We have known since about September, 2018, that Google was already engaging in the very
kind of practices that Mike Adams is talking about now. Because Big Tech is making it increasingly difficult for our customers
to find us, we ask that you print out our
and keep it available when you need it.
Below is a transcript of the urgent message above.

Last week, Mike Adams published an article entitled,
"Google to block all anti-cancer,
'anti-vax' and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels."
I'm putting link to this article below, because I think it's important for every free man and woman who cherishes
what few civil liberties we have left to read this vital article.

Now before you even read the article, I want to note that some people
who view this article may think some of the facts are exaggerated. They are not. Our sales at Alpha Omega Labs,
which sells only natural proven products -- many of them based on ethnobotanical healing traditions that are
centuries old -- have dropped by 25% in the last year alone. And, surprise, surprise, we've been able to trace
the problem to algorithm changes at Google. We're getting complaints from some customers now that they've had
problems finding us, and we've talked to others in our industry who have been targeted, as well. Some customers
have reported that when they attempt to go on to one of our sites, they get a security warning, similar to what
you get if you attempt to go on a phishing or spam site.

As Mike Adams notes, this is only the beginning.

The broader goal here -- which is being implemented in stages -- is to
eliminate, first, all anti-cancer, anti-vax, and anti-GMO websites. Then gradually, all natural product sites.
This is not merely the elimination of what Elitists view as objectionable content. What Google and the other
tech giants, like Twitter, Instragram, and Facebook, are doing is nothing less than a declaration of war on
the natural world. If you discover, produce, and market a product that could conceivable compete with a Big
Pharma drug, you have now been put on notice. You have been targeted for extinction.

With the new social rating service that Google has created, similar to
what has now been implemented in China, your ability to function as a normal, thinking human being has come to an end.
You will either go along with their agenda to control humanity and extinguish freedom of thought and speech,
or slowly but surely, you will be exterminated.

This is 1984 brought to life. If you haven't read the George Orwell
novette, you should. So should your children and grand-children, if you have them. If you really want to know
what's going in your world, read the book, 1984. This is the world of global tyranny
that Orwell knew from his secret society connections was coming.

The world that Google, Facebook, and the other Tech Giants are creating is
more tyrannical than anything that ever passed through the power-hungry minds of George III, Adolf Hitler,
Josef Stalin, and Mao Te Tung, combined. And keep in mind that those men collectively killed hundreds
of millions of people. It is a world without civil liberty, without independence of thought, without
access to natural remedies -- only untested pharmaceutical drugs with ungodly, secondary, deleterious
and often long term effects. It is life stripped of the Creator's intent. It is, as Pythagoras wrote
in speaking even of animals, a life shorn of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which we are entitled
by birth and being.

The people who rule you view you as robots -- tools to be used until
they are broken and then discarded. Is this what you really want? Is this the world you really want to live in?
Socrates taught that the unexamined life is not worth living. Do you really want to live in a world where you
have no ability to think and act for yourself? Where you are surrounded by machines that are programs to
catch you if an errant thought crosses your mind, thus targeting you? What normal person could live in
such a world?

The problem is that by your inaction, you assent to these things.
You assent to your own enslavement. Every time you use Google Chrome -- a browser that is nothing more than
a spying device installed on a computer that you paid for – you assent to your enslavement. Every time you
use Google.com, you assent to subtle programming that isn't merely designed to change how you think.
It's designed to change who you are. You agree to oppression by unseen rulers and tyrannical despots.
You can't complain about your mistreatment or abuse, because you agreed to it. You asked for it.
Nobody MADE you download the high tech chains that are used to hold you down. You did that yourself.
Don't complain about being a rape victim. You invited your rapist into your bedroom and gave him
written instructions on how to abuse you.

Instead of Google Chrome, you could use a number of other browsers
that are not designed to spy on you, eliminate freedom of choice, and blacklist the sites you want. One
good choice is BRAVE . . . B-R-A-V-E . com.

If you are looking for an alternative search engine that won't exclude
Alpha Omega Labs, go to DuckDuckGo.com --- an unusual name, I admit. But they're not out to control you and
re-program your brain, the way that Google is. So use them. D U C K - D U C K - G O. C O M.

Going forward, we are asking our supporters to bookmark -- even write down
on paper -- our names, our websites, our email addresses and how to find us. You shouldn't just do this for us.
You should do this for anyone you know in the natural products or alternative media community that you know and
trust and don't want to lose contact with.

I'm providing a link below of a simple page you can print out and keep
in a safe place so that you don't have problems reaching us.

I appreciate all of you -- the things you have done to help us continue
in our work -- and I will respond to any and all responses to this urgent message.

Thank you for your time.