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This month we introduce select items from
Nature's Garden, one of the most popular manufacturers of natural products in Ecuador. In making
this announcement, we are discounting the line (which is already competitively priced) at 20% this month
as an introduction.

A detailed
product page with catalog sheets, all
in English provides all essential details. Additional questions can be address to us at:
New tools for finding the
correct products on AO Labs' sales sites

At the top of our sales sites, and, you will
find two new icons. The first prominently states,
"How to Use This Site." When you
click on it, you are directed to
a brief, instructive page,
which in return contains a link to
a very detailed page, entitled
Traditional Product(s)-for-Condition Recommendations that assists customers in finding
the best products for the condition(s) about which they are inquiring.

The second icon, which reads,
"Wholesale and Private Label Queries," when clicked will lead you to
a query page that assists
in getting wholesale and private label information.
Update on Countering 'Black Salve' Misinformation
(reprint from Oct. 2018 newsletter)

Many online developments have occurred
since we first introduced 'Black Salve'
and pioneered its use to a larger global community online in 1995.
There are now a host of social media and related web pages that devote themselves to people
sharing their experience with escharotics. The vast majority of people who belong to these
sites are well-intentioned, and in fact, most participants are just trying to help other
people, particularly those who are new to the use of escharotic preparations.

Problems arrive, however, when a technique catches
on and becomes "fashionable," even though it is contrary to the vast experience of those
of us who know escharotics best. The latest example, one that is quite current, is a
recommendation that when users get to the
decavitation stage,
if any remnant 'white tissue' is found, additional applications of Black Salve should be made.

This is a horrible recommendation, because more times than
not, this material is dead, cellular detritus. Not cancer. Applications of Black Salve above and
beyond what is necessary to kill the target cancer only risks additional pain, discomfort, and
scar tissue -- unnecessarily so.

If you have questions about a particular application,
remember that we have both a medical doctor and naturopath on staff to answer your questions.
Once again, know that
although we charge for our products, we do not charge for our
professional consultations. So, if you have doubts about an application or you just
need guidance, just let us know by writing us at