ost of my readers will remember the famous
children's story growing up:
The Emperor's New Clothes.
The popular Hans Christian Anderson story
tells of a vane king who is obsessed with the magnificence of his wardrobe. The story revolves around
two swindlers who convince the king's counsel that they have created the ultimate fabric from which
clothes of such splendor are created that only the dim-witted cannot see them. The story concludes with
a parade in which the King displays his divine new attire and is greatly admired by all, until a small
child -- speaking with unquestionable innocence -- utters the obvious: "The King is Naked. He has no clothes."

Our civilization, our global culture, has attained to a level
of absurdity that is not unlike
The Emperor's New Clothes. We are trained to ignore the obvious,
and threatened if we fail to hold true, with commitment bordering on religious fervor, to the
magnificent attire of our hidden masters and their many agendas -- when the truth is, they are naked
at best and vile at worst.

I saw this clearly when I became absorbed in studying the chemtrail
phenomenon first, after watching the twin documentaries,
What in the World Are They Spraying
Why in the World Are They Spraying.
I was subsequently introduced to Dane Wigington's site,
Geo Engineering Watch.
When you put all the information from these videos, Dane's sites, and private interviews with about not less than ten
acquaintances in South America who left the U.S. because they could not tolerate the high level of spraying there,
a clear picture emerges. This despite the fact that we are instructed to believe that
chemtrails do not exist.
How could they exist? They're an elaborate conspiracy theory, so says that oh-so-not-loveable intel agency
hotbed of disinformation, Wikipedia. The contrary argument, abundantly provided in the two documentaries I just
cited, is that they are doing a superb job of killing entire biological ecosystems.

Two years ago I began getting calls from physicians in the U.S.
(as many are privately my customers) who began telling me about a phenomenon they called
Chemtrail Respiratory Syndrome.
The symptoms are marked by coughing, fatigue, and occasional flu symptoms. I've talked about this before.
In every case, I was asked not to repeat the name of the person who reported this to me. "This is the death
of anyone's career who makes this public," I was told.

Strangely, the U.S Congress is floating a plan to commence
chemtrail spraying -- even though anyone who has eyes to see, knows that the governments of the
world have already been allowing it for more than 25 years. It's like passing a bill to allow these metalized craft that we'll
call "airplanes" to travel through the air --- more than 115 years after the fact.
Ok -- granted -- that's an exaggeration, but you get my point.

It is a pattern I see repeatedly in my work. It was brought to mind again this month
in the form of a new epidemic.

Yes, this month's elitist exercise in scaring the public comes in the form
of a evolving viral epidemic in China called by a
coronavirus, which has
serious, potential
economic implications. There's no question that it's serious, or it is doubtful that WHO
would have declared it a
global pandemic. Moreover, as is always the case, the government in question
(in this case, the Chinese),
is downplaying
a catastrophe of their own making, rooting in the theft of biologicals that they stole in order to weaponize them -- something
that is the standard "MO" of the Chinese regime. You get a better sense of how important it is to the governments of the world
to possess, cultivate, and test the most lethal germs that the mind can conjure if you read
Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of
the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory. It's a story about the U.S. germ lab in Plum Island, New York. But make no mistake
about it. Governments around the world engage in this nonsense. And although Dr. Richard Krause may have been right -- "plagues are
as certain as death and taxes" -- it certain doesn't hurt the microbials' parasitic cause to have host government assisting them in
their weaponization. One might write this off as a potential conspiracy theory were it not for the fact that
Chinese biological weapons experts foolishly left their fingerprints on this Wuhan coronavirus in the form of
"HIV insertions" that would never occur naturally on their own. Then again, they may have had secret connection to U.S. intel
which have also been working to weaponize and publicly test coronavirus strains using bats as a carrier medium.

And that, boys and girls, brings me to the point of this post:
for although chemtrails and coronavirus may seem unrelated, they both share an obvious common relationship:
they both lead to a common end. The first is ostensibly done to help modify the weather and the second is
the innocent outbreak from an uncommon killer virus whose outbreak periodicity is impossible to predict.
This is what we're supposed to believe. And what we're supposed to believe disregards the obvious: that
both are engineered tools that serve a euthanasic end. They both assist in "thinning the herd."

That this goes on and the common man is no more the wiser is
one of the greatest tragedy of our time.
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