he importance of detoxification is a cornerstone of
the naturopathic and emerging
CAM communities,
and is a frequent topic throughout the
AO website.
ionCleanse® machine, which uses ionic exchange to draw toxins out
of the body through the feet, is the latest is a series of machines to come
out of Australia, Russian, and the U.S. The common feature that binds
these machines together is ability to draw metals out of the body
through the feet. (A number of laboratory reports, widely circulated
on the internet, show rather substantial reductions in tissue and
blood samples of toxic metals -- before and after treatment.)

Our interest in
ionCleanse® was not so much any claims made by the
manufacturer as it was the
reliability of testimonial inputs we were getting from users who happened
to be our own customers. Once we confirmed that these reports
of pain relief (similar to reports we regularly get about
Prologue from Russia), reduction
in liver and age spots and other dermatological signs of
toxification, etc., were valid -- and not emanating from
some overzealous multi-level marketing promoters, we
investigated further.

The inventor of
ionCleanse® openly proclaims that the idea is not original.
His desire was to improve upon the
Q2 B.E.F.E. Water
Energy System (see
Wolfe Clinic).
B.E.F.E. is short for "Bio Electric Field Enhancement" -- see
explanation of operation.
This machine carries similarities to the
Aqua-Chi machine, and
Q2 Energy Spa, now also sold
widely in Australia.
Keepin' it Real ...
 We hate to resort to freshly minted
vernacular cliches -- this one currently overpopulating the "hip hop" scene,
well vested in its contempt for any pretense to show mastery of the English
language ... but forgive us. It fit.
 We are always perplexed when
a company, or even group of competing companies, develop a technology that
has real potential in the alternative health care community, and then
trash it with unnecessary hyperbole.
 The pictures above (showing Q2)
are in circulation
on the internet to show " how much toxic residue will be removed from
your body." And it would be pretty impressive if this, or any other
similar device, were removing the quantity of toxic metals and organic
materials that these and other pictures suggest. Here's the problem ---
most of the visuals are supplied by the interaction of the water with
salt (added to increase conductivity) and the metal plates that feed
microcurrent into the water. If you do your own experiment and KEEP
YOUR FEET OUT OF THE WATER and run a "footless" session, you will see
for yourself. If you purchase the ionCleanse® machine, do so
because the reported health benefits appear to be real, cost of operation
is minimal, reported side effects are non-existent, and you can
afford it. Keep the visuals out of the picture. The yardstick you should use to
measure the value of this technology in your own life is what
it does for you. That's what we did, and it's why we decided
to carry the ionCleanse®.

We feel that many of the claims
concerning this general area are overplayed. (It is hard to imagine, for instance,
what kind of quantitative measure you would use to prove that your machine
was mimicking the medicinal quality of the famous waters at the
Lourdes in France.) Nonetheless, both clinicians and frequent
users would do well to investigate this area thoroughly.
There are too many earnest people who are reporting tremendous
results. (The maker's own site has a respectable list of
And no one appears to be reporting any side effects.

And this is precisely why
we decided to add it to our line.