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Aging & Chelation

Medicardium package
Studies conducted on EDTA chelation therapy suggest it has the potential to improve human life by mitigating a number of crucial factors associated with aging.

Medicardium (10 suppositories) -- $ 99.95 [ Order ]

Calcium Levels
Calcium Levels
The chart at left shows the accumulation of calcium in rotifers. The purple columns show the calcium that accumulates in a normal rotifer. The blue columns show the amount of calcium that accumulates in the EDTA-treated rotifers. You can see that not only does the calcium acumulate more slowly in the EDTA-treated rotifers, but that they live 50% longer as well. (1)
Vital Capacity
Vital Capacity
Vital capacity is the amount of air we can exhale from our lungs. The chart at left shows that we can expect to lose 37.5% of our vital capacity as we age. (2) The lower our vital capacity, the less oxygen we have access to. Oxygen levels in our bloodstream will drop from 97% to 80% as we age. This means less endurance and less resistance to infection. 30 treatments with EDTA increases average vital capacity 12.8%. This is like rejuvenating your lungs by 15 years. (3)
Kidney Function
Kidney Function
We typically lose 50% of our kidney function as we age as shown in the chart to the right. (2) EDTA chelation has been shown to improve kidney function. According to Dr. McDonagh, D.O., "those with relatively low serum creatine levels increased; those with relatively high... levels declined; those in the area of approximately 1.0 mg/dl (the supposed ideal in terms of renal clearance) remained unchanged." (4) Thus, EDTA is shown to have an adaptogenic or normalizing effect on the kidneys.

As we age, our fibrinogen levels rise steadily as shown in the chart to the left. (2) Hypercoagulated blood, caused by high fibrinogen levels, has been associated with heart disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and many other diseases. EDTA inhibits fibrinogen and thus may effectively deal with the inevitable rise in fibrinogen as we age.
Calcium Levels
Albumin is responsible for the transport of calcium, copper and magnesium into the body, and mercury, nickel and cadmium out of the body.(5) We lose 15% of our albumin as we age as shown in the chart at left. (2) With cancer, we can lose more than 50% of our albumin. EDTA can make up for this lost albumin by assisting with the transport of minerals in and out of the body.
Bone Density
The chart at left shows how we lose bone density as we age. Men will lose about 30% (purple column) and women lose about 40% (blue column) of their bone density by their 70th birthday. 40% of women over 50 will have a fracture within their lives due to osteoporosis. EDTA has been shown to increase bone density by stimulating the osteoblasts, the bone forming cells.
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