January, 2009 -- We are regularly asked to provide practitioner
referrals. In the past, we performed this service freely and without
restraint. However, as more people learn about the dangers of
outdated (but highly profitable) methods of orthodox treatment -- and this
is particularly true of cancer treatment (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation,
and most instances of radical surgery), referring practitioners has
become a dangerous practice . . . not for us, but for the practitioners
we are referring.

We have received reports of
practitioners, particularly medical doctors (M.D.'s), losing their
license to practice, being caught up in sting operations, and even
being imprisoned. Since we cannot determine in advance the intention
of those who come to us asking for a referral, we have, sadly, come
to the conclusion that it is better
not to provide referrals,
and thus risk endangering the livelihood of those practitioners who
use our products.

We deeply regret having to
take this position. We hope you understand that the current
gestapo climate created by the pharmaceutical companies and, in
particular, the FDA (with its worldwide influence),
has left us no other reasonable or compassionate alternative.

We will continue to provide
technical support on all our products, as we have done since inception;
and you can continue to funnel your medical questions to us, which
will be handled by members of our staff, including the medical
doctors with whom we work here in Ecuador. But we can no longer
make referrals to our practitioners outside Ecuador -- and thereby
create additional risks for those within our health care community.