News, Discounts & Specials
from Alpha Omega Labs
December 11, 2019 --- [ Season's Greetings from Alpha Omega Labs ---
You are receiving these newsletters because you "opted in" as an Alpha Omega Labs' customer.
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 This edition has important news, deep discounts, and
some notable freebies for the Holidays, so please read carefully. As always, questions and comments are welcome
and can be addressed to:
Official Medical
"Science" in Retreat
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research
that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative
medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and
reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Marcia Angel, M.D.
Longtime Editor-in-Chief
The New England Medical Journal
"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature,
perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects,
invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession
for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness."
Richard Horton, M.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Lancet
this month (Dec., 2019), The BMJ -- or what most of us who have been around a while used to
call The British Medical Journal -- one of the world's oldest and most
respected medical periodicals, made an unprecedented announcement. Essentially agreeing with the two medical journal contrarians
whose quotes you see above,
BMJ published an editorial attacking the validity of Big Pharma-sponsored studies. They went so far as to advocate for a
worldwide campaign to keep dishonest Big Pharma interests out of the medical research field!
 To put things in perspective, this
is something akin to having the Pope make a public announcement that the worship of Christ has been a 2,000 year errancy, so everyone
needs to start worshipping Satan. Think I'm exaggerating? I'm not. Medical journals have no financial incentive to grow a backbone.
These invertebrates live and breath by the grace of Big Pharma and are loathe to end their opprobrium. Yup, there's big money in remaining
spineless. So revolt by the medical journals means that the level of outrageousness has to be somewhere out there in the Kuiper Belt
for journals and medical journalists to question their allegiance . . . Yes, we are already there --- but we've been there for a long time.
Long enough so that the public is catching on. In a recent Gallup poll, Big Pharma came in dead last out of 25 industry categories,
publicized in an article entitled,
Not-So-Shocking Poll: Americans Hate The Government Almost As Much As They Hate Big Pharma.
 Those who know our work at Alpha Omega Labs are aware that I've been screaming
about this phenomenon for years. I took on Big Pharma shills in a June, 2015
piece I wrote -- (opening with the same quotes you see above). These shills work tirelessly to spread unsupportable propaganda, and
when they targeted an associate of mine, I called them on it. I followed up with an alert as to
disgusting practices at Wikipedia to act
as Big Pharma propagandists (Nov. 2015 --- interestingly Paul Craig Roberts has noted that
Wikipedia is swarming
with CIA disinfo agents, a position that is
becoming more popular as compelling evidence continues to surface).
 I then covered
shameful demise of Scholar Open Access (Feb., 2017), and
the scandalous treatment of escharotic medicine
in a publication that has the audacity to call itself, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (June, 2017).
I pulverized a scam perpetrated by
the Medical Journal of Australia to make escharotics look dangerous.
I also took the time to disembowel the ridiculous attacks spewing from that 5-Star Big Pharma whorehouse,
QuackWatch (2009) -- and while we're on the
subject of "real" quacks, those of that infamous, allopathic sellout,
Dr. Oz (May, 2017). That same month I couldn't
help pointing out the implications for the medical industry when
the respected medical journal, Tumor Biology
had to retract 107 research papers because the level of fraudulent misrepresentation was too great for even them
to stomach.
 Interestingly, just last month
I had to put out a rebuttal to an article published in
another inappropriately titled publication, Science Based Medicine, because it was shocking in its presentation of disprovable
medical disinformation. The month before that (October),
I had to take on the ever-popular, Buzzfeed, because it, too, could
not resist the temptation to do a hit-piece on "black salve," that was equally negligent in its presentation of
shameful and easily disprovable medical propaganda.
 In fact, our single biggest problem is the proliferation of
medical propaganda designed to deceive the public, in addition to the efforts of Big Tech to exterminate us --
the particulars of which I cover in a YouTube
I posted last July.
It's hard enough to run a natural products company nowadays, but then
you have to help customers -- and as much of the public as you can --
survive the unending avalanches of putrid, official medical horse manure which act to drown out valid information on natural,
legitimate, curative products, practices, and modalities that really work . . . At low cost . . . Without side effects.
Ideally, medical journals would supply us with independent, reliable, empirically verified studies and reviews that
advance our knowledge of the healing arts and advance the human condition.
Instead, we get fake, fraudulent, biased, self-serving data
that saturates the media landscape like a plague of locusts, consuming everything of value in its wake and replacing it
with immovable mountains of locust poop.
 We will continue to advise our customers and other interested
parties about notable disinformation campaigns in the area of modern medicine. As in so many other areas of our society,
we are
unwittingly caught in a war of narratives --
good vs. evil, truth vs. lies, honesty vs. deception, knowledge vs. ignorance, decency vs. degeneracy, generosity vs. exploitation,
reciprocity against negaprocity. It is a war that shows no end in sight.
 In the interim, if you have any questions
about anything you read or hear in the press that is a cause for concern,
please write to us at
Sangre de Drago:
The Amazing Amazonian Wound Healer
On Sale at 30% Off Through Dec. 31
 Of all the
remarkable botanicals we work with in the Amazon, one of the most amazing
is Sangre de Drago -- which has an
impressive list of medicinal properties . . . so significant that many herbalists skilled in
South American botanicals believe it belongs in every medicine cabinet.
 This month, we
are reintroducing the eight ounce version of "Sangre" at a 30%
discount -- (the larger $39.95 bottle is thus discounted to $27.96) -- something
you can purchase with other items to minimize the per unit shipping cost).
Just use the code SANG1219 when checking out to get the discount.
 If you have any questions
about this offer or you have technical questions about Sangre itself, you
can write to us at, or call us at (305) 851-2308.
Get A Real Job Email
 We reported last month that
customers with AOL and Yahoo email addresses were having problems getting some of our
emails. Occasionally, we have the same problem with Gmail. Our recommendation is that
customers get a "real email" with a company that isn't actively censoring content and
blocking correspondence because they have a Big Pharma, pro-cancer, pro-vaccine,
pro-GMO, anti-human, anti-nature agenda. I hate to even have to cover this, but Big Tech's
"trade interference" practices are becoming the 800-pound gorilla in society's living
room and it's becoming impossible to ignore it.
 Let's just agree to call a spade a spade.
 Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
used to be High Tech companies. Now their just crime syndicates with rackeetering activities that
revolve around supressing the content, message, and even email of competitors of their highest bidders.
Hundreds of people have gone to federal prison under RICO
 My solution?
In addition to my usual emails, where sending and receiving email is increasingly
becoming a "toss up," I got a FREE email account with -- an encrypted
email service out of Switzerland -- and I've had no problems to date. My personal
email address is: (If you're curious, "ccwaso" is
shorthand for an
Amazonian tree with unique medicinal properties that I love.)
 Additionally, beginning
with this mailing, I am posting all newsletters to our new MeWe group, and
if you haven't joined, here's the link.
 For those of you who have missed our
previous mailers and alerts, I've created
a special log detailing all previous newsletters, alerts, and mailings.
Free Digital Books (with purchase)
 Okay . . . well . . . this is the
part where I make my feeble, shameful attempt to pay the bills. This month I am offering four copies
of the three books above -- (a $39.80 value) -- to any combination of email addresses, no less,
for any purchase on our online stores
of $100 or more in the month of December. All you have to do is email with
your Order Number (which you receive when you purchase) and indicate:
- The name you used when you ordered.
- The book titles above you would like sent -- to yourself or someone you love for Christmas.
- The email addresses you would like the book links to go to.
 It's that simple. If you have
questions about this offer, please email me at
 Our historic and information site is well over
2,500 pages in size. Many of these pages are 10 to 20 pages long themselves if you were to ever print them
out. We've been working on these pages since 1995, so -- yes -- it's overwhelming. In fact, some of these
pages are outdated because with this level of volume parts of the site have become unwieldy.
 As for videos, they are now spread over
two sites ( YouTube and now Brighteon), so it can be difficult to find what you're looking for.
 So what we've done is a number of very helpful tools to help you
find the information you're looking for. These include:
- Product Listing --- Every product we've ever carried -- with only a handful of exceptions -- can
be found on the Altcancer Sitemap's
product section.
- Video Listing --- All the videos we've posted can no be found on
one easy-to-use
Video Listings page -- (Excel format).
- Helper Page --- This is a
list of links to pages that answer the most commonly asked questions.
- Website Listing --- This is a
list of our websites, along with other helpful information.
 Still, if you can't find what you're
looking for, you can write to us at:
Are you prepared for what's coming?
 It seems that there's a great deal of
" prepping" going on lately.
The conventional view is that
such activity
has decreased in the "Trump era," but paradoxically, we've never heard as many of
our customers discuss it with us by phone. In response to requests by
customers to have "discounted bundles" for survivalist and preparation
purposes, we've created a page called Preppers'
Corner, with links to five separate "prepper bundles." We've designed the bundles so
the selections lean toward products that have almost extremely long shelf-lives,
as well as added utility in a crisis situation -- worth several times what we're charging for them.
 These bundles can be purchased either on (for
customers in the U.S. or Canada) or on
Discount Codes thru Dec. 31, 2019
Use the following Discount Code on the checkout page of
either of our web stores
to get the indicated discount on your product purchase. Only one discount code per tranaction. These codes
are independent and above-and-beyond the Digital Book offer made in this email edition:
10DEC2019 = 10% off any purchase over $100
FSDEC2019 -- free shipping on any purchase of $250 or more
SANG1219 = 30% off Sangre de Drago (8 fl. oz.)
Questions? : Write to us at
Blessings . . .
Questions and comments can be addressed to me personally at: --
(for questions about the book) --
(to talk to our doctors concerning products or case particulars)