The following are the directions for taking this
formula, as reflected on this product's principal
display panel:
INSTRUCTIONS: H3O is a “pH driven” product: that is, its
functionality is strictly based on the pH of the finished solution.
Therefore, just as with conventional spa maintenance, you will need
to monitor your pH, though not as often. Initially application
is usually 1 gallon of H3O per 175 gallons of water. Most hot tubs
average about 350 gallons of water, so 2 gallons of H3O is usually
sufficient to adjust the pH to the desired target range of 2.0 to 2.3.
In practical terms, you will probably only check pH once every two
weeks, adding about 2 quarts of H3O to maintain your target pH range.
It really is that simple. If you have questions, please email us at:
INGREDIENTS: Purified water, bioenergized with less than 1% sulphuric acid.
To users in the U.S.: this statement has
not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease.
"Ironically, even the
chlorine widely used to disinfect water produces carcinogenic traces.
Studies indicate the suspect chemicals can also be inhaled and
absorbed through the skin during showering and bathing."
U. S. News & World Report
29 July 1991
"Is your Water Safe?
The Dangerous State
of Your Water" -
 "Showering is suspected as
the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home,
because of the chlorination of the water... Chloroform (a known carcinogen)
levels increase up to one hundred times during a ten-minute shower
in residential water."
 Lance Wallace
Scientist, EPA
 "Almost two decades have passed
since known or suspected human carcinogens were first found in municipal
water supplies. One of them, chloroform, produced by the chlorination
process, exposes millions of Americans. The potential for a major public
health problem is unquestionably there, and yet, progress has been slow."
 Dr. Peter Isacson, MD
Professor of Epidemiology
Dept. of Preventive Medicine
Univ. of Iowa,
College of Medicine
 "In a lifetime, approximately
50 pounds of toxic wastes can enter the body from drinking water
and at least 450 pounds can enter the body through skin absorption.
Little attention has been paid to skin absorption as a route of
entry for volatile organic chemicals."
 Wellness Lifestyle
January 1990
 "Skin absorption of contaminant
has been underestimated and ingestion may not constitute the sole or
even primary route of exposure."
 Dr. Halina Brown
Amer. Jour. of Public Health
 "A Professor of Water Chemistry
at the University of Pittsburg claims that exposure to vaporized chemicals
in the water supplies through showering, bathing, and inhalation is
100 greater than through drinking the water."
 The Nadar Report
Troubled Waters on Tap
Center for Study of
Responsive Law
 ""Taking showers is a health risk,
according to research presented last week in a meeting of the American
Chemical Society. Showers - and to a lesser extent baths - lead to a
greater exposure to toxic chemicals contained in water supplies than
does drinking water. The chemicals evaporate out of the water and are
inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others."
 Dr. Ian Anderson
New Scientist
18 September 1986
This is the second segmented application of the
"scalar wave" technology" used to make both
H3O and HRx concentrate solutions.
Since H3O is non-corrosive and perfectly safe
to human tissue - even at a pH of 0.2, it works
resoundingly well as an anti-microbial water
maintenance additive for hot tubs and spas,
where not only is it better than conventional
additives (i.e. chlorine, bromine, and harsh
acid, usually muriatic), but it is less expensive
and time-consuming as well. Read instructions
below well before purchasing or using.
Unit Price
Note: This "commercial grade" of H3O is not suitable for drinking,
but rather is specifically designed for spa water treatment.
H3O For Hots & Tubs - 1 Gallon - Code 1090
H3O For Hots & Tubs - 4 Gallon - Code 1091
--- (Code 1091 comes with one free pH test kit - code 9580) ---
Order This Product Now
| [ Offline Order Page ]
Background: The Benefits of Spa Usage
The benefits of owning and using a hot tub or a spa (there
is a difference,
although, therapeutically, both are a form of
have been well-established, both by the scientific community and
by those who make them (
12, or
Health benefits are a
leading reason why over one million
consumers in the U.S. alone own hot tubs, according
to the National Spa & Pool
Institute, which represents over 5,000 manufacturers,
distributors, retailers, service companies, and buildings
in the pool/spa and hot tub industries, -
(although there are a host
of other good reasons.)
Such benefits include the
control of diabetes
(supported by an article in the New England Journal of Medicine
(read Dr.
Andrew Weil's comments);
aid in reducing weight and controlling cellulite;
relief of muscle and joint pain (including
pains stemming
from arthritis);
improved athletic performance;
assisting those with insomnia;
cardiovascular benefits
blood pressure);
use in treating
(including fibromyalgia
pain relief);
woman in labor;
general stress;
and more obscure maladies, such as
chronic venous insufficiency.
Doctors have found more controversial
therapeutic benefits for spa use as well, including
treatment of viral infections
(including HIV, CFIDS, and herpes), and even
cancer as a result of the
enhanced immune response produced by a spa's natural ability to bring about
Halogens: The Dark Side of Hot Tubs & Spas
FACT: Water "maintenance" is a crucial part
of hot tub or spa ownership. Although more expensive ozonators do an adequate
job and can reduce, or in some cases, eliminate the use of "pool chemicals,"
there are organisms that the ozonators can leave behind. It is,
therefore, not surprising that given both cost and effectiveness
issues that the vast majority of spa owners still resort
to chemicals.
In addition to acidulents (such as
muriatic acid)
and alkaline solutions, to balance the water's pH (target range: 7.2 to 7.8),
the mighty twins of spa maintenance continue to be the
halogens --
chlorine and bromine.
Western civilization continues to be
enamored with chlorine, in particular, because of its role as a major
disease preventative
since its introduction in the early 20th century in municipal
drinking water. Chlorine has succeeded by default, or as the
AWWA, or American Water Works Association
puts it,
"Although chlorine is not the only disinfecting agent available to
the water supply industry, it is the most widely used disinfectant
in North America because of its effectiveness, the scientific understanding
of its properties, and the technical capabilities of most treatment plants
in North America." That it would, therefore, be the disinfectant of
choice when hot tubs and spas began to become popular in the States
in the mid-20th century, would only make sense.
But that
is only because of a lack of options - as we will see shortly. (On the
level of drinking water, the toxicity level issue has been dealt with in the U.S.,
inadequately we might add, through the almost 30 year life of the
Safe Drinking
Water Act (as amended)).
For reasons that are historic, political,
and only partially scientific, halogens are conventionally considered
a necessary evil in the world of pools and spas. And, yes, in sufficient quantity
they keep your pool clean and relatively microbe-free (at least free of most
pathogenic micro-organisms); and, yes, they do so more safely than many other
anti-microbial chemicals will, which are even more toxic.
But we are only arguing in degrees.
Arguing the benefits of halogens is
not unlike conventional dentists who would argue that the mercury in amalgam
(used to fill cavities) isn't all that bad.
They get away with it only because of
a lack of other good, cost-effective options.
FACT: Chlorine and bromine are at
least mildly
carcinogenic, and
at levels of exposure one would normally expect as a result of regular spa
use (time) at conventional usage levels (molar concentrations).
Orthodoxy is currently waging a losing battle,
attempting to argue
that these hazards apply to rats, mice, and other laboratory mammals, but
not humans! There is no question that organic by-products of these halogens,
both as components in drinking water and as disinfectants in spa water,
are health hazards. Only the degree of risk relative to concentration
levels is intelligently debatable, and
in fact, industry apologists attempt to argue this fact away stating that
in sufficient
quantity, at least 50% of all organic compounds are carcinogenic.
Examples abound of lawsuits by halogen trade groups to bind the hands
of the EPA in the U.S. in setting sensible toxicity standards
(the illogical EPA position that preceeded
Chlorine Chemistry Council vs. EPA notwithstanding). Such industry
hardball tactics run counter to the
well defined
hazards established by the scientific community, including
a sizeable correlation in bladder
and rectal cancer among those regularly exposed to chlorine
and its by-products, one of which, chloroform,
is also a well-established carcinogen - see results published by
The Carcinogenic
Potency Project... (read also about the "Council's" attempt to
scuddle information about the relationship between
chlorine and breast cancer - again supporting our contention that
cancer is a political disease).
But chloroform isn't the only
by-product of chlorine use to be concerned with: chlorine breaks down
into trihalomethanes (THM's), which area also carcinogenic (although an
alternative, chlorine
dioxide (ClO2) is touted by its makers as safer in this respect -
(see FAQ),
at least one environmental group argues otherwise.
Clinically speaking, some
doctors are more outspoken than others on the effects
of chlorine. According to Doris J. Rapp, M.D., noted pediatric
allergist and author of
Is This Your Child's World?, exposure to chlorine in tap
water, showers, pools, laundry products, cleaning agents, food processing
(fruit, flour, meat, fish, vegetables), sewage systems and many others,
can affect health by contributing to asthma, hay fever, anemia, bronchitis,
circulatory collapse, confusion, delirium, diabetes, dizziness, irritation
of the eye, mouth, nose, throat, lung, skin, and stomach, heart disease,
high blood pressure, and nausea. She indicates it is also a possible
cause of cancer. It is worth noting that the use of chlorine in
hot tubs and spas provides a sustained level of exposure at
concentration levels that are well in excess of most of
these chlorine sources.
None of this should be meant
to infer that the
chlorine hazard debate has not seen imbalanced positions from both
sides. Obscuring the issue, as well, have been
some groups (most notably
Greenpeace in its
tirade against chlorine-containing PVC's) that have waged war against
chlorine, making comments that have little support from an impartial
scientific community.
FACT: These very same chemicals
considered occupational
hazards in the hospital environment.
FACT: H3O does not
evaporate into the air and cause pollution the way that chlorine
does. That's why you don't have check the status on your spa
water nearly as often as you do with conventional treatment systems.
FACT: H3O works
against a broader range of organisms than do the halogens.
Experienced spa operators know that bromine, for one, is weak
against certain organisms, including certain algae and black
fungi. H3O gets rid of them.
FACT: H3O is a healthy,
superior substitute to using conventional water treatment.
Instead of a variety of chemicals, you treat your water with
only item: H3O. And unlike many ozone systems, H3O doesn't
"reduce" your usage of other pool chemicals. It completely
eliminates it.
Related Reading
General Hot Tub FAQ
ABC's of
Water Chemistry
Environmental Health Perspectives (Volume 46, 1982): Drinking
Water Disinfectants.
"Chlorine" -
Massachusetts Chemical Fact Sheet
Chlorine Chemistry Council vs. EPA
The Chlorine Debate:
A Selected Bibliography
Dirty Money -
Environmental Working Group on the Chlorine Chemistry Council
Don't Ban Chlorine - Use It Wisely
Scientific American (mimics CCC's arguments and chart)
National Academy Press (Executive Summary on Chlorination,
"Drinking Water & Health, Volume 2, (1980)"
Zero Waste -
Summary: Health concerns of chlorine exposure include, but are not
limited to: possible increased risk of miscarriage, birth defects, rectal
and bladder cancer, respiratory complaints, corrosion of the teeth,
inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, and increased
susceptibility to tuberculosis. There is an alarming lack of comprehensive
test data.
Ubiquitous & Deadly - Vermont Public Interest Research Group
How Safe Is Your Drinking Water?
H3O: So Easy To Use
Using H3O For Hot Tubs & Spas
could not be simpler. You just follow the label instructions (reprinted
in the left column, above). We realize that
you may have a lot of questions, so we have created a new set of
FAQ pages specifically
addressing this product.
In the event that the information on this page, combined with the
FAQ material provided, is not enough, we invite you to
email us with any questions you
may have.
The most important thing to remember
is that H3O performance in your hot tub or spa is is entirely
pH driven. That is, as long as the pH is in the proper range,
you will enjoy a level of spa purity and healthfulness that cannot be
reduplicated using any combination of conventional spa chemicals.
You will no longer have to suffer
through the noxious fumes of fresh, volatile chlorine gas, as it rises
from the hot water of your spa. You will no longer have to struggle with
the balancing act of pH and chlorine tests. You will no longer have
to worry about coming removing the cover to your spa after a 10 day
period where you forgot to make your tests, and find a web of algae or
fungus lining the edges or surface of your spa. You have one measure
and only one measure to consider: the pH.
What could be simpler?
The fact is: nothing is.