Picking up from where I left off from
last month, I continue
to supply the intellectual popcorn while we all "stay in place" in our front row seats, watching the complete dismantling of
modern civilization. Lost in all the official disinfo are certain basic facts, the denial of which only serves to attenuate the exercise of common
sense -- little things -- like the fact that influenza viruses are not contagious; that even if they were, these silly Halloween masks
that everyone is wearing provide no protection against the passage of viruses that are so infinitesimally small you need an
electron microscope to even see them; that CoVid-19, like the influenza flu pandemics
before it, is an "electromagnetic adaptation disease," which means -- among other things -- that it is impossible to produce a vaccine that
would protect you against it; that the number of people who will die from hunger, malnutrition, and suicide in response to governmental enforcement
actions around the world to this CV is orders of magnitude greater than the actual number of people who will die from the virus itself;
that this pandemic is so fake and fraudulent, the CDC (and presumably other agencies around the world like it) are threatening medical workers
to list Coronavirus as the cause of death, even when it is obvious to any clinician that it isn't; that the mainstream media and Big Tech
have outdone themselves in proving that they truly are "the enemy of the People."
If you took away all the fraud and
misrepresentation from this CV phenomenon, our world would not be vaguely recognizable. Humanity is staring at its darkest hour.
Coronavirus®: News & Developments
for April, 2020
e continue with the ongoing CoronaVirus saga -- a service for our customers
that began with the Coronavirus: News & Developments for February, 2020 and
continued with daily blog entries last month, covering
March, 2020. So here are our entries for the month of April. Any
complaints to the management -- for politically incorrect statements or inappropriate humor
can be directed to support@herbhealers.com. Maintain social distancing at all times and be sure to
use proper gender pronouns, where appropriate, or we're telling your mother.
April 30, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
Tucker: Our leaders are making a mockery of their own quarantines -- What is the key, indisputable takeaway from this
10 minute presentation? From the videos of leaders behaving like none of the lockdown rules to them? Well, we know what it is.
Our leaders are communicating to us in clear non-verbal terms that they know that the Coronavirus is complete bullshit.
The lockdown is completely bullshit. The media hysteria is complete bullshit. As always, never listen to what politicians
say. Instead, watch what they do.
Chinese Doctors Wonder Why US Medical Dogmatism Covers Up Effectiveness of
Vitamin C in Treatment of Covid-19 -- It isn't dogmatism. Doctors are able to read independent studies and
converse with other doctors who are working in CoVid clinics so that they know what works and what doesn't. The problem
is a medical hierarchy that clings, as I wrote in Chapter 1 of Meditopia
in 2004, to their privileges. Truth has no meaning in today's organized medical establishment --
not even in medical journals. Again, from Chapter 1 of Meditopia, when
I discovered the extent to which legitimate cancer cures were aggressively suppressed by Big Medicine, I wrote,
"I was getting sucked into a vortex of discovery that would, in time, lead me to fully view the unseen underbelly of
what some call the "Medical Industrial Complex", a system in which a combination of pride, profits, and prejudice
had created a fabric of corruption so vast, so evil, and so breathtaking in its breadth, longevity, and audacity,
that it would reshape my entire worldview." That was sixteen years ago. Today it's even worse. As I've written many times, numerous physicians have told me over the years
that they would never undergo chemo or radiation therapy if they had cancer, nor would they recommend it to a family member
or close friend. Yet these same doctors recommend these therapies to their own patients, knowing how dangerous they are,
because it's profitable and to do otherwise means risking their medical licenses. So what is the cure for CoVid-19?
After three months of receiving clinical results from
CoVid doctors around the world, we know what it is. Vitamin C (min. 5,000 mg. per day),
Zinc (60 mg. per day), and chlorine dioxide
(15 drops per day of a stabilized solution, often less). (Chlorine dioxide was found so effective in
treating respiratory disorders that in 2006 a European company filed
a patent, entitled, "Chlorine dioxide gas for use in treating respiratory viral infection").
All three are found abundantly in nature. Now, mind you, there
are other vital nutrients that will assist in your cure and recovery -- specific vitamins and minerals, but the untainted
data from the field suggests that you can assure your recovery with just these three. They are what I used when I had Covid-19
last month (March, 2020).
None of them are patent drugs. No doctor is going to make much money dispensing these vital curative agents. And
what does this mean? It will be a cold day in hell before established medicine ever
admits to their efficacy. This, in turn, means that the same hand that has suppressed numerous cures for degenerative disease
is the same hand that wants you to believe in the Corona Hoax, that wants you ignore the fact that telecommunication companies applied
enormous political pressure to assure that not one legitimate scientific study would be conducted on the safety of 5G, that wants
you to ignore that thousands of scientists protested against 5G and its inherent dangers before they ever began implementing it
last year. Do we have a long-standing historical example to illustrate the depth of this massive,
global fraud? Yes, we do. The last half of Chapter 4 of Meditopia
is devoted to the suppression of ascorbemia (mild Vitamin C defiency). In 1748, Dr. James Lind, a surgeon on the HMS Salisbury,
discovered the cure for scurvy -- the most advanced state of Vitamin C deficiency. He found it in citrus fruit, two centuries before
Vitamin C would be isolated and identified. Nonetheless, Meditopia tells the story of how even up to the present day, the suppression
of Vitamin C as an essential nutrient, at amounts much greater than the ridiculously low 60 mg. per day recommended by the U.S. FDA,
is still with us. We still see this suppression today. In clinics throughout the world. In the suppression of yet another disease. A disease, the fear of which, has bankrupted the entire world economy. CoVid-19.
A brief history of California's institutionalized
corruption -- California is a hell hole of insider corruption. This is an issue somewhat close to me because I'm
a fourth generation Californian. (My great-grandfather, Eugene, ran a machine-shop in Riverside county for years.) This is
relevant to the CV crisis, because this level of corruption exists at all levels of government -- national and international.
CORONAVIRUS THE SECOND WAVE IS COMING -- We're at the end of April and this is just the beginning.
"Richie from Boston" has some interestingly observations. Remember: "it's all about getting everybody vaccinated."
ID2020 + Central Banking Digital Currency=NWO by Nicholson1968 -- This came out from two weeks ago and I missed it.
It highlights the tyranny that was hard-wired into the Corona Hoax from inception. It also shows you what is guaranteed to
come next. Nicholson1068, the YouTuber here, uses the horrific surveillance technology now used in China to show what
is planned for the world.
This little boy is endangering his life by not practicing social distancing from this alpaca -- see
article below.
After some cats test positive, CDC says social distancing applies to pets, too -- Do you know
why they talk to you like this? -- Give up? -- Because they think you're stupid. They've gotten away with the Corona Hoax
this far, so they must feel that the sky's the limit when it comes to lunatic ideas they can drum up so they have
something else to prove to themselves that humanity is composed of complete, programmable, zombie-mutant morons. We live on a farm. Between us and our neighbors, we have horses,
donkeys, llamas, alpacas, cows, sheep, chickens, dogs, cats, and fresh-water trout.
Should they all be practicing social distancing, too? If you read
this article, you soon realize that the answer must be "yes." Don't laugh. Don't do it. Because if you've even contemplated for a moment getting
that soon-to-be-mandatory vaccine with the ID2020 RFID chip, you're not smarter than the person who reads this article and
took it seriously. You know -- the vaccine that 95% of the population will gleefully accept while knowing nothing about
viruses, let alone the sordid history of the vaccine industry.
April 29, 2020
URGENT: For Immediate Release -- Very Powerful -- This actually came out five days ago, but it does
an excellent job of summing up the ways in which current medical protocols are killing CoVid-19 patients.
Orthodox medicine is doing this, and yet these are the same people we should entrust our lives to with an
untested vaccine. Something else to think about.
They Live -- We Die -- "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will
never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. -- Plato" -- Advance to 4:52 to get past the intro and
a poetry reading that is inferior to the rest of video.
COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be Ready As Early As September, Researchers Say -- While billions have
been confined in their hampster cages, wondering how they're going to survive, all that Big Pharma can think of is how
to produce a mandatory vaccination with predictable side effects and obscene profits that has zero chances of ever
protecting you against exosomes -- errrr, excuse me, THE non-contagious Coronavirus.
COVID-19 Turning Out To Be Huge Hoax Perpetrated By Media -- I've said it before and I'll say it again:
when Trump called the media "the enemy of the People," relative to what they really do, this wasn't an insult. It was a complement.
A bipartisan group of former health officials seeks to sell a $46.5 billion coronavirus plan to the White House --
CHA-CHING! I almost had to reach for a barf bucket when I read this article. Again, all the recommendations assume that the fake narrative
of the Corona Hoax is the truth. It extols the virtues of self-isolation for a disease that is provably non-contagious.
It assumes that the RT-PCR test used to for Corona testing is valid -- it isn't -- so says the scientist who invented
the damn thing. It invites an even higher level of fiscal irresponsibility than the one that has been a hallmark of the
Corona Hoax -- one that will lead to hyperinflating the dollar into Zimbabwehood. Expect to sell a lot more of this from Big Pharma, Big Medicine vultures who are seeking,
as economist Michael Hudson would say, "to suck the rest of the blood out of the American ecomony while the body
is still warm."
Howard Stern: Trump Should Resign -- His Supporters Should Take Disinfectant and 'Drop Dead' --
Forget the Trump part. I don't care about the politics. What is noteworthy is that "Chlorox" and "disinfectant" are now
memes being used to bury chlorine dioxide (ClO2) into the realm of pure lunacy, when the original seed thought stems from
the fact that this simple, cheap compound has been more effective in curing CoVid-19 than anything else mentioned. I reported
this earlier when Dr. Klinghardt mentioned that German medical doctors in Berlin
on the front line of the CoVid-19 fight were successfully using
chlorine dioxide in Berlin to treat the disease with a 100% success rate. In my mind, this doesn't change my earlier advisement
that Vitamin C and zinc supplementation are extremely important, but pieces like
this one show you how far the medical establishment and their whores in the media world will go to denigrate a legitimate cure.
Especially when it supplants their worthless patent drugs and dangerous vaccines -- all marked up many times over what anyone
would charge for stabilized chlorine dioxide.
Sen. Tom Cotton Calls To Ban Chinese Students From Studying Science In The US -- He also claims that the Chinese
will try to steal the Coronavirus vaccine from the U.S. You know, I gave this guy more credit a couple months back.
But here we see -- quite regretably -- that you have to be a politician to say something this mind-numbingly stupid.
Again, boys and girls, repeat after me: There is no vaccine that will protect you against a virus.
Top Manhattan ER Doctor Commits Suicide After Treating Coronavirus Patients --
The pressure to be a medical doctor, to be forced to employ therapies you know will hurt that patient, perhaps kill
him or her, falsely report a fake cause of death on account of a death YOU contribute to --- turns out to be more
than some people with a conscience can take. Seriously --- we will never know the REAL reason Dr. Lorna Breen took
her life. I'm sure her own father (also an M.D.) is being influenced to spin a narrative. So we can only speculate.
The Crash Has Only Just Begun"The crash has only just begun. Everything, including a rational, connected-to-reality,
effective financial system, is on back-order and unlikely to ship any time soon.
Why Is FDA Playing Politics with New Warnings on Hydroxychloroquine? Why Would they Put American
Lives in Danger? -- I've been numerous article about how the FDA doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone's health,
particularly the general public's. The FDA is responsible for the murder of untold tens of millions of people just on account
of the legitimate cures they have suppressed so that their real employer -- Big Pharma -- could maximize their profits with
inferior, more dangerous, more costly pharmaceutical drugs.
The "New International Economic Order." Guest: Patrick Wood, "Technocracy News." -- Retired CIA officer and
whistleblower, Kevin Shipp interviews economist and specialist
on "Sustainable Development," Patrick Wood.
The interview is an hour long, but -- again -- it gives you some idea of the agenda behind the Corona Hoax, and it tells you
how long this atrocity has been planned. What we see now is the result of generations of meticulous planning.
Casi... 100.000 NIÑOS y CADÁVERES... desde agosto de 2019 hasta hoy... han sido RESCATADOS de redes
PEDÓFILAS INTERNACIONALES en U.S.A -- To completely understand this one, you'll need to know your Spanish.
There's enough English, throughout, however, for you to get the gist of it all.
Translation of title: "Almost 100,000 children and dead bodies -- from August, 2019 until today --
have been rescued from international pedophile networks in the U.S.A.
I had my doubts about this, but a military source close to me confirms
that these rescue missions are actually ongoing. My take is that the network of Satanic Elite, which is too vast for the average person
to begin to comprehend, let alone believe, feels that steam-releasing, counter-narratives are requisite in the Age of Coronavirus,
as the blood of grotesque lies spills out everywhere like a slaughtered pig for all to see who still have two brain cells left
to rub together. This began even before Coronavirus. What we're seeing is the Big Fish
sacrificing the Little Fish. This is what happened to Harvey Weinstein. As all-powerful a Hollywood figure as he was,
he wasn't high enough not to get sacrified. He could have been saved, but the REAL Elite chose not to.
So they threw him in the mainstream media piranna fish tank, so his dismemberment could be highly publicized.
What Weinstein did, as reprehensible as it was,
is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- compared to the real atrocities that go on behind the scenes involving infants, toddlers,
and small children.
At least Weinstein was just sexually harassing, if not raping, grown women. There are, however, evils far greater than this
in this world. I am aware that child rape, torture, Satatic blood sacrifices, adrenochrome-collection, etc.
is something the average person has trouble believing is widespread. But it does go on and it is widespread.
The famous Hollywood director, Stanley Kubrick,
attempted to show the world a small taste of what went in within the real halls of power with his movie,
Eyes Wide Shut. Obviously he thought he had ascended high enough in the entertainment industry to get away
with it. After all, it was Kubrick who helped
stage the fake moon landing back in 1969, a feat so well executed that 99% of the general public actually believe we did it
to this day, even though with far more advanced technology today, we haven't returned in many years. (Perhaps we'll have the
technology to break through the Van Allen Belt and safely go to the moon and back 50 years from now.) For Kubrick, it was a risky gamble. And he paid the ultimate price.
He died six days after the final screening of the movie.
Of course, we're supposed to believe he simply died
of a heart attack in his sleep. However, Jay Weidner came along years later to conclusively prove
he was murdered. Now, I am well aware that you can go to innumerable, official, mainstream sources online
that will tell you that all of this is conspiratorial nonsense. They already do that for the Coronavirus, and we are scarcely over
three months into the crisis. Actually, it's worse than that.
The Satanic left-wing media acts like the pedophilia issue is a big joke -- a figment in the imagination of gun-toting, racist, misogynist,
right-wing deplorables. Early this year, Golden Globes Award host and comedian,
Ricky Gervais, joked about pedophilia, going so far as
to speak directly to the full auditorium of Hollywood elites and say, "speaking of all you PERVERTS." (watch from
1:40 to 2:18). But I have been aware throughout my career from my own sources that these
horrific things have, in fact, been taking place -- and it's rampant. The Truth is that all the A-listers in the movie, music,
and allied entertainment industries know that this goes on. It may shock the common person that these kind of atrocities have been
going on for years. But nobody high up in the power structure is unaware of it. This same source told me that there is a battle
going on inside the Elite and that the strange pattern of earthquakes that have been going on -- particularly in the
Western U.S. are the result of nuclear explosions that have been going on in various DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) --
home to entire cities set aside for the Elite. These explosions are completely destroying huge Elite facilities that, in the
aggregate, have cost trillions of dollars over 50 years to construct.
It is true? Has this really been happening? I have no idea, because
obviously, I have not been a witness to any of it myself. But keep your Eyes Wide OPEN.
Robert Cinque: This is what I have learned so far -- It isn't anything you haven't
heard already, if you've followed this CV blog, but the facts are concisely and cogently presented. The comments on cancer and
osteoporosis are over-simplifications. Nonetheless, it is a good, factual presentation that stands in contrast to the
nonsense that gets peddles as official science:
The presence of viruses in the body does not prove they are the cause of disease.
Correlation does not prove caustion.
Viruses, somatids, pleomorphs and bacteria appear when cells are toxic and injured. They exist to clean up the debris.
Koch's Postulates were not applied to CoVid19
Hospitals are being given $13,000 for every Covid19 diagnosis by the NIH.
According to Kerry Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, it cannot be used for the diagnosis of disease.
The test packets contain a disclaimer that says: Not to be used for diagnosis of disease.
The tests test for antibodies and genetic sequence, which does not prove causation.
Viruses originate within the cells, are DNA and RNA fragments.
Pastuer stole Bechamp's research who proved that fermentation takes place even within a closed container, proving that
bacteria, etc., exist within the cells.
Assigning a single cause for a plethora of reasons why the cells become stressed is unscientific and is not supposed
by the data. In Wuhan, 130,000 5G towers, severe air pollution and mandatory vaccinations just might have something to do
with people dying.
Hypoxia is not pneumonia. 5G wavelengths disrupt hemoglobin's ability to absorb oxygen because iron is attracted
to magnetic fields.
Chlorine Dioxide is native to the cell, along with ozone and hydrogen peroxide, and kills pathogens through oxidation.
The FDA falsely claims that chlorine dioxide is a bleach, a chlorinator. No, it is an oxidizer, huge difference.
Disease is caused by toxicity, obstruction, congestion, nutritional deficiency and environmental poisons,
like 5G, pesticides, flouride, heavy metals, glyphosate, GMO's and pharmaceutical poisons masquerading as medicines.
Suppressing symptoms does not a cure make.
Viruses are the effect, not the cause, of disease.
Allopathic medicine uses drugs, radiation and surgery in a warfare model which posits invaders from outside the body
as the sole cause of disease.
Politicized science is not science. It is agenda that hijacks actual science and inverts it to justify its conclusions.
Health is the result of taking personal responsibility for adequate nutrition, fresh water, sunlight, oxygen, rest,
love, purpose, and direction.
Disease is the result of a failure to care enough to live in alignment with Reality and cannot be prevented by vaccines,
drugs, or the confusion of cause with effect.
Examples: What is called cancer is the body's response to low oxygen levels. Unable to combust the glucose in the
mitochondria, the cell has to live on fermented glucose and forms a tumor in order to do so. Flood the body with oxygen,
cancer disappears.
Osteoporosis is the body's response to high acidity in the blood. Minerals like calcium are stolen from the bones
in order to buffer the acidity. Restore minerals to the diet, alkaline ph is established, osteoporosis disappears.
Governments peddle the germ theory because it makes a ton of money and creates the illusion that it is protecting
the people from invaders.
Childish fairy tales are for children. The hard, cold facts are for adults.
Truer Words Never Spoken -- The observation is truer today than when Henry David Thoreau wrote it over
160 years ago: "We have become tools of our tools." Man's mental acumen has descended to a point where people are no
longer able to understand the relationship between themselves and their surroundings. Almost 20 years ago, Michael Pollen
wrote The Botany of Desire (2002). The subject is how even plants have figured out how to use humans to their best
advantage. He picks just four plants to make his point, each using a different attribute to coax humans into doing
their bidding: apple, tulip, marijuana, and potato. I realized in how many ways plants were superior to ourselves when I read
-- as a mere teenager -- The Secret Life of Plants (1972). How many people know, for example, that whereas we have
five senses, the average houseplant has twenty? We allowed Elites to elevate our own hubris. Our entire history and
literature is anthropocentric. Older, wiser cultures always knew different: "Man did not weave the web of life. He
is merely a strand in it." (Chief Seattle). And now that it is obvious that the Corona Hoax was a mere trick to
force mankind into a dark, dystopian New World Order (listen to AMTV's video above), we will become tools so inanimate, just
like our IPhones, that we will forget we were ever sentient. This raises another obvious point:
The manner in which we allowed even inanimate objects to enslave us: which has had their path more seriously altered
in the relationship: the human or the iPhone? Which is the subject and which is the object? If modern educational systems had devoted themselves to enlightening the young
instead of indoctrinating them with propaganda, we would be living in an entirely different world. But why would those
in charge of us have allowed that? If children were actually educated, how would the Elite have been able to make
us tools of THEIR tools?
Critical thinking -- bioweapon economy --
Clif High put this out on April 19, after repeated attempts to keep the information online, all taken down by Big Tech
censorship algorithms. I don't agree with everything in his analysis. He obviously hasn't read the books and studies
I've recommended. But still he has some worthwhile observations.
Bobby Kennedy Jr.: Just How Much Money Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci Will BENEFIT from Vaccine -- "The push for more
vaccines is all about the money." -- They're not testing it (for safety). They have an incentive not to test it --
(because it's not designed to be safe). And if the vaccine
kills you, they are not liable. Our prostitute politicians have passed laws to indemnify the murderers.
Actually, Robert Kennedy Jr. is 30% correct. Sure, it's about the money. But there's a deeper agenda,
as well. We've talked about ID2020 already. I hope you were paying attention. If you know no religious or spiritual
beliefs, you can just ignore all those "Mark of the Beast" comments. Kennedy claims that he was a kid, he got three vaccines. "Today's kids get 72 vaccines,
and it has nothing to do with health." Keep in mind that despite Kennedy's standing, and political family pedigree, Trump
(who is not longer in charge -- poor thing) had him kicked out of the White House. I applaud what Kennedy is doing.
I only wish there were more people with backbone who were like him.
Scott Perlman, M.D. -- "Vaccines are dangerous" -- This Christian medical doctor from Georgia gives valuable advice on
the dangerous of vaccines and the importance of purifying the body and building immunity.
April 26, 2020 -- Afternoon
"I'm trying to teach you something." -- I was chided by a friend last night.
He felt that my language has gotten a little harsh. "The people aren't stupid. They're just ignorant.
They trust government, the media, and the medical establishment because they weren't properly educated by their
parents or caretakers that these were instruments of exploitation and enslavement. Don't make it like
it's their fault." I understand the point, and perhaps what's being missed is that I'm playing "Shock Jock."
Sometimes you have to shock people into understanding the depth of their plight. In the clip above,
Sargeant Collier (played by Brad Pitt) has to teach Norman Ellison (played by Logan Lerman) a painful
lesson in the horrors of war. Harsh realities have to be confronted for what they are and not
sugar-coated. The comparison is not far-fetched. Coronavirus is a war -- and humanity is
currently losing big time. It's an info (propaganda) war, a technological war, and a spiritual war.
Humanity's opposition has been preparing for nearly 250 years, and only a small number of us have the
insight to understand the battlefield. The rest of humanity is asleep.
It is a war that in the absence of some huge, unforeseen intervention will lead to humanity's extinction.
Let that word sink in --- Extinction. (I saw something like this coming when I wrote Living on the Precipice (2018).
I just didn't know when.) So forgive me if I seem a little harsh at times. I'm just trying to teach you something.
April 26, 2020 -- Morning
There's three things you need to know to understand how the CV Hoax was possible.
1. People are stupid. 2. People are stupid. 3. People are stupid --- For years now,
YouTubers have entertained us with videos showing people signing petitions to get
the government to make dihydrogen monoxide (H2O, water) illegal. Why? Because it's
a dangerous chemical. Yeah. Water. So dangerous. Let's make it a felony to own it,
drink it, touch it, store it, use it.
SO IMAGINE how easy it is for authorities to get
citizens to shit their pants over one of the most incredible healing compounds
to ever be discovered: chlorine dioxide (ClO2). How do they do it? Just tell the Sheeple
that it's chlorine bleach, because this compound ALSO just happens to have disinfectant
properties. That's the real back story to the recent media flap involving
a Trump comment,
quite innocuous and truthful, I might add, about this compound -- see story below.
Man who peddles bleach as 'miracle cure' reportedly contacted Trump ahead of his
bizarre disinfectant comments -- The FDA and anyone in conventional medicine HATES chlorine dioxide, because
it's very cheap and it cures a host of maladies. If most people knew what chlorine dioxide did and how to use it,
50% of Big Pharma companies would go out of business. Instead, the FDA and their evil minions in the media are able
to get away with writing it off as "chlorine bleach" (which it is not). I've used sodium chlorite (MMS) to make
chlorine dioxide myself for many years. I can't count how many infections I've eliminated through my own personal use
of it. Once again, an official narrative having no basis in facts wins the day.
Keep in mind that this is the same
compound I reported on earlier that medical doctors in Berlin were using to successfully treat the Coronavirus -- cheaply,
effectively, and without side effect..
"For lack of knowledge, My People suffer . . ."
Part 3 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar -- Dr. Buttar is BEGGING
people to wake up to the innumerable lies about CV that are being promoted by Fauci, governments worldwide,
and the mainstream media. It's just 6 minutes long. The basic facts: concentrated.
More From The "New Normal" (In 50 'Darker' Headlines) -- "The world is different now. Unfettered
expression is a luxury of the pre-Covid society. Doubt is the weapon of the virus spreader --- "Pro-Infection propaganda"
will not be tolerated." How does it feel knowing you're moving into a world where any truth, no matter how obvious and
indisputable, is illegal if it runs contrary to the official narrative?
Global Coronavirus Deaths Top 200k: Live Updates --
Does it make any difference that as many as 90%
of those people had comorbidity factors -- you know -- little things, like terminal cancer, pneumonia, advanced diabetes,
Alzheimer's, etc. Absolutely not -- just ask Fauci, Gates, the CDC, WHO, and anyone else who is invested in vaccines.
Anatomy Of A Fiat Currency Collapse -- It's happening faster than you think -- while you're stuck in your hampster
cage. We're back to Voltaire's famous quip: "It is the destiny of all fiat currencies (i.e. U.S. dollar, etc.) to return
to their original value. ZERO."
"The Ripple-Effects Of The Government Lockdown Are Only Starting To Take Shape --
"For the under-50-year-old population, the death-rate is 5 per 100,000... That's a rounding error in the scheme of things.
You can't run a society based on the risk of 5 out of 100,000 people." Our cups overfloweth with unending proof that this
"pandemic" had nothing to do with this 5G-induced "virus." Behind it is a totalitarian agenda. Or as we used to say back
in Louisiana: "Ur tryin' to stuff five pounds of shit in a two pound bag -- and gettin' 'er everywhere." It's just that obvious.
Caught in the Act:
Independent citizen catches media CREATING "Fake News" -- Mainstream media is theater. It's all fake.
It's amazing that there's anybody left who is dumb enough to see or read anything the MSM puts out anymore.
As I point out in The Joys of Psychopathocracy,
it reminds me of professional wrestling. Anyone with brains knows that the guys in the ring are actors, not
athletes. The performance is scripted. The winner is pre-determined. Yet promoters fill entire stadiums with
paying customers who sit there and root for their favorite wrestler AS IF what they're seeing were a real
athletic performance. I can't stand watching it. It's depressing to realize that there are members of my
own species who are STUPID enough to behave like this --- just like it's depressing to see people carry on as if
Coronavirus were not pre-scripted. It, too, is a staged event. The difference is that ignorance of that fact
could end up costing you your life. More than at any time in human history, STUPIDITY now carries an immeasurable
AWK News 4.24.20: LIGHT INJECTION! What could it be? Has Q told us? --
Again -- and I've said this before -- it pains me to have to address the "Q", David Wilcock crowd.
Trump is not in charge. This whole idea that he's on the inside, fighting the Deep State, is disillusional.
Go back and review Steven Ben-Nun's video. Understand that Trump has been compromised.
He's not in charge. He's being pressured to be a bigger puppet than he even was before. This is evident by the
fact that Trump used to be an anti-vaxxer, and now is saying that EVERYONE needs to be vaccinated -- all evidence to
the inherent dangers be damned. Everyone needs hope.
I've written volumes on the human psychological need for safety and security. We have a tendency to twist
the things we observe in our environment to coform to our psychological needs. But there is a time to confront
reality -- however painful that may be. You don't advance your own interests by using your brain -- the one remaining
asset they can't take away from you (unless they kill you or you accept the vaccine, whichever comes first) -- to avoid
reality. At least try to behave at the level of a lab monkey: square peg goes into square hole. Round peg goes into
round hole. Stop trying to squeeze the square peg into the round hole. It doesn't go there. Put the square peg into
the square hole and the round peg in the round hole, and I'll give you a special treat!
Police Again Murder and Again Coverup Their Crime, and now they are preventing any protest. --
You're going to see a lot more of this going forward. So prepare yourself. We are moving into a place where there
there is no greater crime when questioning the official narrative. This case involves a 21-year-old software engineer
and Second Amendment advocate who was gunned down in his own bedroom while sleeping. Essentially, the police are saying,
for all intents and purposes, that they are above the law. They owe no explanation to anyone. They are essentially saying,
"We can murder anyone, anytime, for any reason. We don't have to explain our actions. There will be no consequences to
any of our officers, and if you complain about it, we'll come after you."
Unjustified Germ Obsession Comes with Consequences -- Most people will see this and laugh.
It's intended to be comical. It didn't make me lauch. And the reason I didn't is because for me it's a metaphor for all the other
elements of the Corona Hoax that are intended to put on full display just how stupid the general public has become.
At least before, the Hollywood and music industry types made a modest
attempt to hide their Satanic possession. Not any more. With the Coronavirus
scam now obvious as day and the majority of people still clamoring for their
vaccine, why should they be? What's the point in hiding in the shadows
anymore? Now that the people have surrendered, it's no longer necessary.
April 24, 2020
This ER Doctor Just NUKED Fauci's Pandemic Fraud Straight to Hell! -- The fabric of the entire official,
CV narrative is burning. The Emperor is naked and everyone can see it. Despite all the official government-enforced
cheating they just can't get the numbers to work. They are running out of bullets that will continue to get the Sheeple
to shit their pants every time they see another human being not wearing a mask.
Here Are The Key Dates As The World Reopens From The Coronavirus Coma --
The masses are being fed "hopium" as more and more people begin to figure out the particulars of the Corona Hoax.
Rather than let that reach a "critical mass," they're going to allow people just enough freedom to let off some steam.
But it's obvious the life will never return to the way it was. The mass PTSD will never go away.
The situation reminds me of Immanuel Velikovsky's post-humous work, Man in Amnesia (1982) -- concerning the
legends and myths that mankind has created to hide the effects of enormous collective trauma. Coronavirus ascends to that
level. If mankind, as we understand ourselves, were to survive another 1,000 years from now, the scars from
this fake pandemic would still be with us.
Violent Food & Fuel Shortage Riots Grip Venezuela Amid COVID-19 Lockdown -- People are starving
in Venezuela, yet the government is still insisting that people remain in their homes. This is not the only country
where these kind of Draconian measures are being maintained, and it provides yet more proof than the CV lockdown
measures have nothing to do with protect the public against a virus.
"It Will All End Badly" -- The Coming Economic End-Game --
Allan H. Meltzer was a noted American economist,
who thought that economic policy after the 2008 financial debacle was a disaster. His views were antithetic to the
interventionist policies that followed -- something reflected in his notable quote:
"Capitalism without failure is like religion without sin. It doesn't work." That is, guarding companies from failure
"removes the dynamic process that makes stockholders responsible for losses and disciplines managers who make mistakes."
He died in 2017, and I'm sure he's on the other side somewhere, thanking his lucky stars that he did.
The Data Is In... Stop The Panic & End The Total Isolation -- Why should they do that?
Since when were the needs of the People ever as important as those of power-drunk politicians and their overlords
in retaining power? As I've said repeatedly, we've reached a point in the devolution of our culture where facts
have no meaning. Well-financed narratives trump mountains of empirical evidence, and they have only served to zombify the
general public and turn them into such pathetic mush-brains that the puppet masters can and do get away with anything and
The Digital Revolution Is Inconsistent With Liberty -- This reminds me of comments made by the
ET Ektomites to Jose Yaguana: "We are 25,000 years in technology ahead of your world. So listen when we tell you:
'The farther you proceed down the path of technology, the farther you remove yourself from Nature.'"
Pandemic And Economic Collapse: The Next 60 Days -- The "two weeks until reopen" mantra is designed
to keep the public placated and docile, and the establishment will continue to use it until people are finally fed up, which
is already beginning to happen..."
UFO Appearing Larger Than Venus Makes an Appearance and then quickly speeds off below the horizon --
I had to post this because this occurred last Thursday, April 16, 2020, and it is the single most unreal thing
I've ever seen in my life. If you watch this video and think it's a planet, then you're blind.
A host of people from different parts of the world saw it, filmed it, and posted it on
YouTube, and few were willing to admit the obvious -- (just like Coronavirus!)
Here is what I posted on several YouTube comment sections:
"No, it wasn't Venus, another planet, or a star. If you had Starry Night or a similar astronomical program, you could have confirmed
this for yourself. It was the largest, brightest UFO I have ever seen. I live in Ecuador and it appeared in our northwest sky --
remained there for about 20 minutes at about 45 degrees from the horizon. Then it quickly dropped down below the horizon in less
than 5 minutes. There is no mere planet that will do this. I had a friend in Florida who saw the very same thing on the night of Thursday,
April 16. What that tells me is that this craft had to be many kilometers in diameter. Over the last six months, here at 3,000 meters
(10,000 feet) in the Andes, we are observing many weird phenomena from UFO's, more than we've ever seen before. What this tells me is
that this wasn't "one of ours" -- a Top Secret antigravitic craft doing manuevers out of Area 51.
This was a craft from a far more intelligent civilization.
Jose Yaguana wrote about such things in a book here called "Para Que Vienen" that nobody read. Expect to see a lot of this as our leaders
continue to play god and attract the attention of vastly superior beings who have just about had enough of our shit."
April 23, 2020 -- Morning
Tucker Carlson Slams Lockdowns As "Largest And Most Expensive Experiment In Human History" -- I'm actually surprised
that any voice in the mainstream media would be allowed to speak this much truth at one time. Listen to it. Listen to the voice of common sense.
Then ask yourself how your society could have descended this far into sheer insanity and you could have ever respected your leaders who have
been jumping over each other -- relentlessly competing with other -- to prove who could be the biggest lunatic fascist.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: 5G, COVID19 And The Fake Media -- "Dr. Rashid A. Buttar relates feedback from fellow U.S. medical doctors on the
front lines in the war on COVID-19. Belief is growing that this pandemic is not about a virus, but about hypoxia. with 5G being a possible
complicating factor. Giving a 50-minute, no-holds-barred video interview on The Next News Network Dr. Buttar lays down the gauntlet to the
fake mainstream media who, he says, are grossly misrepresenting a pandemic that brought the world to a standstill."
The Great AwaQening: We Are Generation "Q" -- I'm a real sucker for evidence.
Nonetheless, we can all dream. Personally, I don't buy the "David Wilcock / Q" thing. But the people
behind it are good, honest people who are well-intentioned -- certainly a much better class of people then those
perpetrating this Corona Hoax. This is actually a rap song that encapsulates their thinking. Enjoy.
First pets to test positive for coronavirus in US are two New York cats -- We have this idea that the 5G-driven
coronavirus phenomenon affects only humans -- that, somehow, it's a "Homo-sapien-centric" phenomenon. Nonsense. It is destructive to all
life. I lost a dog to pneumonia last month -- first time ever, and I know dogs, because Cathryn and I run a dog-rescue mission.
Around the time I was suffering from CoVid-19 myself, our dog, Backster, got pneumonia and died. Get used to it, because you're going to be
seeing a LOT more of this as they continue to implement 5G globally. And this brings us to . . .
Wuhan Doctors See Coronavirus Reemerge In Patients Up To 70 Days After Negative Test: Live Updates --
With 5G, we will NEVER see Coronavirus go away. Not now. Not ever. And because of that, we will never see governments and their
Luciferian minions clamoring for more anti-human, anti-life, restrictive measures. We will only see the diminishment of all that is
good and wholesome and decent.
565 Americans Have Lost Their Job For Every Confirmed COVID-19 Death In The US -- Yup. And we know what a
CoVid-19 death includes, don't we? You died of cancer? It's Corona death. Died of old age? Corona death. Died of Alzheimer's?
Corona death. Died of a drug overdose? Corona death. Are you getting the hang of this yet, boys and girls?
April 22, 2020
The global Corona hoax is now obvious to everyone. Not even those in media and the government whose job it is
to help promote the greatest scam in the history of civilization can keep this under wraps anymore.
In this video, you can hear White House workers in the White House Coronavirus situation room joking
about what a "hoax" this is. Download it and share it. No way this will be up much longer.
Exasperated respiratory therapist speaks about the fraudulent reporting practices
behind CoVid-19 -- Facebook keeps banning this video and it keeps getting reposted.
So download it before it is permanently unavailable. A summary of his comments:
"This is all fake. It's about scaring you." This supports what's
we've been hearing from numerous other sources. CDC, a private corporation that is heavily invested
in coming vaccine, is doing everything in its power to exaggerate the CV phenomenon. "The're not testing for a virus. They're testing for RNA sequence from a reaction for the virus.
Then they put it in a PCR test to amplify it (the results), so that if there's any evidence of
that RNA sequence from a damaged cell in your lungs or in your nasal passages, you're going to
test positive. That can come from cancer. It can come from radiation -- from several different
things. (So) they are NOT testing for the virus itself.
Why are Ford and GM making more
ventilators when we have enough already and there are plenty of companies that already make them.
Politicians are lying about us needing more ventilators. We're not using the ones we have now . . .
Most of those who are dying have other conditions that are the REAL cause of death. Yet we are
pressured to classify them as CoVid deaths.
H1N1 was a million times more scary than this (CoVid nonsense). There is no vaccine that will
protect you from this -- and I'm not so sure anymore it's even a real virus. None of this warrants
the lockup and economic damage. The other doctors know this. They're just not saying anything.
They're just following orders. +I've come to the conclusion that Trump's not in charge.
He's just following orders, too. This is just 'Deep State' stuff." (Then the video is cut off.)
THE MATRIX: It wasn't fiction. It was predictive programming.
This Technology Turns You Into a "Digital Puppet" -- The goal is to use AI/5G/vaccines/chip-technology,
to turn a human into an AI machine. They are constructing "The Matrix" -- as if the one we were living in before
wasn't hellish enough.
Compared to 5G Coronavirus Is No Threat At All -- PC Roberts provides a link to an article put out by
RadiationHealthRisks.com. Central to the article are the peer-reviewed scientific studies that show that the RF radiation
put out by 5G is both mutagenic and carcinogenic. It's harmful in numerous areas central to human and animal health.
How Ecuador Descended Into COVID-19 Chaos -- What a crock. I received an email, claiming that the
story Mike Adams circulated below had images of dead bodies on a beach that wasn't even in Ecuador.
There are now a HANDFUL of reported cases in the eastern provinces, running from Colombia to Peru. Now do I know that?
I'm an herbaliist with connections from Orellana to Zamora provinces. There are parts of Ecuador --- primarily the Amazon
region ("Oriente"), where indigenous peoples don't know what's going on with all this nosense, and they don't care. The real Corona news comes from the coast, where 5G was vigorously tested and deployed.
Fake news is everywhere and your only protection from it is to personally KNOW people in an area that's being reported on.
We're approaching a point where if Big Tech and the MSM are not actively trying to bury or suppress your story, video, message post, or
blog it's probably because it's bullshit.
Report: Obama Admin Funded China's Coronavirus Research, Gave Millions in Taxpayer Money to Wuhan Lab --
You should expect no less. Obama gave countless clues and signs that he was installed by the "Deep State" to destroy the U.S.,
and in that he did an extraordinary job. Still, the creation of the "virus" remains a cover story for the larger truth that
shows us the purpose and direction of this exercise in insanity: the worldwide installation of 5G and its complementary role in
the functionality of the coming, mandatory vaccine/microchip.
April 21, 2020 -- Afternoon
"Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!" -- Less that 12 minutes long, and I'd download
this one before it's taken down. Lots of good information on the disastrous history of vaccines.
"People walk along Norr Malarstrand street in Stockholm on April 19, 2020."
No lockdowns. No masks. No gloves. No snitches. No fear. No public disinfectants.
No CNN reporter to tell you you're a nationalist, racist if
you don't support giving up all your civil rights.
No Dr. Fauci to tell the citizens that they have to stay in their
hampster cage until they starve to death.
No complete abandonment of common sense.
How 5G alters blood cell permeability, amplifying coronavirus fatalities --
Mike Adams does a good job of explaining how 5G causes calcium ions to be driven into cells
through Voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation. This causes cell toxicity -- (the
very thing that induces exosome-production, which test as identical to influeza flu viruses.)
He cites an article published in Environmental Research, entitled "Wi-Fi is an important
threat to human health" -- known effects leading up to 5G. One interesting aspect of 5G is that it is uni-directional,
and not omni-directional, like 3G and 4G. It targets "YOU." Then it is pointed out that the
known effects of 5G exposure closely mimic those who get CoVid-19. He then explains how 5G
exposure alters hemoglobin structure so that it has greater affinity for carbon monoxide
than it does oxygen, and this leads to oxygen deprivation -- the same thing we see
in advanced CoVid-19 patients. He then delves more deeply into other uncanny connections
between 5G exposure and Co-Vid19. Next he covers the travesty of Big Tech companies doing
everything they can to suppress impartial discussion of 5G hazards, just like they ban
impartial discussions of the dangers of vaccines. He then covers how 5G will help drive
whatever discernable garbage is in Bill Gates' vaccine INTO your cells, including sperm cells,
allowing (among other things) a fulfillment of Gates' vision of global depopulation. It's an excellent
presentation with excellent graphics. Made by Mike Adams' pandemic.news channel.
Bill Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits
through toxic means, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.
Gates has used “charity” as a way to gain tremendous political power
The true beneficiaries of Gates' philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich
beyond comprehension, including Gates’ own charitable foundation
Over the past 20 years, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given close to $250 million in charitable
grants to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds, yet it gets tax breaks for the
charitable donations it makes money from
Vaccines are one of Gates’ mainstay “solutions” to most diseases. Gates has gone on record saying the
U.S. needs disease surveillance and a national tracking system that could involve vaccine records embedded in our bodies
That how he OPENS his piece -- and it only goes downhill from there.
April 21, 2020 -- Morning
UK Nurse Explains The Corona Virus PCR Test Fraud -- This British nurse and nutritionist does an
admirable job of explaining the absurdity of sending armed police forces and SWAT teams to forcibly rip
people out of their homes (now happening under a new UK law)
and throwing them in a detention center on the basis of a ridiculous test that has no basis in reality.
(Pay close attention -- because this Nazi-esque tactic will soon be practiced in every country on earth.)
She does a review of the true scientific facts (as opposed to the politically-driven medical propaganda)
surrounding this notorious test which -- once again -- has about an 80% false positive test.
There is no "gold standard" for this test, but it does pick up dead exosomes, which never have and never will be contagious.
Still groovin' on that unending stream of fake news? Feeling stupid yet for ever having trusted medical authorities? Not yet?
Then it's time to review Caton's Razor. And you better memorize it this time, because they'll be a snap quiz
in the morning.
Here Is The Full Explanation Behind Today's Unprecedented Negative Oil Price -- Hope you're enjoying your new
residency in Crazyland. It's reminds me of The Eagle's one-liner from "Hotel California": "You can check out any time you like.
But you can never leave!" First, our beloved world leaders brought us "negative interest rates" on deposited funds.
Now they've induced NEGATIVE prices on oil (a very basic commodity) because of the CV hoax's influence on futures
contracts. You're watching fundamental markets imploding that form the very basis of civilization. These markets
will not recover for a generation or more -- if they ever fully recover at all. For you leftist "Green New Deal"
lovers who think there's an environmental silver lining in all this -- take your pussy hats off and think again.
This crisis is forcing Ecuador to sell off one-third of its Amazon rainforest to Chinese oil companies.
There is no end in sight to the environmental destruction this global takeover will cause. On all fronts we are witnessing
a pre-planned race to the bottom . . . Of everything. --- Happy?
Kellyanne Conway Slams Governor Who Has 'Physically Distanced From Common Sense,' Says in Michigan
'You Can Smoke Your Grass, But Not Cut Your Grass' -- I make the argument in my book,
The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017) that an essential function of government is
to continually test the stupidity and gullibility of the governed. No government can risk cultivating a governed that is truly educated,
informed, or intelligent. Government efficiency improves the dumber people are, so all governments have a built-in incentive to develop
and executive policies that guarantee that their citizens are dumber than hedge hogs. GMO foods, fluorinated water, ever increased electromagnetic
pollution, shitty-ass educational programs, zombifying television programs, agricultural policies that ensure that the People
consume foods with less and less vital nutrients and more and more toxins, chemtrails, etc. -- they have all worked perfectly to bring us to the present
crisis, where we have legions of dumb asses
who fell for this nonsense. So it isn't just some governor in Michigan. People laugh about Joe Biden's advanced dementia. Here is a guy
whose brain is so fried that a normal person would exit public life who had any self-awareness of his condition. But that's just the thing.
Even embarrassment has an intelligence threshold. I would argue that Joe Biden is just a reflection of the very electorate he's courting.
This process applies at the very top, as well. Have you ever noticed how many politicians aren't operating with a full deck?
There's a reason for this. The REAL creatures in charge don't like the politicians who act as their fronts to be any brighter than
politicians do their constituencies.
Facebook Working With State Governments to Take Down Coronavirus Lockdown Protest Announcements --
I've known since the beginning that social media is a disgusting manifestation of globalist control. I knew this 20 years ago.
It's just that transparent. I didn't even set up a Facebook account. Somebody set it up for me after my kidnapping and extraordinary rendition in 2009.
Once in a blue moon I'll put something up -- but rarely anything of substance. I know next to nothing about it, and I don't care.
I have like 800 "friends" on my account, and I have no earthly idea who 95% of them are.
Electrical Pollution and COVID-19 -- Dr. Bradford Weeks (M.D.) is a personal friend.
He wrote the Foreward to my last book, Black Salve -- (yes, the one that Amazon promptly banned).
Here he offers his own insights into the relationship between electrical pollution and CoVid-19. One of his observations: one of the reasons
they waited so long to pull off this caper is they needed time for the chemtrails to work. We now all have enough aluminum in our lungs
so that we are literally acting as 5G antennas.
If You Had a Flu Shot You Are at Greater Risk from Covid-19 -- This from P.C. Roberts.
How interesting. The very thing that governments push every flu season ("get your flu shot") is the very thing
that will increase your CoVid-19 risk. But please. By all means. Just keep those vaccines coming.
Maybe I can find a life insurance company that doesn't have a CoVid exclusion for when I get CoVid-19 the second time.
My wife could use the money.
You don't think so? Fat chance? Yeah --- you're probably right.
FDA: Let's Make Vitamins Illegal! -- This came this morning from
Dr. Frank Shallenburger, who sends out a popular email newsletter called Second Opinion. It details
how the FDA worked with Big Pharma to make pyridoxamine, an important form of Vitamin B6 that "helps prevent and
treat Alzheimer's, heart disease, cataracts, and many other health problems" unavailable. How can Big Pharma sell you artificial
drugs if you're not vitamin and mineral deficient? So, they've put in place a strategy that bypasses elected officials
and nullifies any attempt you make to protest. As Second Opinion explains: "With the help of the FDA, Big Pharma is now successfully taking your vitamins away.
Are they doing it through legislation? No. They have tried that and it did not work because you protested. So now they have found
a better way. One you can't stop. They have now talked the FDA into making it impossible for you to buy certain natural vitamin
forms unless you buy them from Big Pharma. And here's the real clincher. Big Pharma may never make these vitamin forms available." We know that disease ensues when you are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals.
That's why they're called "essential." But there is no such thing as being "vaccine-deficient." Isn't it interesting that
the same vested interests that are trying to take away your essential vitamins and minerals are the same interests that
are trying to tell you that you need vaccines to maintain good health? Think about that long and hard. Think about the
fact that it is these same interests who backed the installation of 5G without one single health study -- over the protests
of thousands of scientists worldwide.
Doctors Report Covid-19 Tests Are Unreliable -- From PC Roberts. Those who aren't accepting payment to promote
medical propaganda agree: the RT-PCR test is a junk product, based on junk science, and is currently being used to
support a fake pandemic.
Exactly How Many Deaths Are Needed To Justify Giving Government's Control Of Everything? --
"Taking sixty-one thousand deaths as our baseline, how deadly does a virus have to be to justify the destruction of our livelihoods and economy
in general?" Amazingly, it took a lot of fraud, false reporting, and an RT-PCR test that has about an 80% false positive rate to even
get to those numbers. More amazing is that most of humanity fell for the decimination of their own species, because that's what's driving
this train of horror.
Led By "The Science" Towards A Medical Despotism? -- "...the aura of scientists and especially Government-endorsed scientists
seems to be sufficient to make people roll over like puppies being stroked gently on their bellies..." -- The problem is that people don't understand
what science is. They think it has something to do with facts. They think science has to conform with reality. It rarely does. Particularly when it
comes to anything involving medicine or public health. I wrote an article in 2015
entitled, When Big Pharma Shills Rule The Blogosphere. In Point #2 of that article I argue that THERE IS NOTHING "SCIENTIFIC" ABOUT
CONSENSUS WITHIN A PRIVILEGED, PROFESSIONAL, AUTHORITATIVE ELITE. People were outraged when Thomas S. Kuhn made powerful arguments to show
that science is inherently corrupt and out of touch with reality in his monumental work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1963).
(Kuhn, both a physicist and a philospher, coined the term "paradigm shift." Ever heard of that one?)
Ivan Illich used similarly lines of reasoning when he wrote Limits to Medicine / Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health (1976).
Dr. Gerald B. Dermer extended these ideas to show why cancer research is a complete joke (just like vaccine research) when he wrote
The Immortal Cell: Why Cancer Research Fails (1994). You can find at least a hundred other books like this in the
bibliographical section of Meditopia, most of which I penned in 2004.
It's a free read online
and in 16 years perhaps a couple hundred people have read it. If more people had this knowledge, Coronavirus would
never have happened. But -- then -- tragically, people might have had to give up a few episodes of Beavis and Butt-Head or
South Park. And how catastrophic would that have been!
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers, as Economy Collapses --
All true. All valid. What the larger question is: does it matter now? Too few citizens have the capacity to see the
CoronaHoax for what it is. In my humble opinion, what we need to focus on now are the spiritual dimensions of this
rapid descent into hell. Because that's what it is -- the complete destruction of humanity, as we understand it, using
a Satanic game plan that has had a gestation period of more than 200 years.
Trump challenges China reporting on CCP virus; CCP's influence on WHO; Virus follows communism ties. --
This video points to an unexplainable phenomenon: those with the closest ties to China are those with the biggest
reported problems with Coronavirus. Ecuador is the center of attention from 5:15 to 8:20.
The biggest "pieces of the puzzle" are clear for all who are paying attention. But there is a great deal of
the phenomenon that is still inexplicable.
Dead bodies litter the beaches as Ecuador sees explosion in fatalities from the coronavirus -- VIDEO --
I brought up Mike Adams position on the Coronavirus earlier this month, when Adams condemned David Icke's
position on CV as a disease he labelled STUPID-19 (a play on CoVid-19). As I stated then, I like Mike Adams. He has
taken up the cause on a host of Big Pharma myths over the years. I've quoted him frequently and am in agreement with the
majority of his positions. But he's wrong on this issue.
Here's how the intro to this video reads: "A shocking new video reveals dead bodies washing up on the beaches of Ecuador as
that South American nation appears to be constructing mass graves to deal with all the dead. It's a gruesome scene of what
happens when you don't practice social distancing and mask wearing." Strangely, I have many friends in Guayaquil, and no one I know has witnessed the kind
of images you seen strewn throughout this video. I have to wonder where they came from.
As for the cemeteries, they were full already, and long before CV came along,
there was talk about where new ones were going to be built. There are other images shown that highlight the poverty,
but that is something you'll see in any poor, third world country. By and large, this video is just nonsense.. My attorney just drove to visit me
on Friday (two days) ago -- traveling from Guayaquil (where he lives most of the time) to Cuenca. He stays in contact with many
people throughout the city and says that although the numbers in Guayaquil are higher than elsewhere, there is not a significant
uptick in cases. Apparently Mike Adams is ill-informed because he
doesn't live here anymore. This place is locked up tighter than a drum. There are fines (we call it "multa") for not wearing
your mask in public. If you get caught a second time, you go to prison. It's the law here now.
As for social distancing, it is obnoxiously practiced everywhere. Mike's position of authority comes from the fact that "I lived in Ecuador for two years."
He's right. He did. From 2009 to 2011.
The non-sequitur here rests on the fact that Mike isn't here now and doesn't know what's going on. He's relying on disinformation
from others -- and apparently we are no longer close enough such that Mike would ever think to call me and ask me what's really happening.
He would prefer to get reports from people he doesn't know, pushing an agenda about which he appears not to care. As I reported late last month, Guayaquil is
the capital of the province of Guayas, one of 24 provinces comprising the country of Ecuador. Guayaquil contains about 18% of the
nation's population, but well over 75% of CoVid-19 cases now. We know what's going on, both in terms of what is officially reported
and what's unofficially observed on the ground, because
the people who live here are intensely interested in what's happening to their country. People throughout Ecuador practice social distancing and mask-wearing --
except for most of the Amazonian provinces, because the people know better. Maybe the indigenous
are just smarter people. Plus -- not as if this really matters -- the people in our Amazon
don't have any cases of CoVid-19. The people of Guayaquil are suffering from CoVid-19 for one reason and one reason only.
That's where 5G was introduced last summer, as previously reported. Moreover, we have
the same reporting practices here as elsewhere. If I died tomorrow -- from a heart attack, COPD, snake bite, pick your ailment --
and I had tested positive for CV, guess what? My cause of death is coronavirus. If I did NOT test positive, my cause of death
would be probably be listed as "probable CoVid-19" just like you see in today's daily coronavirus report, issued by our largest newspaper,
El Universo. Incidentally, that figure to the right -- 9,468 cases --- in an nation of approximately
17,300,000 people --- represents
0.05% of the population. This is even after taking into account the ridiculous incidence of false negatives produced by the
RT-PCR test and the frequently mentioned incidence of "case reporting misrepresentation."
Despite all that -- as I have stated elsewhere -- we will end up having more people die here from starvation, malnutrition, and suicide
than the "virus" could have ever taken out. Lastly, Mike is bitch-slapping Ecuador here for "not wearing masks and practicing social distancing."
As I've just made clear -- because I live here now and not 10 years in the past -- none of this is true. But let us assume for a moment
that Mike Adams is reporting something factual and that he has a point.
Can he explain why Sweden doesn't practice lockdowns and most of this other
goofy shit, yet it has far less fatalties than New York, where every form of tyrannical control is now practiced? Ecuador
is much, much more restrictive today than Sweden is. Could Mike explain this? Me thinketh not.
"Dióxido de Cloro Vs Covid-19. Estudio en humanos en Colombia." -- You'll have to know your Spanish to
understand this one, but what it covers is the effectiveness of MMS (chlorine dioxide) in treating human patients in Colombia --
particularly CoVid-19 cases. This comports with the phenomenal success that German doctors are having in Berlin, as reported by
Dr. Klinghardt in a previous video. Nonetheless, if you listen to medical officials in the U.S. and elsewhere,
and anyone having an financial or professional interest in vaccines, they will tell you
that this is all fake and has no medical value. It's like telling people that water doesn't boil at 212°F.
April 19, 2020 -- Morning
"What's Next... A Train To Dachau?" - Snitching On Social-Distance-Deniers Sparks Outrage Across America --
Please, people . . . stop it! I can't stand these incessant conspiracy theory exaggerators. Train to Dachau? That's ridiculous.
Dachau is way too far. No, no, no. What we're looking at are trains to FEMA Camp #28, Pennslyvania; FEMA Camp, #83, Maryland;
FEMA Camp #137, Nevada; etc., etc., etc. It's so much closer in helping us resolve the problem of "CoVid Deniers"!
Coronavirus lockdown: Lessons from Hokkaido's second wave of infections -- This comes from that insidious,
globalist, ass-kisser, the BBC. Using the logic in this article, everyone should be on lockdown permanently -- errrr, until flu infections
are gone, which will be never. How is it possible that so many people could have bought into this nonsense? Do you ever ask yourself if
the bipeds who used to walk by you on the street -- you know -- in the good, ol' days when you were allowed to walk down the street when you want --
are really part of your same species? Does it ever bother you that so many people are really that breathtakingly stupid?
Hint: It isn't "human creatures" who are the
principals in "espousing" this philosophy.
April 18, 2020
Documentation Proving FEMA Is Importing Hydrogen Cyanide -- Go halfway down this page.
FEMA whistleblowers like Celeste Solum have been screaming about this for years. Did anybody listen? Of course, not. ---
Small aside: there is only one reason that any government agency would be stockpiling hydrogen cyanide. To kill people.
What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step. -- Dana Ashlie just might be the bravest
woman I know. The first two thirds of the videos show protests that are happening around the world as more and more people realize
that this has nothing to do with a virus. However, beginning at 21:36, a United Nations document dating to 2010 (ten years ago) is
discussed which reads like a battle plan against humanity with elements incorporating everything you're seeing happening how.
Go ahead. Read it for yourself. It's called "Scenarios for the future of technology and international development."
Still think this is about a contagious virus?
We are from the future -- The cynical part of me would offer this for those who haven't
been getting 100% of their U.S. FDA Recommended Daily Allowance of Woo Woo -- but on the other hand, it comports with
"information" I received which I wove into The
Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca and
The Joys of Psychopathocracy.
Even though we are entering the darkest of Dark Ages, there is a rebirth on the other side for those who believe
there is a Divine Plan.
'Event 201' happened 6 weeks prior to the current pandemic -- This comes from RichPlanet.net.
It's a 36 minute video and it's important to watch and spread. Host: Richard D. Hall. More evidence points to how
fake and fraudulent the Corona Hoax is. He draws from the work of Andrew Kaufman, M.D., Thomas Cowan, M.D., the research
of David Icke, and others. Includes another astonishing interview with Bill Gates, where he assures us that things will
not return to normal until "7 billion people" get "THE vaccine." That won't come for another 18 months.
Humanity was living on "prison planet" before -- the fascists behind this hoax simply upgraded our global detention center
Daniel Estulin: 90% of Businesses Will Fail. 90% of people won't have jobs. --
"Former Russian military intelligence officer, Daniel Estulin joins Daniel Brigman on The Power Hour podcast to talk about
what's really going on with COVID-19 and the global clampdown. Hie version of events is very different from what you'll hear
on CNN and it makes a whole lot more sense." I've read Estulin's books through the years. In his mind, this scam
was predictable.
New York City ICU Physician unknowingly describes the EFFECTS of 60GHz on patients -- David Icke
put this on website with the comment,
"New York doctor - it's NOT 'COVID-19' - people are dying through lack of oxygen (5G STOPS PEOPLE ABSORBING OXYGEN)" --
We are presented with the personal testimony of Cameron Kyle-Sidell. M.D., an ICU doctor working with CoVid-19 patients.
Here's the unusual thing: Big Tech is doing everything possible to dissuade this message from getting out.
People have been convinced of murder in state and federal courts on less evidence than we have now of
a connection between 5G and Co-Vid19. The doctor points out that sufferers being labelled as "CoVid-19"
patients actually are suffering from
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and doctors are hurting patients because they are operating under
"a false paradigm." This is yet another facet of the CononaHoax that surrounds us.
Retired President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE -- There is not one
single person who will ever read this blog that is more qualified to comment on the relationship between 5G and
the dangers of radiating people with 60 GHz transmission. He speaks as an insider. He laments what so many others
have been saying, "5G has not been tested at all for human safety," which as I've said before, is insane.
It's a bio-weapon. It's even used for crowd control. Clegg lists the many symptoms and conditions that one can
get as a result of exposure to 5G frequencies. He notes the ridiculous conflicts of interest at the FCC, which
regulates the telecom industry, plus the absurdity of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which prevents telecom
companies from being sued -- no matter how harmful their products are. It is pointed out that telecom companies
KNEW already about the dangers of 5G, and proceeded with it anyway.
This will probably be deleted by the time you see this, but try to access it anyway --
An Amazon Alexa -- the popular AI assistant from Amazon --
is asked,"Alexa, did the government release the coronavirus?" "She" responds, "According to Event 202, the government planned
this event, created the virus, and had a simulation of how the countries would react. This simulation occurred October 18, 2019.
The government released the virus among the populaton and has lost control of the outbreak." I don't buy it. But that's not
what's important here. What's important to note is: (1) Alexa is controlled by Amazon, and the explanation given completely
defies the "authorized narrative." (2) If you click to the original post, you find that Facebook has banned the video, and
the only reason it's up at the moment I write this is because the FB police haven't traced it back to Messenger yet and killed it.
Once again, we are seeing Big Tech working with the "real" government to kill any and all narratives that do not conform
with the official story we are legally required to believe. Crack open a beer. It's George Orwell time!
America Has Died. New Amerika is Here. It happened overnight without your consent. --
How many U.S. citizens know that their country has been dissolved? How many citizens around the world are aware
that their government has -- for all intents and purposes -- been nullified. Governments are now doing what
they'are been told to do by the entities I talk about in my book,
Joys of Psychopathocracy: Why Criminality is Essential for Effective Modern Government (2017). I call them
the Overlords. It's a global coup, and no country is exempt. What comes next is
pressure to get every person vaccinated -- a vaccine that
will allow you to be tracked at all times, and electronically
controlled with AI (artificial intelligence). Remember --- the People agreed to this because of a virus that is not
alive, cannot reproduce, is not contagious, for which there are not distinct species, and for which it is fundamentally
impossible to create or invent a vaccine that would prevent you from getting it or cure you if you did get it.
The People agreed to do this while ignoring the warnings of
thousands of scientists who warned that something like this would happen if 5G were ever activated -- which it
was in locations around the world in 2019.
Dr. Judy Mikovits (American Researcher) on Coronavirus -- This woman knows first-hand
what a walking, talking fraud Dr. Fauci is. There is so much truth packed into this two hour interview, that
I can hear the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland screaming in the back of my head, "Off with her head!"
Covers the fact that the advisors to Trump (who isn't in charge anymore) were hand picked by Bill Gates
April 16, 2020
Trump Plans Destruction Of WHO After Marlboro Man Grabs Sun And Pummels Coronavirus To Death --
WOW. So smoking is good for you after all? The vast majority of those who get CoVid-19 and have problems are
non-smokers! Can't make this up? What next? You improve your chances with a fifth of Jack Daniels a day?
Do the promiscuous who practice unprotected sex improve their chances? What next?
Coronavirus: The Dead Speak! -- "Pathology results studying those who have died of covid-19
are starting to unveil some of the virus' secrets."
Dr Klinghardt latest COVID19 15th April 2020 -- Despite all the CDC-enforced reporting fraud,
Coronavirus cases are dropping rapidly. What's next? Does the State start shooting people and say they died
of Coronavirus? He doesn't abandon all of the established CV propaganda, but his therapeutic observations are valuable,
and they come from numerous clinicians that Klinghardt is in connect with. Many studies cited. From 52:02 to 52:25,
Dr. Klinghardt briefly cites the "mapping" of where 5G has been installed, and wherever 5G has been installed, there you have a high concentration
of CoVid-19 cases. You have to be on crack (or a paid-off shill) not to know by now that there's a correlation. (My words, not his.)
CBS News Spiked Sharyl Attkisson's Accurate Expose of the 2009 Fake Swine Flu Pandemic -- History may not repeat itself,
but it sure does rhyme. "People were stampeeded into taking dangerous and needless vaccinations; many suffered." As is heavily detailed
in the book, Virus Mania, each new fake epidemic has brought deadlier and deadlier consequences. And now here we are on the threshold
of a coming Coronavirus vaccine that is supposed to cure humanity's ills. Yeah. Of all the Trojan horses that medical authorities have cooked
up to cripple the Public, this one may be the worst.
Third World America Incapable of Providing Nurses and Doctors Treating Covid-19 Patients with Protective Masks --
"How can this junk country be a 'Superpower'?" This obsession with masks of part of the fake narrative and, again, reflects a lack of
knowledge about what viruses are and how they behave. The claim, also, I find a dubious one -- but, regardless, it reflects an inability
to support the very fake narrative that those in authority created in the first place. Unsupported in what is supposed to the one remaining
world superpower.
April 15, 2020
Ok -- maybe I will add a few more posts::
DEAR MR. PRESIDENT, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME -- I'm very familiar with Martin Armstrong's work.
Like myself, he was railroaded and thrown in prison for crimes never committed. With his creation of the "Socrates" computer system,
he is arguably the most brilliant economist in the world today. His advice: open up the markets by May 1st, or his current model shows
that there will be no recovery until 2032. That's right. It will take 13 years to come back from this. What Armstrong -- in all his
brilliance -- doesn't understand is the bigger picture. We won't be opening up on May 1st, because the complete destruction of the
global economy was one of the goals in the first place. He doesn't understand the spiritual dimensions of this exercise in Luciferianism.
Respected Views on "Harmful to Health" Vaccines -- The single great contribution of vaccines to humanity is
its use as a bio-weapon. It you understand human physiology, the very conceptual foundation upon which vaccines rest is flawed.
I was about to say "laughably flawed," but there's hardly anything funny about an entire discipline of modern medicine being
devoted to cripplling large segments of the population. It reminds me of the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer -- when
the "success rate" of chemotherapy has been statistically shown to be around 3%. (Privately,
oncologists are known to say, "Our goal is to kill the cancer before the chemo kills the patient.")
The "real facts" surrounding vaccinations are contrary to the common narrative, and the MSM goes apoplectic when you advance
irrefutable arguments. Kinda gives you the impression that Homo sapiens aren't the ones in charge, doesn't it?
CNN Finds Bright Side to Tens of Thousands of COVID Deaths: The Air Is Cleaner -- CNN is justifying
indefinite lockdowns. Why? Because it's worth it to get cleaner air. Never mind that suppressed technologies have existed
since the 1940's to eliminate gas-powered internal combustion engines, so we don't have to go around using quarantines to
kill people. Wouldn't that be better? Hell, no. That would be the sensible, compassionate thing to do.
April 14, 2020 -- Morning
United States is Over! Trump Hands it Over to FEMA --
It's not a joke. It's not an exaggeration. Stop what you're doing and listen to it now before it's taken down.
Documentary and video evidence reviewed. Download it if you can . . .
France Plans To Test New Genocidal Vaccine On African People -- This was sent to
me by an associate in West Africa. Ok, I admit.
This YouTube title doesn't say "New Genocidal." Can't flag the YT police. It will be taken down soon enough.
But it might as well. The history of vaccines has been long and sordid. Vaccines are a form of secret warfare.
The majority of people in the free world don't understand that. They know nothing about this history of
vaccines and how they were used repeatedly to kill off black people. Now vaccines are being re-purposed.
Why would you want to restrict the use of vaccines to kill off pesky black useless eaters, when you could
use vaccines to kill off the useless eaters of all other races?
The Corona Lies & Deceit Are Just Too Much To Take Anymore.
Paul Craig Roberts Blows a Head Gasket --
I'm been following Roberts for a long time. His website is erudite,
and he often has insights you can't find anywhere else. Roberts was prominent in the Reagan administration, so he's no
spring chicken. He turned 81 a few days ago, around the time I turned 64. What happened today was most uncharacteristic
of Roberts in the many years I've followed him. He literally sent out a boatload of emails with articles and links, which taken together,
tell you one thing. You've been lied to. You've been hoodwinked. Here is just a PARTIAL list of what he sent out today:
What Are Fauci & Gates Up To? -- Roberts is an academic and a former professor.
He didn't serve in the military, like I did, so he doesn't suffer from intermittent bouts of potty mouth.
But -- seriously -- this is as close as you'll get to hearing Roberts say, "Have these people lost their fucking minds?"
The juiciest parts are too priceless not to reprint:
"Fauci says the government is considering giving out COVID-19 'immunity cards'' in order to reopen the economy.
This is absurd. It is a well known established fact that not all get immunity. People cured of the virus have again become infected.
This negates the usefulness of 'immunity cards.' How can Fauci and Gates not know this? Clearly, they have a different agenda.
If you thought Bill Gates was intelligent, think again. The moron wants the economy locked down for 18 months until his vaccine is ready.
18 months in a locked down economy means no one will be alive to vaccinate with his toxic concoction."
Western billionaire control of democracies must be resisted --
He's wrong about infectious transmission. It's not his field. He's forgiven. He ends with:
One does not have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to recognize that Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the Deep State, and a variety of
interests with their own agendas will use, and already are using, the health and economic crisis for their own ends.
I have addressed this problem several times, and I have stressed that we, the people, must be sure to have our say in what kind of world emerges
from the combined crises. We cannot allow Bill Gates and the Deep State to construct our world for us.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Is Controlled by Bill Gates & Big Pharma --
I believe the "aerosol tranmission" particulars are suspect. However, the rest of the comments are absolutely on the money:
"The World Health Organization (WHO) Is Controlled by Bill Gates & Big Pharma. WHO is a bought-and-paid-for organization that serves Gates'
vaccine agenda and Big Pharma’s profits. Are NIH and CDC also under the giant thumb of Bill Gates & Big Pharma? For Bill Gates and Big Pharma,
science is in their way and has to be denied, discredited, and truth-telling scientists cut off from research money."
Deep Economic Suffering Has Erupted All Over America, But Guess Who The Fed Is Helping? --
"As millions upon millions of Americans lose their jobs in the greatest wave of unemployment in U.S. history, the Federal Reserve has decided that
now is the time to spend trillions of newly created dollars in a desperate attempt to protect financial asset values.
In other words, as much of the country suddenly plunges into poverty, the Federal Reserve is working exceedingly hard to protect the wealth
of the elite."
Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret. -- The article is quite detailed. Among its other
revelations is that it concerns what we've heard elsewhere: the ventilators do more harm than good, and there is the inescapable problem
of oxygen deprivation to the organs, which cascades into a myriad of other problems. The unmentioned assumption? "The virus did it!"
No where in the article is 5G even mentioned, even though what the article describes is precisely what researchers were warnng about
before 5G was ever tested or deployed. Despite an admirable delineation of the physiology
involved, this article is still obnoxiously conventional. It focuses on the process and not the cause. What is described is exactly
what happens when you're exposed to 5G radiation. It would be like describing what happened when a man has a wound in the chest and bleeds
to death, neglecting to mention that he was attacked in his driveway by a thief, who shot him with a 45 to the chest. Does the role of
a bullet in this scenario have relevance? You see my point. Interestingly, this link comes to us from the Wayback Machine (archive.com) --
the same place that plantiff attorneys go to find web pages that have been erased by defendants, who want to pull a Hillary Clinton --
namely, "acid wash" all the incriminating evidence. In time, look for even the Wayback Machine to be pressed to "acid wash" any
information those in authority don't want you to have access to. It's coming. Trust me. It's coming.
April 13, 2020 -- Early Morning
Even cheating, they're not winning -- Despite all the massive cheating and number manipulation
reported worldwide, cases are leveling off -- even here in Ecuador. See chart above. Note how Guayas, which has about
25% of the population, has over 72% of the cases. As previously reported, this is where they conducted 5G testing last summer.
You have one province that has almost three times as many cases as they other 23 provinces combined.
Out of Shadows Official -- This documentary helps explain why the vast majority of things
that people believe to be true are completely without any factual basis.
The End of the World As He Knows It --
The Fall of the Cabal -- Parts 1 - 10 -- I can't agree with the Trumpist position, because I've
already stated how he's been compromised and the evidence for it.
but there is still a TON of facts that show us how manipulated things are behind
the scenes, and like the previous link shows from a different angle, "Few things that people believe are actually true."
"Obama's NIH paid the Chinese weapons lab $3.7 million to conduct SARS-Coronavirus research." I had an associate call me and say,
"Why aren't criminal indictments being handed against Obama, Fauci, and Gates? How is it that these people are still allowed to
walk around, now that the criminal global conspiracy that is the CoronaHoax has been uncover?" Well, it seems rather obvious,
doesn't it? They are among the architects behind this mess. They are members of a privileged Elite, and therefore the laws
don't apply to them.
The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus --
A good 90% of what's in this very professional created documentary is provable nonsense. But it's gotten over 1.1 million hits
in just 5 days, and I suspect that the majority of the people who watch it will believe the particulars.
What is overlooked is that this virus is not contagious, and the virus itself is not even alive. As I've repeated numerous
times, it doesn't have its own DNA, it can't replicate, and the obvious connection to 5G is left out.
Weimar America, Here We Come! Virus Hysteria Adds $10 Trillion To The National Debt --
"It ends in a flash of monetary debasement preceded by a violent and destabilizing currency crisis . . . "
This is the coordinated destruction of the United States of America. Everything about it let's us know that it was
premeditated and is highly orchestrated.
More Than 1 In 3 Americans Consider Selling Blood As Lockdowns Continue -- People in what is supposed to be
the most prosperous country in the world are going hungry already. And they want to continue the lockdown for another 18 months
while they come up with their beloved "Mark of the Beast" vaccine with the 5G locator chip. Here's your 25-point bonus question.
Get it right and you're our grand prize winner! What grade of crack cocaine do you have on to believe this isn't premeditated?
That no country on earth could have attacked the U.S. and brought about such a devastating outcome. And it comes at the hands of
its own government.
Eight Reasons To End The Lockdowns Now -- This piece opens with the usual claptrap about
the importance of social distancing, the quarantine --- blah blah blah --- hold up --- where did I put my barf bucket? . . .
Uh-oh! It's full already! The rest of the piece is right on the money as it regards these "eight reasons."
Go ahead. Read it. I'll wait . . . Did you finish yet?
Does it embarrass you at all that your fellow human beings could have been so mind-numbingly gullible as to accept this
garbage in the first place?
Dump This Guy --- Dr Fauci: "I Can't Guarantee" It Will Be Safe to Physically Vote IN NOVEMBER --
Who gives a rat's a** what this over-bloated medical Nazi guarantees? He'd have 50% of the U.S. population starving to
death before he'd considering opening up the hampster cages and letting people free. He's let people die rather than risk
the opportunity to have a bigger payday from his salivating vaccine associates.
Troubling Statistic: At Least 2,246 Americans Have Died at Nursing Homes from Coronavirus in the US --
Can we include all the people in hospice care who are in their 90's as coronavirus victims when they die, too? Oh, wait! You did?
You're already including those? Ok -- good. We wouldn't want to have somebody die in our facility without listing
coronavirus as the cause of death. How would that help the vaccine cause?
Burning Man 2020 canceled, plans to hold virtual event in 'The Multiverse' -- I have a better idea.
Let's rename this annual event "Burning Country" and delay it until October 31, at which time it can be celebrated with
Halloween. Everyone must celebrate with the same costume: M5 Gas Mask and thick rubber gloves. Even the tangential aspects
of the Corona phenomena are tainted with the ludicrous.
April 12, 2020
Too many coincidences in Revelations 18 -- It's a very short chapter -- only 24 verses. No more than a couple
pages in most Bibles. What is described is the complete destruction of "Babylon, a "great city." Despite the language, what
is described really isn't a city at all. It is more like what we would today call a "superpower." What's described is a
super influencial power that controls the seas and has influenced the cultures of all other countries. What's described is
a nation that has veered so far away from God, that she is referred to as a "whore," who has committed "fornication" with
the all the leaders (i.e. "kings") of the earth. Again, no mere city, by our modern way of thinking. Essentially, what is
described is a nation that has abandoned Natural Law and embraced everything that is foul and corrupt. Of course, you can't
expect even the most adept psychic, mystic or prophet to use language that is easily understood after nearly 2,000 years.
So, in a sense, you have to read between the lines. Nonetheless, if you attempted to superimpose these 24 verses over
today's world, you would get the unmistakeable impression that "Babylon" in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 18, is
actually describing the United States. There is no other country that comes close to the description provided in this
chapter. In 2005, I happened to read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States,
1492 - Present. If you stop long enough to see beyond the incessant flag-waving, you realize that these are not the
memoirs of a peace-loving nation. I'll grant you that we've seen worse. In the last 100 years, we saw both Russia and
China murder tens of millions of their own peoples. Yet no country has been so firmly at the helm of what we now
call Western Civlization as has the United States. Additionally, the "corona vaccination" will give the United States the
opportunity to "catch up" -- to exceed the atrocities committed by those other nations. Returning to "Chapter 18," total destruction comes in the course of one hour
-- something that brings nuclear war to
mind. Is the CoronaVirus a prelude to something even darker? The way things are going you have to wonder. One minor footnote:
this "revelation" -- if you will -- came to me the same year I read Zinn's book. In my own criminal case, I witnessed so many
unspeakable acts of corruption on the government's part that I came to the realization that it would be better off it I "got out." So now you know why Cathryn and I moved to South America in 2007. True story.
Dr. Fauci Claims It's 'Possible' That Americans Will Carry 'Certificates of Immunity' --
It isn't just "possible." Nor is it even the United States. The game plan is to have all Homo sapiens tagged,
like cattle. Have you had your ass branded yet? Well, get ready, because the pressure is on to move you in that direction.
This news announcement? Right here? That's just testing the water. They want to see how you'll respond first.
Elon Musk: Humanity Is a Kind of 'Biological Boot Loader' for AI -- This came on from Wired last September.
It is relevant to the Coronavirus phenomenon now, because the installation of chips into human beings, combined with the
enormous digital speed of 5G, give us a clear image of what the game plan is. Robots are far more manageable than people.
What is the benefit to rulers if they can convert human beings into programmable AI computing machines? You can't begin
to measure it! Wouldn't it be great if they could kill off our humanity and turn us into some kind of twisted, industrial
version of The Stepford Wives?
Hopefully, you get the general idea. Oh -- my bad. I didn't mean idea --- I mean highly pre-meditated game plan.
5G / CoVid-19 on new £20 Notes -- They're celebrating. They're waving it in your face.
They're laughing at your gullibility. Now, they're preparing to vaccinate you, so that you don't make a fuss about it.
This new 20 pound note would have had to have been designed last year. Yet there is imagery of a 5G tower and the corona symbol --
(watch the brief video clip so it's pointed out to you).
The Case for Corona/5G as an Alien Takeover --- If you dig deep enough, it's not as outrageous as you might think --
You better sit down for this one, because this isn't something you're going to hear on
Ancient Aliens.
In July, 1992 --- yes, nearly 28 years ago --- Cathryn and I had a booth for our food company at Expo
East, which happened to be in Nashville that year. A friend I knew from my college days visited our booth, and he and his wife invited us
out to dinner. Halfway through dinner, my friend -- let's call him Ted -- volunteers that he's been very busy as a psychologist, working with
"abductees." I literally had to ask him what he was talking about. He told me that many people had and were being abducted by alien
entities, and a very small percentage of them were able to remember the encounter. "From the little bit I've heard, there has been what? A few dozen cases at most? Worldwide?
How in the hell can you make a living doing that?," I inquired. "There's a lot more of this going on than you realize," Ted replied. "What are we talking? A few thousand people?" "No, Greg. We're talking millions. And of those millions, as I said, a very small percentage
are capable of recalling their experiences to the point where they seek out help."
In June, 2014, I drove south to Vilcabamba to have a meeting with a man named Jose Yaguana Zhuma.
Jose claimed that he and his wife were approached by an ET group, named Ektomites, who requested their assistance in having offspring.
Jose claims that many other couples have been similarly approached and have cooperated -- most of them from indigenous communities who
have the least corrupted DNA.
The result of their experience -- or much of it -- is contained in a small self-published book, entitled, Para que vienen? (For
what do they come?) that nobody read. I still have seven copies. I found their story unbelievable, so I wanted to meet Jose for myself.
A media baron here, whose name escapes me (owns both
Vistazo and EcuaVista in Ecuador) wanted to prove that Jose and his wife were liars. He prepared his publications to do an
expose. So he hired a lie detection expert from the States, flew him to Ecuador, and had (with permission) Jose and his wife tested.
They both passed with flying colors. Here are the highlights of what the Ektomites told Jose: the farther you travel down the path
of technology, the farther removed you become from Mother Nature. The Ektomites cannot reproduce. They've been coming here to
get assistance in creating their own hybrids, and presumably other planets where primitive humanoids, like ourselves, can still
be found. They are over 25,000 years ahead of us technologically. They have beliefs that most humans on our planet would not be
able to understand or relate to --- things such as Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. That Jesus Christ really did
exist, is recognized as divine even by Ektomites, though Jesus' life and work are greatly misunderstood. That those in charge in
of our planet are "Luciferian" -- (their words, not mine) -- and involve a veritable soup mix of vicious, lower evolved ET's. That there really
is a place which we refer to as "Hell," and at the end of this misadventure, this is where the Luciferians will end up. The reason
for this --- I found this comment interesting --- is that "our Creator has no other place to put them." I could write a book about
all the things that I learned from Jose -- but then, like Jose's book, nobody would read it.
Years have passed since these experiences. I've spent years studying the UFO and abduction
phenomenon. And then last year, I had a visitor from the States, who recommended the book whose cover you see above:
Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity (2015) by David M. Jacobs. It is the follow up work to Jacobs' earlier
study of the abduction phenomenon, The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda (1997).
I had it on the bookshelf and didn't get around to
reading it until this January. It would be beyond the scope of this simple post to review the entire book, so I'll give you the short
version, and you can do anything you want. You can believe it. You can think it's fiction -- or unfounded fear porn.
You can think the abductees whose reports form the core of the book are all liars.
You can think the author's crazy. You can think I'm crazy. Again, I don't care anymore. There has been a plan in place for at least a half century to eliminate humanity completely,
and countless women (two of whom I've met online), have been abducted, impregnated, and then after the birth, abducted periodically to breast feed
the resulting "hybrid" child. These hybrids now exist all around the world, and occupy important positions in government, industry, and are
the most prominent polity now occupying the Deep State. Enormous effort has been put into off world training so that "hybrids" look and
act in every way that you would expect humans to. To the untrained eye, they are indistinguishable from us.
They are not like us, though. On the one hand, their telepathic skills are superior;
on the other, they are easily controlled by those who are hierachically above them, because they have a "hive mentality" -- much like the
Borg, if you were ever a Star Trek fan. They view Homo sapiens as laughably stupid, gullible, and easily tricked. Humanity's
wholesale embrace of the Coronavirus hoax
has done nothing but reinforce that view. These "hybirds" and those above them are in league with Draconians, Reptilians, and all
manner of ruling ET classes who were here before them. Is there a historial precedent for what's happening now? There is. About 40,000 years ago, we had cousins who lived in Eurasia. Today we call these people
Neanderthals (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis). The word itself is now a pejorative. If you call somebody a Neanderthal, you're
probably trying to insult them -- you think they're primitive, uneducated, or just stupid. But the Neanderthals were none of those things.
They were very refined -- even sophisticated. They knew how to make fire and build cave hearths,
make fabric and create clothes, make sophisticated chemicals,
formulate medicinal herbals on par with what the best herbalists make today, create cave art, build boats and sail throughout the Mediterranean;
they were very loving and family oriented. But they had one major flaw --- they weren't violent. The leading theory today is that WE killed them off. WE -- meaning modern Homo sapiens.
We wanted their caves, their land, their possessions. Maybe we wanted to rape their women
and then kill them off, too. Who knows? The point is that they went extinct and we probably did it. So it should come as no surprise that we, the descendants of these ancient conquistadors, are
now threatened by alien races that are even more violent, cunning, and ruthless than we are. If you examine the ruthless,
reptilian-like behavior of, say, Bill Gates or George Soros, who are obviously not human, you get a sense of this.
In fact, if you understood the Coronavirus, all of this would be obvious to you. We are a species now living on borrowed time. In the absence of divine intervention, we will
go extinct --- just like our cousins. And then the demonic, Luciferian world of our Elite will rein supreme. For a short while.
The one they've been planning for the past two
centuries that people could read for themselves if they could have ever broken away long enough from the television. It I sound ever so slightly pissed . . . it's because I am.
An ICU nurse of 30 years speaks out. -- This nurse is risking her life to tell you the truth.
Same story: if a person comes to the Emergency room and dies from a gunshot wound or a drug overdose, whatever -- doctors
are strong-armed to list Coronavirus as the cause of death.
April 11, 2020 -- Afternoon
Nothing is as it appears . . . Wake up . . . You're in a Matrix -- I keep getting these emails and links.
They concern GESARA, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Corey Goode, "Q" -- some posts and videos are recent. Some are old.
Let's group these people together and just call them "The Rescue Team!"
Their basic message is the same: everything is alright. The White Hats are coming to the rescue. "Reinforcement troops are on the
way." Soon, everything is going to be just peachy. I'm not trying to be facetious. In fact, two of my previous books,
The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca and
The Joys of Psychopathocracy speak of a coming
spiritual renaissance. That said, that time is not now. I believe that great pain is ahead of us before we get to the
end of tunnel. Again, I would like to believe otherwise, but I see no convincing evidence to the contrary.
For his part, I don't know anybody who has been as repeatedly off the mark as David Wilcock, and I'm not going to lie
about it. The Pollyannas are using the unfounded
and unsubstantiated to drown out the observations of the Cassandras.
Troy is about to burn, and too few can see that the Trojan Horse
has penetrated the Citadel and is stuffed with enemy combatants. A common theme of those who follow The Rescue Team
is that Trump is playing along, but behind the scenes, he is taking out the
Deep State. I haven't addressed this issue uptil now, because I don't want to offend good people. But this isn't avoidable anymore.
Frankly, I feel sorry for Trump. I am not of the opinion that he's a bad person. But he's not in charge. He never was. The Deep
State is in charge. We learned that from JFK. Trump can be threatened to do whatever they want him to do.
(Listen carefully to And They Gave Their Power Unto The Beast
and if the religious parts of the presentation set you off -- tough . . . Ignore it at your own risk.) I'm getting to the point where I don't care anymore. Trump knows how dangerous vaccines are, and -- for all intents and purposes --
he used
to be an "anti-vaxxer." What's his position now? "Everyone must get the vaccine," which, I truly believe, is synonymous with
the biblical "Mark of the Beast." In support of my position that Trump is now a cheerleader and is being forced to do things
that he otherwise would not do, consider the following:
Doctor behind film that links autism to vaccines speaks out -- Everyone should see the documentary, Vaxxed,
to understand the level of the vaccine coverup. This link is an interview with Andrew Wakefield, M.D., an outspoken critic
of the MMR vaccine. This issue is close to me because I have a nephew who became autistic after an MMR vaccination.
It has destroyed the lives of my brother and sister-in-law. Trump has made many public statements that clear show
that he understands all this.
I could go on and on. But why should I? You know how to use a search engine. If there was ever a time to face reality, instead of paying people who want to
charge you to hear "everything is perfect" or "ascension" messages, that time is now. In time, mankind WILL ascend from all this,
but in the 3rd dimensional here-and-now, it is essential that we face what is before us.
Look Who's Coming to the Rescue! -- You need the vaccine! You need the vaccine! You need the vaccine!
This video attempts to intersperse comic relief into this montage of Bill Gates clips and interviews, all centered around Gates'
relentless call to have everyone on earth vaccinated. This is, by no means, a recent development. Gates was talking about this
many years before Gates close associate, "Tony" Fauci predicted in January, 2017 that a pandemic would occur during Trump's
administration -- (see the clip for particulars.) It's 31 minutes worth watching.
We're Living in 12 Monkeys -- This is put out from the same channel as the previous email.
Solid facts (most of them quite disturbing, but necessary to know) are, again, interspersed with comic relief.
It's bitter medicine delivered in a sugar cube.
5G Apocalypse -- The Extinction Event -- "A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat
to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn --
use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats." I think it's a little late for that now.
Nonetheless, this documentary is essential viewing to understand 5G essentials.
Transformation & Possible Positive Outcomes with Sacha Stone, Patty Greer, and Alfred Lambremont Webre --
Lest my previous comments about David Wilcock and the Rescue Team brand me as an incorrigible CV curmudgeon, I offer you an alternative
view that is positive and uplifting -- possibly. In this video, these three esteemed participants -- all of whom I respect --
discuss, as the title suggests, "possible positive outcomes" to this entire, sordid, cluster-virus affair. Cheers.
Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. Genocide is when you use a false narrative to quell a People's concerns
while you install, and then execute, a system of population reduction. Ignorance is when you can't tell the difference. Informed is when you understand that humanity is now facing all four."
G.C. ~~~
April 11, 2020 -- Morning
The Corona Chronicles II --
A different take on the Corona phenomenon from Mel Fabregas. One interesting post from the comment section:
"The same person who wants to control population is the same person who wants to save everyone with a vaccine."
U.S. Postal Service on verge of shutting down due to pandemic -- Oh hell. Who needs a postal service?
If we vacate all the post offices of federal workers and remodel them, just think how many illegal immigrants we could create homes for --
making it even easier for us to send them free welfare checks!
'Can't Operate Out Of Hysteria': Dr. Carson Says '98 Percent' Of Coronavirus Infected Will Recover --
Let's stop counting people who already had cachexia from cancer, are suffering from a drug overdose, or are 100 years old and just
might die of old age, etc. Drop the "fraud count" and let's see if we can raise that figure to 99.6% -- a more realistic number,
given everything we know to this point.
DR. TOM COWAN | los sistemas inmunológicos -- This was done in early January. It's an interview
where Dr. Tom Cowan discusses the particulars of the body's two immune systems and how they function. The interview is in English
with Spanish subtitles -- a good primer for Spanish-speaking friends. You have to be patient to listen to this and understand it
all if you're not strong in medicine, biology, or their allied disciplines, but it's worth the effort. Why? Because it makes
glaringly clear how batshit crazy the very philosophical foundation of vaccinations are. It reflects a profound lack of
understanding as to how biological systems work.
April 10, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
Attorney General Barr: 'Draconian' Lockdown Measures Need to End Soon --
Ok. "We're not going to continue encroaching on your civil liberties." Check. Historically, governmental policies
tend to behave like large intestines. Shit moves in one direction: once civil liberties are taken away, as Ron Paul
as stated numerous times, it is rare that they are ever restored. We'll see soon enough.
And They Gave Their Power Unto The Beast --
(Israeli News Live) ---
You are either prepared to entertain the possibilities of what this man is saying, or you're not.
It reflects the Jewish messiac, biblical perspective, but claims are made of confidential information passed to the host
by high level government and intel sources. Highlights: Stop thinking that Trump is in charge. He's not. We're headed into a "one world government." The
headquarters for the world government will be in Jerusalem. "They will bring out a false messiah -- an anti-Christ --
that they will claim is the Messiah." 3:35 -- Trump is no longer commander-in-chief. Because of concerns about
civil war, he will be permitted to continue on as president. Trump can be compared to the CEO of a dying corporation. All politicians in both parties have been "
bought out by AIPAC." By the end of the year, you will see "a complete (economic) collapse, like you've never seen before.
It will make the Depression of the '30's look like it was nothing . . . A very sad situation in the nation . . . Trump not only
has no further control over the military, and he has no control over what policies are implemented relative to the American
public. You can see a high level of frustration in Trump, when he speaks. He is allowed to continue to issues "executive orders"
that will "feed the agenda." Rothschilds and Rockefellers in charge. Henry Kissinger speaks for them --- "he's friends with Putin,
and he's allied with Israel." We will see "the United States replaced. We will see the Sanhedrin come into power."
It is truly the "beast kingdom." "We are watching the Beast Kingdom formed right before our eyes."
Many pastors and ministers cannot be trusted, because many of them have thrown in the towel and "are just mouthpieces for
mainstream propaganda . . . they are 501(c) corporations that have tax-exemption." The host speculates that they have
been threatened (overtly or covertly) that if they do not toe the party line, they will lose their tax status, or they will
lose everything, or they will be imprisoned." We are living in the closing hours of humanity.
The U.S. will never been the same. We are at a point of no return. We are about to go through catasclysmic events
on this earth. By May, you will begin to see strange changes in weather patterns. "By September, there will not be a single
person on the planet that doesn't know that something major is about to happen." The host uses the term "alleged pandemic,"
because he, too, doesn't agree with the fictitious narrative. When the major climate changes begin to occur the political puppets
and media will begin to blame the unfolding economic crisis on that. (He infers that people will be gullible enough to believe it.)
He makes a veiled allusion to the return of Planet X.
He admits that many people have inaccurately predicted this before, but
he makes the case that dramatic astrophysical events are about to begin. Talks about a gravitation shift that is already underway
and ties it into unusual phenomenon -- such as the city, Miami, which is now an average of 4 inches under sea level, and like
New Orleans, is only able to keep the streets clear with the use of water pumps. These "earth changes" will cause widespread panic.
Says the families who are "in charge" know that genocide will be widespread in the U.S. -- focuses momentarily on Texas, Florida,
and New York. Talks about their view that "the herd must be thinned out." As never before, it is a time for prayer.
Says this video will soon be taken down.
Apple and Google are launching a joint COVID-19 tracing tool for iOS and Android -- If we're
going to talk about the Satanic, we might as well include a link to the latest from Big Tech.
This something else, you just can't make up:
"Google's engineering teams have banded together to create a decentralized contact tracing tool that will help individuals determine
whether they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Contact tracing is a useful tool that helps public health authorities track
the spread of the disease and inform the potentially exposed so that they can get tested. It does this by identifying and
'following up with' people who have come into contact with a COVID-19-affected person."
Joe Biden Coronavirus Advisor Ezekiel Emanuel: 'Living Too Long Is Also a Loss' --
I've reported on comments by this eugenist lunatic before. He expounds that we need to keep people in quarantine for another
18 months. "Emanuel has had a longtime and controversial fascination with healthcare rationing, writing scores of papers over
the years on the ethics of allocating medical resources to a population." He even wrote a paper entitled, "Why I Hope to
Die at 75." I wonder if he can be talked into making it sooner.
April 10, 2020 -- Morning
What the Doctors are saying about COVID-19 -- There is a connection with 5G -- There is little here that
I haven't discussed already. Nonetheless, it's an excellent review of the REAL facts, which orthodoxy (and sadly, even Mike Adams, see yesterday's
post) are attempting to label as alternative, fringe, unscientific, uneducated, irresponsible, and dangerous. We live in a world where
the "authorized, approved, sanitized facts" are so fake an fabricated, it just nauseates me.
Dogmatic Medical Orthodoxy Attempts to Discredit Effective Covid-19 Treatment --
This also from Roberts. You have to be blind not to see that the goal here is to make the CV event as frightening, prolonged and as economically
injurious as possible, so that before this is all over with, the citizens of free countries are BEGGING to get
vaccinated so that they can have access to food. With everything that is in me, I wish this position was delusional.
But the mounting evidence is demonstrating that it's not. The orthodox position is that no pharmaceutical drug will help
the way that their unholy vaccine will -- all evidence to the contrary -- let along the simple, natural cures that are out
there in the market, like therapeutic dosages of Vitamin C and zinc.
Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed -- You bet a much better idea of what the CV Hoax is about when you pan out and
grasp the larger agenda. The United Nations Agenda 2030, a completely demonic world plan to which 179 countries signed up for
in 1992, could not possibly be implemented unless you robotified the general population first so that there would be no
dissent. Rosa Koire is a property rights expert, whose skills were employed in laying the groundwork. When she learned
what the Agenda really was, she became a whistleblower. Her message is that Agenda 2030 is about total world control and
domination and the implementation of "one world government" from one centralized administration. Coronavirus is the first
in a long series of steps that will allow Lucifer's followers to attain to that goal.
Despite Death Projection Getting Slashed, Fauci Still Calling for Radical Lifestyle Changes --
This is no joke. This Satanist actually said this: "I don't think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you.
Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease the incidence of influenza dramatically
in this country." . . . It's all nonsense. 100% nonsense. These are ramblings that are perfect for the irrational germophobes
of the world. Howard Hughes would have totally related.
How To Protect Yourself From Long Term Pandemic Lockdown -- "People desperately want to believe that this will all be over
in a matter of weeks... Understand that there is NO coming back from this event in terms of the economy..."
"We Can't Give Our Product Away" - Farmers Toss Thousands Of Acres Of Fruits, Veggies As Sales Plummet --
People thought I was crazy a few weeks ago when I suggested that this is a globalist plan to starve out Americans. Yet every day more
reports are surfacing that food production is going to waste. The U.S. is becoming a nation of hungry or nutrient-deficient citizens.
Where are the products they need ending up? Well, we know that a lot of them are ending up in the dumpster.
New brain-damaging disease "Stupid-19" makes people think the coronavirus is a HOAX -- I like Mike Adams (NaturalNews)
-- I really do. Both personally and professionally.
I've known him since 1999. I've met him before, been interviewed by him, and I agree with the position he takes on the
majority of his articles. I also post on his new video channel, Brighteon.com -- his answer to the dreadful censorship going on at YouTube.
He's made a huge contribution to exposing the many falsehoods perpetuated by the Medical Industrial Complex, including Big Pharma.
But this article is shot through with inaccurate statements, and it attempts
to call into question obviously falsehoods about the official CV narrative and label its adherents, "pandemic deniers." He calls the
CV truth movement, "Stupid-19" (after CoVid-19). It pains me to point out glaring misstatements in his article which simply must be put straight.
Below I come to the defense of David Icke and I make the necessary corrections:
That there is no covid-19 virus. -- Icke is not saying that the phenomenon does not exist.
He's simply correctly pointing out the same thing that Thomas Cowan, M.D., Andrew Kaufman, M.D., Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Arthur Firstenberg,
and many other brilliant medical minds have seen: that what we call a "virus," is the by-product of a toxic condition in the body.
Influenza viruses are not the same as bacteria, fungi, or protozoa. They're not living. They're not alive. They don't reproduce, and they are not
contagious. They are endosomatic products of your own body. Firstenberg cites numerous studies in both human and animal subjects where
attempts were made to MAKE viruses contagious. They all failed miserably. Modern medical hangs on to a different narrative, much like
they've hung on to Pasteur's Germ Theory or Robert Koch's Postulates, not because they are true, but because these models are better for
business. A man of Adams' stature should know this. He's talking as if he doesn't.
That PCR gene analysis technology doesn't work. Oh -- it works alright. Just like chemotherapy works 3% of the
time -- a fact that Adams admit to. It works at making money. It just doesn't provide useful diagnostic data. How could it with its sky high
false positives.
That all the deaths would have happened anyway, but are being re-categorized as covid-19 through some
grand conspiracy involving tens of thousands of doctors, nurses and coroners. If the shoe fits, wear it. Credible reports HAVE surfaced
that clinicians are being strong-armed into reporting deaths from other causes as Coronavirus casualties. As I've reported below, it's in
the CDC's own documents. Besides, Icke never says that ALL deaths are unrelated to the CV phenomenon. He simply points out that there is
false reporting going on at the encouragement of agencies that have a vested interest in a CV vaccine -- which, when you study Firstenberg's
evidence, you realize will never exist -- never exist in the sense that it is impossible to create a vaccine that would be a viable
therapeutic agent against an endemic toxic response that your own body produces.
That all healthy cells in healthy people excrete covid-19-like virus material when stressed, which is why covid-19 tests
keep finding covid-19. Icke never says that, nor do the other contrarians above who stand on solid scientific ground. CoVid-19 is the
product of specific electromagnetic conditions, just like previous influenza viruses that Firstenberg cites voluminously. Adams is calling
people stupid, when he himself is obviously unfamiliar with what the extant literature in this discipline has already determined -- which
isn't like him.
That ANYONE can "test positive" for covid-19 since the test only spots routine genetic material that's found in the
body of every living person. Sorry -- but that is correct, and Dr. Cowan goes to great lengths to explain why this occurs. We all have
hundreds of different viruses floating around in our body at any given time. The average American adult, in one study I read, is a carrier
of five of eight different herpes strains. The CV test is highly flawed, and I just suppose Adams hasn't taken the time to investigate it.
That doctors can ramp up or ramp down the number of infections they want to find by simply altering the PCR replication
of genetic material in test samples. It isn't that doctors are doing this deliberately. It is an inherent flaw in the test itself,
which is why the creator of the test has gone on record stating that his test should never have been used for its current CV application.
Dr. Cowan provides all the relevant data. I believe it because I've worked with prostate cancer sufferers who didn't know how laughably
flawed the PSA test is and -- same situation -- its creator says that the use of his test for prostate cancer is a misapplication.
All the 100+ nations around the world have faked their own economic collapse scenarios, faked all the cremations
of dead bodies and rigged lockdowns for no reason in order to pull off some sort of global prank. Icke never says that.
My take is that most governments are just following orders from the global elite and don't want to be put in a position where the
MSM, which the Medical Industrial Complex controls, can make them look irresponsible. Lower level politicians are every bit as ignorant
as the general public. Remember -- all governments (that I know of) support chemotherapy in their hospitals
for the treatment of cancer, despite a "success" rate of around 3%. Just that alone is hugely
scandalous, so with this in mind it's easy to see they could be lead to "keep to the party line" on the CV nonsense.
Icke claims covid-19 is actually being caused by 5G cell towers alone. This is unfortunate since 5G exposure may be a
co-factor in the loss of structure and function of hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells, but that's only a co-factor. 5G alone cannot
explain the exponential spread of the coronavirus which almost perfectly follows the spread pattern of a transmissible infectious pathogen. --
That's complete nonsense. Again, Adams hasn't read the extant literature on unsuccessful tests that were made to try and MAKE flu
contagious. As I've said repeatedly, I had CoVid-19 myself last month. Symptoms manifested on March 5 and I lived two days of hell,
taking everything I knew to halt the disease. I suffered with fatigue for an additional two weeks. No one around me, including my wife,
assistant, or employees caught the disease -- and where we live in the country, nobody wears a silly mask, gloves, or takes other precautions.
Reports that have surfaced claiming that CV is an infectious pathogen come from highly questionable MSM sources. Same sources that will
tell you that chemotherapy has a high success rate when
there is not one credible study on earth that will confirm this.
It's almost as if the pro-Trump indy media has lost two hundred years of scientific knowledge and now
no longer believes in the germ theory. Why should they believe in it? It is so flawed that at the end of his life, Pasteur
himself disavowed it. Adams doesn't know his medical history. See The Curse of Louis Pasteur by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. (2000).
Learn how Pasteur rigged scientific studies to get the results he wanted, just like
Big Pharma financed medical studies are conducted today.
It turns out that I'm actually among the most science-educated persons in independent media, and I find myself now
arguing with others in the industry who can't solve basic math problems and don't understand the difference between atomic elements,
molecules, proteins and chromosomes. To them, it's all one giant mish-mash of foreign concepts, which is why David Icke manages to gather
an audience of similarly science-illiterate people who think that what he's saying makes sense. Mike will end up regretting saying
this. I like Mike. He's a great guy. But his knowledge of the disciplines involved in this debate pale in comparison to Cowan's,
Shiva's, Kaufman's, or Firstenberg's. I do medical research for a living, and yet when I read The Invisible Landscape, I realized
that my knowledge in this area was paltry compared to his. Firstenberg has spent the last 30 years completely focussed on the relationship
between electromagnetic phenomena and disease. Adams is in no position to talk down to him -- especially since it is obvious that Adams
has made no attempt to read his 560 page tomb, the last 160 pages of which are bibliography. Firstenberg doesn't just bury his critics.
He machine-guns them with a Himalayan mountain of indisputable facts until they have -- speaking figuratively -- no DNA left.
I've never seen anybody, regardless of their position on this issue, display such extraordinary erudition on a medical subject.
For Adams to imply that Firstenberg is STUPID is beyond groundless. Adams is no match for Firstenberg on this subject -- yet Adams
implies that those who disagree with him on this issue never made it past high school chemistry or biology.
The only reason Icke has an audience on this subject is because the masses of illiterate people also suffer
from Stupid-19. You, the reader, shouldn't listen to Adams or myself. You should listen to the interview yourself.
Listen to the numerous references and logic that Icke uses. Do these sound like the ramblings of a stupid person? I've been following
Icke for years. I've read roughly seven of his 21 books. If you think for yourself and do your research, you'll realize that Icke's
position is anything but stupid.
Brian Rose of LondonReal.tv wouldn't have allowed his platform to be used to spread horribly wrong disinformation that will
quite literally lead to people being killed by complacency. [sic] -- Poor grammar aside, the only thing that will kill people is
the coming vaccine that Adams is inadvertently promoting. Icke talks plenty about the dangers of complacency. It's been a major part of
his message for 30 years. Adams comment is not only misplaced, but it reflects a lack of knowledge of Icke's work.
Brian Rose has also interviewed Neil Degrasse-Tyson, who no doubt would vehemently disagree with David Icke's
claim that viruses aren't real and that covid-19 isn't caused by an infectious disease at all. True. But Neil Degrasse-Tyson is
an establishment shill -- no different than Pasteur in his time. He reminds me of that old saying by historian, Gary North:
"Always beware respectable people, because they are beholden to the institutions that are the source of their respectability."
He let Icke roll out extremely bad misinformation grounded in science illiteracy without halting him with
basic questions like, "If the virus isn't real, then why did China enforce draconian quarantine measures that nearly destroyed its
domestic economy in order to stop the spread of the virus?" -- First of all, nothing Icke said was "grounded in science illiteracy."
Maybe we weren't listening to the same interview. Icke came to the gunfight heavily armed with references, sources, and facts. Secondly,
China worked hand-in-hand with WHO -- they were thick as thieves -- to set the global template for the rest of the world. China left those
quarantine measures after about six weeks. I talk to suppliers in China all the time. For effect, citizens still wear masks, but in every
other respect, the Chinese people are walking around, carrying on their normal lives. What is the rest of the world doing?
They are following China's initial lead, while WHO shills in the U.S. alone are using that template to destroy the American economy.
What China did was sacrifice
her queen to checkmate her opponents' Kings. It's an absolutely brilliant Chess move. This level of geopolitical mastery appears to be going over
Adams' head, I'm sorry to say.
Apparently, David Icke believes that China, Iran, Italy, Spain, France, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada,
the UK, the United States and nearly a hundred other countries all got together and simultaneously agreed to run a global lockdown hoax
and destroy their own domestic economies as part of a worldwide hoax. That's literally what he believes. Such a belief is insane.
There is no scenario under which all those countries would shake hands and agree to destroy their own domestic economies for a hoax.
And why wouldn't they if the real rulers -- not the puppet policians, but the real rulers -- told them to? Every one of the countries
mentioned has in place a fake system of fiat currency -- money backed by nothing, and they all act in unison to support that system.
They all acted the same way in response to the AIDS epidemic -- long after brilliant researchers were able to demonstrate that the
HIV / AIDS model was completely bogus, and AZT (the cure) killed more people than the "virus" ever did.
Jon Rappoport ("AIDS, Inc."), Bryan Ellison ("Why we will never win the war on AIDS"), and world-class virologist, Peter Duesberg
("Inventing the AIDS Virus") contributed to show the world what a money-making scam the entire AIDS affair was. I've never
seen the work of any of them properly refuted. Instead, what we get is kindergarten name-calling, such that anyone who questioned
yet another huge viral scam (pun intended) got labelled an "AIDS denier."
Coronavirus is just a repeat performance on a grander scale. The Elite have come back for seconds. Adams -- for as
super knowledgeable as he thinks he is -- understands none of this.
David Icke and other pandemic denialists are complicit in the deaths of these people.
They share the responsibility for those deaths. On the contrary, and, again, it pains me to say this, but by this action
Adams is supporting a position that will kill more people who take the vaccine than all of those who died during the Corona
phenomenon -- whether they had underlying conditions or not.
Those are the main points. What follows is mostly regurgitations of what you see above.
I urge people -- to listen to the available videos by the doctors whose names I list above, and if you are able to get a copy,
I urge you to read Firstenberg's book, even if you find it a little bit over your head. I also recommend Vladimir N. Binhi's
book, Magnetobiology: Underlying Physical Problems, for those of you with a strong science background. I strongly applaud what Icke has been doing, and I strongly encourage my fellow world
citizens to do their own research and uncover what I truly believe is the single greatest hoax in the history of modern civilization.
The endemic particulate matter that people are calling Coronavirus is real. People are dying from this, though the evidence is overwhelming
that the numbers are being inflated, by design.
So the phenomenon is an epidemiological reality. What is fake and fraudulent are the ideas that this is contagious,
that viruses are living, reproducing organisms, and
that 5G and other changes in the electromagnetic milieu in which humans now live isn't the primary, if not sole, causative agent of
the health crisis itself. In 2019 and prior years thousands of scientists, most of them doctors and Ph.D's, signed petitions from around the world,
and submitted them to governmental agencies, warning of the results of 5G implementation. We are seeing the results of what they predicted.
However, to listen to Mike, all of them are STUPID, too, and none of them know anything about science. The Mike Adams that I know is a good, honest man. I believe with the passage of time,
he will change his position. It isn't anything any of the rest of us haven't done in the course of our careers.
Bill Gates Pessimistic on Schools Reopening, Economic Outlook -- Of course, he's pessimistic.
The fabric of his fake narrative to scare people into a mandatory vaccine that cannot and will not protect them against
an endemic virus is burning all to hell, and his pressure on Big Tech companies to silence those making the 5G / Conoravirus
connection isn't working. This guy has invested billions in vaccine related projects over the years. Now he has to be
one pissed off Reptilian billionaire.
Ezekiel Emanuel: 'We Cannot Return to Normal Until There's a Vaccine,' Could Be 12-18 Months -- That's how
insane the pro-vaccine hucksters are. I had to read the whole article, because at first I thought I was reading something from Comedy Central.
Here is the juice part. This dirtbag -- same guy who engineered Obamacare -- actually said this:
"Realistically, COVID-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. We will not be able to return to normalcy until we find
a vaccine or effective medications. I know that's dreadful news to hear. How are people supposed to find work if this goes on
in some form for a year and a half? Is all that economic pain worth trying to stop COVID-19? The truth is we have no choice."
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT: French Prostitutes Demand Coronavirus Govt Cash Bailout -- An organization representing
France's sex workers argued that a sex worker bailout "would be the only solution to prevent the risk-taking associated with
performing sex work." I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But isn't this line of work a little bit risky in the first place?
Don't rely on supplements to treat or prevent the Covid-19 virus -- Yeah, right. This is our little English speaking
online rag here in Cuenca, Ecuador: CuencaHighLife. It supports a local pro-Big Pharma writer named Susan Burke March. Read this article
to see just how far these people are going in attempting to get people to avoid taking supplements. Never mind that there is an enormous amount
of clinical data to support the benefits of Vitamin C and zinc supplements -- products I do not sell -- which I've discussed extensively on this blog.
April 9, 2020 -- Morning
Critical posts from last night -- Please go through the posts from yesterday.
Additions were made right up to midnight. The last David Icke interview with London Real is critical watching.
Big Tech is peeing all over themselves. Find out why.
Youtube Bans 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory -- Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones weigh in on
the banning of any attempt to highlight the causal connection between 5G and Coronavirus. Watson incorrectly says that
Iran has not been subjected to 5G. How would he know? Because CNN reported it? He also doesn't know that the virus
is not contagious. Other than this, excellent observations -- including WhatsApp now making it so you can't forward
a message to more than 5 people, since too many people are talking about 5G causing Coronavirus.
Pandemic is Planned! Bill Gates ID2020 Exposed! -- Advance to 1:00 to get past the intro stuff.
The crypto / blockchain folks are now throwing their hat into the ring. This video proves that this Corona nonsense has been
on the drawing board for a very, very long time. New horrific information is coming out on the contribution of ID2020.
They'll be taking this down soon.
The Truth about MMS (chlorine dioxide) that they don't want you to know -- I used MMS when I got
CoVid-19, and so have other people I know. It made a big difference. Now, mind you, it is in no way, a substitute
for the minimum 5,000 mg. of Vitamin C you should be taking
daily or the 60 mg. of zinc -- but it holds a wide range of opportunistic pathogens at bay when you get sick.
Plus it's cheap. I've used it personally -- on and off -- for 20 years now.
Big Pharma and their evil minions in the media will never tell the truth about it. See
my coronavirus essential self-defense page.
Surrendered Without A Shot -- "Perhaps the most distressing aspect of this whole ordeal
is that Americans have surrendered to panic and propaganda without a shot." he Global War on Germs will put the Global War on Terror to shame.
Barr: Media Have Been on a 'Jihad' to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine -- And why is that, boys and girls? Because the
goal from inception was about getting everyone forcibly vaccinated. Truth is, clinical feedback suggest that
hydroxychloroquine is not even as effective as high dosing on Vitamin C
and zinc when it comes to treating CoVid-19.
Mnuchin says he thinks US businesses could reopen in May -- This could signal a retreat. One insider claims
that Trump has tried to fire Mnunchin twice, at which point Mnunchin told Trump: "Let's get something straight. I don't work for you.
I work for the Rothschilds (world bankers)."
Banned from YouTube: David Icke's Explosive Interview with London Real [HD 480P] -- I can understand why
YouTube would ban this video. I watched it all very carefully, and there is no way that one can watch this video without
concluding, "How incredible that the officials of this world could have ever been so successful in proving humanity so
gullible and utterly stupid as to buy this Corona Fraud?"
Is Fauci Ignorant of the Scientific Literature? -- Of course, he's not. Nor are any of the promoters of
vaccinations. Do you think these people -- who have planned this event for many years -- aren't aware of the things that
Mother Nature provides -- or which are available pharmaceutically -- which constitutes potential competition? Of course, they are.
But the goal is not to cure the public. The goal is enslave the public. Hydroxychloroquine won't do that. But their vaccine will.
Some Headlines on What Works and Why Vaccinations Probably Won't -- This from Paul Craig Roberts.
The most revealing part of the newsletter was about a study I hadn't read yet: "Chloroquine is a zinc isonophore.
This means that Chloroquine empowers zinc's ability to defeat Covid-19." Why is this important? It, too, implies that
whatever 5G does to the body, it creates a zinc deficiency. Both increasing zinc supplementation and better enabling zinc
to function will defeat the disease. Will any vaccine do that? No -- because that's not what it is intended to do.
Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview -- I was expecting this.
Like everything else, the role of Big Tech isn't to inform the public. Their job is enforce the common narrative,
the narrative of the "controllers," no matter how fake and fabricated. In fact, their role in reinforcing the fake
and fabricated is an imperative. Does this perplex you? Go back and read Caton's Razor.
So the assault against any and all evidence, the veritable mountain of proof, affirming a causal connection between
5G and coronavirus will continue. Now. Forever. Secula seculorum. Amen . . . guaranteed.
YouTube moves to limit spread of false coronavirus 5G theory -- Same thing. Different angle.
Note: "The 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory is 'dangerous nonsense'" --- Oh my! Dangerous? Really? Is it more dangerous than hundreds
of people dying worldwide from 5G-induced radiation poisoning, which tens of thousands of scientist tried to warn us about prior
to its implementation? What makes it dangerous? That it might interfere with certain globalist agendas? If you don't see the
transparency in all this, stop reading now.
5G has no link to COVID-19, and Facebook, YouTube are taking down posts --
"Influencers and Russia are pushing conspiracy theories that link the coronavirus to the new, super-fast wireless technology." Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We got the memo. Maybe we need to unearth Robert Mueller from the grave and start a new Russia investigation. Have you noticed that certain
people are completely immune to embarrassment when they peddle this obvious nonsense.
New Projections Show Virus Spreading Twice As Fast As Expected -- So people aren't taking CoVid seriously enough?
With the multitude of new 5G installations, we'll just increase the amplitude of transmission and increase the case numbers. Easy, peasy.
Bankrupting America -- Your beloved leaders are using CV has an opportunity to stick their pig snouts deeper in the
feed trough than they ever have before. We need to remove "scandalous" from the English dictionary. This all comes at your expense. As always.
"The Culture of Make Believe" : Presentation
Trumps Substance. Well crafted lies are more important than simple truths. I stole that line, actually.
The Culture of Make Believe is the title of one of Derrick Jensen's books (2004), but it aptly describes one of the
reasons we're in the mess we're in. This nurse -- her name is Imaris Vera -- is shown going into hysterics about nurses being forced
to care for CoVid patients without a mask -- without protection -- and laments that "America is not prepared!" (For what, you ask?
For the CoVid holocaust that globalist members of the Elite are now nightly masturbating over in sheer anticipation, while you stay
at home in your hampster cage.) We're lead to this point by Leftist "identity politics" which affirms that you "should always believe
the woman (because women are incapable of lying -- trust them -- it's a genetic kinda thing)." Any truth to this? No -- it was a complete scam by a woman who has a clinical history of
mental instability. The scam was exposed by, among others, WesternJournal.com, is a stinging expose entitled,
Nurse's Viral Video on Hospital's Mask Shortage Was a Complete Lie -- And the Media Fell for It.
To look at the video itself, it's very convincing. Hollywood actresses have taken home Oscars for not acting this well.
But it's a lie. Great presentation. Real tear-jerker. But it's all a lie, and CBS promoted the hell fire out of it.
This is the second time in a week that CBS News has gotten caught with their pants down around their knees. About a week ago,
the alternative media called them on the carpet for
using hospital video from an Italian hospital, claiming it
was shot in New York. CBS News is now competing with CNN and The New York Times for most prolific fake news
organization. The problem is, it is this same insouciance to reporting anything that has a shred of truth to it that launched
the surrealistic Coronavirus terror show in the first place.
Coronavirus / Vaccine U.S. Patent : Issued November, 2018 ` -- That's when a patent was issued to use coronavirus for vaccine production.
I guess the general thinking here is that if the destruction of your family, your way of life, the general economy, and your future,
is right in your face, you just won't notice.
CDC began hiring people for "quarantine" program last November -- Here's something else that's "in your case."
Here the CDC was and is hiring people to assist with their "quarantine program." It's a "Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program)" request.
If this doesn't prove to you that this whole thing was engineered, nothing will.
BILL GATES ON 7 BILLION VACCINES DARK SECRET REVEALED -- If you don't watch anything else from today's posts,
WATCH THIS. Among revelations: The vaccine will make you sick. There are elements that are in error, but on balance, most of the
information in this video is correct.
Coronavirus Fact not Fear - Government Killer -- Essential that you watch this. I mean it. This poster uses the
governments' own data to show that the entire Corona terror campaign has no merit. The common narrative has been edit in an
attempt to destroy us.
Medical Martial Law 2020 -- The Corbett Report demonstrates that the seeds of the CoronaHoax go back as
far as 2009.
Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation? --
We already know that it does.
"What's especially horrifying about the critical care of coronavirus patients is that they aren't suffering from 'viral pneumonia,'
but rather from an inability to absorb or carry oxygen in the blood." This has been confirmed by NYC ICU emergency physician,
Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who has released several videos detailing how coronavirus is not a kind of viral pneumonia.
"We're treating the wrong disease," he says. And the ventilators are damaging the lungs of patients. Amazing isn't it?
What is the official solution to all this? A vaccine, of course! I guess if you can a CV vaccine, your body won't need
oxygen anymore! Isn't modern medicinal technology just so bitchin'? I wonder if you'll be able to swim underwater now
without an oxygen tank, now that we won't need oxygen anymore! (NaturalNews)
April 7, 2020
Police State: Woman Pulled Over, Fined $200 for 'Going on a Drive' -- There is a danger
in questioning the authority of the Agents in the Matrix. "If you leave your hampster cage, we will find you, we will fine you,
and we may arrest you." There is no virus they could possibly come up with that merits this kind of treatment.
Race Against Time: Scientists Find 'Possible Achilles Heel' as Fauci Warns Virus Could Go Seasonal --
As I discuss in my book, Black Salve, the entire medical
establishment has one prime directive, "The patient you cure is the customer you lose." Dr. Anthony Fauci is now the most
visible public figure who promotes this toxic agenda. The goal? To make CV a disease that you never get rid of and which
requires treatment from now until they day you die. And to ensure perpetual treatment, they need an agent that will ensure
that you never get well. That is why we have this unending mantra circulating through the complicit MSM day and night,
"You must get the vaccine. You must get the vaccine. You must get the vaccine." How thoroughly transparent.
Hydrochloroquine stops the harmful effects of 5G, and this makes sense because this drug
is known to "stop the harmful effects of radiation in most cases -- This is just a Twitter post, but what it signifies
is that an arcane area of medicine involving the use of hydrochloroquine to emeliorate the harmful effects of radiation therapy
is beginning to go viral. Studies abound. If you have a background in medical research, check out
this little gem from Radiation Research.
This further reinforces the causal connection between hydrochloroquine as a therapeutic agent and coronavirus, which is the result
of 5G radiation. The false narrative now promoted by the Medical Industrial Complex and its evil minions in the MSM,
negating the connection is beginning to bleed out through all orifices.
Frightening facts to consider -- I received email from an associate with an email that appears to be making the
rounds. This is one case where I'm not going to spend several hours "fact checking," and I'm not going to weigh in except for some
closing comments at the end. You're going to have to some to your own conclusions.
It's it strange and unexplainable?
Wuhan to Shanghai = 839km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1,152km
Wuhan to Milan = 15,000km
Wuhan to NY = 15,000km
The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, yet there is no effect of Coronavirus in nearby Beijing or Shanghai,
but many deaths in Italy, Iran, European countries and USA.
All business areas of China are now safe.
America is not just blaming China without a reason.
Even today, India is locked down but all the cities of China are open. China has also announced the opening
of Wuhan from April 08. Not a single leader in China has tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus.
The virus has ruined many economies around the world. Many have had to close their borders in an attempt to contain and
control the spread of the Coronavirus. Thousands have lost their lives, millions have now got this disease, countless people
have been locked in their homes and many countries have placed their citizens on lock down.
The Coronavirus originated from the city of Wuhan in China and has now reached every corner of the world, but the virus did
not reach China's capital Beijing and China's Economic Capital, Shanghai, located in close proximity to Wuhan itself.
Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, Tokyo is closed, the
world's major economic and political centers are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open. No Coronavirus effect is
seen in either cities. There were only a few cases, but the virus had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai.
Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, including their military leaders. There is no lock
down in Beijing.
Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy. It is the economic capital of China, where all the rich people of China
live and run major industries. There is no lock down there, there is no effect of the Coronavirus there.
Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjoining Wuhan. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus
did not affect Beijing and Shanghai.
Another big thing is, that the worldwide share market has fallen by almost half. In India also the Nifty has gone from
12,000 to 7,000, but the share market of China was at 3,000 and just merely dropped to 2,700.
This leaves one to speculate that the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China, which China used to carry out destruction
in the world in order to gain economic supremacy.
China has now put this virus under control, maybe they also have the antidote or vaccine that they are not sharing with the
world ever or will do when it is in their best interest to do so.
Hollywood stars, Australia's Home Minister, Britain's Prime Minister and Health Minister, Spain's Prime Minister's wife,
Canada's Prime Minister's wife, and Britain's Prince Charles, among others, have contracted the Coronavirus, but NOT A SINGLE
POLITICAL LEADER IN CHINA, NOT A SINGLE MILITARY COMMANDER in China have tested positive for Coronavirus.
First of all, the comment about a "vaccine" is purely bogus. I can attest to this much:
I talk to people all throughout
China, because it's where I source a lot of raw materials that I'm not able to source elsewhere. As far as I can tell, Chinese is open
for business. They're shipping orders. Their people are reporting to work. They express genuine happiness that "our Corona
nightmare is over with." They confess that there are cases that pop up here and there, but it is not impeding their ability
to function in a normal way. This very week, I'm spending thousands of dollars for raw materials and the Chinese companies
I work with are making what I need and shipping. Again, I can't attest to all the statements made in this missive. One, as i said,
the vaccine comment, is complete nonsense. I DID talk to one Chinese saleswoman there who offered to send me -- at no charge,
just as a courtesy because I'm a customer -- "an herbal combination that Chinese doctors here are using to cure the virus."
I'm not embellishing. That's exactly what she said. We talk on WhatsApp. Chinese is a the ideal model for a New World Order. A few people at the top,
running the show. And everybody else works in sweat shops. You know about Chinese sweat shops, right? It's the place where
your iPhones, computers, and most of your household appliances are made. It's where they give production workers just enough
to barely survive, and the leadership lives in luxury. It is the very model that most corporate heads around the world
salivate over. The general view is that workers in the U.S. and other first world countries have been living too well for
far too long, so now it's time to put them in the sweat shops, and eliminate the elderly, sick, and other "useless eaters"
who aren't doing their part to keep the sweat shops of the world open. Here's the problem: how do you get the public moved
in that direction without suspecting they're getting sodomized? Well, Coronavirus solves all that. And a gullible public
is allowing itself to be lead by the nose to the slaughterhouse without knowing the wiser.
Dr. Michael 'Big Short' Burry Blasts "Unjustifiable" Lockdowns As "Most Devastating Economic
Force In History" -- Dr. Burry is a very smart man -- his
Asperger's aside. (I've spoken to psychologists who feel that people with this disorder are akin to "idiot savants": crippled
socially but often super brilliant in their respective fields.) In any event, Burry -- also a medical doctor -- is also stating
the obvious: there is nothing this virus could have possibly done that is worse than what governments are doing to destroy their
own peoples. (Hint: there's an agenda.)
New York Reports Largest Single-Day Jump In Deaths As COVID-19 Optimism Fades: Live Updates -- This is
predictable. When you've got the CDC pressuring doctors to declare people who die of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, drug overdose,
and every known medical condition that can take you out, as "coronavirus" on the death certificate, this is what you get.
This is an engineered phenomenon. The CV is a huge threaet. The torture must continue. People must continue to get cooped
up in their cages. It's an essential. We don't have the vaccine ready yet that we can threaten the public with. And people aren't
hungry enough yet to accept a vaccine in exchange for government-issued food. No one is let free until they are vaccinated.
Bill Gates has said it himself. Why should we doubt him when the evidence supports his clearly stated agenda?
No, Mr. Boomer, We've Run Out of God Pills -- "Thanks to this mass induced insanity we have a society that is
uncomfortable with the risk of living, thanks to a Nanny State that is more Oedipal Mother than the usual Abusive Father."
Modern Medicine Knew of Zinc Cure For Coronavirus Infections A Decade Ago But Failed To Put Into Practice --
There is no money in prescribing vitamin or mineral supplementation, so it is not important. Even when the cause of a medical condition can be
traced to a nutrient deficiency. Here's the proof: When is the last time that a medical doctor ever sat you down and asked you
about your diet? How often do physicians ever test for deficiencies?
The Criminal Anti-Swede Government of Sweden Brought the Joys of Diversity to the Swedish People --
This also comes to us, courtesy of Paul Craig Roberts. The Swedish government is a case study in modern democracy: where the goal is
not to represent the interests of the people you claim to represent, but rather to exploit those you claim to represent while
pretending to care about their welfare.
BUSTED! Bill Gates Slips, Reveals TERRIFYING Coronavirus ENDGAME, Ted Talk Covers It up -- I've already discussed both
Bill Gates' comments on CV ("digital immunity proof") and comments by one of the Fed chiefs. It's amazingly demonic and puts the real
agenda of the hidden CV agenda out on display for all to see who pay attention. This is the goal of the surveillance state.
Hydroxychloroquine rated 'most effective' coronavirus treatment, poll of doctors finds --
This also reported by Roberts. What is noteworthy is not that this drug is rated "effective" -- (in my opinion, it doesn't rate
with Vitamin C and zinc supplementation, because no drug can cure a condition that induces a mineral deficiency). What is noteworthy
is that this, alone, should put an end to the quarantine. Will it? Of course, not.
COVID-19: Sheeple, Pandemic, and Medical Coup Power Grabs -- This comes from Sam Vaknin, author of
Malignant Self-love:
Narcissism Revisited -- Sam practically pulls his hair out trying to figure out how people could be so breathtakingly stupid
to buy the official CV narrative. One humorous example: 38% of beer drinkers surveyed in the U.S. are swearing off consuming that
brand because of fears that it might get them infected. I would have laughed it is wasn't so true --- watching the demise of our entire
species because of such widespread zombiesque behavior. He makes reference to Charles Mackay's classic,
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds (1841) -- its observations more true today when when this was written,
180 years ago. He closes with as starting statistic from the National Institutes of Health -- only 20% of those who are being
tagged as dying of the Coronavirus on their death certificates are found to actually have died from the efffects of the Coronavirus.
This is consistent with what doctors are leaking nationwide -- namely, that they are being pressured to produce fake numbers to
try and maximize the CV kill count. Why is this being employed? To generate demand for this worthless vaccine. Similiarly, 88% of
those who are said to have died from CV had at least one serious pre-existing condition. Similarly, in Italy, there is credible
evidence surfacing that the kill rate of CV has been exaggerated by a factor of 25. Take 25,000 reported deaths and divide by 25,
and what do you get? Moreover, 50% of all the CV cases in Italy were above the age of 80. Moreover, 95% of all the CV cases in
Europe is above the age of 60. It is primarily a disease of "older people."
This isn't politically correct, of course, but it is a statistical fact.
Did this justify destroying the Italian economy? In the UK, Oxford Medical has estimated that 50% of the public
there has the virus. Do you see people piling up everywhere, drying of the resulting illness. Not at all.
European Union Approves Bugs For Human Consumption -- Up to this point,
your Elite were only exploiting you. It comes with the idea, "Well, if they're going to behave like cattle -- show no more intelligence
than cattle -- then they might as well be treated like cattle." That was before. Now they're laughing at you. Even among the Amazonian
indigenous that I have worked with, few actually incorporate bugs into their regular diet. There is one worm that is commonly consumed in parts
of Pastaza and Napo that I visited, but this primarily because of believed medicinal value.
China's Tourist Sites Overwhelmed With Crowds After Emerging From Lockdown --
"One popular national park over the weekend reached its daily capacity of 20,000 people." This is just more proof that the terrorist
agenda to which the majority of the world has been subjected has no basis in good health care policy. It's a power grab.
What is a Virus? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication -- Ok, I'll confess. We are way into
Woo Woo territory with this one. Anybody can "say" they have ET connections. Nonetheless, it's an interesting listen.
One of the major advisements: Under no conditions should you accept the vaccine. Period.
Trump Warns "There Will Be Death" As America Braces For "Seven Days Of Hell" And Globalists Stare Into Their Own Graves -- This is
from the Sorcha Faal website. It dovetails with the likes of David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, and "Q" -- which, sadly, I don't give a lot of credence to.
I mean, in over 10 years, when has Wilcock said anything that actually came true? Nonetheless, in a world of all possibilities, there is
an argument to be made that supports considering the improbable.
W.H.O. Official: "May have to enter homes and remove family members" -- Get a load of this New World Order
bullshit. It's just a 50 second clip where Tucker Carlson is reporting on the unthinkable: The United Nations (WHO) is now saying
that they MAY have to forcibly enter people's homes and remove family members. The abusive of such a practice is limitless.
April Fools Plandemic~ Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ Host Elkordy -- This came out 5 days ago. I've been interviewed
by Alfred, and he's has a very penetrating intellect. An attorney and former judge, Lambremont
calls the CV phenomenon and forthcoming vaccine a "war crime."
CoVid-19: How it Spreads, Know the Truth -- In case you haven't heard of him, meet "Richie from Boston."
("the asshole with a laptop"). Richie comes off a little rough around the edges, but his channel's reports are direct, to the point,
with no regard for official positions that are completely without evidence or merit.
He covers the usual territory that those who are aware already know:
a virus doesn't have DNA. It's not alive -- unlike bacteria or fungal organisms. It is the result of a toxic, diseased state and
not the cause of it. The dollar is soon to be gone. Universal (communist style)
income is coming. You'll need a digital passport to travel. All weapons confiscated. Vaccines that allow you to be tracked.
ID2020 belongs to Bill Gates. The corona patent belongs to Bill Gates. The coronavirus vaccine belongs to Bill Gates.
This guy's entire YouTube channel is living on borrowed time. Check out his videos (and download them) before they are taken down.
Other pointers: no way around vaccine, since they will have machines everywhere to detect whether you've been vaccinated or not.
A spell has been over the general population, who are acting like zombies, swimming in an ocean of gross disinformation. Brief interview towards
the end with Dr. Andrew Kaufman (M.D.): "A virus has never been proven to exist that causes disease." (That is, it is a
by-product of another causative agent -- in this case, 5G. )
Getting Real about Covid-19 and the Elite! --
YouTuber, Nicholson1968, contributes yet another voice negating the CV common narrative. The hoax from
a Christian perspective.
Bronx Zoo Tiger Tests Positive For COVID-19 -- I just tested some cockroaches in my garage.
Yup. They tested positive for coronavirus, too. Have no idea how I'm going to quarantine them. The truth is that 5G negatively
affects all carbon-based life forms. The same week that I got CoVid-19 in early March, one of my dogs, suffering from serious pneumonia and
a dry cough, died.
Bill Gates on his 2015 'virus' warning, efforts to fight coronavirus pandemic -- Right out of the start gate,
he says that if anything is going to kill 10 million people in the "coming decades," it will be a deadly virus, not a war.
Yeah. -- It will be something that you and your Luciferian billionaire buddies have cooked up, Bill. I'm posting this
Gates interview with Fox News, even though it's wall-to-wall horseshit, just so you can get a sense of how well
orchestrated this phenomenon is.
Cuomo To Seize Privately Held Masks and Ventilators, Scoffs at Legal Threats -- If they have the power to
steal your life at will, which is what they're exercising during this pandemic, then why shouldn't they feel entitled to steal
anything else you've got? People are going to have to find some way to begin hiding their valuables.
Rock me, Nostrasdamus! -- Here we go. Seems like every time we have a catastrophe, somebody has to dig up
Nostradamus. Both the Axis and Allied forces during World War II had propaganda pamphlets made up supporting the
position that Nostradamus predicted that THEIR side would win. Well, the prediction to the right has reportedly
been pulled out of one of Nostradamus's 942 prophetic quatrains and has been making the rounds. The exact book
from Nostradamus's The Prophecies nor its verse is quoted, so somebody could have just made it up.
That won't keep people from passing around this graphic, without citation. However, if true -- it's an amazing
representation of what's happening.
WA Gov. Inslee: While Trump Was Saying Coronavirus 'Was a Hoax,' We Were Saving Lives Well, if
the shoe fits, wear it. It IS a hoax. It is the greatest hoax of our lifetime. The virus is real, and the disease is real. But the
assumptions made to put the world into a lockdown are fake and fraudulent. I love it when politicians take credit for non-events, and
then expect the public to kiss their feet.
Ankle-Monitors Ordered For Kentucky Residents As Crackdown On 'Covidiots' Begins -- This is what happens when
you let tyranny run amok, and you don't question the garbage that the media feeds you to support it. If those in control could get away
with it -- and soon they probably will -- they have us all wear devices around our waists so they could measure how many grams we eject
every time we take a dump.
"No Hope": Canada's Nursing Homes Prepare For Mass Death --
"Ventilator treatment will not make a survival difference to patients who are frail..." Here's somethingt else that will not make
a survival difference to patients who are frail: the destruction of your food supply chain so that the elderly (and everybody else)
cannot get proper nutrition -- dumbass!
Did Bill Gates Just Reveal The Real Reason Behind The Lock-Downs? -- "Eventually we'll have certificates of who's a
recovered person, who's a vaccinated person... Because you don't want people moving around the world... this digital immunity proof will help
facilitate the global reopening up." We talked about this earlier, and this just confirms that the MSM was lying about their coverage
of it -- as is predictable. This was the agenda from the start. They needed to find a cover that a gullible public would accept
and they found it. How disgustingly evil.
American Ingenuity: COVID Vaccine Simply Applied to Skin Believed To Have Stopped Virus --
Your overlords know you will have doubts about this "tag every Homo sapien on earth like you're branding a herd of cattle" effort.
So they're going to spoon feed it to you. Little by litte. The idea is that your little pea-brain will accept the agenda if they
can lead you down the path of your own destruction in baby steps.
Suddenly, there's a new wave of "panic buying" of food across China -- The Chinese are brilliant.
Maybe there's something in the bat soup that increases IQ. The Chinese have figured out -- wait for it -- that if CoVid-19
doesn't take them down for the count, not having anything to eat will. They've also figured out that the government is not
here to help you in this matter. Quite the opposite.
This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment --
"Just two more months until we hit the peak." -- Ok, well here's the deal. You don't need advanced mathematics to figure this out.
In the U.S., Pope Fauci says that lockdown continues until "no more cases, no more (CV) deaths." From the data here, that's four months away.
So are we to understand that there will be anything left of the U.S. economy if the lockdown continues to early August? Is 5G really that
effective in turning people into complete lunatics?
Looting Wave Strikes New York City Amid Coronavirus Lockdown -- Gosh. Starving people who have no way
to work and no other source of sustinence do the craziest damn things, don't they? What is this world coming to?
Interestingly, it would appear that store owners are confident that potential looters aren't going to figure out how to
take down a 1/4" sheet of plywood. Imagine that.
This Is What COVID-19 Does To Your Body That Makes It So Deadly --
"As with SARS, most of the damage in COVID-19 is caused by the immune system carrying out a scorched earth defense to stop
the virus from spreading." If you read Firstenberg's work, you understand that this pattern has occurred with each and every
influenza flu pandemic that was initiated by a radical change in the earth's ambient electromagnetics.
And back in Ecuador -- Cases continue to increase, most predominantly
where 5G testing had been conducted in 2019. See graph above.
Covid-19 Deceptive Agenda, Censorship. Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, M.D. --
Why are all of this medical doctor's videos being censored on major video platforms.
Could it have anything to do with the fact that he, too, believes that the common narrative
is bunk? I highly recommend seeing this video, just so you know the extend
of High Tech censorship. Among the things that Dr. Buttar talks about:
the extreme danger of 5G, why you don't want to get vaccinated, what you need to
do to continue to get accurate information. "If you know the agenda, what is at
stake now is the very survival of humanity." He confirms that death certificates are
being massively altered to "Corona Virus" as the cause of death. He says a lot of
of this driven by life insurance concerns: there is a clause in most policies that
if the cause of death is a pandemic, the insurance company doesn't have to pay.
(CDC is pressuring physicians to list CV as a cause of death, even when it is clear
that it's obviously not.) CV is more about human population control.
This is what our lives have been reduced to.No work, no way to make a living,
the banning of seeds and end of sale of gardening tools -- (see below).
Do you still believe that whoever is behind this has your best interest at heart?
April 4, 2020
States Ban Sales of Seeds - Meat Packers Closed - Food Shutdown --
"Even as the UN warns of impending food shortages, states are banning the sale of seeds and garden tools to
"help" stop the coronavirus. Meat packers also are shutdown, and ranchers are warning they have a market for
neither cattle nor hogs. Start growing your own food now!" They're playing the public for fools.
Prosecute the Non-Believers! Citizen! Fulfill Your Civil Duty! Nark on your neighbor today!
Big Tech companies are now sending out notices like this in chat rooms and elsewehere in social media.
The type is small, so let's study this "official" message and talk about it:
"During the coronavirus crisis, misinformation -- (editor: read "the truth") -- is spreading rapidly
in the community via chat groups, social media, posts, and emails. If something pops up in your feeds or inboxes, please help us
by uploading screenshots, photos, videos or links, and tell us how it got to you . . . By sending it in, you are agreeing that we
can publish the material. We will remove all identifying information like phone numbers, email addresses, metadata, and we will only
identify you as the source if we get your permission . . . For further details about how the information we collect during crowdsourced
investigation is handled, see the
ABC Crowdsourcing Collection Statement.
What are witnessing the most severe, global display of totalarianism ever seen in the history of man.
U.S. Dollar Already Collapsing -- We associate with several companies who use Alibaba to source raw materials.
Now that Chinese factories are already opening, sales representatives are out in force attempting to increase the prices
of their products above and beyond the prices they posted in their Alibaba.com descriptions. What does this mean? It means
that the Chinese are leery of accepting U.S. dollars and they are already on the vanguard of looking out for looming
hyperinflation -- a precursor to the eventual demise of the U.S. dollar. We're in a fiscal game of musical chairs, and nobody
wants to be left without a chair when the music stops.
In The New Dystopia -- "It is difficult to neatly encapsulate the shift that has occurred in our collective perception
and experience over the last several weeks. That all semblance of 'certainty' and 'normalcy' has disappeared seems no longer the main feature
-- what stands out is the psychological shift underway, proceeding on the collective and individual levels."
Former British Supreme Court Justice: "This Is What A Police-State Is Like" --
"The former Supreme Court Justice, Jonathan Sumption, QC, has denounced the police response to the coronavirus, saying the country is suffering
'collective hysteria'" No, the People are suffering. The Political Class being paid to enforce this are doing just fine and will
continue to do so. There is nothing about the CV phenomenon that spells "shared pain."
Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society -- "Back in 2014 during the Ebola scare in the US I published
an article warning about how a global pandemic could be used by the elites as cover for the implementation of an economic collapse as well as martial
law measures in western nations. My immediate concern was the way in which a viral outbreak could be engineered or exploited as a rationale for a level
of social control that the public would never accept under normal circumstances . . ."
It's Time To Track The FDA's Death Toll -- The Food and Drug Administration helped turn the coronavirus from a deadly peril
into a national catastrophe. Long after foreign nations had been ravaged and many cases had been detected in America, the FDA continued blocking
private testing. The FDA continued forcing the nation’s most innovative firms to submit to its command-and-control approach notwithstanding the pandemic.
Wuhan Residents Believe COVID-19 Is 100 Times Worse Than Chinese Government Says, Report --
"Residents in Wuhan, the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, have told reporters that "nobody believes the official numbers" being touted by the
communist Chinese government, and that the general consensus is it could be 100 times worse than the world is being told." Well, of course
it's 100 times worse. Thousands of scientists tried to warn us that this would be the result 5G implementation BEFORE they began
installing it.
Facial Recognition Companies Profit From COVID-19 By Adding Thermal Imaging --
"If corporations, politicians and law enforcement can convince an apathetic public that facial recognition, thermal imaging and gun detection cameras
can keep us safe, then our privacy will vanish before COVID-19 runs its course." That was the goal in the first place, dummy.
See Bill Gates' Chilling Pandemic Warnings To Trump
-- Before The Coronavirus Outbreak Hit | MSNBC -- It's easy to predict something if you're a co-conspirator in the event
you're predicting. The point of this video is Gates' chiding Trump, essentially saying, "You should be getting everybody vaccinated
[using the vaccines I've invested in]." Trump didn't get everyone lined up to receive their elite-agenda-driven,completely worthless vaccines,
which do not and will not ever protect you from an "electromagnetic adaptation disease" like CoVid-19,
so now the (owned) media is roasting him for it.
Race for the Vaccine -- It is SOOOO vital to have the public vaccinated against a virus, when there is no
evidence that a vaccine can protect you against an "electromagnetic adaptation disease," like CoVid-19. The disinformation is
unending -- as the majority of it can be found emanating out of the MSM.
Joe Biden: "The CoronaVirus is a Hoax." -- I'll grant you: we don't have much context here.
It's a 4 second clip. The first thought that comes to mind is that perhaps severe dementia -- (which Joe Biden definitely has) --
makes some people MORE lucid. On the other hand, maybe ol' Joe just got slipped some truth serum.
Bill Gates Calls for a "Digital Certificate" to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine --
"Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that "digital certificates" will be used to identify who received the upcoming
COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not.
Here's how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020." Here we go.
Somebody just showed their poker hand. If you can't see the connection, maybe you should stop reading this blog.
When police investigate a murder, they look for a motive. In investigating the CoronaVirus, you need to do the same thing,
and we just found it. Predictably,
Reuters says it's "fake news", but others clearly read his comments on Reddit, and
what Gates said is quite unmistakable.. His stance on using microsoft implants to "fight coronavirus"
is well-established. People who work for the demonic leaves signs. Bill Gates is no different.
This comes to us from RidingTheBeast.com:
"The real name of Bill Gates, president of Microsoft, is William Henry Gates III. Today he is known under the name of
Bill Gates (III), where "III" the third. By converting the letters of his name using ASCII value
(lower-case letters), and by adding 3, we obtain: b(66) + i(73) + l(76) + l(76) + g(71) + a(65) + t(84) + e(69) + s(83) + 3 = 666.
Furthermore, someone also says that he earns $666/minute." This seems more than coincidental.
Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing --
Be responsible! Maybe this will go away if we all just hold our breath for 10 weeks. Is it just me? Or do you
sense, as well, that it isn't just Joe Biden. Everyone in government these days seems to be suffering from major "dain bramage"!
Speaking of which . . .
Coronavirus 'may cause brain damage' as dangerous swelling found in 'confused' patients --
Ya got it backwards there, buddy. Here's what causes major brain damage: listening to anybody in the MSM,
putting trust in medical authorities or anybody else from the Medical Industrial Complex, and giving credence to
their lackies (enforcers) in politics.
Coronavirus Australia: Queensland beach sunbathers could receive fines from police --
Read the article. This is irrespective of social distancing --- so --- Getting sufficient sunlight is no longer important.
Got that? Vitamin D is no longer an important nutrient, and since this is coming from
our most trusted medical authorities, it must be true.
The 5G / Corona connection can no longer be disputed: no matter how vigorously governments,
the media, and Big Tech exert pressure to deny, suppress and kill the facts. This video came out a month ago.
The title does the material a terrible disservice: "Best News Re CORONA virus you've heard all month." I'm sure they
chose this goofy title to get around the all-seeing eyes of the Big Tech censors.
We're reached the point where whenever truth is discussed, more and more effort is now required to use coded language,
coded imagery, and obscure references, to communicate real facts above the noise and the din of ubiquitous medical
propaganda. For all intents and purposes, nobody saw this video. Now that more and more evidence is surfacing that the people behind 5G
were fully aware of the horrific effects their technology would unleash on the general public, it is more important
than ever that the people who wish to understand what's really behind this gruesome phenomenon of government-sponsored
mass murder and impoverishment get the facts. If you don't KNOW the facts, or you don't have the time or the intellect
to understand Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow, you should at least invest 57 minutes to listen intently to
this fact-filled video. I recommend that you download it onto your computer and share it with everyone you know.
Facebook Censors Conservative Project Veritas Video On Coronavirus -- When Alexis de Tocqueville wrote
Democracy in America (1832) one of his many observations was that restrictions on thinking and freedom of expression in the U.S. -- even then --
was greater than at any time during the Spanish Inquisition. Were Tocqueville alive today, he would be stunned beyond belief at
the degree to which freedom of speech is suppressed. None of our ancestors, who fought to defend our civil liberties, would believe
the nadir to which we have descended. There is no other species in existence that allows one group to suppress the natural expression
of other members of their own species. Nor can you find an example quite like this in the entire history of world civilizations
where the ability of free citizens to naturally express themselves has been so severely restricted.
Elites Uber Alles -- Roberts' gives his assessment of this development:
"Twitter Forces Laura Ingraham to Delete Post on Chloroquine Helping Coronavirus Patients.
It seems virus cures are unwanted as they interfere with big-pharma vaccination profits." Is that what it is? Just profits?
Or there a more sinister plan here? Should we be foolish enough to ignore countless documents, and even a dedicated monument in Georgia,
that speaks of the need to kill off the majority of humanity and get world population down to 500 million?
Clowns in Panic! -- The new matrix is something more horrific than anything Orwell could have imagined.
The host makes the argument that we have to find a way to end it now, or we're finished.
Facebook removes anti-vaxxer's coronavirus video -- This is only part of the original video.
Everything that this Australian gentleman, Mr. Tom Barnett, says is true and verifiable. Yet how does Big Tech (Facebook) respond to it?
They say there is zero evidence to support Barnett's claims, when the fact is the opposite: there is a mountain of evidence to support
Barnett's claims. The truth is, there is no evidence anywhere to support the claim that 5G is safe.
This is yet another instance where Hitchin's Razor should apply:
"An assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
However, the current situation demands a more relevant corollary of this principle, itself rooted in pure common sense:
"An assertion made without evidence -- irrespective of how many voices
in government, media, and Big Tech support that assertion -- is even more dismissible when the contrary position is supported by a mountain
of evidence that officials demand that you ignore. The affirmation of an assertion by those in authority not only fails to confirm
validity or empirical truth, but is more likely to confirm its opposite. The interests of a People can never be aligned
with entities whose survival depend on the parasitical feeding off the creativity and labors of those same People.
Dishonesty and fraud are fundamental necessities of negaprocity (negative reciprocity). No parasite can advance its agenda without them.
No parasite can perpetuate its existence unless it can convince its host that its activities are either non-existent or benign,
if not beneficial. The closer a host comes to accepting the parasites' activities as beneficial, the closer that host comes to
embracing its own destruction."
There. You now have Caton's Razor. You now have a model to explain what the Corona Hoax is really about.
Medical Expert Sees 'Beginning of the End' in Coronavirus Fight with New Treatment Results --
"Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health in East Orange, New Jersey, said the remarkable
results he is seeing in his coronavirus patients using a combination of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic
azithromycin marks the 'beginning of the end' of the COVID-19 pandemic." Frankly, as an herbalist and naturopath, my feeling is that
hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, which do work -- too often with side effects -- are inferior to cheaper, more natural solutions,
such as MMS, Lugol's, and anti-viral herbs and essential oils -- the very things I used to get rid of my own CoVid-19 last month.
Nonetheless, I have no reason to believe these clinicians are lying, particularly since they know that their claims will end up having
to survive the harsh light of scrutiny. They're putting their reputations on the line, and they know it. The fact that none of this
is affecting public policy -- the fact that none of these discoveries are having a dent in the official position that we must continue with this
crazy lockdown is proof positive that the CV has just been a ruse to enforce a totalitarian agenda. Not even an hour ago, I received news that California passed legislation that students will
receive mandatory vaccines or they can't return to school. The same goes for medical personnel trying to return to work.
Politicians get paid off to pass
this crazy shit. Mandatory vaccinations will proceed
even if there is NO evidence of further CV infections. This reminds me of countless people I have known throughout my career who
have cured their cancers using natural methods. When they go back to their oncologist(s), they are told, "It doesn't matter that you're
cancer free. You still need to take chemo as a preventive." This is crazy talk. This is financial reward vetoing the dictates of
good health practices. In private, oncologists like to joke, "Our goal is to kill the cancer before the chemo kills the patient."
It's poison. They know it. A good 95% of them won't take chemo themselves. We have reached a point in the devolution of Western
culture where there is no such thing as an atrocity so great that it cannot be justified, as long as somebody in power is making a lot of
money doing it. We've reached a point where life itself has no value in the face of financial reward -- and over time, the threshold
for that financial reward has only been lowered. The only difference between many medical officials and "sicarios" is that the former
attempt to use science to justify their position as "hitmen." However, the end result is the same: both get paid to kill people.
"We're Gonna Vax the Shit Out of You Whether You Want It or Not" -- That ought to be the headline for
this article, whose header actually reads:
"Outrageous! Dr. Birx Went All-In on Bill Gates-Funded Coronavirus Model - Sits on Gates-Funded Foundation Board." Still want to know what's
driving this lockdown?
Medical Doctor Blows C-Vi-Rus Scamdemic Wide Open -- Andrew Kaufman M.D. -- Yet another practicing physician in
the wilderness begs the public to open their eyes. He and other physicians have come to the conclusion -- (a la Firstenberg, but independent
of him) -- that viruses are "exosomes" that are excretions of toxic cells. Kaufman examined electron microbe photographs of
exosomes, and found they WERE the viruses. The ancients understood this. "Virus" comes from the Greek, meaning "poison."
They are not transmittable. Exosomes are a response to illness and not a cause of illness. Exosomes are necessary because they
facilitate healing by devouring toxic matter.
COVID-19 Is Now The Third Leading Cause Of Death In The United States -- It helps that doctors all over the
U.S. have been urged to label CoVid-19 as the cause of death wherever and whenever possible -- regardless of symptoms or underlying
causes. I fully expect one or more medical whistleblowers to emerge indicating that they've had drug overdoses and those bleeding to
death froma gunshot wounds to be tagged "Coronavirus deaths."
'A perfect storm': US facing hunger crisis as demand for food banks soars -- They couldn't be trying to kill
us by starving us to death, could they? Surely, there are no recent historical examples of modern governments
wantonly starving out their own peoples, are there? Of course, not. Don't be silly!(Hint, hint: the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), Namibia (1904),
Ukrainian Holomodor (1932-1934 -- Josef Stalin), Armenia (1915-1916),
the Nazi Hungerplan (1941-1945), Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976 -- Mao Zedong), Pol Pat's Khmer Rouge campaign (1975),
Mozambique (1966-1973 -- under Portuguese control), the Ethiopian famine of 1983-1985, southern Sudan (1985-2004), Darfur (2003-2005)
and South Sudan (2013-2018), Yemen (2016-present). Just between these examples alone, we are talking about the mass starvation / extermination
by modern governments of over 150 million people).
My Take On Covid-19 "Conspiracy Theories" -- This comes from the esteemed Paul Craig Roberts.
Here's the short version: "I can't speak to the theories
themselves. I'm not that knowledgeable. But the lying-ass governments and media provided full justification for the uprising of 'alternative
explanations,' because they provided all the evidence that the average person needs in order to discount any and all official narratives."
In taking this approach, Roberts is taking a pass. He won't say. A man of his position and standing can't do otherwise.
But he provides the justification to allow for such "alternative explanations."
Important Note Before We Begin April -- The entries made in the closing days of March
were among the most important and significant to date, particularly for the dates March 28-31..
If you didn't peruse them you should, because they were vitally important.
Let's review the most important revelations include:
We now know with certitude that SARS-Cov-2, like all the influena flus that have
proceeded it, is not contagious.
The cause of CoVid-19, the basis for it earning the title of "pandemic," is 5G radio transmissions.
CoVid-19 like the major flu pandemics that have preceeded it over the past 131 years, is an electromagnetic adaptation disease.
The source of the virus is your own cells, responding to the cellular poisoning intiated by 60 GHz and other near-microwave
frequencies related to 5G, which are ten times stronger than anything used in 4G.
There is no such thing as a vaccine that can protect you against coronavirus. It doesn't exist now nor will it ever.
There are no credible studies anywhere that a vaccination will protect you -- quite the opposite.
Officials at the CDC in the U.S. and other government agencies worldwide knew that the "pandemic" was coming.
It is a highly coordinated, staged event. There is nothing accidental about it.
There are whistleblowers surfacing who are telling the public, at great risk to themselves, that the CoronaVirus political response is a hoax,
a fraud against the public, an exercise in grand medical propaganda, and it comes with an extremely dark agenda for world control.
Trump Tells America "Get Ready For A Painful 2 Weeks" As Task Force Goes 'All-In' On Mitigation -- The script is the same the world over.
Here in Ecuador, this was supposed to end on April 5. Now it's been extended to May 4. In Peru, this nonsense was scheduled to end on March 31. Now it's been
extended to April 30. Bill Gates says we should extend it for another 10 weeks. The Elite must be unhappy with the kill rate of their current 5G program,
so they are behaving as if the new maxim is: "If we can't take them out with our CoronaVirus program, we'll just keep them home and starve them to death."
Even here, we see signs of hungry people everywhere. Crime is skyrocketing. Here's the good news, though: social distancing is assured once they bury
you six feet under.
Supplies Are Starting To Get Really Tight Nationwide As Food Distribution Systems Break Down -- In his groundbreaking book,
Man & Society in Calamity (1943), Pitikim Sorokin tells the story of how during the time of the Weimar Republic, peoples most affected by the
travail of the First World War resorted to eating tree bark, and women prostituted themselves for a cigarette (a form of currency). Expand this trend
worldwide and this is the direction we're headed. Isn't world government so groovy?
There Are Multiple Strains Of Coronavirus; Here's What We Know -- In Chinese, they identified 40 different strains.
Even so, if you understand that 5G induces what I call "electromagnetic adaptation disease," then you understand that each "viral infection" is a different strain,
just as each personal has different and unique genetics. There are as many coronavirus strains as there are people who have the virus, which only make more
poignant how insanely ridiculous current testing procedures are and why they do not produce uniform results.
COVID-19: Ten Things To Think About -- "People need to start pushing back against this insanity." Geez, there's an idea.
I don't think anyone in the government ever thought about that happening. Maybe all those freshly mobilized MRAP's, Abram tanks, and troop movements
are intended to be used against the onslaught of locusts.
Welcome To The Post-Virus World: "A Return To 'Normal' Is Not An Option" -- The repetition of the contagion factor is misguided,
but this writer is right: we will never return to the way things were. The enforcement of these strict "social distancing" norms will forever affect
the average person's relationship to strangers. The fabric of social life has been irreversibly altered, and social capital has been decimated far
worse than anything they could do to the stock market.
Coronavirus: Medical Schools Hold Early Graduations to Put More Healthcare Professionals to Work -- Hell, they don't teach them
how to cure serious degenerative disease as it is now. And since they've installed computer programs to do most of the diagnosing and prescribing
for physicians, reducing most medical doctors to mere drug dealers, they might as well let them out four years early.
Guayaquil, Ecuador: Burning Dead Bodies in the Middle of the Streets -- You need to see the video, just so
you know I'm not making this up. Ignore the Spanish. You can see what's going on. It's a nightmare over there.
This is happening three hours from where I live. Why is it so bad there? Well, I've talked about
this before. Guayaquil is where Ecuador did most of its 5G testing last summer. Now we're experiencing the results.
Is America Preparing For Civil War? -- "The jump has no precedent in recorded history..." is how one analyst
described the stunning surge in estimated firearm sales indicated by data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National
Instant Criminal Background Check System latest report.
Bill Gates Calls for Complete National Shutdown -- Maybe Bill Gates and his minions of darkness in the pharmaceutical
world have figured out a way to justify getting people vaccinated after they're dead.
And now for something optimistic and uplifting! --
This one is entitled, "Signs The Globalists Will Use Covid-19 To Usher In The 'End Times One World Government' Warned Of In
The Bible With 'America' & 'Freedom' Being 'Indoctrinated' Out Of Existence" . . . can't be that bad, now can it?
I'm sure we're all gonna wake up soon and know that this was all one, big, bad nightmare!
President Trump Mulling Domestic Flight Restrictions -- Each day brings new restrictions and proposals for new
restrictions. How long before I need permission to go from my bedroom to my bathroom? Will I get to wipe my own ass?
Or do I need to get permission to do that, too?
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.