say They Don't Protect Against COVID-19 -- It's in your face now,
and this says something about the nature of power. It's power when you can say, "Here, wear this mask. We're requiring you to wear it
because it will protect you and those around you." However, it is more powerful still and a greater expression of pure tyranny when you're
about to say, "Here, wear this mask. It won't do a damn thing to help you or those around you, but we're going to make it mandatory
for you to wear it anyway." That's real power. That's real tyranny. That's a powerful expression of government's genetic nature
to wield control over people, take from them endlessly, and not return but a small fraction of what's been stolen from them.
Portland Riot Organizer Claims Mission is the 'Abolition of the United States As We Know It' -- This isn't the thinking of one errant
drughead. This thinking represents the hopes and dreams of the majority of those who are members of the most popular political party
in the United States -- the one that holds the House of Representatives. It's suicidal. Political revolutionaries are, in a sense,
like inventors:
ever capable of telling you all the good things their grand plans will DO -- and always neglecting to tell you all the vital elements
of civil society that their plans will UNDO.
New York Times Attempt to Promote Face Masks Backfires -- Shows Widespread China Coronavirus Cases
Wherever Masks are Worn -- Truth is a nasty thing that rears its ugly head to the ever-loving frustration of its
suppressors. What Big Tech and the mainstream media are experiencing is not unlike what a child goes through with a Chinese
finger puzzle. The harder you struggle (in this case, to bury the truth) the tighter the puzzle pulls its grip around your
fingers, reminding you that the way your doing things, you will succeed.
"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet" -- Seen this before? Sure, you have. It's one of the more memorable scenes from
the first Matrix movie.
Like everything demonically-inspired CIA handlers pass along to their Hollywood scriptwriters, this one is fact wrapped in fiction.
Let me decode it for you: the "agents" are your Elite and although they are the real viruses -- I mean -- think about it: humanoids lived in
harmony and balance with Mother Nature for millions of years before these maliferous creatures descended upon the earth -- they have projected their
corruption and filth on to us, as if humans are the fault of all that it wrong with this world. And in this regard, I'm not sure I could find
language strong enough to make my point -- let's try this on for size: they absolutely hate your fucking guts. The sight, sound, smell of humans
makes them nauseous. I've had high level friends be at meetings with members of the Elite who literally make a hissing sound when the subject
of humanity comes up. When you read the July 18 posts, you'll get a better flavor of this. You know all this child rape, torture, and
ritualistic murder you hear about? Know where that comes from? First and foremost, the idea that humans are filth and they deserve it.
[Spoiler alert: Viruses are not organisms -- it's nonsense, like the rest of this monologue.]
"Don't Get On That Ship . . . the rest of the book, "To Serve Man" -- IT'S A COOKBOOK!" --
This first aired in March, 1962 when I was a kid, and it always stuck with me. I never knew why, until I talked to shamans in the Amazon
who had actually communicated with different ET races. I'm sure that cookbooks "to serve man" actually exist, and one shaman told me that
certain ET's will essentially say, "What's the big deal? You don't taste much different than pigs, and even YOU eat them!" There is a deeper
truth to be told here, and it follows from "The Matrix" scene extracted above: in the same way that CoVid and these ridiculously orchestrated
social unrest projects have demonstrated how worthless and stupid your leaders think you are -- (and all too many humans are currently working
overtime to prove them right) -- so, too, are their recommended "mask mandates," "social distancing" "vaccines" and other debilitating
solutions. They are treating you like cattle that need to be led to the slaughter, because, in their minds, if you're going to behave like
dumb cattle, why should you be treated any differently? [Synchronically, this Twilight Zone edisode ends with:
"Sooner or later, all of us will be on the menu . . . (it's) the evolution of man: the cycle of going from dust to dessert,
the metamorphosis of being the ruler of a planet to an ingredient in someone's soup." Truth be told, there is essentially no difference between the Bill Gates' and Anthony Fauci's
of your world -- indeed, many of the world's so-called leaders --
and the cannibals in Green Inferno.
The Covid Set-Up Is Now Fully in Play as CDC Outlines Plan for Death -- Read this article. Let it sink in.
Then read it again. Are you getting it yet? Your rulers hate you. They loathe you. Look -- there is no way in hell that anybody
could provide this level of specificity about the coming deaths in the 2020-2021 winter unless they were an integral part of the
engineering of it. Everything we've seen so far in 2020 is the result of meticulously planning going back many years, as I've covered
extensively these past six months. Similarly, what is described in this article, for what's coming, is the result of meticulous
planning. When death plans get this specific, they're not informing you; they're not prognosticating; they're not guestimating;
they're not confessing; they're bragging.
8 "Facts" About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies -- There's not a single one of these institutionalized lies that
are being forced down the throat of humanity that I haven't covered before. The reason I'm posting this page, which comes from
Ty Bollinger's site, is because it highlights the Elite's leading, outrageous propaganda points all in one place. That makes it convenient.
Joe Rogan with Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You -- This was actually posted last October, but it bears reviewing, if for no
other reason than 5G -- a fundamental cause of the CoVid phenomenon and a crucial element of "the internet of all things" -- will only make
the incredible surveillance capabilities of the Super State only greater than they already are. This interview reminds me of a business meeting I had in Moscow -- (that's Russia, not Idaho)
-- in 2003. I was seated at a large conference table when suddenly in an orchestrated fashion, with a hint of military discipline,
all of my Russian associates pulled out their cell phones and began removing their batteries. (It was much easier to do that back then.) "What's going on?" I asked my Ukrainian translater, Sergey Ponomorenko. "It's a security measure. Everyone in Russia knows that apart from its use for personal
communications, cell phones are spy devices. American intelligence has the capability of spying on anyone, any time, anywhere in the world.
It amazes us that Americans either do not know this, or do nothing about it. Removing the battery temporarily disables the phone for the
duration of the meeting. We can discuss proprietary business matters without having to worry about American interests stealing our work.
It is, for us now, a matter of habit." This might seem extreme, except that it was only a few years later that
CIA Director David Patraes openly admitted in 2012
that "we can spy on you through your dishwasher." 5G is just the cherry on the sundae in a technological nightmare that's been
many years in the making.
The government has been secretly stockpiling for a pandemic -- This was posted in March, but it's even more relevant now
that it is abundantly clear that the CoVid / Social Unrest Scams of 2020 have had a collapse of food supplies built into the cake.
It isn't happening naturally. It's all engineered, and your beloved leaders are doing everything possible to exacerbate the problem.
They just love us so much!
Denzel Washington: "It's Not Color, It's Culture." | Urban View -- I used to have an office in Nassau, Bahamas. When you fly into
Nassau International Airport (actually, it's now called
Lynden Pindling International Airport),
the airport serving Nassah, you normally grab a taxi to get into the city. It's like a 20 minute run to get into West Bay Street and you
find yourself in the city's center. On one trip into Nassah, I had an occasion to chat with my black taxi driver. For some reason, I can't
remember, the subject of race came up. (Keep in mind, too, that the Bahamas is 90% black or "Afro-Bahamian" as they call themselves,
and 10% everybody else.) In the course of my conversation, I happened to use the expression "African-Americans" in referring to Bahamians.
Regretably, the conversation went downhill from there and it went something like this: "What did you say? Did you say what I thought you said?" my driver asked. "Excuse me? I'm sorry?" "African-American. You said African-American. Don't you ever call us that!
We're Bahamians. You're in the Bahamas now. We built this country, and we did it without anybody's help. We're not like
those lazy blacks -- [he actually used the "n" word, but I'm trying to be generous here] -- you got back in the states
who are looking to suck off government tit and always looking for handouts . . . and do you know who's to blame for that tragedy?
White people like you! You've turned a proud race of talented people into a mob of titty babies who can't think for themselves." I'm not going to repeat the rest of the conversation, because it turned even more foul than
the portion I've just recounted. I've used taxi drivers my entire career. (I use taxis all the time here in Ecuador. They're ubiquitious.)
In all that time, I've never had a conversation with a driver that's gone south like that -- before or after --
but there's an important point to be made here:
In this regard, Denzel Washington was correct; "It's not color. It's culture." The Elite are forever trying to stir the race pot in order to cook up their next toxic
social brew. We're seeing this now with all this BLM nonsense. But ultimately, it is never about race. It is always about culture.
Conservatives have far more in common with those who share their views -- regardless of race -- than they will with liberals -- regardless of
race. It is common values that unite us. Few things about human beings are as superficial as their race. It is one small step removed
from one's hair or eye color. Diversity of race or background will not destroy a nation. But diversity of culture, ideals, or values
will. It is unity of values that strengthens a nation. It is ultimately disunity of values that destroys it. Currently, the United States
of America is Exhibit A. The obviousness of this is what makes watching the social unrest in the States -- paid for, as it is,
by the Jeff Bezos's and George Soros's of the world. It plays on the ignorance of the dregs of society, the bottom feeders, the undesirables,
the ones who makes employers roll their eyes. We can't let the Luciferian "chaos creators" win. When we don't speak up, the Satanists triumph.
Tanzania Kicks Out WHO After Goat & Papaya Samples Came COVID-19 Positive -- I made mention of this in May when it came out,
but it bears repeating following the hidden video Jansen video I posted on July 11th. Because of the genocidal harm that
Bill Gates and the other Satanists in the pro-vaccine camp have done over the years, African leaders seem to be more aware of what's going on
than leaders on any other continent. Of course, we all know now that the RT-PCR test -- like all this ridiculous mask-wearing -- is completely
lacking in any footing in real science. Interestingly, Gates & Co. appear to have this obsession with Africa. They just can't leave it alone --
and this comports with my experience over the years: leftists -- namely, that the ones who talk about racism more than anybody -- are, in actuality, more
racist than any other group of people on earth. In fact, this just popped up:
Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, "Vaccine Records", & "Payment Systems". The byline reads thusly:
"Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record.
The biometric digital identity platform that "evolves just as you evolve" is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine
alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered 'identity authentication' company, Trust Stamp." Nothing like attacking the poorest people on earth
to stuff an agenda down the throat of humanity something it neither needs nor wants. Wanna know what the Mark of the Beast is?
This is it.
Walter Williams Blasts The Despicable Behavior Of Today's Academicians -- It's astonishing how many people I have met who have
multiple graduate degrees from some of the world's most respected universities, yet still demonstrate a jaw-dropping level of stupidity and
pathetically low level of mastery of the subjects in which they are supposedly experts. The only thing that modern education guarantees anymore
is a greater exposure to politically-charged propaganda.
Billionaire Dalio Warns US-China Tensions "Could Evolve Into Shooting War", Sees Parallels To '30s Lead Up To World War II --
"In an 8,000-word-plus tome, Ray Dalio, billionaire founder of Bridgewater -- the world's largest hedge fund, took to LinkedIn to expand on his
previous discussions about what happens next geostrategically, fearing economic tensions between the US and China escalating into armed conflict,
drawing parallels between the current situation and the years before World War I and World War II." Strangely, there are numerous astrologers,
psychics, and practitioners of other paranormal arts, who see the same thing beginning before the end of the year. We will all know soon enough.
"We're Going To Hell In A Handbasket" -- David Stockman Slams Washington's "Clown Brigade" -- "The eruption of government
red ink literally defies imagination. The deficit figure topped $863 billion during the month of June alone. Indeed, the number is so massive
that it's hard to put it in context. But consider this: When your author joined the Reagan campaign in the summer of 1980, the public debt was
also $863 billion and it had taken 192 years and 39 presidents to get there. So during the last 30 days, the clown brigade which passes for a
government in Washington has actually borrowed nearly two centuries worth of debt!"
Devastating Floods Along China's Yangtze River Spark Fears About World's Biggest Dam -- A friend wrote to me about this
earlier today. If the Three Gorges Dam breaks -- and given it's poor construction, it is more than possible -- than 400 million lives are
at risk, and the entire geopolitical chessboard will have been changed. Stay tuned.
"Project Zimbabwe" -- On the one hand,
the insane market valuations make no sense, but on the other hand, if you understand that they're in dollar terms, it becomes apparent that
there is no limit to how high the market could go regardless of the true state of the companies they represent. And how can that be?
Simple. Try to recall your third grade math. Any positive number divided by zero is infinity.
And zero is where the U.S. dollar is headed.
The "Russian Vaccine Hack" Is A 3-For-1 Deal On Propaganda -- I gave my take on this story when it first came out.
Now other voices in the alternative media are agreeing with me. Russia trying to steal the super-duper CoVid vaccine being developed in
the West? That's 100% board-certified, FDA-approved, USDA-inspected, corn-fed, horseshit on steroids. Somehow FAKE NEWS just doesn't
cut it anymore. We need stronger language to accurately described the genetic mutation that mainstream media has turned into.
Expert Exclusive: With COVID-19 Scientific Disinformation Is, Quite Literally, Killing Us -- That's what it was
designed to do in the first place. Mask wearing alone, with the debilitation of people to be able to properly exhale the bacteria, viruses,
fungus, and other cellular debris that's in every one of our 20,000 exhalations per day, will end up kill more people than the 5G-causing
CoVid disease ever could.
Lesson 864 on How the Left Is Full of Idiots -- This is what happens when you replace reading and math with social justice studies.
On Friday the hashtag "#FacistTrump" started trending on Twitter. Not "#FascistTrump" but "FacistTrump." This coincides with something I posted
just the other day: 90% of Millennials and Gen Z are left-leaning. We're not talking liberal in the sense of Thomas Jefferson. No, no, no.
We're talking liberal in the sense of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A friend wrote me just the other day, saying, "Just on the basis of
how far left-leaning the up-and-coming generations are, just on that basis alone, you have to know that the United States is totally and
completely fucked. I wish I could get out like you did."
They're Lying to You -- FLORIDA: Motorcycle Crash Listed as Coronavirus Death (Video) -- A medical system that is capable
of supporting this level of fraud and corruption in its reporting cannot be trusted IN ANY AREA OF YOUR HEALTH. Not with cancer therapy.
Not with recommendations concerning pharmaceutical drugs. Not in their nutritional recommendations. In nothing. You can find Fake
Medicine co-habitating with Fake News in the same plae deep inside the sewer system of Modern Civilization.
Black cop: White BLM protesters are nasty and clueless --
"They don't know history, they don't know what they are saying . . ."
A black Portland, Oregon, police officer recounted in a television interview his experience with white Black Lives Matter protesters in the
Northwest city who have been verbally abusive to him and other black officers and "have no idea what racism is all about."
"It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest and you have more minorities on the police side than you have
in a violent crowd," Jakhary Jackson said Thursday. Logic and reason lose all meaning to the demonically-possessed. For the first time in American history,
we now have a media, a cultural majority, an educational system, and a political party that have all given themselves over to demonic possession.
Only recently did I come to this sullen conclusion.