Cansema & H3O Testimonials
Veterinary Applications: 1999-2003 (pre FDA raid)
Read: Current Cansema Vet Testimonials (2007 to Present)
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Cansema, both the topical salve version
and the internal varieties, are based on
a branch of herbal medicine called "escharotics." From its earliest
days of use in the 19th century, experienced practitioners have known that
its uses extended to animals and not just humans. Harry Hoxsey claimed
that in the 1920's, when his grandfather gave him the basic formulary knowledge,
that its properties were discovered when sick horses were observed chewing
on select herbs in the field... suggesting that they instinctly knew which
herbs to choose to ensure their own recovery.
 Whether there's any truth to this
story, it at least makes clear that early users themselves knew its
benefit to animals. So, it is no surprise that we frequently get comments
from our customers about its benefits in treating pets, livestock, horses,
and other animals which regularly present challenges to the veterinary
community. Below, we have reprinted some of their comments.
Case #090203v: Cansema Salve / Capsules
and Felice Squamous Cell Carcinoma
[Editor's Note:
This testimonial came with a pictorial history -- so the entire testimonial letter,
along with both thumbnail and enlarged photos, has its
own page. Below, we
have taken excerpts from the letter involving the use of Alpha Omega products
as used in this case. However, if you are interested in "Elmo's" recovery, we
really do recommend that you read the entire text.]
 When Elmo, our 14 year old cat,
was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer on his
face our vets suggested black salve. The type they sold was $300.00 They are
very kind and said if I can find it somewhere else to do so. Your site with
the pictures of other pet owners was very helpful. I gave me confidence that
if Cansema helped other animals it would work on Elmo too. I feel it is my
obligation to share Elmo's story and subsequent victory with others.
 The Cansema was applied topically in December and the cancer within 10 days
decavitated and came out. The picture attached shows the cancer next to a
dime. I thought all was well.
 In June of this year the cancer returned or more likely we never really got
to the root of it. I applied the Cansema topically 2 more times. Each time
more cancer was removed in different areas on his face. We did not realize
there was more than one tumor. The last decavitation was spreading down his
nose and across his face yet still when this huge escar came off the main
tumor was still bloody and red beneath. We knew even though the tumor was
still intact it was severely reduced in depth simply because when Elmo
touched it the bleeding could be easily stopped. Conversely before the
Cansema was applied topically the tumor bled profusely. One time it
necessitated going through a bag of cotton balls and handfuls of paper
towels even a dish rag was soaked in blood. We wondered if Elmo could bleed
to death from a skin cancer.
 We decided after this last application that we would wait and receive the
capsules you recommended and watch it closely and allow Elmo's foot to heal
from the application of the pain patches. Each time before we applied the
Cansema salve our vets put a duragesic patch on his leg.The pain patch is
taped on after he was shaved. I waited 24 hours to apply the salve giving
the pain patch an opportunity to release pain meds in Elmo's system. We also
supported him with Noni Juice, Liquid Minerals and Colostrum and a
patented product that releases oxygen from his body's water called Oxygen
Elements Clinical studies of the Oxygen Elements showed
patients who had chemotherapy and radiation didn't get nauseous and lose
weight while using this product. These products aided Elmo to keep his
appetite and kept his weight at a good level. They allowed the immune system
to be strong and allow the herbs in the Cansema capsules to go to work ...
 We gave Elmo 1/3 capsule of the Cansema in his food and quickly worked up to
1/3 capsule twice a day.
As you can see from this picture, taken August 27, Elmo's cancer is gone. This
happened differently then the decavitation. The tumor got drier and smaller
and receded and fell off. There was no decavitation, no hole as when the
salve was applied.
 I welcome you using this information to help other pet owners.
I without reservation recommend the use of Cansema topically and internally.
Make sure you have a vet who will work with you to aid in pain relief. It
may also necessitate a tranquilizer. We gave Elmo one tranquilizer about 10
hours before application on the second application simply because if he even
brushed the Elizabethan Collar with his tumor he would knock off the
ointment and start it bleeding. The tranquilizer allowed us the 24 hours
that were crucial to get the Cansema applied topically and to start the
isolation of the cancer and beginning of the decavitation process. I can't
stress enough the Cansema salve is painful and you must work with a vet. Our
vets would apply the pain patch and I would apply the Cansema as I said 24
hours later at home.
 You may use my name and e-mail and I will be glad to talk to others and give
them the benefit of my experience ...
 Thank You from Elmo and me.
 Charlotte Wagner
Corona, California (USA)
Submitted via email: Sept. 2, 2003
Case #061903: Cansema Capsules & Feline fibro sarcoma
Just wanted you to know that
it has been a year since my cat Grayce was diagnosed with feline fibro sarcoma.
It was apparently vaccine induced. Grayce took a course of the Cansema Capsules
in tuna juice & to date her tumors have not reappeared. Thanks so much for
another year with a good friend. Mrs. B.
Submitted via email 6/19/03
Case #122902: H3O & Staph Infection
I have a Dogo Argentino
dog which is an all white breed. Being all white they have skin issues.
My regular holistic/homeopathic vet was on vacation when my dog broke
out with red spots all over. The spots turn into a staph infection
quickly. Since he did not have a traumatic condition I didn't want
to take him to an allopathic vet. I decided to bath him in water
treated with Hydronium Concentrate
at a pH of about 1.5.
I did this for several days and
the condition has cleared up beautifully. A few gallons of water in the
tub and a big bowl to pour the water over him for about tem minutes
each day did the trick.
Cathy Netherland
Submitted via email 12/29/02
Case #092002: Cansema Salve for Cats, Dogs & Horses
and Breast Cancer ---- (feline application)
Introduction from "Putt Putt's" owner ----
Jim, (owner of cat, Blondie), from several (feline newsgroup) lists I'm on,
sent to you a post from me about Cansema and the success I'm having with it for
my cat. Just wanted to let you know you're welcome to post it on the website
with my email address or anything else you'd like to add. I have also been
keeping a diary and had planned on contacting you with that information a
little further down the road, specifically at the nine month mark, since
my oncologist told me that my cat would live to nine months tops with chemo
(3 months without, which she's already surpassed.)
Feel free to contact me
with any questions or concerns. Thanks for this wonderful product
and all your support!
Latest Post: (Made to ---- Hi all,
PuttPutt's lumps were all completely under the skin. At first I was pretty
scared to use the salve on breast cancer, because the website mentions
there could be intense pain and I know cats can't have most OTC pain
relievers. The first time I used it, I dabbed just a little bit on.
PuttPutt wasn't too happy! It really smells kind of harsh. I didn't shave
her or anything, so I really had to rub it onto her through her fur. She
didn't try to lick it off at that point and she didn't seem to be in any pain.
The next day I checked the
lump and there was no change. The information that came with it said that it
could take a few applications to work for tumors under the skin, so I applied
a bit more this time. I think PuttPutt could feel it this time. For about an
hour she sat under the dining room table on all fours, not letting her
belly touch the floor. She just looked uncomfortable.
Later that evening she still
seemed a little uncomfortable, but she was laying down on her belly
and I got her purring.
The next day she seemed back to
herself and I could feel a sort of scab on the lump. I let it go after that
because the instructions said once it starts to work, let it go and the
body will take care of the rest. The scab grew a bit larger after a few days.
After about a month, the "scab" fell off completely and the lump was gone.
During this time I was applying homeopathic Hypercal cream to the scab
every day. This is the most amazing healing cream I've ever used. Takes
away pain and itch and heals without scarring. (Editor: Neither
Hypercal nor the homeopathics mentioned are products carried by
Alpha Omega Labs.)
Unfortunately PuttPutt got two
more lumps and her lymph node tumor was getting bigger. I applied the
salve again. It didn't appear to have an effect this time after 2-3
applications. PuttPutt didn't seem to be in any pain this time, but was
trying to lick it off. I think the taste must be really bad, because the look
on her face when she tries to lick it is not happy! She does manage to
lick some off (hasn't gotten sick or anything from it), but I think
the bad taste deters her from licking it all off. My homeopath thinks that
the homeopathy (liquid remedy and Hypercal cream) is helping to
manage the pain.
After about a month of applying
the salve once a week, I am starting to feel scabs develop over the lumps.
I can only hope they are dissolving in the same way that the last one did.
I've also been applying a very small amount over the area where her lymph
node is. This is perhaps the most amazing part of it all. The tumor has
grown, but is now much softer. When we first found it, it was a hard little
pea. Now it's about the size of two grapes and is mushy. It's also moving
towards the skin. There is a scab on the nipple above this lymph node.
I believe the tumor is draining out through the nipple. I can't explain why,
but this is what I think is happening. Perhaps I'm just in denial. In the
last two weeks the tumor has started to shrink.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Whew! I know this is a long one,
but I just hope it will help someone help their kitty. Thanks for this
forum to discuss all this!
Crystal DiPietro and PuttPutt
Email addy deleted (permission not obtained)
Submitted via email 9/20/2002
Case #091502: Cansema Salve for Cats, Dogs & Horses
and Cutaneous Fibro Sarcoma ---- (donkey)
In July one of our donkeys,
Sassie, was diagnosed with a very aggressive, rare-in-equine
skin cancer.....Cutaneous Fibro Sarcoma. Since this type of cancer
is not usually found in equines, there was no treatment data to
fall back on and we were given a grim prognosis. We tried
chemotherapy with no success and we were looking at the inevitable
for Sassie. Then several people emailed us and told us to try
"black salve" before we put her down.
The rest is history, as they say.
You can read the day to day
details of Sassie's remarkable and miraculous triumph (including
pictures) over this aggressive beast using the Cansema Black Salve
Veterinary Formula on our web page,
WARNING: Some of the pictures
are graphic and are not for the weak of stomach. Please feel free to
contact us for more details. We would like to spread the reality of
recovery to others that may have lost hope. Thanks for a wonderful product
that works EXACTLY as advertised.
Have a great donkey day.....Sassie is!!
Diamond Jims Long Ears Acres
P.O. Box 81, Youngstown, Fl 32466
Fax: (850) 722-8416
Rec'd via email on 9/19/2002
Case #081402: Cansema Salve for Cats, Dogs & Horses &
Undiagnosed Cancer Tumor
First, I must thank you
folks for creating such a wonderful an effective product!
My Cansema Salve for Dogs, Cats, etc. [ Code 800V ]
arrived within three days of ordering the product.
My dog, Fe, had been very ill several months ago and after blood panels,
x-ray and a plethora of various exams my vet could tell me nothing about his
condition. I had found a small fleshy nodule on his hindquarters and come
to find it was a tumor. I took him to another vet and they said he would
need surgery and then they could send the tumor to pathology and find out
if it was malignant. After spending countless dollars with little result,
I was hesitant to comply. I started researching black salve and figured
we'd give it a try. After two applications, Fe's tumor started to soften
and lift. The area looked horrible and smelled foul but I kept cleansing
with peroxide and kept the wound moist with Vitamin E oil.
He tore off
his bandage and licked the wound clean, so I had to re-apply, but the
results were PHENOMENAL! The decavitation process is underway and
I can see the pink, healthy tissue growing back everyday.
I am ecstatic that Cansema
Salve helped my dog in such a natural, painless manner.
H. Kim (California, USA)
Submitted via Email
August 12, 2002
Case #052002: Cansema Salve & Ameloblastoma
In July of 1999 Blondie was biopsied with
ameloblastoma cancer -- its located
in the inside of her mouth, on the upper front gum.
The vet said nothing could be done for her; radiation might get the tumor,
but it would just return along with a "radiation tumor". Surgery would leave
her with only part of her face, and not much mouth. They didn't even
mention chemo.
"Bring her back when its time to put her to sleep."
We joined the Feline Cancer,
and HolistiCat lists. Right away we were told about Feldine (Piroxicam),
the human arthritis drug that shrinks some tumors.
We were given a number,
and our vet called it to consult with Dr Haddad, a cancer researcher
at the University of Illinois. She had never tried this drug on this
kind of cancer, but she said go ahead and try.
In 60 days the tumor shrank 20%.
A lower tooth that had been poking into the tumor above no longer
reached, or poked into the tumor! After that the nasty red hole healed.
During all this time, we tried several modalities. But none did as much
as the Piroxicam did for Blondie. But the tumor remained stagnant for years.
Then we were told
about Cansema Tonic III from Alpha Omega Labs. We tried that for
months and nothing happened. We were told to up the dose, so we did.
Again nothing.
They (Alpha Omega Labs) sent us
a free bottle of Cansema capsules, and told us to give her 1/10th of a
capsule a day. The mixture of herbs contains some that are
listed by the NCI as having anti-tumor properties.
In 45 days the tumor changed
from bright pink to off white. The AO Labs folks said,
"It is indicative that enough of the active compounds have
reached the site to initiate the escharotic process."
List member M. Jones,
who used Cansema Salve to cure her cat's breast cancer,
confirmed this, about the change of color and how the herbs work.
So we believe we will also
get a cure soon.
The mixture of Cansema and
cod liver oil is squirted to the back of Blondie's mouth so she doesn't
get any on her tongue. So the change in color is not related to the
herbs touching the tumor itself. The herbal compounds are going through
the body and going where they need to go!
Herbs are wonderful.
In my years of trying
various herbs on myself, my spouse, my child, and cats they seem
to "know what you need, and where to go."
So after the better part of a
lifetime using herbs, and a nearly 3 year cancer fight the action
we are seeing on Blondie's tumor is familiar to me. This is how
I KNOW these herbs are effective.
Now I have started a webpage with anecdotal data on various cancers
and what holistic modalities seem to be effective. I'm also posting
information on sources of some of the cancer treatments. There is also
a statement about Piroxicam by Dr. Hahn that you can copy and show
your vet if they are not familiar with it. Plus contact information on
Dr. Hahn so your vet can consult with this fine veterinary oncologist.
There is also some
information on Alpha Omega Labs' Cansema capsules that we are using.
I STRONGLY suggest you look this over.
Good luck to us all!
Jim and Dena
Submitted via Email
June 5, 2002
Case #052002: Cansema Salve:
Advanced (Terminal) Squamous Cell Oral Cancer
(Click pictures above to enlarge images)
Hello Alpha and Omega, I want to show you my progress with
the Cansema Black Salve on my beloved dog Skipper's advanced
squamous cell oral cancer. I have used the salve myself for
years, and can unabashedly say it is utterly trustworthy
in the removal of skin cancers.
When my dog was diagnosed,
(Feb 22, 2002) we were told he had a very large and bone
invasive squamous cell cancer in his left upper rear jaw.
It was the size of three average walnuts and bone invasive.
The recommendation was to remove 30-50% of his upper jaw,
the left rof vault and his healthy left eye, as
"the radiation will probably give him a cataract or even
cause the eye to shrivel". All of this would give him a
few months, maybe a year at a cost of about $10,000.
Without treatment
he had a few days to weeks to live. I wish I was exaggerating.
He is a 6 year old
Nova Scotia Duck Toller and a wonderful dog. He didn't
look sick, and we thought we were going in for a tooth
abcess. All pet lovers will be able to relate to the shock
and grief that engulfed us! I couldn't do what the allopathic
vets recommended. If he had only a short while, I wasn't
going to make him spend it recovering from painful surgery
to remove half of his head. I began my research and also
consulted with Jim. The report on the testimonial page of
the tongue cancer [ Kent Estes ]
gave me courage. I decided I didn't have much to lose.
It is now
June 3, 2002, and I am going to send photos of the before and
after, to this point. I also supplemented his treatment
with vitamins and herbs to enhance his immune system. I also
took him for acupuncture twice and continue to do the
acupressure treatments. The initial topical treatment was
difficult because of the location. However I began to get
results with persistence. It was painful for him, and I added
aspirin at our vet's recommendation, and eventually added a
Cox 2 Inhibiter as I found info that spoke of its cancer inhibiting
qualities. This helped with the pain, and the trust he has for me
did too, but he never liked the treatments. Yet he tolerated them.
After several treatments
I noticed a place that was indented on the bottom of the tumor.
Again with persistence a cavity formed where the tooth had been
removed, then the treatment took a leap forward! Now I had a
surface! The removal leaped forward at that point. Today I am happy
to report that the tumor is about 85-90% gone. I can see the
remaining cells and a place in the gum. The slabs of
necrotized tissue that came out sometimes astonished me.
It has been about 3 weeks
since the leap forward. He isn't quite done yet, but it is clear
that he isn't dying. After a treatment he is a little sleepy the
next day, and then back to his usual happy self. His stamina is
down a little, but he is healing a major cancer. His coat is
shiny and he is playful and as fast and happy chasing a squirrel
as he was as a pup. He is long past his predicted life span
with the tumor, and if quality of life is the criteria as my vets say.
I am very happy to report
that we are on the home stretch. I am giving him a rest
between treatments because we are into mostly healthy tissue
and it does hurt when I apply the salve. I am certain that
I will be writing soon to tell you it is gone. I am also
reordering some supplies of the healing ointments. I think I will
try the Deep Tissue
for this last part. Your note about this new product for vet use
and "that it shouldn't be that difficult" hit home.
Thanks for being there.
Name Withheld by Request
Submitted via email
June 4, 2002
Case #101201: Cansema Salve & Cansema Tonic:
Non-Specific Cancer Tumors
In January 2001, my dog, Cleo, developed a lump on her
left foreleg above the elbow. My vet took a needle biopsy,
but could not determine if the lump, the size of a dime, was
cancerous or not. I had him remove the lump and send it to
pathology. The report identified it as a Nerve Sheath cancer,
and I was told that due to the elongated nature of the cells,
it was most probably cut into during the removal of the lump,
and would come back. I saw an veterinarian oncologist who
recommended radiology treatments (twice a day for 19 days),
or amputation of the leg at the shoulder. I decided to treat
the site with Cansema Black Salve that I had acquired from
a herbalist friend. Neither of us was definitely clear on
how to use the product, but felt it would be better than the
other options. Treatment began March 9, 2001.
The salve was applied around the area where the tumor
had been removed, about the diameter of a quarter... trying
to catch the perimeter of cells that were left behind. The
site opened up within a week, drained, and literally peeled
off flesh down to the bone. The process was very scary. Cleo
went about 2 1/2 weeks not willing to eat or drink anything...
I used a turkey baster to force Pedialyte into her and spoon-fed
her scrambled eggs, pureed chicken soup, etc., laced with
vitamins and minerals to keep her strength up. When she snapped
out of it and decided to eat on her own one night, we were
delighted. From then on, she was back to her old self... eating,
drinking, playing a little, and acting normal for a 6-yr.-old
Miniature Pinscher. After a few more months of acupuncture,
physical therapy in the pool, and massage, she is using the
leg... running, playing with a puppy we got to keep her moving,
and hardly limps. There is visible damage to the leg, due to
the muscle and tendon that was distroyed during the treatment,
but she has feeling in the foot, just no control of the foot.
During the treatment, her skin broke out from the site,
up her shoulder, across her ribs, and down her back leg...
as if following the meridian for specific organs... or
following the affected nerve. It wasn't until 2/3 of the way
through the treatment that I discovered the AO website and
Cansema product, but I am sure the product I used was very
similar. (Editor: From its description, it appears to
have been HerbVeil 8 - an earlier incarnation of Cansema).
When I discovered AO, I ordered some Tonic and she has received
a 1/2-dropperful every day since. She doesn't like the taste,
but I think she knows it's a neccessary inconvenience. Her
fur is shiny and healthy looking... her attitude is positive
and playful... and she gives the puppy a run for his money.
Thank you for providing these wonderful products and
having such a comprehensive website to explain every aspect
of them. My vet has even looked into your website for other
clients with cancer-afflicted pets.
Jan Gillispie
Tempe, AZ (USA)
October 12, 2001
Case #072201: Cansema Tonic III
12-Year Old Dog / Mast Cell Tumor
My dog is acting normal.
His vet is amazed because of
how nasty the site is. There seems to be no pain, we can
still change his bandage with no resistance whatsoever.
We now have much more drainage then ever before. He may
be sleeping a little more but other than that he is eating
well and is playful, although not as playful as usual...
But, yeah,
the tumor is gone.
Kelly Leeman
Via email: July 22, 2001
Editor's Note: We have edited
comments with Kelly in this email thread.
We are still dealing with some blood loss, due to the nature of
the decavitation. But the point is: this tumor, a potentially
nasty growth, is gone for good.
Case #072001: Cansema Tonic III & HRx Concentrate
"Incurable" Feline Fibro Sarcoma
I cannot thank you
enough for your advice concerning my cat and his diagnosed
fibro sarcoma. We completed the month-long treatments one week ago.
Today I took Spitz to the vet. He was
amazed that there is no longer any sign of the tumor, and kept
saying, "I am so glad you brought Spitz in for me to examine.
If you had just told me that the tumor was gone, I never would
have believed you."
Spitz did not care at all
for the taste of the Cansema
Tonic III, and he learned to avoid me each morning and evening
around treatment time. However, he was never sick, never seemed
to lack energy (in fact, he acts more like a kitten now), and just
didn't seem to have any negative effects from the treatments...
Again, thank you.
Lynn West
Via Email, 7/21/2001
Editor's Note: Spitz didn't just have
fibro sarcoma. He had a recommendation from the vet to promptly
remove his leg. Cansema products just don't save lives (human
and animal); they also prevent unnecessary amputations.
Read the complete "Spitz"
email thread.
Case #060201: Cansema Salve & Horses:
Upper Respiratory Viral Infection / Cancer
I am Arlo, using Jeannie's
computer. Our questions are, what
element of the (Cansema) black salve makes it unsafe to put in the mouth?
The reason I ask is Jeannie's quarter horse mare has been plagued with
a persistant cough. Her Vet said she had a viral infection in the
breathing tube and we would soon have to put her to sleep. The Vet
gave her a steroid shot which was supposed to clear up the problem
for about one month, but the shot didn't help for even one day.
In desperation I smeared some of the black salve on her tongue and
she never coughed again for more than a year.
A couple of weeks ago
she began coughing again so I used the
black salve again and the next morning the horse was just fine.
I can't see where the black salve hurt her at all, but I have been
very cautious with using it. There is no apparent damage to the mucous
membranes. I was wondering what might happen if the salve were made
without the "dangerous" part? or maybe you have a better suggestion.
It would next to impossible to give this horse a capsule or a liquid
that she didn't approve of.
After being poisoned with
the drinking water here in Yerington,
fifteen cancerous moles appeared on my head and neck. Your Black Salve
safely removed them all without any pain. As a precaution I am on my
second bottle of the (Cansema) Tonic III, and I believe all my cancer
problems are just about finished. Incidentaly, we believe the horse
was infected from drinking the same water.
Please answer if you have
any suggestions and thank you very much. It is very worthwhile
work that you are doing.
Sent via email
June 1, 2001
(Customer Service Response: > It's embarrassing to have to say
this... but our admonition to keep Cansema Salve away from mucous membrane
is more driven by our concern for lawsuits than anything else.
There is plenty of evidence on the Alpha Omega web site that many
have used Cansema successfully in oral applications (see the Ken Estes
case at Admittedly, this approach,
especially when dealing with human cases, SHOULD be done with the
oversight of an administering health care professional. But there
are many cases where this simply wasn't possible, and there was no
other viable alternative in sight when faced with an advanced
Stage IV situation.
That your horses are
getting better with your applying Cansema
orally does not surprise me. Although don't expect to hear the
same answer from me if I find out you're friends with an animal psychic
and an attorney who represents horses. (You'll laugh, of course -- but,
trust me, we're headed there!)
You mention "the dangerous
part." There isn't one. There is nothing we could take out of
Cansema that would not reduce it's effectiveness. What is dangerous
is using Cansema in the mouth -- without at least the availability
of good analgesics, without a knowledgeable doctor, and with a
user that is frightened and doesn't understand what is happening
to them -- (the last applying more to humans). When you consider
this possibility, you annunciate the shamefulness of an orthodox
medical system that refuses to recognize or incorporate the sound,
proven benefits of escharotics after 120 years of successful use
in both humans and animals.
Case #061301: Cansema Salve / Tonic & Bunnies
I have had numerous bunny
rabbits die of cancer, over the years.
Mostly it has been internal cancer that I would find out about through
an autopsy, after their death. Recently though I had a rabbit that had
a huge, 2" x 3" external cancer. She had it for about 11/2 years, but
was beginning to fail in health. It smelled so bad the whole area
reeked. It was soft and gooey on the surface, exuding a foul
smelling liquid. I found out about the Cansema salve and began applying it.
Immediately it began to
dry up forming a black scab that
loosened around the edges and I removed. I had to apply the salve a
couple of times to stubborn parts. Before the scab completely came off,
the bunny died. An autopsy revealed that the external cancer was dead,
but her whole insides were filled with cancer tumors. Another bunny
had also developed the same type of external cancer. Her cancer was
only about the size of a large walnut when I started treating it.
This time I got the Tonic and used both the salve and the Tonic.
Since the Tonic I had alcohol, which bunnies cannot metabolize,
I flamed off the alcohol and then reconstituted it with sterile water.
I gave her between a 1/4 and 1/2 teaspoon twice a day for a month while
I treated and removed the external cancer scab. The Tonic obviously
made her not feel well for a few hours after she got it, but about
the 3rd week, I noticed that it didn't seem to bother her very much
when she got it. She began to fill out again and became her perky
little self. She had eaten huge quantities of food when she had the
cancer, but became thinner and thinner. Now she is fat and sassy
and the skin and even hair has grown back so well that no one
would be able to tell where the cancer had been. I am sure the
cancer had metastasized, and without the Tonic, she would have met the
same fate as the other bunny.
I have many bunnies,
every one a dear and much loved friend. My bunny medicine cabinet
will never be without Cansema, it is a life saver.
Karen Mabry
June 13, 2001
Sent via email
Case #060301: Cansema Salve & Horses: Skin Cancer
One of my best friends bought
a horse not knowing that the
small sore on the left eye was cancerous. In a short while the
cancer measured about an inch in every direction. His Vet froze
the cancer, but instead of falling off it just got bigger to the
point where the eyeball was becoming misshapen. My friend used
some of the black salve but nothing happened. The horse was being
kept in an iron corral and had evidently rubbed the eye on one of
the iron bars. His owner was finally persuaded to give the black
salve another try and this time we cross tied the horse so he
couldn't get near the iron fence. In about a week the cancer fell
off the eye leaving only a small scar. I didn't see the horse for
another year but the cancer never returned, and the eye regained
its normal shape. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.
Sent via email
June 3, 2001
Case #071500: Cansema Salve & Horses
Bravo Alpha Omega!
Thank you so much for
making your wonderful products available world wide!
In April of '98, a friend
gave me some Cansema ... to remove some sarcoids on two of my horses.
One on the nostril of one horse, and two on the under side of
the barrel on the other horse. The nostril sarcoid was gone in
three days, and the two barrel sarcoids were gone in ten days.
A year later the horse with the barrel sarcoids developed yet
another lesion on the opposite side of his mid line, and again
treated with the Cansema it was totally gone in a week.
I have also used your
Cansema product to soak my horses with
hoof abcesses, and to treat infected wounds. It really helps to
draw out all the infection and helps both to heal amazingly fast.
I also use it as an infection preventative "soak" on fresh wounds.
If you have a suggestion
of another one of your products that
may serve even better for wounds, especially deep wounds
please do advise.
Again... may God bless you
for providing such a remarkable product!
(P.S.) - I personally know many horse owners who won't be
without Cansema in their barns. It's used for anything
from bruised soles to barbed wire cuts with amazing
results. I also know two vets that use it, and recommend
it to their clients on a regular basis.
Warmest regards,
Becky Hartman
July 15, 2000
Case #061999: Cansema Salve & Dog Tumors
After my last report on using
Cansema on the dogs, I began to
systematically try it on the lumps and growths that the older dogs
had for up to 5 years or more.
I was amazed to find
that most of them responded to the
Cansema and were completely or partially removed in days. In many
cases I found a growth was actually a series of growths from the same
attachment point and the Cansema would remove those that it was applied
on and leave underlying ones for a subsequent treatment. I have delayed
the second treatment until the first was completely healed and the
nearby skin healed and normalized.
In one case a ten year old dog
had a small wartlike growth
about 1 x 2 cm. The skin around it was completely normal in appearance
and to the touch. I applied the Cansema and covered it. The next day
I noticed the bandage oozing and checked it. The growth was in the
center of a 4-5 cm circle that a few days later came off like it had
been cut with a cookie cutter, at least 3 cm. deep! There was a lot
of oozing for a week, but no bleeding, and two weeks later only a
red patch remained on apparently even skin. I had no idea that this
dog had any real problems and never dreamed the small growth -- typical
of older dogs of this hairless breed -- was anything other than a
skin tag.
In the past years several dogs
have had a fungus-like skin
condition that was almost impossible to cure and hard to even control.
It would leave the skin changed and often have angry red raised welts
along the growing edge. I could stop the spread with gentian violet,
which I used for years to get rid of normal fungus growths, but this
stuff was impossible. I wonder if it is perhaps related to the
"flesh eating bacteria" we hear about.
I tried the Cansema on the
edges and the worst spots reacted
to it and went through the process described in your literature, but
just affected the top layers of skin. The pink spots left are similar
to those from the deeper type of tumors, and slow to return to normal
color. My oldest dog, a lighter skinned Chinese created in 1985 when
they were going to put her down because they could not cure her ear
and skin fungus, also had a soft large growth on one leg. The
Cansema has taken off sections of it but I found the area around
the growth almost all reacted to the Cansema, forming dark scabs
in a swirling pattern, with some places forming the typical round
scab shown in your literature. The thing is that before treatment
there was no indication that those places were any different from
the rest, when the scabs came off, there would be a light patch
where the round scabs were, healing typically, but where the
swirled scabbing was, the skin returned to normal -- and I had
never seen normal skin on this dog for the 15 years I have owned
her. It was always red, flaky, moist, and sensitive, and I washed
my hands carefully after I handled her. She did feel some pain the
first two days after I applied the Cansema, but this dog has been
in such discomfort most of her life from her skin that she actually
seems to want me to work on her. I give her a child's dose of
benedryl syrup and it helps the dog relax and feel less pain.
I have used the remainder of the Cansema doing an inch of her skin
at a time since at least half her body is of the skin condition
that is returning to normal with the use of the Cansema. I have
also used the Cansema on patches of skin that appear slightly
rougher than the rest, and found that tiny spots scab up with a
thin scab and points here and there produce a lot of pus.
This is so subtle that one has to look closely to know it is going
on and the pus rarely breaks through the scab unless you crack it.
I think it is a very minor level of whatever it is.
So I have at least
6 dogs that have lost tumors and the
one that is likely to have her life extended by years, and it is
nice to see the ugly growths gone and the dogs looking healthier.
All these dogs are over ten and a vet would not treat them because
they would fear that the dog would not survive the anesthetic.
I now understand that
there is so much more to be done, and
that I should use Cansema on suspicious spots on all dogs from
now on ...
Well, thank you for
your time and your product, and feel
free to use any of my statements in your literature, or direct
others with sick dogs to my email address.
Patricia Weissleader
Lizardhaven Ranch
Email, Sat., 19 Jun 1999
Case #022699: Cansema Tonic & Cat Tumors
My 12 year old male cat had a
large malignant mast cell
tumor on his side... At your direction, I gave him the Cansema
tonic, instead of the capsules, every time he ate by putting 12 to 15
drops in his food three to four times a day. (He weighs 20 lbs.)
When I fed him raw food that I couldn't easily mix into it, I put
the tonic in a capsule and gave him that.
The largest tumor was as big
as my thumb, and the 4 smaller
ones were pea sized. At first the smaller ones simply dried up, and
three of them disappeared. The fourth, also dried up, but was pushed
out of his body. I wasgoing to put drops of the tonic directly on it,
but it was unnecessary. It simply dropped off as a scab. The large
one melted away into nothing and disappeared. The time from start to
finish was about three weeks, but 3 of the tumors disappeared in two
weeks. I only used about an ounce and a half of tonic, for a total
product cost of about $6 (USD). I'm not keeping him on it and
mixing it in with all of his meals.
Thank you so much for your incredible product.
It saved my cat's life.
J. Foote
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Letter dated February 26, 1999
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