If you have any questions or comments concerning anything you read on
this page, please email us.
Note that "Lab Notes" are posted by Alpha Omega researchers and none of
its content
is intended to convey that any particular product can diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent
any disease. All anecdotal information is preliminary.
Lab Notes : H3O & Cuts and Burns
"I burned my hand with grease and soaked my hand in cool H3O for
about two hours. Once in the cool H3O, the burning went away and
each time I changed the bandages, I would pour H3O on it.
After the first soaking, it never hurt again, and I have no scar
from it. (I also use H3O on... insect bites... brushing my teeth
and for sore throats.)"
We are not yet familiar
with the mechanics behind H3O's accelerated healing capability,
as reported by users. QuikHeal, another
set of products from Alpha Omega Labs, also accelerates the healing
of cuts and burns, and although we know the chemical processes
behind its effectiveness, we are still researching H3O's.
From the point of view of our users, most of whom are not interested
in all the theory behind the products they use, only assurance of their
effectiveness, it is easy enough to test the immediacy of response
when using H3O for one's own cut or burn. Further testing and
evaluation will be ongoing...