Code 840 -- Price: $12.95 --
Net Wt.: 0.8 Oz.
This product is available from our online store
Amount sufficient to take care of 5 to 10
moles or warts
in the 6 mm. diameter range
loodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)
has long been known for its strong medicinal
properties, especially with respect to its curative action
in treating a wide variety of skin disorders. It is beyond the
scope of this page to give a complete history of bloodroot's
use, but suffice to say that affect on ordinary moles
(non-cancerous) and warts is well-documented. We have
prepared a special bloodroot paste which can use
self-administered to successfully treat these skin conditions.
Our Background With
This Product:
We first became interested in developing a "bloodroot
paste" when members of our staff reported that when
taking our Cansema Capsules internally
over a period of a week or more
they reported a reduction in size in both
warts and moles, primarily warts. Up until this point,
our focus with respect to bloodroot had been primarly
on its incorporation into escharotic formulas, such
as Cansema Salve for the
treatment of skin cancers. We were aware that bloodroot could
be effective in treating warts and moles from our reading of
Dr. Jonathan Hartwell's work, but
it wasn't an area of interest to us up until then. Our attention was heightened
when we noticed a handful of people taking advantage of our
money-back guarantee (which is quite liberal, by any standard).
They weren't returning the Cansema Salve
because it didn't work on their skin cancer. They were returning
the product because they "thought" they had skin cancer, had failed
to follow our instructions to see their licensed physician first
to verify that they had skin cancer, and were disappointed that
Cansema didn't work within a day or two on their "mole"
in the manner in which it works on skin cancers. We realized
that a different formula and protocol was needed to fill this
void. Our answer to this
need is Alpha Omega's Bloodroot Paste. The most
important thing to emphasize about this product is that
it DOES NOT produce as immediate a response as does
our Cansema Salve on skin cancers. In fact, be prepared
to use the paste for a good 30 days to eliminate most, if not
all of the mole or wart in question.
With proper use, a close following of the instructions
below, and patience, our new Bloodroot Paste does do
a pretty remarkable job, although not with as high a success
rate as our Cansema yields in dealing with skin cancers.
(And this is probably due to the broad etiologies, or causes,
that underlie these diverse skin growths.)
Having first verified
with your medical practitioner that your skin growth (in the
case of a mole) is benign, following these instructions:
Open container and stir with a fresh toothpick to ensure
product homogeneity.
Using your "little finger" simply apply enough of the paste
to cover the wart or mole which you wish to treat. Make sure the
site is covered well. Apply a bandage over the area to insure
that the paste is not wiped off.
Every two days, remove the bandage, apply fresh paste, and
place a new bandaid or bandage back on. This may seem wasteful
to some, but the amount of product you use, remember, is very
little; the purpose of new, fresh product, is to ensure that
there is a sufficient concentration of the alkaloids in the bloodroot
working on the target growth to get the job done. Complete this
cycle until the wart or mole has receded to the same level as
the surrounding skin. When you pass your hand over the area,
you should not feel any protruding skin growth of any kind.
Exception: IF after beginning to apply Bloodroot Paste, you get an
"eschar" (as described in the Cansema
User Instructions) discontinue use and let the resulting
scab follow the steps described therein. Bloodroot Paste is a mild
escharotic (not nearly as strong or as penetrating as
Cansema®) and when applied to
certain mole types, it will follow a similar path to removal.
If you get an eschar formation, there is no benefit to repeated
applications. Let the area heal over.
Warning & Disclaimer
As always, we must remind
our customers that although our paste is designed for
self-administration, Bloodroot Paste is not
a replacement for timely, competent medical advice and attention.
Alpha Omega highly recommends that prior to usage, the
user see a licensed dermatologist and obtain a biopsy or
other diagnosis of the suspected growth, particularly if it is
a mole that has been growing in size or changing color.
Remember: our bloodroot paste is not designed to
root out deeper skin cancer growths;
Cansema Black Topical Salve is. Do not attempt to use
the paste on a medically verified skin cancer; you will be
wasting valuable time when you should be using
our salve or
other conventional treatment that will effectively address
the problem.
For more information on bloodroot.
Time Frame:
The time frame varies from user to user: generally, you
begin to see results within the first week. Rarely does it
take greater than a month for the entire process to take its course.
Purified water, bloodroot powder (Sanguinaria canadensis), zinc chloride,
and red clay.
As stated above, you will normally see much better results
if you use Cansema Tonic III along
with the paste. Warts, in particular, are known to have a
viral etiology, so we have come to believe, over time, that the
reason for the improved result has to do with interfering with
whatever underlying microbial activity has created the skin
growth. However, this is only our collective belief: there are
no known studies that would support this. Our knowledge of the
process itself comes only from years of empirical use, observation,
and our day-to-day interaction with end users. If you have
any further questions or comments, please
email us.