Dear Friend and Long-Time Customer,

We seldom have discount sales -- maybe once a decade.
We are now having one and hope you take advantage of it.

Maria Treben, the most famous herbalist of Europe, author of
the 10 million copy bestseller,
Health through God's Pharmacy
has been our inspiration since 1975. (We have her book available for you, by the way).
She covers a wide variety of diseases -- and the cure for them . . . all in her book.

We produce and offer most of the healing and beneficial herbal
formulae she writes about in her book. You can view these products at I mention this book so strongly because it is the
fountain of natural healing.
Okay -- so here's our offer to you:
- Go to our site,
Pick the herbals and other items you want, then order using the discount code, Maria1019.
(Also, see discounts below.)
- A FULL 20% will be taken off whatever you buy.
- Free shipping for all orders $50 and over in the U.S.
- The offer is good through Thursday, October 31.
- You can also PHONE US to place your order directly at: (800) 944-1511 or
(660) 463-2158, M-F, 8:00-4:30 PM. We'd love to talk with you.
- Our money back guarantee applies. If it isn't what you want,
tell us within 30 days, return the product, and we'll return your money.
- We look forward to doing business with you again.
Craig Sallin and the staff at Swedish Bitters Herb Company
110 S. Bismark Street
Concordia, MO 64020
660-463-2158 -- tel.
660-463-2159 -- fax
PS ~~ If you have ordered
from us in the last 60 days, call us at 800-944-1511. We have a gift for you. We don't want you
to feel that you missed out on the sale by ordering too early. We want to make it up to you.
Give us a call and a chance.
PPS ~~ A final word on Maria Treben, Austria's gift to us.
Maria Treben's fascinating record of her 60 years of achieving cures through specific herbal applications has been given
to us in her book,
Health through God's Pharmacy. The world renowned advocate of the legendary 'Swedish Bitters'
formula takes you through Nature's realm of the most effective herbs to alleviating and curing hundreds of ailments and injuries.
Vegetarian Times writes: "Maria has developed a practical herbalism known for its miraculous success. Physicians and hospitals
seek her opinions. She is able to restore people's hope."
PPPS ~~ This letter is just the start. We hope to bring you
all kinds of information on natural healing and maintaining excellent health with future mailings. Stay tuned.