Recent Testimonials
 "I started using Thrive about 2 years ago.
Today I am in better health and at least as good fitness as I was 20 years ago, and I ascribe much of that to Thrive.
I am a 60 year old male. I started taking Thrive when I was in a high stress position and doing a lot of international travel.
Today I sleep better, have better muscle tone, my systems all seem to work more efficiently and I have been able to lose weight
and keep it off. While Thrive works over time so that you don't necessarily feel the improvement, when I stopped taking
it for a short period, I noticed diminished energy during my work day and exercise. I plan to continue taking Thrive
for the foreseeable future."
 "I have been using Thrive regularly for well over a year now.
In that time, bladder function has improved dramatically providing daytime freedom (no more emergency exits
from the dinner table or the freeway) and nighttime comfort (lots more prolonged periods of uninterrupted
and restful sleep). I now take long hikes and 90-minute yoga classes, enjoy 3-hour movies from the center
of the theater, sit happily in the arena thru entire NBA games. Joint and muscle pain has all but disappeared,
so I am able to be much more active (without pain or restriction) for longer, more regular periods of time,
have lost weight and kept it off, feel much younger and more vibrant. As I approach my 63rd birthday,
I feel I can SUBTRACT the year from my age rather than adding one. One side effect I had not expected is that
I sometimes have to pinch myself to remind me of what I felt like before Thrive put this smile on my face,
this bounce back in my step."
 "I began taking Thrive with the hope it might make some small difference
in what had become my existence. Incontinence was a way of life for me, affecting my work and home life to
the point that I was at risk of losing my job and had to plan my time around the need to use the restroom
every 20-30 minutes day and night, and even more frequently with exertion. Exhaustion was my new "normal."
I had been a competitive basketball player but had to give up playing because I couldn't contribute to
the game for needing to leave the court so frequently. All that changed with Thrive.
 "In short order, I noticed I was going longer between bathroom visits
and not getting up as frequently during the night. Sleep improved and I had more energy during the day.
Before long, I was contributing again at work and perhaps most importantly, I was able to return to playing
the game I love. Playing basketball again provides me with physical, mental, and emotional fitness that
makes me better in all aspects of my life and I credit Thrive with giving me back my joyful life."
 "My primary passion for the past 37 years, outside of work and my marriage,
has been long distance running. I've run at least one marathon and many shorter races in each of those years and
have averaged running 50 miles per week. During the past few years, I have seen an appreciable diminishment of
both my stamina and my pace, fatiguing more easily and needing to slow my pace to compensate. Since taking
Thrive regularly, my race times have improved to those I enjoyed a decade ago and I am able to train more
aggressively and recover more quickly."
 "I was born into a bad gene pool for heart health. Both my parents died
of heart attacks and my younger brother has had 5 heart attacks and multiple stents and bypass surgeries.
As a consequence, I am religious about seeing my cardiologist annually. After taking Thrive for about 8 months,
it was time for my annual visit and when he reported my test results he said to me, 'I don't know what you've
been doing differently, but keep it up, because your test numbers are better now than they were 10 years ago
when you first began seeing me!' The only change I had made in my health routine was the addition of Thrive."
Stimulates the production of Ca2+ATPase
critical to normal cellular function
Code IN102 -- Price: $35.50
Net : 2 Fl. Oz. (60 ml.)
/ 30 Day Supply
Order Now
Background: Thrive (tm) is an extraordinary dietary
supplement which marries ancient wisdom with modern science to help promote optimal cellular health.
Enzymes are proteins built by the body that dramatically increase the efficiency of chemical reactions
in all cells in all systems. The ability to build these enzymes declines with age. Thrive invigorates
the production of Ca2+ATPase, an enzyme found in every cell in the body, to help restore and maintain
cellular and systemic health. This return to dynamic equilibrium provides positive benefits for muscle
performance, cardiac health, bladder function, sleep, body discomfort and more.
 Jasmine flower, Ginger root, and Green tea have been used
for centuries by people all over the world to restore and promote health. Thrive uses the highest grade
Jasmonates, Gingerols, and EGCG, and combines them in a proprietary formula with amino acids and d-ribose,
important building blocks for proteins and energy production, to create a supplement which supports vibrant aging.
When cells are healthy, systems work better. And when systems work better, you Thrive.
 By helping promote Ca2+ATPase production and providing important nutrients,
Thrive (tm) supports:
- Immune System Health
- Cardiovascular Health
- Muscular Health
- Nervous System Health
- Restful Sleep
- Bladder Health
- And more
 Our bodies have sophisticated systems in place to take advantage of special
properties of calcium. In its ionic form, calcium has a double positive electrical charge, and you will often see it written
as Ca++ or Ca2+ for this reason. Our cells and tissues take advantage of this charge by using the calcium ion as a messenger
to trigger activities that are critical to our health and well-being. One of the most important regulators of how calcium
gets used in this way is an enzyme called Calcium ATPase (Ca2+ATPase), a special protein that moves calcium where it needs to
be in our cells. When our bodies are producing plenty of these enzymes, calcium is well regulated and that contributes to our
good health. When we make less than needed due to age-related declines, stress, disease, and environmental factors, our health suffers.
It is important to know that these enzymes are needed in every single cell in our bodies for the cells to be able to perform the work
they are designed to accomplish.
 Thrive (tm) includes comprehensively researched natural ingredients in a formulation
designed to support our body’s production of these essential enzymes to promote optimal health in every system in our bodies.
Directions: Adults take 1 ml (2x) daily, mixed in 6 oz. of water, with
or without food. Not intended for children under 18 years of age. Warning: If you are pregnant or lactating, seek the advice of
A health professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: EGCG (Green tea extract), D-Ribose,
Gingerol (Ginger root extract), Methyl Jasmonate (Jasmine flower extract), L-Arginine, Taurine; inactive ingredients:
purified water, vegetable glycerin, citric acid.
To U.S. Users: This product
has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Thrive (tm) is manufactured by Innovation Naturals
and distributed without exclusivity by Herbologics, Ltd.
Stimulants and Precursors
to Ca2+ATPase Production:
Some Research Citations
 Starling AP, Hughes G, East JM, Lee AG.
Mechanism of stimulation of the calcium adenosinetriphophatase by jasmone. Biochemistry 1994 Mar 15;33(10):3023-31
 Starling AP, East JM, Lee AG.
Evidence that the effects of phospholipids on the activity of the Ca(2+)-ATPase do not involve aggregation.
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 Antipenko AY, Spielman AI, Kirchberger MA.
Comparison of the effects of phospholamban and jasmone on the calcium pump of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Evidence for modulation by phospholamban of both Ca2+ affinity and Vmax (Ca) of calcium transport.
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Methyl jasmonate-induced stimulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase affects contractile responses in rat slow-twitch skeletal muscle.
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Gingerol, a novel cardiotonic agent, activates the Ca2+-pumping ATPase in skeletal and cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum.
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 Jin YR, Im JH, Park ES, Cho MR, Han XH, Lee JJ, Lim Y, Kim TJ, Yun YP.
Antiplatelet activity of epigallocatechin gallate is mediated by the inhibition of PLCgamma2 phosphorylation, elevation of PGD2 production,
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 Devika PT, Mainzen Prince PS.
(-)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) prevents isoprenaline-induced cardiac marker enzymes and membrane-bound ATPases.
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Epigallocatechin-3-gallate has dual, independent effects on the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase.
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Inhibition of the intracellular Ca(2+) transporter SERCA (Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase) by the natural polyphenol
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Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Protects Erythrocyte Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase Against Oxidative Induced Damage During Aging in Humans.
Adv Pharm Bull. 2014 Oct;4(Suppl 1):443-7. doi: 10.5681/apb.2014.065. Epub 2014 Aug 25.