"After taking just one bottle of Joint Relief,
I was completely
free of joint pain - despite rheumatoid arthritis that was so
bad, I couldn't walk or even get up from a chair without feeling
crippling pain. God bless you people! -- C.N. (81),
San Antonio, TX [Jan. 10, 2001] Availability Nutritional Supplement for arthritis, joint and muscle pain, and sports injuries. Stop pain & discomfort, while rebuilding joints. Clinical Research supporting this product. Joint Relief: Code 950 | 120 Tablets x 700 mg. | $ 29.95 Introduction: The need for therapeutic alternatives in dealing with arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteo), as well as general joint pain, is well founded. The current market largely focuses on analgesics (i.e. painkillers), which attempt to address the pain, but do little or nothing to kill the underlying cause. The economic reason is clear: it's more profitable to support repeat sales of painkillers than it is to eliminate the problem. To add insult to injury, clinical studies have shown that the use of the most common class of analgesics, called NSAIDS (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), do something worse than the highly publicized harm to the gastrointestinal tract: they can actually accelerate osteoarthritis and increase joint destruction. NSAIDS may also trigger the start of rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Relief, another Alpha Omega product, backed by our very liberal moneyback guarantee, not only reduces (and in many reported cases even eliminates) joint pain, but it rebuilds the problematic tissue, restoring healthy joint function - without the serious side effects associated with NSAIDS, side effects that cause over 20,000 deaths from internal bleeding in North America alone. The ingredients used in Joint Relief and their contribution to the effectiveness of the formula are described below:
MSM is related to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which has been used for some time as a therapeutic compound in the treatment of many painful and inflammatory conditions. MSM has many of DMSO's properties - without the seabed odor and other side effects. Plus, MSM is not similar to inorganic sulfides, sulfites and sulfates to which many people are allergic. Known benefits of MSM include: maintaining structure of the proteins in the body, helping the formation of keratin which is essential for hair and nail growth, aiding in the production of immunoglobulin, which maintains the immune system, and catalyzing the chemical reactions which change food into energy. Seminal research: Years of clinical use at Oregon Health Sciences University have shown that MSM delivers the following pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits without serious side effects:
The Findings & Creation of Joint Relief
Barnett, M. et al. (1998) - "Treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis with oral type II collagen; Results
of a multicenter double-blind study, placebo-controlled
trial." Arthritis & Rheumatism: (2): 290-7.