aginitis, as discussed in this page, relates
to specific causes (etiology) that are of
a microbial nature. (Please read side bar,
"Fundamentals," at left.)

Bio-oxidative therapy offers
the best, cheapest, most consistently effective way of handling
most microbially-based vaginitis. The products and protocol
we are about to discuss are standard, accepted practices
in many clinics in Germany, Switzerland, and even Cuba.

Depending on what country
you live in, some practices may not be accepted. This is rather
bizarre, because there are no toxicity issues or even contraindications
with any of the conventional, more expensive pharmacological
solutions used to treat this problem. Once again, politics
alone prevents the dissemination of this knowledge.

The pathogenic organisms
that cause vaginitis, with few exceptions,
cannot live in an oxygenated environment. This is a
scientific fact, pure and simple. Moreover, they thrive
more in a slightly acidic pH than one that is closer to
neutral. These facts form the scientific underpinnings for
the following protocol(s), which have been shown to work
repeatedly in a very high percentage of cases. Again, the
use of these products does not preclude you from following
your physician's advice with other conventional approaches.
As always, get a good diagnosis first.

Three products are involved:
(1) H2O2 Bathing Solution, which
you should follow according to instructions, using at least
250 ml (about 8 fl. oz.) per bath, taking at least 4 baths
per week (according to the instructions on that page);
(2) QuikHeal
Green, which is applied manually, or with an inserter,
to the affected areas within the vagina; and
HRx Concentrate,
which you can use as an adjunct to correct your overall
physiology with a more alkaline pH (explained on linked

If your vaginitis is
acute, you should start with the H2O2 baths first for
a few days before using the
QuikHeal. If you
don't, the QuikHeal can create a rather sharp burning
sensation. Whenever you apply QuikHeal to the vaginal
area, do a small dab first and wait a few minutes to
check for any general discomfort. If the discomfort
is not readily tolerable, do not continue to apply more
product until you have taken more H2O2 baths. Using
this system, the HRx is optional,and in fact, many
of our test cases used only the H2O2 baths and the
QuikHeal -- as these two products are available,
under varying brand names besides our own,
in countries throughout the world.

products are available from our
Virtual Store.
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