Osha Root
Plant Description Medical Properties Dosage
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Osha Root
Latin (botanical) name: Ligusticum porteri

Common names: Loveroot, Lovage, Porter’s Lovage, Porter’s Ligusticum, Osha, Chuchupate, Wild Parsley

Plant Description: Osha Root (Ligusticum porteri) is a Native American perennial herb from the parsley family. It inhabits dry, upland meadows and ravines out West in the southern Rocky Mountains. A common plant, Osha Root often grows in thick, extensive patches and prefers moist, fertile ground. It has fern-like leaves that are two-toned spotted green, especially when young. In the autumn, the leaves turn golden. This plant is already facing extinction in the wild.

Medicinal Properties &Uses: Osha Root has been used for generations for most every ailment. The roots, seed and essential oil of this plant are a bitter, camphoraceous warming herb that stimulates the circulation, kidneys and uterus. The root, being the most potent part of Osha, is the most widely used. To soothe sore throats and irritation of the gums, the root may be chewed raw. Boiling the root into a tea helps loosen phlegm and is an effective treatment for viral colds and flu. Osha Root is arguably the best American herb for lung and throat infections. It stimulates the macrophages or resident white blood cells of the lungs, numbs sore throats, bronchio-dilates the lungs to assist in expectoration, warms the lungs and helps one to breathe more deeply. Osha can be used as a preventative for those prone to sore throats and lung congestion or who get secondary infections from allergies. As Osha Root brings more blood into the lungs, it assists in dilation of the lungs when constricted. Therefore, it is helpful for emphysema, pneumonia, allergies, smokers cough, and athletically induced asthma. Osha Root is also antirheumatic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, digestive, febrifuge, and stomachic. It is used internally in the treatment of eruptive fevers, digestive complaints, toothache, painful menstruation and retained placenta. It has also been used to treat tuberculosis and headaches. An infusion of the roots is used externally to treat body aches. Powdered osha root can be used to make a soothing cough syrup. It is more effective than Echinacea and Goldenseal when one is already acute and congested. It increases oxygen utilization and uptake into the body, which aids in motion and air sickness.

Dosage: 20-60 drops in water or juice, 2-3 times daily or as needed.

Cautions & Interactions: Do not take during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children.

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Disclaimer (U.S. Only): These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.