Cansema ® & Related Products --- 2007-2009 (Human)
testimonials below are just a few that have been collected on
the effectiveness of Cansema® (both
black topical salve and our
internal versions - human use only,
see also animal use), as well
as our CanSupport products.
The testimonials on this page are primarily those we have obtained
over the past year while setting up our lab in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
There were no attempts to collect or post testimonials between
2003 and 2007 -- due to the fact that the lab was closed down
after the FDA raid in September, 2003 and the subsequent
fraudulent imprisonment of AO Labs' founder, Greg Caton (left) --
the subject of the upcoming book, Meditopia.
(The lab did not reopen until 2007, and the online store did not reopen until June 1, 2008).
 As always, we have made no attempt
to alter any of the language (syntax, punctuation, spelling, etc.) of these written
letters and/or email missives, excepting minor spelling errors.
Thousands of other individuals
have been helped who did not take the time to sit down and write
letters or send email. You may contact these individuals directly,
if you wish, where contact information is provided.
 Some portions of this page have little graphics,
but are text heavy. We have a pictorial testimony
page, if you want a more visual representation of how Cansema ® works.
Disclaimer: The purpose
of these testimonials is to provide you with an insight as to what other
Alpha Omega users have reported, and to provide a foundation for
the legitimacy of our research and overall work. No responsible maker of herbal products,
Alpha Omega included, would infer that testimonial inputs carry the same
weight as well-constructed clinical studies. To U.S. Users: None of the
Alpha Omega Labs' products mentioned in these pages have been
evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Therefore, they
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in your country ----
even if that is the manner in which they are used in virtually every other
country on earth.
Case #051509: Probable Cancerous Mole - Cansema®
 I have used
Cansema on a non healing wound the size of a pencil eraser and much to
my amazement as per your instructions the results were amazing. It took
14 days total from start to finish, along with the use of QuikHeal,
which is totally amazing.
The area is clean and it was like nothing was ever there.
Of course I have an appointment with a Bd Certified Dermatologist for a
skin check of the area.
 What an amazing product!
 Lydia A. Zaccaro, RN / Acupuncturist
 Email received May 15, 2009 @ 6:36 p.m. CST
Case #051109: Throat Cancer - Cansema®
and CanSupport for Liver / Kidney
[ We regularly get testimonials from happy end-users,
but sometimes the observations of a third party make for more interesting reading.
The following letter, from a close friend of Cansema® user and pastor,
Donnie Sneed, is a case in point. ]
 I have a pastor friend of mine who was given
6 months to live. He has a tumor in the back of his throat and two on each side of the
throat. Well, he is using your product, Cansema®, and if I had not seen it myself
I would never have believed it. The tumors are on the outside now of his throat.
It is amazing (as he has) passed six months. I am a cancer survivor, but that is because
I will not let the doctors do chemo. It has been six years now for me. I am a true believer
of natural cures. I am passing this wonderful news on to all our church members.
Our pastor friend is Donnie Sneed.
 God help you on what you are doing.
 Email received May 11, 2009 @ 12:27 p.m. CST
Case #042109: Unspecified Neoplastic Conditions - Cansema Tonic III
CanSupport for Liver / Kidney
 When you were out of business, I tried products that marginally helped.
Now you are back, I have used most of one tonic 3 and two liver/kidneys capsules, and have more on order.
I have already had beneficial results, such as, pressure around my eye has vanished and a knot in the brow above
it gone; rectal bleeding stopped. Your products have been helping more than anything else I have tried.
 Charles Turner -
( author)
 Email received April 21, 2009 @ 3:23 p.m. CST
Case #033109: Numerous Cancerous Moles - Cansema®
and Bloodroot Paste
 Hi, my name is [name deleted],
I'm a 45 year old male who, in my younger years, spent a lot of time, unprotected, out in the sun.
 It was during
my early teens I started to notice moles appearing all over my body and
in the ensuing years these have multiplied.
 A number of
years ago I had a cancerous mole surgically removed from my back, I had
to have numerous nerve-block injections in and around the area and to
this day I still believe I could feel some of the cuts made by the
scalpel and because the location of the surgery was in an area where the
skin stretches it has left me with lots of scar tissue. After such a
traumatic experience, I was adamant I would
never go back to have anymore moles removed.
 A few years
ago I was sent a jar of Cansema and a jar of Bloodroot Paste by a pair
of well-meaning elderly aunts. Over the years they had overwhelmed me
with all sorts of pastes, salves and liniments for my (ever-so-slight)
receding hairline, so when I received these
latest products, I was skeptical. One slow afternoon I decided to
research into the Bloodroot and Cansema pastes. The more I read, the
more curious I became and finally, with major trepidation, I treated my
first mole.
 I remember
thinking "what the hell am I doing?" after the first week of
application, and "this is stupid" every time I re-applied the paste and
redressed the area. Everything slowly took place exactly as the
instructions said it would and I have to admit I was more than a
bit concerned when an infection developed, but you could have knocked me
over with a feather when the dried-up mole almost literally fell out
and I was TOTALLY blown-away when the fresh skin underneath healed
during the next two weeks and left a barely noticable scar... this stuff
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for producing and selling your incredible products,
I tell everyone I know of your products and even volunteer the use of
my dwindling supply of Bloodroot paste to prove how good it is.
 Needless to
say I am disgusted by the "powers-that-be" which are trying to stop you
from providing these natural remedies. May their pettiness and/or
greediness be their downfall.
 [ Name Withheld by Request ], Queensland, Australia
 Email received March 31, 2009 @ 11:56 p.m. CST
Case #0327109: Throat Cancer - Cansema®
 We are having
good results using these products for my wifes throat cancer ...MD
Anderson sent her home 8 weeks ago and said she had approx. 3 months
....wanted to put her under hospice....we are using these products as
part of her treatment program and two tumors have disappeared and the
primary is shrinking. She has gained 7 lbs and says she is feeling
"normal" .....she is on no pain meds and all body functions are good.
Thank you for making these awesome products available.
 [ Identity Withheld ]
 Email received March 27, 2009 @ 11:47 a.m. CST
Case #031009: Skin Cancers - Chest & Face; Cansema®
plus Vitamin E ointment as a heal-over agent (2009)
(Click pictures below to enlarge)
 Hello Cathryn,
 If you're interested, an update with pics of the two latest cancer removals
- face and chest. . . The one on my face came out quite well . . . still working on the chest.
 Take care,
 Debye Wilkes (Australia)
 Email received March 10, 2009 @ 5:39 p.m. CST
Case #121508: Lip Cancer & Others; Cansema®
All removed by Cansema® in 2001 and still non-recurrent (2009)
(Click pictures below to enlarge)
[ We can go for years without hearing from a customer
and then suddenly someone will re-contact us about one or more cancers that they eliminated
using our products. The following email and picture attachments were received from
"Kathy" in Los Angeles on December 16, 2008 -- and concern cancers she removed using
our products back in 2001. As you'll see, she just wanted to write to tell us that there were no
 Cansema eradicated cancers on my leg and the soft tissue
of my mouth, in 2001. Thank you, and no recurrences so far.
 Had no idea you went to prison....
wow, should be expected because we all know the government and most humans is/are corrupt, and/or lacks empathy,
which of course makes them dangerous.....
 I understand why you do what you do. My father drilled into me
every single day of my young life, think for yourself. Thanks to him, I do not automatically bow to authority figures.
And it's so much fun to cure your own cancer! I love utilizing my own power.
 Thanks again,
 "Kathy" (Los Angeles)
 (email excluded)
 Email received Dec. 15, 2008 @ 3:15 p.m. CST
Case #110408: Dozens of Skin Cancers -- SCC/BCC's; Cansema®
 I've been
using Cansema for about 5 years, and have removed literally dozens of
skin cancers with it. (All SCC or BCC--but have seen my friend remove
what was obviously a melanoma with it.)
 You couldn't find a more loyal supporter for this product,
and you may use this testimonial in any way you wish.
 Brian Brown (Australia)
 Email received Nov. 4, 2008 @ 9:55 p.m. CST
Case #101208: Jaw Cancer & Cansema®
[ It would be reckless, foolhardy, and misleading to say
that curing jaw cancer is a walk in the park. We have a protocol that works surprisingly
well -- but it takes diligent, sustained effort over a period of several months to work.
(See the well-documented case of Kent Estes as
an example.) Most people prefer to listen to their oncologist, of course, in the face
of horrifically negative statistics as to the outcome of orthodox methods of treatment . . .
in fact, I just lost my uncle (John Caton of Richmond, Virginia) to jaw cancer -- well,
actually, it was quite metastasized from all that wonderfully expensive radical
surgery he'd been through that insures that the cancer growth spreads like crazy . . .
Truth be told, I don't think John even WANTED to live after they wired his jaw
shut and put him on an orthomolecular-sized regime of powerful analgesic drugs.
You may remember the Biblical quote that a prophet
is not respected in his own home. Neither are those who deal in the alternative
health care field -- as I can attest . . . as Bob Hurt, whose letter you can read
below and who has courageously dedicated his life to alerting patients to effective
alternatives, can attest.
So, there you have.
For the first time since I started posting Cansema testimonials in the late 1990's,
I am posting a "negative testimonial" -- though it isn't about the use of Cansema.
It is about the dangers of its absence.
It is a cautionary tale of the horror that IS radiation therapy.
Take a look at the video,
which, although intended to portray the outcome in a courageous, positive light, instead . . . well . . .
let's not poison the well here. I'll just let you be the judge. . . . Greg Caton]
 From: "Bob Hurt"
To: cancercure@yahoogroups.com, cancercured@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Norman Hurt and jaw cancer
Sept. 19, 2008 @ 1:52 a.m.
" You can see a slide show of my brother, Norman, over the past 8 months.
He thought he had an abscessed tooth. He had cancer. Instead of
going to Greg Caton the way I told him (http://altcancer.net - Greg
moved to Ecuador after getting out of prison - he had sold an
anti-cancer product that really worked - Cansema - and now he's
selling it full blast from Ecuador), Norman went the traditional route
and thinks his cancer is gone. Maybe it is. But look at him in this
video and see the transformation - he aged 20 years, it seems.
He eats through a feeding tube because his mouth and throat are
completely raw and damaged from chemo and radiation. He thinks he
might not have had cancer at all because of a weirdness in the
diagnosis and subsequent comments by the doctor.
Instead of going through that, call Greg Caton. Get his phone number
at http://altcancer.net. "
 . . . and then this . . . just 3 days later.
From: "Bob Hurt"
To: cancercure@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Mini-Quickie Cancer Update (with Photos)
" My brother
Norman in the below photos shows the result of the cancer treatment.
One lip unresponsive due to cut nerves, gauntness from losing weight as a
result of eating through a tube in the belly, purple mouth (last photo)
from gentian violet to treat the mouth sores. Told me a couple of days
ago he drank some coffee and a smoothie, still hurting, but tolerable.
The two females are my sister Claudia and Norman's daughter Ashley. "
[ See
complete letter with pictures ]
Bob Hurt
2460 Persian Drive #70
Clearwater, FL 33763
+1 (727) 669-5511
Donate here: http://bobhurt.com/lawdonation.htm
Study Jurisdictionary: http://www.jurisdictionary.com/index.asp?refercode=HB0002
Join Lawmen: lawmen-subscribe@googlegroups.com
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Save fuel: http://www.fuelsaver-mpg.com/affiliates/jrox.php?id=145_1_tlid_8_MailFoot
Case #100408: Skin Cancers
(type: unspecified) & Cansema®
 I heard about
cansema ointment for skin cancer from a friend in the US whose husband
had a major oozing skin cancer on his back (about the size of a silver
dollar)- used this product and within a month to 6 weeks was perfectly
 My sisters
finance had an oozing sore on his hand (about the size of a quarter) - I
recommended him to go to this website and order it for himself - which
he did...and much to his amazement, the sore has now completely healed.
He has others on his body that he is now applying it too.
 My husband
also had some 'questionable' looking sores on his legs - he hadn't been
to the doctor about them, but I too ordered the cansema ointment which
he used - and voila - they too are now healed.
 I am only
sorry that we did not take before pictures to post for you...but we can
testify to the fact that this product miraculously works. Where the
medical profession failed.
Get it! You won't be sorry!
 Truda Sawlor - Woodstock, Ontario (Canada)
 Email received Oct. 4, 2008 @ 6:41 a.m. CST
Case #092608: Skin Cancers
(type: unspecified) & Cansema®
 Dear Greg,
 Great to have
you back up and manufacturing your excellent products. I had supplied a
practitioner friend of mine with a few pots of Cansema just before the
FDA thugs came knocking and he saved a lot of people from needless
surgery with the product. One lady's nose was saved from amputation I
believe, another man his ear. I supplied my sister in law who was
suffering with a brain tumour with your brain cancer formula and it mad a
huge difference in pain reduction and pressure. Take care, Darragh
 Darragh ... [last name removed, 07Jul09]
[email address withheld by request]
 Email received Sept. 26, 2008 @ 6:01 p.m. CST
Case #092608: Skin Cancers
(type: unspecified) & Cansema®
 I am so glad
you are still around! I periodically check to see if the real "cansema"
is being formulated again and I just checked and found you. I
purchased real "cansema" sometime ago and found that the discolored
moles on my husbands face took to the "cansema" and fell off. I also
used the product on a small unhealing spot on my forehead. According to
directions and process information, it also came out/off. Just to
prove the reality of the product, I also tried it on some other areas
that I did not think were cancerous and just like your literature
said.... all it did was get a little red but did not adhere to the spot.
Proving once again that it only sticks to the spots if they are
cancerous. It does what it says it will do! Time went by and I went on
the website to find that you were shut down. I waited and ordered some
more product (or so I thought) from another place online. When I opened
it I could tell right away that the consistancy was not the same as the
original that I had purchased from you. I tried to use it and it
didn't even remotely act like it should have. I had two spots on my arm
that were looking funny and the "other product" did nothing to them but
make an oily mess. My husband found out that a friend of his had some
of the real "cansema". So, I used it and right away could tell it was
the right stuff. It dealt with the two spots on my arm and they are
gone. I have waited a few years now and found you producing again and I
am so glad. I will be purchasing some real "cansema" again from
you..... only your product works!
 Name Withheld by Request
 Email received Sept. 26, 2008 @ 2:50 a.m. CST
Case #092508:
BCC's / Cansema®
 I have been
diagnosed several time with Basil cell skin cancer. I have even had
several surgeries to remove it. After talking to some friends who have
tried your product, I thought "What do I have to lose?" I had several
areas I wanted to try. The first being my nose. Just after 4 hrs. I
felt it eating away the cancer. Not known for my patience, I removed
the bandaide to peek at what it was doing. I was suprised at how fast it
worked! I have used other topical creams, and it would take a month to
do anything. The other thing I was impressed about was how it only
works on the cancer! I tried some salve on a dark freckle to see what it
would do, and nothing happened. It didn't even get red. Just after
only 5 days my eschars came off, and the sores are healing nicely! Also,
I had some discomfort the first day, but then it was very little after
that. I think your product is amazing and would highly reccomend it to
any one with skin cancer. Keep up the great work!
 Identity Withheld by Request
 Email received Sept. 25, 2008 @ 8:21 a.m. CST
Case #092408:
Misdiagnosed Skin Cancer / Cansema®
 So pleased to see you are back in business!
 The question
is about my father who is 82. For 20 years or so (before using the
salve) he had terrible itching at the top of his back, epecially the
last 10 years. There was no rash, moles or anything there. He went to
the doctor who said it was his age and it was probably dry skin (he did
not have dry skin because I looked) and told him to use some special
oil in his bath.
 Three years
ago I suggested to my mum to put some cansema on a bit of his back where
it itched the most. A huge tumour came out (it was at the top of his
spine) and another one a little lower. (photos attached) The skin had a
lump come up after the first tumour and another big tumour came out
with the application of cansema . . .
 (The enclosed) photos are from July 2005. His health seems OK, he does his garden and goes for a walk most days.
 Thank you.
 Email received Sept. 24, 2008 @ 1:48 p.m. CST
[Anne . . . I was in Federal Prison in
Beaumont, Texas when these photos were taken. Sorry, I wasn't there to help you,
although you were probably communicating with Jayde or my wife, Cathryn . . .
Greg Caton]
Case #091508:
BCC's / Cansema®
 To: Greg Caton (aka James Carr)
 Today is 09/15/2008.
 I had 22
BCC's. My name is Lloyd Young, Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am one of the
thousands of satisified "Cansema" users. You (James) talked me by email
through the removal of 22 sites that I successfully removed at ONE time
in early 1999. Your response was, "Don't tell me you did all 22 at one
time." Yes, I did! I'm glad I did, too.
 Today a friend
called me about her issue of a breast lump and what she could do
naturally for this condition. Browzing through my usual web sites for
links to share with her I DISCOVERED THAT YOU'RE ALIVE & WELL &
 GREG, I'm
asking if I could send my testimony and pics of during and after. I know
your "guideline" instructions seems to be an open invitation to share -
since I removed my BCC in early 1999 my story might be too old.
 Thanks, and welcome back,
 Lloyd Young
 Email rec'd Sept. 15, 2008 @ 5:10 p.m. CST
[No, Lloyd . . . your story is not too old . . . No story is
too old as long as people continue to believe that chemotherapy, radiation, radical surgery, or
pharmaceutical drugs are the answer to curing cancer -- be it skin cancer or any
of the over 200 varieties of internal cancers . . . And no Cansema testimonial is too
old as long as
the FDA continues to support adulterated and mislabelled counterfeit
product. ]
Case #080108:
SCC's and Cansema®
 I am a former
customer. I had a squamous-cell skin cancer diagnosed in early 2001 and
subsequently had Mohs surgery for it. Although it was tiny, smaller than
a pin head, a piece of tissue about 1.5 inches in diameter was removed
from my nose. It took forever to heal and left a bump at the opposite
end from the cancer site.
 I vowed I'd
never go through that again, so ordered black salve from you. Not long
after, I had a series of 7 small cancerous growths on the other side of
my nose. I didn't see an MD about these, but used the black salve. In
every case, it burned off the tissue and the sites healed quickly. The
last one turned out to be very large with legs and I felt it was the
primary one from which the others had emerged. It left a pit almost a
half inch in diameter when it fell off.
 Now you can
hardly tell there was anything there. I used the H3O. I still have the
salve, but was distressed when I found that your business had been
raided in 2003 and your products were not available. So when I
discovered this site, I was delighted . . .
 I am thankful I
have not had any more skin cancers, but I like to be prepared just in
case. I am glad you are still alive and well.
 Nancy Barker
 Gresham, Oregon
Case #011508: Brian O'Leary
Scientist, Author, and Former NASA Astronaut
Skin Cancer (BCC) / Cansema®
“I am so sorry that excellent work like this, which has been in use
for over one hundred years, has been violently suppressed by the
mainstream medical community because of greed. This blockage of a very
fine alternative approach to treating cancer is outrageous.”
Dr. Brian O’Leary
 Brian O'Leary is a widely
regarded author, scientist, and former NASA astronaut. His
11 published books and numerous articles make compelling arguments
for the development of "free energy" -- and an end to the suppression
of disruptive technologies, in general, that are necessary for the
future of humanity. His Ecuadorean paradise in Vilcabamba,
Montesueños, serves
as a retreat for like-minded thinkers, writers, and other
 Dr. Brian O'Leary's testimonial
is the basis for a chapter in Tomorrow's Cancer Cures Today:
25 Secret Therapies from Around the World by Dr. Allan Spreen (M.D.),
put out by Agora Publishing.
 The rough details -- without
revealing too much of the book's content -- are as follows:
- Dr. O'Leary had suffered from an incurable lesion on
his back for three years. When he went to have it
biopsied, he was told that he had a BCC (basal cell
carcinoma) and that it would need to be surgically removed.
- He very reluctantly agreed to the surgery, knowing
that surgeons "usually underestimate" the resulting side effects
of the surgery.
- Three days before the surgery was set to occur, O'Leary
met with AO Labs' founder, Greg Caton, to discuss his case.
Based on the input from Caton and that of other successful Cansema users,
O'Leary cancelled his surgery and used Cansema instead.
- Dr. O'Leary indicates in his book interview that the process
was "somewhat painful," but "a lot better than surgery."
- Three applications were made over a period of three months,
and "now it's virtually all gone . . . I’m feeling pretty good
and quite healed! The thing on my back is…nothing like it was
before I started taking the Cansema . . . this treatment worked
so well that I didn’t have to have surgery --
so that’s basically my…very happy story." (July 1, 2008)
 Details about the
upcoming book on tried-and-true international cancer cures
will be forthcoming on this site.
Case #082307:
Skin Cancer (Type Unspecified) / Cansema®
 I just wanted
to let you know that my daughter used cansema on a "mole" on her back
three years ago. It reacted exactly as your company says it would. She
went to the doctor to have the rest of it removed and the test came
back as benign, thus proving to us that cansema did indeed kill the
cancer. We recently found another spot on her foot and used the salve.
It took two weeks and was quite painful, but it is totally gone now ans
she is healing nicely. Her doctor is not concerned and all looks well.
Thanks for the product . . .
(After sending a thank note, the following was received from
the same party on Sept. 4, 2007): It never fails..when something
works and is good for a person, someone evil has to come along and
destroy it. Sorry to hear about the trouble, but am very happy to have
contacted cansema before the shut down. Good luck and my God bless the
efforts to help people.
 Email received August 23, 2007
Case #100407:
BCC and SCC's / Cansema®
 I have used
the Cansema topical salve because i have basal cell and squamous skin
cell carcinomas. I have had several removed by Mose surgery and other
methods but see less scaring for the most part and less down time, and i
feel it pull from surrounding areas with the salve.
 Would love to take CanSupport but cannot get it. This salve is amazing, however.
 I have used it
on my face and now am using a 9 year old jar on a place on my arm.
Wish me luck. Everyone who struggles with the large industrial drug
system their unwillingness and their inability to get us the things we
want made available is in my prayers and i will send lots of positive
thoughts that something will happen to help us all to get what we
 Identity Withheld by Request
 Email received October 4, 2007
Case #111507:
Undefined Skin Cancer / Cansema®
(Click on images to enlarge)
 I bought the
Cansema from your website before it was closed down. It's amazing to me
that the stuff is still potent after at least five years. My friend who
used it lives in a low income senior housing apartment and she wants to
pass along some of it to a neighbor. I hope the jar doesn't come back
 Rebecca Cody
 Email received Nov. 15, 2007
Case #042408:
Undefined Skin Cancer / Cansema®
 I bought a jar of (Cansema ®)
salve about seven years ago. I applied it to a small skin cancer on my
forearm. I couldn't believe it! Needless to say - the skin cancer is
GONE! THANKS!! My wife has some moles that she would like to get
removed. Is it possible to use the salve to remove them? I look forward
to hearing from you. Again-Thanks for the GREAT PRODUCT!! Jim
 Email received April 24, 2008
Case #071608:
Cansema® / Cansema® Tonic III:
Metastasized Melanoma, Stage IV
Case #071708: Amanda Solomon
Undefined Widespread Cancers Following Burn Trauma / Cansema®
 Another amazing story of successful Cansema use,
this time from practitioner, Neville Solomon, in connection with a traumatic burn
incident involving his own daughter, Amanda.
Here's the story and pictures.
Case #071808: Maria del Rosario de Malta
Cervical Cancer / Cansema® and related alternative therapies
 Señora Rosario's story is told through
a collage of pathology reports, with the assistance of her daughter, Carolina Malta.
See full story.