Sunday, Feb. 2 to March 1, 2020 -- For the past two months, we've
been monitoring the Wuhan coronavirus situation from a distance. In 2005 I happen to finally get around to
reading Laurie Garrett's The Coming Plague (1994), which does nothing if not give you a nasty sense that something
like this was coming down the pike. What I wasn't aware of -- certainly not prepared for -- was the high degree
to which the crisis would be engineered. (You owe it to yourself to see
a well-crafted video that Infowars
has created that covers crucial facts.) The other reason I didn't comment earlier is because I needed time to
sift through all the reports, many of which were either inconsistent, incongruent, or obviously penned by
government propagandists. In the end, I decided to work through a network of Chinese associates who are on
the ground in Wuhan and other affected areas of China. Before proceeding, I encourage you to read the previous
post, CoronoVirus: Truth vs. Medical Propaganda. Unlike other posts, this is one I will be updating periodically,
as new information comes out of China and other affected areas. Remember, in times like this, you are more likely
to get an accurate picture of what's going on if you are networking with friends and avoiding pre-scripted,
pre-programmed nonsense from the mainstream media. It's all fake news now. There is nothing truthful coming
out of the mainstream media. More than ever before, you need to be careful who you trust.
Your life -- and that of your family members -- may depend on it. Since no one I am communicating with
want's their name aired in public, what you see below is an organized compilation of the best information
I'm getting:
March 1, 2020
CoVid19 mortality rate by age -- (see chart above) -- What a brilliant way to thin
the herd of social security recipients. (Cathryn and I are in the 60-69 category.) Ok -- never mind -- bad joke.
And now a word from our sponsor: -- Ok, maybe not. Check out this 5 minutes video which
covers the lunacy of the official 911 narrative. Extremely entertaining.
The parallels to coronavirus are obvious: governments may complaint about fake news, propaganda, and disinformation, but they
are the greatest, most prolific, most shameless creators of it. And if you do a little digging, you find out that -- at least
for people of reasonable intelligence -- they're not even very good at it.
The Countries Best And Worst Prepared For An Epidemic -- Check out the world chart. Africa is, by far, the least prepared.
We all know why it's happening, too! The world is run by a bunch of
white, supremacist, nationalist, racist, misoygnist, trans-hating, liberal-hating,
organic-food-hating, climate-change-denying, homophobic, xenophobic, narcissistic Nazis! (If you took that seriously,
just don't bother to tell me. That there are people who believe that this is the cause of all the ills in our world is
scary enough.)
February 29, 2020
5G and the Coronavirus -- Paul Craig Roberts defers to Jon Rappoport. Short version: the connection is inescapable.
Save Yourself from 'Immunity' Storm --
This morning Paul Craig Roberts began passing along this Dr. Blaylock Wellness Report, which has valuable advice for those looking
to protect themselves from Coronavirus. See also my advice on Coronavirus protection,
as well. I provide simply, no nonsense things you can do to avoid becoming a fatality statistic.
'NEW LEVEL OF SICKNESS': Donald Trump Jr. Blasts Democrats For Hoping Coronavirus Crisis Hurts President --
I am openly critical of Trump's grandstanding and mischaracterization of market conditions using fake economic numbers, just like all
his predecessors. But the Democratic Party is so much more dangerous in its behavior. They would celebrate the death of millions
of their fellow Americans -- will probably work to help spread it --
if it would only improve their election chances. These are the same people who
unanimously want free health care for all illegal immigrants -- which
is another way of telling your fellow 100+ million legal taxpaying citizens that
"you need to continue to pay your exorbitant Obamacare
health care premiums -- and, by the way, go fuck yourselves -- but not before giving me your vote first."
Yeah --- it's really that unspeakably insane.
Logic and rationality are becoming extinct species.
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918 -- Those who don't know their history are
doomed to repeat it. To get a sense of what is happening, it helps to watch this 40 minute documentary posted in 2018 -- one century after
the last pandemic of this magnitude. That one infected 500 million and killed 40 to 50 million people. Spoiler alert:
the world population in 1918 would have been about 1.8 billion. Today it's almost 8 billion. A little grade school interpolation
will give you an idea what the potential damage from this virus is.
Cotton: China Is 'Still Lying to the World' about Coronavirus -- OMG. Really? Can't be. I'm heartbroken.
The next thing they'll be telling us is Santa Claus is a myth and doesn't really slide down our chimneys with
gifts and cookies every Christmas.
'JOB LOSS': Larry Kudlow's Secret Message Exposes 'Invisible' 2019 Recession -- This got posted in November, 2018 -- long before
Coronavirus emerged. Comments by Trump adviser, Larry Kudlow, were subjected to "granular audio analysis." The result suggests
that those "at the top" have known for some time that significant "job losses" were coming. Take away the happy talk about "the best
economy in the history of the nation" and this is what we're left with.
China Reports Catastrophic Data: PMIs Crash To Record Low, Confirming Coronavirus Collapse --
"not only has China's economy not picked up even modestly, but it is only a matter of time before Beijing,
which has forced people to go to work against their will, succumbs to a second wave of coronavirus
infections, one which will result in a far worse economic collapse than the current one, which incidentally has
yet to show any actual recovery!"
"Trump Faces An Impossible Trade-Off": Why A Global Recession Is Now Inevitable --
"it is also hardly a secret that Trump hardly wishes to inspire a stock market panic by disclosing the full extent
and severity of any potential domestic epidemic (which ironically, aligns Trump ideologically with China, which is now
willing to sacrifice its population in the pursuit of restarting the Chinese economy)."
The Virus Crisis Is Underestimated -- This one from Paul Craig Roberts. He recounts an open letter from
a Dr. Marc G. Wathelet, a Belgian-American scientist who spent a "dozen years leading a group studying human coronaviruses
including the one responsible for the SARS outbreak in 2003." The letter is addressed to the Belgian Minister of
Public Health. If you read the letter to completion, you get the distinct impression that the public penchant
for electing officials to public office who are breathtakingly stupid is going to be their downfall.
If you contemplate what this pandemic means just in terms of the scarcity of doctors, hospitals, and medical
supplies relative to the size of the disaster, you soon come to the conclusion that the English dictionary
needs a new word. A rough definition of that word is: "completely and irreversibly f***** in a way that
few people ever thought possible."
DOW DROPS 1,190 POINTS -- WORST DECLINE IN HISTORY -- Guggenheim's Scott Minerd Calls Coronavirus
"Possibly The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen" --
Reflections on yesterday's historic drop. The previous day, Trump was urging his fellow Americans to "buy on the dip." I'm not an anti-Trumper,
but good thing this guy isn't a stock broker. Pivotal quote: "Scott Minerd: You know one thing Joe, I'll tell you, that I have not said to anyone else in public, this is possibly the worst thing
I've ever seen in my career. I've been through a lot. I've been through the stock market crash in '87. I went through the financial crisis.
This has the potential to reel into something extremely serious."Oh really? It's that obvious? Gotta love these TV geniuses. What a job they do
of putting the "sapiens" back in the "Homo." Makes you so proud!
AP Confirms: Democrats Are Lying to the Public About Coronavirus Readiness -- AP would only put this out if the lying was so
aggregious and so intensely outrageous that even Democrat allies couldn't sign on board. Everything is now one guy's fault, even if he isn't
even tangentially related to it. The logic runs something like this:
"Last night, I drank so much whiskey that I pee'd in my bed. But it was Donald Trump's fault. He made me urinate
against my will!"
Bank Of America: "Nowhere To Hide" -- "Our forecasts do not incorporate a global pandemic that would basically shut down economic
activity in many major cities . . ." There's nothing like a 3,000 point drop in the market in one week for financial analysts
to see a 50 point increase in their collective IQ's.
It Begins: Hawaii Stores Empty Out On Coronavirus "Panic Buying" --
Shelves are being emptied of EVERYTHING you'd need for
an emergency like this . . . toilet paper, hand sanitizers, alcohol, bottled water, Chlorox, soap . . . condoms . . .Let's get our priorities straight!
California: Shortage Of Testing Kits Addressed -- They have 200 testing kits in a state with 40,000,000 residents --- hey, shut up! It's
all they need! New Math! -- (Maybe California can hold a lottery to see who gets tested!)
Paul Craig Roberts: Coronavirus Update -- Designer bioweapon. Check. China tightens security.
("We won't let this happen again"). Check. "Top CDC official says coronavirus will spread throughout the US."
Check. Can't be controlled. Check.
Discussing CoVid-19 with Clif High -- You'd never know the content of this
video by its title, so I've changed it. I suspect they're going to end up taking this one down.
The facts revealed match fairly closely with our intel, and it definitely doesn't cater to the
common narrative. 1:35:00 in length and highly recommended.
Rush: Coronavirus Being Used by Media To Tank Trump's Economy --
I feel bad for people like Rush. I don't believe he's a bad person or attempting to deceive the public.
However, the facts don't match his "no big deal" narrative. He is yet another public personality who
will regreting his current position. And speaking of people who are out of touch . . . next . . .
'Big' Lie Of The Day: This Is Not A Pandemic -- Governments tell their people one thing while doing something
completely contrary. That's happening in Italy now, just like it did in China. In the end, people will have less faith
in government than they ever did -- if that's even possible. The apologists at least in the U.S. are not winning . . . next . . .
Rabobank: Several Things Cratered Yesterday -- The ship of public confidence in official narratives is being shot
out of the sky and landing in flames like the Hindenberg. It's too bad many millions will have to die so that the rest
can learn this lesson.
Most Americans Are Not Taking This Coronavirus Outbreak Seriously, And That Is Potentially Very Dangerous --
Americans are confident that if CoVid-19 becomes an issue in the U.S., the government will take care of everything.
How ironic. Years ago the IRS took over ownership and administration of the Mustang Ranch, a whorehouse in Nevada.
The result? They ran it into the ground and it folded. If you can't competently run a house full of prostitutes,
you cannot competently manage a pandemic. Currently, China, Iran, South Korea, and Italy are Exhibits A, B, C, D, and E
in that regard.
Paul Craig Roberts weighs in with excellent summation of where we are to date:
Coronavirus Could Be on the Verge of Worldwide Breakout -- Coronavirus is beginning to attract adult supervision.
I recommend you read this article in its entirely if only to get a sense of the gravity of the current situation -- one that is fluid
and is changing daily as new data pours in. Update:Davos Group Gamed Pandemic 6 Weeks Prior to Virus Breakout --- Ahhhh, come on, it's just a coincidence!
Worth contemplating: I just got a brief email from a friend with the following quote:
"The 1996 neocon Bible, The Project for a New American Century (PNAC),
unambiguously stated, "advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific
genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
The BEST NEWS re CORONA Virus you've heard all month! Kinda. -- How much of the CoVid-19 is the result of a virus,
and how much of it is the direct result of 5-G being implemented in China?
(It is sickening that this video blogger has
to give listeners a glossary of "code words" in the beginning of her presentation, to extend the time that her
YouTube will be allowed to stay up before they take it down.)
With Half Of China Locked Up, Car Sales Plunge 92% -- Is this a problem if they get over 95%?
Is Alibaba right? Could this possibly be a threat to GDP growth in China this year? (Hey. they get my nomination
for this year's Darwin Award!)
CDC Warns Coronavirus Coming To US, Will Be "Tremendous Public Health Threat" -- Nahhhhh! Say it isn't so.
Also in this article is announcement by Chinese that they will quickly build 19 more hospitals in the Wuhan area. They cut the
city off to food and water, but think that 19 more hospitals will stem the tide of this exploding pandemic. Smart!
China Forced To Revise Number Of Virus Cases Sharply Higher After Hubei Caught Undercounting New Infections --
We covered the changing of tests so that fewer "positives" would manifest -- see yesterday. Now this.
It's getting ridiculous.
Hmmm . . . and while we're at it, let's change the definition of death so that the patient must wiggle his fingers and
move his big toe back and forth five times before he stops breathing for it to count as a "death."
Global Crop Failures Continue: In Australia This Is Going To Be The Worst Harvest Ever Recorded --
This is about a "compounding" event. A source in this article indicates that the locust phenomenon that just wiped out
millions of acres of crops in Africa, Pakistan, Iran, and is now migrating into China (is Australia up and coming?)
could increase by 500 times in the next few months. Combining that with CoVid-19, does this make matters much better
or much worse?
Resilient? Ridiculous! -- David Stockman essentially argues that martial law in China and
quarantines for 50 million and counting is not good news for the rest of us. Markets are operating in a zombie state
"It Looks Like A Zombie Apocalypse": City Streets Deserted Amid Surge In Korean COVID-19 Cases --
It's no longer a Chinese pandemic. ""It’s like someone dropped a bomb in the middle of the city. It looks like a zombie apocalypse,"
Kim Geun-woo, a 28-year-old resident told Reuters by telephone. "Even Dongseong-ro Street - the most crowded centre of the city --
is empty," he said, adding that he had tried to buy surgical masks but shops were sold out."
Covid-19: Summing Up The FUD -- Here's the takeaway: "Much of what is out there on CoVid-19" is unconfirmable doom porn.
It' suspicious. It's unreliable. Even so, this looks likes a doomsday event just with the things we know that are confirmable.
Expats Flee Hong Kong Over Protests, Coronavirus -- In the past, people migrated to find new opportunities, perhaps a job,
maybe they were leaving their homeland because it was being run by a tyrant. But this article suggests that we might be
seeing the early stages of a new kind of immigration -- I'll call it "pandemic sequestration." In other words, people
may be moving to escape pandemic disease and incrase their chances or survival.
This move alone will take out the rest of the 11 million left in Wuhan. Under this policy, the people don't
die from viral infection. They all die from starvation. Oh well, if you're gonna make an omellette,
ya gotta break a few eggs, right?
Alpha Omega Labs' supply lines collapsing in China -- Two of our suppliers have indicated that
their workers are not reporting, under government orders, and that the earliest we could order products from
them is "sometime in March." We are in the process of finding alternative supply lines for certain
Comment on ZeroHedge: Ok . . . I admit that the coverage of this Coronavirus bug,
now called COVID-19, from yesterday has been biased in favor of ZeroHedge.
However, it is only because they're covering more sensitive topics that others won't cover. Additionally,
many articles in the MSM (predictably) are so obviously fake that it would be a disservice to repeat it.
So here's the important items for February 15:
Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America for Geopolitical Advantage? --
Yesterday I posted a blog entry entitled:
Musings on Hopi Eschatology:
Coronavirus as a WWIII Precursor. Unbeknown to me, UNZ review posted this article on
January 27, where they suggest the very same thing. One important smoking gun:
"The calls for drastic and immediate action against China are all over the major American neocon publications.
Just because you (personally) are not aware of them, does not mean that they do not exist. These neocons are
foaming at the mouth for a fight." Interestingly, the article quotes John Bolton, the fired national security
advisor about whom Trump so famously said, "Had I listen to him, we'd be in World War 6 by now." The John
Bolton quote itself is worth pondering:
"Negotiation is not a policy. It’s a technique. It’s something you use when it’s to your advantage, and something
that you don’t use when it’s not to your advantage." Unless I see documentation and evidence to the contrary, I am left with
the impression that this was, indeed, an act of of war against the Chinese people for which there will be
unsavory future consequences.
Buried in the comment section of the previous UNZ article was a submission by a Emir Yilidizdan of a mysterious
tweet by Turkish national that read, in part: "The U.S. sent an aircraft of biological weapons to China.
Epidemics may begin in China soon."
How to Yellow-Cake a Tragedy -- The Mainstream Media churns out fake news about everything else.
Why would we trust them to accurately report about CoVid-19?
China Takes Additional Steps To Digitize The Renminbi -- No workers left to run the printing presses?
No problem! We digitize! Coronavirus can't touch the national currency if we stick it in cyberspace!
[They're gonna give the guy who thought this up the Nobel Prize in Economics. You watch.]
1981 novel predicts Wuhan Virus? Shut up, conspiracy theorist!
Here's one that will peg the needle on your weird-shit-o-meter.
As reported two days ago in ZeroHedge, "In a bizarre coincidence, a 1981 fictional novel, The Eyes of Darkness, by Dean Koontz
predicts a Coronavirus-like outbreak and its origin. The book talks about how the virus called Wuhan-400, was developed in
military labs around the Chinese city of Wuhan from where it got its name.
[Predictive programming always employs number games. Divide the year 2020 in
half and multiply = 400]. The top secret information of the biological weapons
program is later acquired by US intelligence from a Chinese defector. The American military is ultimately successful in
creating a vaccine which the Chinese could not." . . . They teach in Vedic studies that all information -- past, present, and
future -- is contained in the "Akashic Records" and occasionally inquiring minds can access what resides there, out of the
reach of the mass majority of people. Great inventors are said to access it. Then again, these nefarious governmental
programs are planned so many years in advance, maybe the author just had some good intel . . . If we apply
Occam's Razor,
which explanation sounds more plausible?
Senator Cotton Urges China Travel Ban in Wake of Coronavirus --
Senator Tom Cotton is the junior
Republican senator from Arkansas. So -- get this -- last week he puts out a scathing indictment
of all the disinformation that's being pout out about CoronaVirus . . . Big deal, right? . . .
Nothing to write home about there! Wrong. The reason this deserves attention is because not less than
three of my associates have posted this video and their FB accounts have been suspended.
The most recent message says: "Watch this before FB bans it ... don't put it publicly on
your wall either, as apparently people who've put it on their FB walls have been banned and
the video removed, but you can send it in Messenger." My advise: always pay more attention to
the things that the Elite want censored. [See also on Vimeo]
CHECKMATE: You need to really understand the subtleties of this
post, entitled, China's
Fatal Dilemma to understand the severe implications of the current epidemic. To save itself
economically, China must "reopen its doors to commerce" as quickly as possible,
before the entire country implodes. On the other hand, if it does -- (continuing with narratives that
are laughably unreal) -- it risks creating a pandemic that is orders of magnitude more severe
than the 1917 Spanish flu, which killed millions. Moreover, the gravity of the lies that are
necessary to sustain this attempt at self-preservation will be so great that no one -- no person,
no organization, no government -- will ever believe anything the Chinese government ever says again.
Moreover, no foreigner will be able to travel there without knowing they are at grave risk.
New Research Suggests The Coronavirus May Be Far Worse Than We Thought --- Go to 7:12. Yes,
are incinerating so many underreported dead bodies that the effects of this biological
conflagration can be seen in elevated SO2 levels at the crematoriums from OUTER SPACE.
Virus? What virus?
Beijing starts rounding up sufferers and videos show hazmat suit-clad goons dragging people from their homes --
I had some readers questioning the comments by Chinese associates to me that the government was rounding up virus sufferers
and taking them directly to crematoriums. This Daily Mail piece says as much while reporting that Chinese officials
are dragging people from their homes against their will. Virus sufferers are seen running away from Chinese officials
as if their lives depend on it. Could it be because their survival DOES depend upon escape?
50,000 New Infections / Day in China? -- Note the 10 Key Video Points: --- 50,000 new cases a day in China --- Infections doubling every 5 days --- Death rate is still unknown --- China likely to peak in March --- Epidemic peak is still a month away --- Very hard to control this epidemic as they did with SARS 15-20 years ago --- Cases are always underestimated --- Death delays are as long as three weeks --- Reported deaths outside China are not reassuring because of delays --- We still don't know the full effects
February 8, 2020
CoronaVirus as Trojan Horse for Vaccination Medical Martial Law(Jane Burgermeister) --
The vaccines will curb world population, increase profits for the Medical Industrial Complex,
and help justify all the money they spent on this bio-weapon in the first place! So do your part and stop complaining!
And now from our entertainment division:First American dies in
France from nCov -- Curious that the name of the town,
Les Contamines Montjoie, has a word whose root means
"contaminated." On the other hand, this blogger sounds white. You can never trust people who have benefited from
white privilege. Ask Nancy Pelosi. (Seriously, some of this sounds a little far-fetched, but none of it is not
thought-provoking.) Brace yourself for a handful of "Whoa, Dude!"'s.
White House asks scientists to investigate whether 2019 nCov virus was bioengineered. You can't make this up.
(This has gotta be right up there with Jerry Mander's revelation that researchers spent hundreds of thousands to
investigate what bait worked best for catching mice. The results of their extensive investigation? Wait for it . . . Cheese.)
I just got back from visiting a Chinese friend in Loja, who revealed
the following from his own friends in Wuhan:
The numbers of infected and dying continue to
Word has gotten out that the military is involved
and after someone gets diagnosed with CV,
they are immediately taken to the crematorium
and -- in many cases -- BURNED ALIVE!
Moreover, no attempts are being made to
identify those who are being incinerated.
There are too many being cremated, apparently,
to go to the trouble. My friend insists that unless
you understand the Maoist thinking of those at the
top of "Chincom" (Chinese Communist Party), you
will not be able to understand how this is acceptable.
Consequently, the word on the street is:
"Stay away from the hospitals, because people
go IN, but almost NOBODY comes back out!"
February 5, 2020
The first article (ZeroHedge) is a thoughtful analysis that destroys the
"nothing burger" position. Those who think this is nothing but "doom porn"
have good historical precedent for taking that position. The problem here is
that the accumulating news to date is favoring the position that this is, indeed,
a serious problem. I could have posted 20 other good articles and reports today
about coronavirus. These two -- in terms of substance -- bested the others. See:
The Lies We
Are Being Told About Coronavirus. The numbers coming out of China don't add up.
There Is Something Very Strange In The Latest Chinese Official Coronavirus Numbers.
All of this supports an obvious position I argued in The Joys of Psychopathocracy: indeed, the purpose
of the news is to test your stupidity and measure your gullibility.
Asians Far More Susceptible to Corona Virus than Other Races, More Likely to Die, Just Like SARS.
Do indisputable epidemiological facts matter? Of course not. Facts aren't allowed if they conflict
with the "official narrative" that's given to the public. Besides, this report comes from Russia Insider --
and we all know that Russians lie about everything, all the time. Just ask Nancy Pelosi or Adam Shiff.
Incidentally, during the SARS epidemic, which also favored oriental peoples, Chinese public opinion
favored the idea that the virus was a bioweapon that was targeting them. I can't imagine how they
could have conjured up such a dreadful conspiracy theory, can you?
Research group sets up to keep track of the
statistics. The problem is most of the Chinese numbers are coming from the Chinese government, and the
numbers reported are highly questionable. See:
How bad with it get?
Up to February 2, 2020
Source: Although the original source of this virus can be debated -- (there are accounts supporting both the
Canada and Russian germ warfare labs theories). It doesn't matter. In its current form, the coronavirus was
developed at the Wuhan Bioweapons Laboratory in China.
Phenomenal Incubation Period: This strain may be one of the most destructive to the host organism -- if not THE most destructive -- ever produced.
The incubation period is phenomenal.
It can reside in the body for two weeks or longer before any symptoms manifest, giving the infected person the opportunity
to spread the virus to the greatest number of other people. It was pre-designed to maximum both transmission and kill rates.
Ease of Spreading: Like most viruses, its spreasd is airborne. An infected person puts out millions of viruses when he coughs in the simple
act of breathing. Additionally, this virus can be transmitted from infected surfaces. Let us presume, for example, that
you use a public bathroom and touch a surface that an infected person has touched. You can contract the virus in this
fashion, as well.
The attack is coordinated: This morning -- Feb. 2 -- one of my contacts in China indicated that their government
has just announced that the Avian influenza (H5N1) has returned. This virus is deadly to most birds. It is also deadly to humans
and other mammals that catch the virus from birds.
High "morph rates" -- The virus can morph nearly a dozen times before the symptoms manifest.
Mandatory vaccinations coming. Look for "authorities" to push the need to get everyone "vaccinated"
-- oblivious to the fact that no vaccine can target all the different versions of this virus that are already in the public.
Coronavirus' spread being aided by a lack of supplies -- It isn't just face masks that are in short supply.
The quarantines themselves are making the distribution of medical supplies in the affected areas of China impossible.
Some of my sources in China are indicating that the best supplies are being sequestered for the politicians and other
powerful interests. "They are stealing the very supplies that are needed by the people to address this outbreak properly."
Traditional Chinese medical doctors rebelling. -- I have reports that the traditional Chinese medical doctors
(like ourselves) have effective cures. Normally, they are kept away from the large govnerment hospitals, which have
cozy arrangements with the pharmaceutical companies, as in most industrialized nations. Seeing how inept those in the
organized medicine are at dealing with this epidemic, traditional doctors are "violating the rules" and treating people
outside the "authorized system."
Government legitimacy under question. Recognition that the government is not concerned about the welfare of the common man
is an "exploding meme" throughout the country. Political implications will be far-reaching and long-lasting.
Production capability plummeting. Plants are closing throughout the country. One Chinese associate told me that at the
end of this week, national manufacturing capability could be of by 2/3rd. My immediate response was, "That can't possibly be the
case." My associates's response: "No. Listen. This is worse than you think. Worse than is being reported. I know your
worldview, Greg. You correctly understand that governments have tendency to hype things to scare people into submission.
But every trend has an exception. This is a very big exception. I can't use words in English to tell you how much this
tragedy is being downplayed."
Dead Toll: Already 100,000's -- I told a Chinese associate about a report posted on
Steve Quayle's site (since taken down) that over
16 million in China were already dead. My associate replied, "Look -- that part IS bullshit. It's bad, but not that bad." I replied, "Well, with all but two provinces in China under lockdown, can ANYBODY come up with reliable figures?" "I see your point," said my contact, "It's difficult and it's bad, but not that bad yet." "So with everyone you're communicating with there, do you have a sense of where the fatality
figures are?" "Probably just a few hundred thousand people are dead." A long pause ensued. "Only . . . You're saying . . . A few hundred thousand . . . only." "Look, Greg. You better tell your associates to brace themselves. When this thing is over . . .
we're looking at tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dead -- globally. I hope I'm wrong but the trend lines that
are emerging are such that you would have to back to your
1918 Spanish influenza to find
anything close this. Please. Trust me. I know my epidemiology. That epidemic -- just a century ago -- killed 50 million people worldwide.
It was caused by the H1N1 virus, and was largely created by natural causes. This time we're dealing with a designer bug that is
a much greater threat to public health than H1N1. To put things in perspective, H1N1 was armed with bows and arrows.
This coronavirus is armed with nukes."
Chinese workers -- where possible -- are angling for "stay at home work." -- Wherever possible, Chinese
workers are attempting to work from home. Everyone is afraid to participate in work situations where they are
increasing their potential exposure. The end result is that businesses are closing down at a phenomenal rate, and this,
too, is being dramatically underreported.
Market meltdowns coming. The implications of the foregoing on markets should be clear by now.
I'm not saying we're going to see a 6,000 point drop
this week -- (listen closely to the first 1:40 to get a sense of what I'm talking about -- ignore the rest,
since the remainder of this YouTube is Bitcoin nonsense and other promotional claptrap).
Our test got out of control!. One of my most confidential sources is telling me that
the view of high level military in China is that this was a "test that got out of control." I asked for an explanation:
"Everyone here with any degree of connection to the government knows
that this was a home-grown bug. The Wuhan lab has had three leaks previous to this, but nothing that comes
close to this in its implications. The top leadership here are dyed-in-the-wool Maoists. They still cling to
Mao's philosophy. They wanted to run low-level tests to see if the virus was effective. What you are seeing
are unintended consequences. You might think otherwise, but this is not what the leadership here was shooting for.
By Maoists, I mean that the governed are viewed as sources of labor. They are not committed to the prosperity of the
people. Prosperity for those at the top? Yes. Propersity for anybody else? No. Wuhan is a properous area.
There is -- or was -- a lot of money there. There's a lot of young, educated, computer savvy kids, right there
in the middle of China. The "Chicom" (Chinese Communist Party) decided to run tests in a part of China where
the population are most removed from their Maoist ideals. They thought they could control the results, and
you are seeing the results. They now realize that they made a grave error in judgement. "Try to remember that no other government is as committed to population
control as the Chinese. What other government on earth has had a long-standing "one child policy" -- like
China had for years? The leadership here genuinely feels that if they could cut China's population by
50%, it would make governing much easier. You cannot understand what is happening unless you understand
their mindset and point of view."
People becoming increasingly suspect of the motives of the police, -- example.
"Scare tactics" view looking less likely. -- I have enormous respect for both
Paul Craig Roberts and Jon Rappoport -- both on record that Coronavirus is just another
scare tactic to prepare people for more authoritarianism. Like Alex Jones,
I held to this as the strongest possibility until last week. I have had to abandon this position as
more associates who are actually in China provide details that are not supporting this narrative.
I hope that Roberts, Rappoport, and
"Moon of Alabama" are right.
I would genuinely like to think that
Conoravirus is a "big nothing burger." Nonetheless, the affirmation of associates in China who say
that official figures on anything connected to this epidemic are woefully understated concerns me.
Hence, my taking the time to pen these Coronavirus pages.