Other Prepper Bundles
Personal "Bug Out" Bundle #1

This is a simple 9 item "bug out"
package for one or two people. It contains products with extremely long
shelf-lives, designed to address the most common health challenges you
will confront in a disaster situation. [
See details. ]
Family "Bug Out" Bundle #1

Containing sixteen life-saving products,
this package contains remedies for the most critical issues that may
confront a small family in disaster. [
See details. ]
Family "Bug Out" Bundle #2

This bundle expands on the products
and their functions as given on the detail page for
Family "Bug Out" Bundle #2.
It simply accommodates a larger family. [
See details. ]
The Pandemic Bundle

The emphasis in this survivalist kit is
successful confrontation against infections, pathogens in the environment (be
they natural or government-designed), and threats that can lead to long-term
subclinical conditions.
[ 28 items --
See details. ]
Nature's Pharmacy Bundle #1

This deeply discounted bundle is
a veritable storehouse of remedies, sufficient not only to take care of
a large family, but provide high-value bartering items, since you can expect the
prices from the items in this bundle to increase several times over in
a crisis situation where supply lines are disrupted. [ 138 items /
See details. ]