Update for November 20, 2019 / Discounts
This week's lead article covers
an article that appeared in
Zero Hedge about a shocking expose that The Wall Street Journal about internet censorship,
the same phenomenon I discussed in
my "Urgent Message"
YouTube post last July. What follows are important messages you may have missed and
our Discounts for November.
Wall Street Journal
Confirms Exactly What We've Been Saying
 As mentioned previously,
I posted a YouTube last July,
commenting on
an article put out by Mike Adams at Natural News with the headline,
"Google to block all anti-cancer, "anti-vax" and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels."
 Since that article was released, my Black Salve book was
censored on Amazon, (see article below). All Facebook groups discussing Black Salve -- one of the many areas that Alpha Omega Labs has worked in (and, in fact,
an area
which we pioneered online) have been removed. Most of the videos discussing Black Salve on
YouTube, the video sharing service now owned by Google, have been
systemically removed -- this despite the fact that I document the use of escharotic medicine, of which Black Salve
is an applied subset, going back centuries.
 All videos mentioning not
just Black Salve, but -- sure enough -- videos that are critical of
involuntary vaccinations, GMO, and alternative cancer products, modalities, or treatments have been targeted for removal.
Even Mike Adams' own coverage
of my illegal kidnapping in 2009 on the Alex Jones
show has been removed.
( Click here to see the saved copy on our own server. Incidentally,
expect to see more people storing their videos privately, since it has now been made abundantly clear that ultimately NO VIDEO that discloses
anything of any real substance at all will be allowed to remain at YouTube, or any other major video sharing provider.)
 What's amazing about
this Wall Street Journal article,
as reported on Zero Hedge, is that it makes the argument
that the Big Tech companies have morphed into crime syndicates running roughshod over the U.S. Constitution,
operating like racketeering operations. How bad is it? It is so bad that the day after Zero Hedge posted
its article, referencing the Wall Street Journal article,
it was taken offline, probaby as a result of internal pressure. Because Google is one
crime syndicate that's risky to oppose. Nonetheless, other news sites highlighted the original WSJ
article, even though they were undoubted pressured to remove it -- including
Benton Institute,
GV Wire,
ThinkLab, among many others.
What this means is something quite simple: we need you.
Only you determine whether or not Alpha Omega Labs is able to continue or not. We are at the mercy of those who are aware of
our efficacious products, produced and distributed over these past 30 years. We are now running about 40% lower in sales
than we were before Google began seriously reworking the algorithms in the summer of 2018, making it difficult for people
to even find us --- and placing orthodox medical authorities, critical of our work, at the top of search results.
When you think of natural products, please remember us --
because without your support, there is no Alpha Omega Labs.
Update on Black Salve Ban
Since Amazon censored Black Salve
We Have Secured Another Paperback Printer
Digital Version Still Available
In an email that went out to customers
on October 29th, we announced that Amazon had formally CENSORED the instructional book,
Black Salve, from its website. As previously stated, our publisher, CreateSpace, is owned by Amazon,
and has determined that the "content violates (our) guidelines," without specifying what that violation is.
(They never do.) The book had been been available for sale even on
Amazon, along
with a couple of my other titles.
 We knew all along that
Black Salve that actually works is banned on Amazon.
 (If you do a "search" for "Black Salve"
on Amazon you get an assortment of marginal topical products that are not even escharotic
preparations. I suppose the thinking is that if they co-opt the term "Black Salve,"
they'll turn this effective, ancient approach to ridding the body of malignant
growths into an urban myth. Again, this is more application of
Gresham's Law: the introduction of the bad will drive out the good, or more precisely in this situation,
the introduction of the ineffective will dilute knowledge and use of the truly effective. This approach,
as I've written about repeatedly, is a standard practice of the morally bankrupt, pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to medicine, you can say
the same technique applies to general science and education.) So, we knew they wouldn't
allow effective product on the market, and we knew the reasons why.
 Currently, the digital version of
Black Salve is still available at my bookstore
for $9.95. The paperback version will be online on November 22
at the same store site for those who want
the paperback version. All orders up to October 26 have already gone out, any back orders for the
paperback will be cleared out on November 22nd.
 Questions about the book can be
addressed to greg@gregcaton.com.
Email Censorship @ Yahoo & AOL
If you use AOL or Yahoo as your mail provider
you may experience blocked email or email
ending up in your Spam folder

If you use AOL or Yahoo as your provider, know that they --- like
their blood brothers, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., are focusing on disrupting not only
content, but communications that deal in subjects they don't like: Anti-mandatory-vaccination, anti-GMO,
anti-orthodox-cancer therapy, etc. Anything and everything that doesn't support their large corporate
backers. Yes -- it's true -- it's a full-fledged info war designed to minimize your civil rights and
suppress information that isn't rigidly orthodox.
 Currently, both AOL and Yahoo are blocking emails from our server,
which means that if you are expecting correspondence from us, check your Spam folder. If not found there,
simply write to us at support@herbhealers.com or call us at (305) 851-2308.
Our New Social Media Site: MeWe

Okay . . . we confess . . . we're not social media gurus. We answer all
our email -- sometimes exhaustively, and we return all voicemail, but
up to this point, social media hasn't been our strong suit. That may
change now that Facebook just killed all Groups on its sites that
deal in Black Salve, and YouTube has taken down as many videos as it
can find that discuss any facet of Black Salve.
 Just so we're clear,
this is NOT just about Alpha Omega Labs. These actions are affecting many
tens of thousands of companies and users, and it is exactly
I warned was coming last July.
 So if you wish to stay in touch
with us, I would ask that you join our Group and comment as you see fit . . .
Here is the link you can use to join the group.
 Since it is now clear
that Big Tech's objective is to make "alternative" sites, businesses, and even information, extinct,
it is more important than ever to bookmark our sites: HerbHealers.com,
our sales site for the U.S. and Canada; AlphaOmegaLabs.com, our
international sales site, and
our information site, Altcancer.com.
 We also ask that
print out this contact sheet so that you can
continue to reach us as we attempt to ward off Big Tech's attempts to put us out of business.
 Early this year we introduced a
Prepper's Corner for those who are
preparing for the exponential growth in chaos, particularly in the U.S., and the world that may (and will)
probabaly result.
 I published a book last year entitled,
Living on the Precipice, of which the
first three chapters are devoted to (the probability) of near-term human extinction. It's not a subject most of
like to talk about, but I think it's important for people to be aware of the sad state of affairs in the world we
all live in. It's 503 pages, and I understand that most of you wouldn't take the time to buy it, but let alone
read it. However, you SHOULD know the broader details.
 Two days ago, my good friend, Dr. Richard Sauder,
who lives in Quito (Ecuador), a few hours north of me, sent me his latest blog entry. Richard has a blog entitled,
"Event Horizon Chronicle." His latest lays out the clear evidence that, to quote my book's title, we
really are living on the precipice..
 It's extremely well-written, so
I encourage interested parties to read
this latest post --- it isn't 504 pages long, and it takes less than 10 minutes to read. It's time well-spent.
For those who are prepared to act on the obvious,
we offer discounts as deep as 65% off on the bundles that have
been put together in the Prepper's Corner.
This is significant given that our prices for most of the items in these bundles is already among the lowest
to be found anywhere -- on or off the internet.
Discount Codes thru November 30, 2019
Use the following Discount Code on the checkout page of
either of our web stores
to get the indicated discount on your product purchase. Only one discount code per tranaction.
10NOV2019 = 10% off any purchase over $100
SALVEBOOK9_2019 = Free digital copy of BLACK SALVE on any purchase over $75
(not to be confused with Black Salve, the product)
FLOR1019 = 20% off Flor de Mashua (8 fl. oz.)
MORIN100 = FREE Bottle of Moringa (120 Capsules) with any purchase of $100 or more
Questions? : Write to us at support@herbhealers.com
 Blessings . . .
Questions and comments can be addressed to me personally at:
greg@gregcaton.com --
(for personal questions or book queries)
support@herbhealers.com --
(to talk to our support staff concerning products or case particulars)