The topical prostate cream
that addresses prostatitis
and BHP (benign prostatic
hyperplasia) along with the sexual
dysfunction that often accompanies these conditions.
Prospero succeeds where other do not because it
covers total glandular symptomology in a unique
transdermal delivery system.
 or years, herbalists and naturopaths have addressed
enlarged prostate (BPH) through some combination of saw palmetto berry,
pygeum (africanum), and stinging nettle root. This
combination, which works with varying success on different
men, reduces dihydrotestosterone (DHT, the same hormone
responsible for male
pattern baldness, which also stimulates growth in
the prostate). More recently, other herbal extracts
and nutraceuticals have been shown to help prevent
and even reverse prostate enlargement.
Prospero, formulated
by Dr. Donal Joseph Carter (who also created Reforma CCVI),
has created a product that goes beyond traditional
herbal extracts and incorporates the following:
- Beta-sitosterol --
a plant sterol that has been shown to be effective, even when used alone,
in controlling BPH.
- Lycopene -- now widely
publicized for its cancer-fighting effects (slashing prostate cancer risk by
up to 45%, according to researchers
at Harvard Medical School is also important in supporting
normal prostate function.
- Chrysin -- a plant-based flavone that reduces estrogen levels by
cutting down on its conversion from testosterone. Piperine, which
increases absorption of chrysin.
- "Sexual balance blend" -- includes extracts of damiana, muira puama,
ginkgo biloba, oat straw, and ginseng.
Easy to Use
Prospero is a topical transdermal.
For best results light apply to the lower abdomen and around the genitalia
after showering. The product will dry fairly quickly before you dress.
Articles of Note
To U.S. Users: This
product has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration,
nor has any of the contents of this page.
This product is, therefore,
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
When Should You Use
Prospero IV?
 On the nutraceutical level,
Prospero is a "nutrient" formula for the prostate, but it is
designed to address BPH (enlarged prostate), so if you feel
you may be a candidate, look for the following symptoms:
- Blood in the urine
- A weak urine flow
- A need to pass urine frequently
- Nighttime wake-ups to empty the bladder
- Burning sensation and a difficulty in
stopping and starting urination
- A constant feeling that the bladder
isn't completely empty
 You won't know for sure if you
have BPH without a diagnosis from a qualified physician -- usually
determined through a rectal examination, a blood test, or ultrasound.
(See NIH,
MedicineNet and
Life Extension
pages on BPH).
 Saw palmetto berry, panax ginseng,
juniper berry, goldenseal, parsley, oat straw (avena sativa),
flowering willow herb, gravel root, pygeum africanum, bee pollen,
echinacea, green tea, damiana, ginkgo biloba,
gotu kola, cat's claw, fresh pokeroot, horsetail,
hydrangea root, muira puama, stinging nettle root,
uva ursi, thuga leaf, folic acid, zinc picolinate,
glycine, Vitamin B6, zinc, glutamic acid,
alanine, arginine, selenium, boric acid,
ascorbigen 1-3-C, ascorbic acid, poplar bark,
chrysin, piperine, beta-sitosterol, lycopene,
natural progesterone, mixed tocopherols, retinyl
palmitate, Vitamin D-3 in a base of purified water,
cetereath 20, safflower oil, cetyl alcohol,
glycerine, octyl palmitate.