For more than 5 months, I've been diligently maintaining a daily current events
blog. The first post was made on February 2nd. Although the initial impetus behind the blog was the CoVid "pandemic," within the past two
months, CoVid has been sharing space with posts concerning the growing social unrest -- prodominently in the U.S., but in other countries, as well.
Posts for July are available, which contain links to previous months, as well,
going back to February.

Although the threat of CoVid is rapidly diminishing, even as government and medical officials
continue to behave as if it's apocalyptic, we still feel its important to
know the most effective remedies to combat it if you or a loved one
finds yourself with symptoms. It is still important to recognize the symptoms, because the RT-PCR test that government officials
around the world are using to determine if you have CoVid is ridiculously flawed to the point of lunacy. The CDC recently admitted that
you can test positive if you've recently had the common cold! So if you want to stay healthy, you have to take matters into your own
hands --- and that doesn't mean wearing a mask, because the mask only impairs your ability to breath.

The rest of this email repeats a few critical topics that
have been covered in some of our previous emails. Nonetheless, we are repeating them here. Additionally, we provide the
discount codes for the month of July at the
bottom of this emailer.

We are again running a 50% discount
for July on some of our most popular items to help introduce them to those who are unfamiliar with their
remarkable properties.
In a separate category below, we are offering
introductory 25% discounts on some our most exciting recent additions.

The first is
H3O -- (Calcium Sulfate
Hydronium Concentrate) -- which has an extraordinary history and remarkable properties.
I cover my personal experiences with H3O in a short
YouTube video, but this is not
a substitute for reading the detailed
page. The 8 fl. oz. bottle of concentrate normally sells for $24.95, and until the end of the
month, the price drops to $12.47.

The other three products at 50% discount
are from our
InnovationNaturals anti-aging group:

To take advance of this special
simply use Code "50JUL20" at checkout at
either of our website stores.
and 25% Off On These Exciting New Additions

Maca is revered here in the Andes as both a food and a medicine.
It is known to nutrition enthusiasts around the world. It is used by professional athletes, body builders (to build muscle mass), and martial artists
(for stamina and to improve their performance.) Building upon the long-known properties of Maca, Maca Manna was created to provide a formula of complete,
concentrated live food, with a full spectrum of vital vitamins and minerals necessary to live a long healthy life. These added live food ingredient
have been added to complement and extend the functionality of Maca to make for a complete food product.

It is unique in that it has all four alkaloids which have been discovered to specifically stimulate
the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. These two master glands then trigger the entire endocrine gland system to produce the proper amount of
hormones that we need for optimal health.
Be sure to read the product page.

Swedish Bitters is one of the most remarkable herbal formulas ever created.
First formulated in 1531, it has been known for centuries in Europe as "The Long Life Elixir" and its properties
are so remarkable that it was noted by Paracelsus (also an early practitioner of escharotic medicine).

In many respects, Swedish Bitters is a pharmacy unto itself.
For years, its use was guided by a document referred to as "The Old Manuscript" which contained 46 points
regarding its use. Swedish Bitters was even used to treat was even used to cure "The Plague" and many
other infectious diseases.

As is often the case with old healing remedies, Swedish Bitters sat
dormant for many years, unknown by the general public, even in the land in which it was created.
Finally, in the 20th century, Austrian herbalist, Maria Treben, a true herbal legend in her own time,
revised the formula. She describes Swedish Bitters and its curious history in her definitive book,
Health through God's Pharmacy.
Purchased by millions of people, this book teaches that "there is often a better way" than relying on today's chemical-base medicines.

For more information, read the
Swedish Bitters
product page.

Survival Tabs were originally developed for the U.S. Space Program.
Our partner in Missouri, where the tabs were developed, is now the only manufacturer in the world who makes them.
(Their production requires very specialized equipment.) The idea behind their creation was that a product was
needed which had "the best possible nutrition in the smallest possible volume."

The Survival Tabs are a convenient, compact, lightweight, life-saving food ration for any emergency.
They are complete nutrition, have a 10+ year shelf-life, and they are irresistibly good-tasting. Completely dehydrated and nutrient dense,
Survival Tabs resist any and all forms of microbial degeneration. They supply the fundamental nutrients you need to get through a crisis.
Each of the 180 Tabs in each bottle weighs 3.7 grams and has 20 calories. Read the
Swedish Bitters product page for more details.
I.D.R. --
(powerful immune support -- 25% off)

Alpha Omega Labs makes and sells a wide variety of product designed to kill
pathogenic microbes and improve immunological function -- both vital in treating numerous degenerative
conditions and preventing new ones. I.D.R. is made from extracts of neem
(Azadirachta indica) -- an important natural medicinal,
in fact, Alpha Omega Labs
was the first company on the internet to
introduce neem online in 2001.

I.D.R. is made by associate company here in Ecuador and is recognized
as a pharmaceutical grade natural product. For more information about this vital new edition to Alpha Omega Labs'
product line,
please read the product page.
(more powerful immune support -- 25% off)

InmunoLive® is another potent immune boosting product.
Unlike most of our products, we don't make InmunoLive®. It's made by Nature's Garden here in Ecuador,
a natural products company which whom we've worked for years. The product is made from a proprietary extract
Bryophyllum gastonis-bonnieri (BGB). Each 100 ml. contains 2 g. of BGB extract -- total flavonoids
expressed as quercetin not less than 20 mg.

For more information on
please read the InmunoLive section on our
Nature's Garden page.
Other products now available at 25% off for the month of July:
In the spirit of the current, global, electromagnetic adaptation crisis -- (created by 5G exposure -- the unspoken cause of CoVid
. . . not a non-contagious virus
(exosome) or Chinese bat soup), we are making two other products available which are vital and proven in the treatment
of viral conditions and we encourage you to read their product pages as well. Both are related to each other in the sense that they revolve around
the benefits of chlorine dioxide (ClO2):
AO Chlorite (MMS) and
Please remember to use the discount code "25JUL20" to take advantage of 25% off
offers for July -- when you check out! You need to use the code to get the discount.
Get A Real Working Email

As we've reported before,
customers with AOL and Yahoo email addresses -- and occasionally now even Gmail -- have problems
getting some, if not all, of our emails. Yes, the censorship situation really is that far out
of control. Our recommendation is that
customers get a "real email" with a company that isn't actively censoring content and
blocking correspondence because they have a Big Pharma, pro-cancer, pro-vaccine,
pro-GMO, anti-human, anti-nature agenda. I hate to even have to cover this, but Big Tech's
"trade interference" practices are becoming the 800-pound gorilla in society's living
room and it's becoming impossible to ignore it.

Let's just agree to call a spade a spade.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
used to be High Tech companies. Now their just crime syndicates with rackeetering activities that
revolve around suppressing the content, message, and even email of competitors of their highest bidders.
Hundreds of people have gone to federal prison under RICO statutes for alleged "racketeering" activities -- (I say
"alleged" because when you understand how the plea agreement system works, then you understand, as
Paul Craig Roberts has written about extensively, that "truth has no meaning in a Federal court of law.")
And yet, these small fries -- in the total aggregate -- did not commit the crimes that Big Tech is
engaging in on a daily basis. Each day. Every day.

My solution?
In addition to my usual emails, where sending and receiving email is increasingly
becoming a "toss up," I got a FREE email account with
ProtonMail.com -- an encrypted
email service out of Switzerland -- and I've had no problems to date. My personal
email address is:
ccwaso@protonmail.com. (If you're curious, "ccwaso" is
shorthand for an
Amazonian tree with unique medicinal properties that I love.)

Additionally, beginning
with this mailing, I am posting all newsletters to our new MeWe group, and
if you haven't joined,
here's the link.

For those of you who have missed our
previous mailers and alerts,
I've created
a special log detailing all previous newsletters, alerts, and mailings.
Free Digital Books (with purchase)

We'll send you digital copies of
all three books above in the month of July -- (a $29.85 value) -- to any combination of email addresses, no less,
for any purchase on
our online stores
of $150 or more in the month of July. This is in ADDITION to any discounts you get by using the discount
code above. All you have to do is email
sales@gregcaton.com with
your Order Number (which you receive when you purchase) and indicate:
- The name you used when you ordered.
- The email addresses you would like the book links to go to.

It's that simple. If you have
questions about this offer, please email me at

Our historic and information site is well over
2,500 pages in size. Many of these pages are 10 to 20 pages long themselves if you were to ever print them
out. We've been working on these pages since 1995, so -- yes -- it's overwhelming. In fact, some of these
pages are outdated because with this level of volume parts of the site have become unwieldy.

As for videos, they are now spread over
two sites (
YouTube and now
Brighteon), so it can be difficult to find what you're looking for.

So what we've done is a number of very helpful tools to help you
find the information you're looking for. These include:
- Product Listing --- Every product we've ever carried -- with only a handful of exceptions -- can
be found on the Altcancer Sitemap's
product section.
- Video Listing --- All the videos we've posted can no be found on
one easy-to-use
Video Listings page -- (Excel format).
- Helper Page --- This is a
list of links to pages that answer the most commonly asked questions.
- Website Listing --- This is a
list of our websites, along with other helpful information.

Still, if you can't find what you're
looking for, you can write to us at:
Discount Codes: July 7-31, 2020
Use the following Discount Codes on the checkout page of
either of our web stores
to get the indicated discount on your product purchase. Only one discount code per transaction.
These discounts are above-and-beyond the Digital Book offer made in this email edition:
10JUL2020 = 10% off any purchase over $100
50JUL20 = 50% off for the respective products listed above
25JUL20 = 25% off for the respective products listed above
Questions? : Write to us at support@herbhealers.com
Blessings . . .