The Fundamentals
At Alpha Omega Labs, we treat the subject of "vaginitis" in quite specific terms -- which includes concepts that are not entirely accepted within orthodoxy. Traditional medicine uses the term to describe inflammation of the female vagina, usually of a bacterial etiology. (Older usage draws from the Latin root of the word, "vagina," which means "sheath" such that "vaginitis" could mean any inflammation of a sheath-like enclosure - but this has fallen into disuse).
Traditional focus of "vaginitis" is usually gender-specific. Since women, not men, experience the purulent discharge, malodorous, and occasional bleeding that result from vaginitis, little attention is given to the fact that males can act as carriers for the most common bacterial causes of vaginitis, particularly Gardnerella vaginalis.
Some forms of vaginitis, of course, have nothing to do with pathogenic microbes. Adhaesiva Vaginitis is an inflammation caused by adhesions within the vaginal walls; and postmenopausal (also known as atrophic or senile vaginitis) normally have little to do with infection. But the most common forms of vaginitis, some of which a woman can live with in a low grade form the entirety of her adult life if she is not educated as to proper treatment, are well-known to be microbial in nature. These include chlamydiae, gonococci, Gardnerella, staphylococci, spirochetes, streptococci, viruses; fungi (quite often candidiasis caused by Candida albicans); and protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis).
Observing Hygiene: There is no replacement for proper hygienic practices. Traditional nursing implications are important: good perineal hygiene; instruction in proper method of cleaning the anus after bowel movement and proper use of menstrual protection materials, as well as drying the vulva following urination.
"Safe sex" is important: We believe that a large percentage of vaginitis cases are the direct result of sexual transmission. One form of vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginalis, is already classified as an STD (sexually transmitted disease) by orthodox medicine.
Summary: For the purposes of clarification, readers should note that our approach to vaginalis deals with both sexes: women, who suffer from the inflammation; men, who act as carriers for organisms that can cause vaginitis; and it deals with the microbial-based causes of vaginitis, and not the minority of cases that are nonspecific, or otherwise of no microbial in origin.

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Vaginal Infections and
Gardnerella vaginalis Vaginitis
aginitis, as discussed in this page, relates to specific causes (etiology) that are of a microbial nature. (Please read side bar, "Fundamentals," at left.)
Bio-oxidative therapy offers the best, cheapest, most consistently effective way of handling most microbially-based vaginitis. The products and protocol we are about to discuss are standard, accepted practices in many clinics in Germany, Switzerland, and even Cuba.
Depending on what country you live in, some practices may not be accepted. This is rather bizarre, because there are no toxicity issues or even contraindications with any of the conventional, more expensive pharmacological solutions used to treat this problem. Once again, politics alone prevents the dissemination of this knowledge.
The pathogenic organisms that cause vaginitis, with few exceptions, cannot live in an oxygenated environment. This is a scientific fact, pure and simple. Moreover, they thrive more in a slightly acidic pH than one that is closer to neutral. These facts form the scientific underpinnings for the following protocol(s), which have been shown to work repeatedly in a very high percentage of cases. Again, the use of these products does not preclude you from following your physician's advice with other conventional approaches. As always, get a good diagnosis first.
Three products are involved: (1) H2O2 Bathing Solution, which you should follow according to instructions, using at least 250 ml (about 8 fl. oz.) per bath, taking at least 4 baths per week (according to the instructions on that page); (2) QuikHeal Green, which is applied manually, or with an inserter, to the affected areas within the vagina; and (3) HRx Concentrate, which you can use as an adjunct to correct your overall physiology with a more alkaline pH (explained on linked page).
If your vaginitis is acute, you should start with the H2O2 baths first for a few days before using the QuikHeal. If you don't, the QuikHeal can create a rather sharp burning sensation. Whenever you apply QuikHeal to the vaginal area, do a small dab first and wait a few minutes to check for any general discomfort. If the discomfort is not readily tolerable, do not continue to apply more product until you have taken more H2O2 baths. Using this system, the HRx is optional,and in fact, many of our test cases used only the H2O2 baths and the QuikHeal -- as these two products are available, under varying brand names besides our own, in countries throughout the world.
These products are available from our Virtual Store. Our liberal Money Back Guarantee applies.

Note: This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified health care professional. We strongly recommend the use of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment. With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer, at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es) that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor" should be considered a requisite starting point.

To U.S. Users: None of the products mentioned on this page have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration; therefore, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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