Introducing a World of Herbal Remedies from Indonesia
Code: JM080
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to alleviate
the effects of diabetes. Secondary uses: helps treat flatulence, indigestion, nausea and
increase appetite. Addresses hypertension; anti-rheumatic.
Composition: Burmanni Cortex Extract 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take regularly,
2 capsules, 2x a day. For people who have been formally diagnosed with diabetes
(type I or II) by a physician. Regularly consult with your doctor during use.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Sinamaldehid contained in cinnamon is known to increase the activity of the enzyme,
pyruvate kinase, in the liver and kidneys. Plays a role in increasing the release of insulin and
glucose uptake via the glucose transporter (GLUT4). Effects can lower blood sugar levels,
decrease absorption of glucose by inhibiting hepatic glucose to suppress the gene expression regulator
of hepatic gluconeogenesis. By repressing the expression of this gene, glucose-6phospat changes into
glucose, which can be inhibited so that the levels of glucose in the blood can be lowered.
Code: JM101
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To expedite and
increase the quantity of breast milk. To a lesser extent, its use is to
help maintain the health of mothers when breastfeeding and rejuvenate
after childbirth.
Composition: Sauropi Folium Extract, 412.5 mg;
Nigellae sativae Semen Extract 137.5 mg
Baseline Protocol: Take regularly,
2 capsules, 2x a day. The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The content of Omega 3, 6 and 9 found in black cumin provide
nutrients that helps the development of infants and fetal brain tissue.
The content of polyphenols and steroids in the katuk (Sauropus androgynus) leaves
stimulate the reflex prolactin or alveoli to produce milk, as well as
stimulating hormone oxytocin to stimulate secretion and flow of breast milk.
Code: JM1011
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To tighten, strengthen, and maintain
the health of the uterus.
Variations of this formula have been in existence for centuries. It has been used for the
treatment of post-childbirth, vaginal discharge, induce menstruation,
prevent and eliminate body female-related odors that are related
to microbial overgrowth.
- Piperis Folium Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Parameriae Cortex Extract, 110.0 mg.
- Usneae Thallus Extract, 110.0 mg.
- Extract Gallae, 82.5 mg.
- Coriandri Fructus Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Gambir Extract, 27.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take regularly,
2 capsules, 2x a day. The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
Traditional use advises against consuming any cucumber (or related cucurbits)
during use.
Additional Comments: None.
Code: JM102
Price: $27.95; 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To lower high
blood sugar levels. Often used as an adjunctive for people with diabetes mellitus.
Secondarily, it is also used for coughs, sore throat, indigestion.
Composition: Momordicae frutus extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Two capsules,
3x a day. Practitioners in Indonesia advise that users reduce food containing
sugars and complex carbohydrates (i.e. foods with high glycemic index) while taking
this product and "eat a lot of vegetables." Note: This product should
be taken by diabetics in cooperation with the regular physician or endocrinologist.
While using this product, consult with your doctor regularly.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The product contains karantin, a natural form of insulin,
along with momordisin and polypeptide, p-insulin, which is effective for
lowering blood sugar levels. Contains various minerals (potassium, calcium,
phosphorus and iron). High content of potassium and low sodium may assist
in lowering high blood pressure in some users.
Code: JM1023
Price: $27.95; 100 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to relieve diabetes,
(which may confuse Westerners as to its unusual name, "Bites").
Secondary Uses: as a hepatoprotective for those with liver conditions; antidiarrheal,
for upset stomach and indigestion; anti-inflammatory: relieves swelling;
helps to break fever (antipyretic).
Andrographis Herbal Extract, 330 mg.; Momordicae Folium Extract, 220 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Two capsules,
2x a day. The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
For people with diabetes who have been so diagnosed by their physician.
The primary care physician could be consulted during use.
Additional Comments: Green chireta (bitter herbs):
Andrographis helps lower blood glucose levels and also improve the use of glucose by increasing
the mRNA and protein levels in GLUT4. Andrografolis also stimulates the release of insulin
and inhibits the absorption of glucose through inhibition of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase.
Momordicae (bitter melon): Karantin, insulin and alkaloids are three main compounds that provide a
hypoglycemic effect. The mechanism works by decreasing gluconeogenesis, increasing peripheral glucose
oxidation in erythrocytes and adipocytes, and increasing insulin secretion in the pancreas.
Code: JM1024
Price: $27.95; 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps reduce body fat.
Secondary uses: Shrink the stomach after giving birth; overcome fever, headache, and cough;
overcome fever, headache and cough.
Composition: Zingiberis purpurei, rhizome extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Two capsules,
2x a day. The dose may be increased or reduced in accordance with need.
Optimal benefit from this product is achieved with regular exercise, a diet low in calories and low in fat.
Additional Comments: None.
Code: JM103
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To relieve hemorrhoids.
Secondary uses: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, treatment of constipation.
Composition: Graptophylli Folium Extract 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The phytochemical alkaloids in this product are believed to
prevent and reduce pain and inflammation in the area at the onset of
Code: JM104
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To help break down
oxalate stones in the kidney and urinary track and bring about urinary regularity.
Composition: Sericocalycis Folium Extract 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dose may be increased or decreased as needed. It is also advisable to drink 2.5 liters
of purified water per day while taking this product. Note: Additionally, this product
should be taken only by people with kidney or bladder stones. Consult with your physician
regularly during treatment. If there is no improvement of symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Common signs of kidney malfunction often include: fatigue, weakness, lack of appetite, pain through
the back or one side of the body, decreased urine volume or flow, urine may contain blood or excessive
protein, and in advanced cases, stinging during urination.
 Common tips for good kidney health include limiting
the consumption of meat and fish, consumption of at least 2 to 2.5 liters of purified water per
day. Limit salt intake to no more than 8 grams per day. Sodium can increase the disposal of calcium
in the urine, which increases the risk of stone formation.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Ortosifonin content and potassium salt are the main components that
help the dissolution of oxalate in the bladder and kidney. This also
prevents precipitation of kidney stones. Sericocalycis Folium (Kejibeling) contains
a potassium salt which helps dissolve oxalate in the urine.
Other Comments:
crispus, called "keji beling" in Indonesia, has long been known for its effectson the kidney and bladder.
It is a commonly grown species of plant, often as an ornamental or to form a "living plant fence."
This plant can grow in nearly all regions of Indonesia.
 "Keji beling" is used in Indonesia to treat a variety of diseases:
According Soewito (1989), this plant contains several phytochemicals that are efficacious in treating kidney stones,
diabetes, ulcers, and as a laxative. Its macronutrients include potassium, sodium, calcium, silicic acid, alkaloids,
saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. (Soewito: Gunawan 1989 in 2011). Based on research by Fajaru Endrini (2008)
Keji also shows promise for its ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells without killing normal cells.
Botanically, it is easy to breed in the fertile soil, somewhat sheltered and in the open. This plant can live
in areas with ecological conditions with the following requirements: altitude, 1 m - 1,000 m above sea level
with an annual rainfall of 2,500 mm - 4,000 mm / year. It prefers a soil content that is sand to clayish, good drainage.
Root depth, 5 cm from ground level, minimum; a pH of 5.5 to 7 average. (Jake S, 2002)
Code: JM1032
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Breast tightening;
recovering of stamina after childbirth.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 165 mg.
- Baeckeae Folium Extract, 110 mg.
- Coptici Fructus Extract, 110 mg.
- Melaleucae Fructus Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Boesenbergiae Rhizome Extract, 82.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Curcumae Rhizoma Extract (Curcuma), blood circulation;
Baeckeae Folium Extract (Jungrahab), maintenance of weight after birth;
Coptici Fructus Extract (Mungsi), carminative and stimulant which helps maintain breaet health;
Melaleucae fructus Extract (Eucalyptus), stimulant;
Curcumae Rhizoma Extract (Curcuma), blood circulation;
Boesenbergiae Rhizome Extract (Gathering Key), helps with breast milk production.
Code: JM105
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To lower mildly high blood pressure.
Secondary uses: improve circulation, and increase stamina.
Composition / Function:
- Centellae Herba Extract 110.0 mg -- acts to lower high blood pressure.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract 110.0 mg -- used as a tonic and to increase blood circulation.
- Imperatae Rhizome Extract 110.0 mg -- acts to lower high blood pressure.
- Orthosiphonis Folium Extract 82.5 mg -- helps regulate urination.
- Phyllanthi Herba Extract 82.5 mg -- helps regulate urination.
- Apii graveolentis Herba 55.0 mg -- contains apigenin that works to lower blood pressure.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
Code: JM106
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to reduce excessive mucus,
reduce "bad odor in particular organs of women" as well as "symptoms of worm infestation."
Composition: Granati Cortex Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Benefits:
The Benefits of Pomegranate Extract? --- A Brief Introduction
 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruiting plant that is
easy to grow in the majority of biomes throughout the world. There are three kinds of pomegranate,
namely white pomegranate, red pomegranate and pomegranate purple. Utilization of these plants
as traditional medicine is quite varied, and all parts of the pomegranate plant can be used
as a drug. One of the benefits of white pomegranate is as an anti-cholesterol. The intake of
pomegranate juice helps regulate blood flow and cholesterol levels. Some researchers have
found active medicinal compounds in white pomegranate, of which one group is sterol compounds.
 In some regions, pomegranate has is known
as "bermacammacam" (Indonesia and Malaysia), granada (the Philippines),
salebin / Talibin (Myanmar), tortim (Cambodia), ph'ulaa (Laos), thaptim (Thailand),
and lu'u / thap lu'u (Vietnam). This plant originates from the region of Central Asia (Iran),
Afghanistan, and the Himalayan region. From there, it spread to the Mediterranean region,
and now it has spread throughout the tropics and subtropics.
 In general, a pomegranate tree planted in the yard
is useful as an ornamental, and the fruit can be eaten directly, having a sweet and sour taste.
In addition, the fruit can be extracted be used as a refreshing drink. Pomegranate nutritional
content per 100 g of fruit consists of water (78 g), protein (1.6 g), fat (0.1 g),
carbohydrates (14.5 g), and minerals (0,7g). Other analysis shows that there is an invert
sugar content (20%), glucose (5-10%), citric acid (0.5 to 3.5%) and vitamin C (14 mg / 100 g).
The yellow coloring agent on the skin of pomegranates contain galotanat acid. The highest content
of tannins found in the root bark (28%). The tree can reach a height of 5-18 m. Branches are thorny,
with small oval leaves, and flowering / fruiting at the twig-end.
Benefits Of Pomegranate Fruit Crops
 Almost all parts of the plant yield health benefits,
from the leaf, flower, fruit, and root bark. Below are the benefits of the pomegranate plant parts:
1. The fruit (juice)
 1.1. Providers antioxidants.
 Pomegranate juice contains anti-carcinogenics and is
rich in flavonoids, as well as antioxidant -- (compounds that counter the effects of
free radicals in the body, repairing damaged cells). Compounds in pomegranate provide
protection against heart disease, skin cancer, and prostate cancer. Antioxidants contained
in it help prevent clogging of the arteries by cholesterol, especially for those at high risk,
as well as helps regulate blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, and the ability to fight inflammation.
It increases the range of other factors involved in the metabolic processes that trigger obesity and diabetes.
Because of this effect, pomegranate may help with weight loss. Additionally, there is some research
that suggests that pomegranate juice may induce cancer cell death.
 1.2 As cancer prevention
 Pomegranates can been shown to have
remarkable cancer chemoprevention
properties, involving studies on breast, prostate, lung, colon, and skin cancers.
 1.3. Rescuer kidneys
 Research in Israel reported that the high content of antioxidant
polyphenols in pomegranate can prevent further complications for patients with renal failure, especially those
who are undergoing dialysis. In the study also found that patients with kidney disease who drank pomegranate juice
can reduce infection and damage to kidney cells caused by free radicals.
 1.4. As an anti-bacterial
 Pomegranate fruit contains a chemical alkaloid and tannin that has
anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and can strengthen a person's immune system. In the fruit,
including fruit flesh and skin can prevent and control viral and microbial pathogens in the blood.
2. Pomegranate Plant Leaves
 The leaves are beneficial for menustruation. It lessons
abdominal pain bloating and tenderness. A common practice is taking five pomegranate leaves and pouring half a glass
of hot water over it, let stand for 10 minutes then drink. This is taken for five days.
3. Pomegranate Root Bark
 The root bark can overcome stomach ache due to dysentery, intestinal worms,
inflammation, and sore throat. Another practice is taking 7 g. of dried pomegranate root, washed and cut into pieces,
as needed. Boil the root piece with 1 cup water for 15 minutes, strain, and drink.
Code: JM1032
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to reduce fat; weight loss.
Secondary uses: Lowering cholesterol levels and smooth bowel movement.
- Murrayae Folium Extract, 192.5 mg. -- helps reduce excess body fat.
- Guazumae Folium Extract, 137.5 mg. -- contains gallotannin, which helps fight obesity.
- Mimossae Herba Extract, 137.5 mg. -- same contributing property.
- Gallae Extract, 82.5 mg -- gallotannin helps fight obesity.
Baseline Protocol:
Take regularly 2 capsules before bedtime. The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
The use of this product should be accompanied by regular exercise, and a diet low in calories and low in fat.
Addditional Comments: None.
Code: JM1034
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use:
Help to expedite menstruation and relieve menstrual pain.
- Anisi vulgaris Extract Fructus, 82.50 mg.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 82.50 mg.
- Foeniculi Fructus Extract, 82.50 mg.
- Piperis nigri Fructus Extract, 82.50 mg.
- Extract Cortex cinnamomi, 55 mg.
- Coriandri Fructus Extract, 55 mg.
- Nigellae sativae Semen Extract, 55 mg.
- Herbal Extract Phyllanthi, 55 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day,
beginning 4-5 days before menstruation. The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: None.
Code: JM1035
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Help alleviate diabetes.
Secondary uses: Helps treat flatulence, indigestion, nausea; increases appetite, treats hypertension;
blood sugar disorders, lack of appetite, and fever.
Gymnema sylvestre, Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. For people diagnosed with diabetes.
Consult regularly with your physician during usage.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The saponin content of Gymnema lowers blood sugar;
intestinal mucous membrane proteins precipitate and form a layer
that protects the intestine, inhibiting glucose intake and
the rate of increase in blood glucose.
Code: JM107
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: As an aid to blood circulation.
Secondary uses: diseases of the female genitourinary tract, relieving anxiety, and improving cognition.
Composition: Centellae Herba Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Description and Comments on Benefits:
 Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)
is a wild plant that is not yet well known in the scientific community.
Gotu kola grows as a creeping ground cover plant, no stems, with a height of between 10-50 cm.
Gotu kola has leaves arranged in a rosette blade root and consists of 2-10 leaves. The leaves are green
and shaped like a fan, waist or kidney-shaped fruit. Gotu kola also has a leaf surface and back smooth,
the edges slightly curved upwards, jagged, and sometimes hair-like. Leaves have a diameter of
1-7 cm (Winarto, 2003). Gotu kola has shaped midrib petiole, rather long and measuring 5-15 cm.
The gotu kola leaf stalk leaf scales are very short, smooth, hairless, and joined with the petiole.
 Gotu kola has white or pink flowers arranged in umbrella-shaped bouquet.
Its fruits are oval or flat, fragrant and bitter, somewhat thick-walled, hard skinned, ribbed clear, and yellow.
 Gotu kola is an annual, usually found in moist areas, swamps and rice paddies.
In many countries, gotu kola has been set as a medicinal plant and has been used for generations to treat various
diseases because it contains "Centella asiatica" active components that act as anti-oxidants.
Benefits of Gotu Kola Leaf
 According to the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
found so many benefits from the use of this herbal that it labelled it a
" potential herbal cure-all."
[84 cited studies]. Gotu kola is also used as a drug to speed up the healing of wounds and improve memory.
It can improve cellular hyperplasia and increases collagen in scar tissue cells (Sagrawat, Khan, 2007).
Mechanisms of Action
 Triterpenoids can revitalize blood vessels so that blood circulation
to the brain is improved. This provides a calming effect and improves mental function.
Asiaticoside works to repair and strengthen skin cells, and stimulate growth of nails, hair, and connective tissue.
High doses of saponin glycosides produces the effect of a pain reliever.
Saponins contained in this plant have the added benefit of affecting collagen so that the production of excessive scar tissue
is inhibited.
 An experiment with mice fed gotu kola extract showed an increase in the
working capacity of the rat brain shows increased of 300%, compared to the control diet.
SRI Endah Suhartatik of the Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM, doing research on gotu kola leaf found that an
infusion with 7.5% dissolved calcium kidney stones. It was also reported that gotu kola extract can
improve chronic venous disorders and high venous pressure.
Code: JM108
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To boost the immune system.
Composition: Nigella sativa extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Benefits: Black cumin benefits include:
- Immunomodulatory -- Black cumin can increase endurance, making one less susceptible to disease.
- Antioxidants -- Thymoquinone compounds in black cumin exhibit very strong antioxidant activity,
sequestering free radicals (cytoprotective).
- Blood Purification -- Normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol (LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol)
Black cumin can normalize the function of homeostasis and blood parameters (hematology),
such as blood sugar, LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol. In addition, black cumin
helps cleanse the blood of toxic / harmful toxin.
- Treatment of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) --
Black cumin is able to inhibit neutrophil activity estalase which has destructive properties especially in lung tissue - lung.
Work mechanism :
Black cumin contains unsaturated fatty acids, Linoleic and Gammalinolenic that enter the body. This allows the acid to achieve a synthesis of important immune system that cause chronic diseases such as acne and hay fever, and cancer.
Comments on Mechanism of Action:
Black cumin contains linoleic and gammalinolenic unsaturated fatty acids.
These work as immmunomodulators in the body's self-healing processes, addressing
chronic conditions, such as acne, hay fever, and even cancer.
Code: JM109
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: This herbal is among
a number of unique botanicals in the Jamu tradition which address "male enhancement."
Composition: Catuaba Cortex Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules regularly before bedtime.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Catuabine A, B and C are the active substances in Catuaba
that can enhance sexual function by stimulating the nervous system.
Code: JM110
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Ginger is used for a variety
of conditions. It relieves flu-like symptoms, such as mild fever, nausea, headache, and sneezing; helps
keep the body warm; increases appetite; relieves indigestion; mitigates flatulence.
Composition: Zingiberis Rhizome Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day
to relieve symptoms. The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Ginger contains zingiberene, curcumene, sesquiphellandrene, and bisabolene --
compounds with boost immunity and are anti-inflammatory.
Code: JM111
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used primarily in the treatment
of dengue fever and diarrhea. Secondary uses: laxative, as an aid in menstruation, ulcers, and
as an astringent.
Composition: Zingiberis Rhizome Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day
to relieve symptoms. The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The quercetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase,
an enzyme created by the body to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template. (This process is
called "reverse transcription"). In the world of pharmaceuticals, RN inhibitors are the backbone of
antiretroviral drugs, which are used to treat viral conditions, such as Hepatitus B.
Additionally, quercetin and its glycosides inhibit the spontaneous contraction of the ileum
and the acetylcholine secretions of the colon, so that diarrhea can be resolved quickly.
The tannins from quercetin are astringent; these affect the intestinal mucosa, especially the colon,
absorbing toxins.
Code: JM112
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used primarily to reduce appetite
and lose weight; lowers fat levels in the blood.
Composition: Guazumae Folium, 225 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take five capsules, two times per day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The tannins and mucilago from this plant precipitates mucosal proteins that exist in the surface
of the small intestine, reducing the absorption of food (inhibiting fat accumulation processes).
Mucilago also acts as a lubricant so that the food is not given a chance to be absorbed.
Code: JM113
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used to maintain
kidney and liver health, much like chanca piedra
in South America. Helps to improve urinary regularity.
Composition: Orthosiphon Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. While taking this product, you should observe
the following additional conditions:
- Consume at least 2.5 liters of purified water per day.
- Limit salt intake to no more than 8 grams per day. Sodium can increase the accumulation
of calcium in the urine, which increases the risk of stone formation.
- Limit the consumption of fish or meat, and all "processed foods."
If you take this product, and do not experience
an improvement in symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Orthosiphon Folium
long been known to
be renal and hepato-protective and is believed to be caused by the combined
actions of its terpenes, caffeic acid derivatives, and the polyphenol, sinensetin.
Code: JM1132
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Used to reduce itching, as an anti-fungal.
Secondary uses: antibacterial; against wind, generate warmth, overcome cough and eliminate phlegm in bronchitis.
As an anti-inflammatory, overcome aches, pains and rheumatism and to increase appetite.
Languatis Rhizome Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. For children, use half the adult dosage.
If you're susceptible, avoid foods that may be allergies.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Diterpene compound isolated from galangal synergistically enhances
the antifungal activity against candida albicans by means of lysing its protoplasm.
Code: JM114
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Stimulates the
production of breast milk. Secondary effect: reduces fever and cleanses the
blood, similar to the action of Ajo Te.
Composition: Sauropi Folium Extract 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: It is well known that lactation occurs with the help of two
hormones, prolactin and oxytocin. Kattuk works by increasing the
gene expressions
responsible for this hormone production.
Code: JM115
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use:
Helps break down oxalate stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Help smooth urination.
- Sericocalycis Folium Extract, 440 mg.
- Orthosiphonis Folium Extract, 55 mg.
- Sonchi Folium Extract, 55 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Follow the same regimen in using
Kattuk as Java Tea. Unlike Coralgin or
Java Tea, both of which are used to maintain kidney health.
This formula is indicated for people with people with kidney and/or bladder stones
after the diagnosis of a dictor. During the use of this product, the user should
consult with their doctor regularly.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: See Comments under Coralgin and
Java Tea.
Code: JM1152
Price: $24.95; 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps fight oxalate stone buildup;
diuretic, relieves muscle pain; precipitation of kidney stones, increases the body's immune system; high
blood pressure.
- Orthosiphonis Folium Extract, 121 mg.
- Sonchi Folium Extract, 121 mg.
- Sericocalycis Folium Extract, 110 mg.
- Phyllanthi Herba Extract, 110 mg.
- Imperatae Radix Extract, 55 mg.
- Cubebae Fructus Extract, 16.5 mg.
- Caricae Folium Extract, 16.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, twice daily.
The dose may be increased or decreased as needed. Recommendation:
It is advisable to drink water at least 2.5 liters per day. Warning :
Only for people with kidney stones and bladder stones that have been
diagnosed a doctor. During use, regularly consult your physician.
Additional Comments:
Orthosiphonis Folium (cat whiskers): The content ortosifonin and potassium salts are the main components
that help the dissolution of oxalate in the human body, particularly in the bladder;
prevents precipitation of kidney stones. Sericocalycis Folium (Kejibeling) contains
potassium which helps dissolve oxalate in the urine. Sonchi Folium (Tempuyung) has
a diuretic effect that helps dissolve kidney stones. Phyllanthi Herba (Meniran):
flavonoids from Meniran serves as a diuretic (expedite urine) as well as enhancing
the body's immune system. Imperatae Radix (Reeds)
has a diuretic effect, facilitating urine flow. Cubebae Fructus (Kemukus)
is a diuretic or facilitates urine flow. Caricae Folium (Papaya Leaf)
helps break stones in the urinary tract; diuretic and relieving relief.
Code: JM116
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used primarily to reduce appetite
and lose weight; lowers fat levels in the blood.
- Momordicae Folium Extract, 275.0 mg.
- Andrographis Herbal Extract, 137.5 mg
- Orthosiphonis Folium Extract 137.5 mg
Baseline Protocol: Take one capsule, two times per day.
Restrict consumption of flour and sugar. Only for people with diabetes who have been assigned a doctor.
During the use of this product, consult your doctor regularly.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Reduces levels of glucose in the blood.
Working Mechanism Andrographidis Herba (Bitter)
Andrographis contains a "bitter" that works to reduce levels of glucose in the blood.
Momordicae Folium contains karantin, momordisin and polypeptide (p-insulin),
which is effective for lowering blood sugar levels. Orthosiphonis Folium (Java Tea Leaf)
The content orthosifonin and potassium salts are the main components that help the
dissolution of uric acid, phosphate, and oxalate in the human body,
particularly in the bladder, bladder, kidney and thus prevents precipitation of kidney stones.
Code: JM117
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Lowers cholesterol and joint inflammation.
Secondary use: Helps maintain healthy digestive function.
Composition: Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, two times per day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action:
Turmeric spice, even without reduction to an extract,
has long
been revered for its medicinal properties. It has long been used ethnobotanically
to treat dysentery -- the juice often curing the condition in less than three days.
It is frequently
taken as an anti-inflammatory, which has been shown to be important in the
of rheumatoid arthritis. It shows "promise" in the treatment of
 Turmeric is very useful as an anticoagulant,
lowers blood pressure, is a mild vermifuge, combats asthmic symptoms,
and is a blood "booster". Turmeric can also be used to historically to
prevent Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
 Based on the results of a 2003 survey, turmeric is grown
commercial primarily to serve the traditional medicine industry in East Java and was ranked first
among medicinal plants in Central Java, including the "big five" in comparison to other
medicinoal raw materials. along with other medicinal raw materials. The rhizome is very
useful as an anticoagulant, lowers blood pressure, is anthelmintic and an asthma drug,
and is also used to treat abdominal pain, liver disease, rashes, and insect bites.
It is both a stimulant and a carminative. Important chemical constituents of turmeric
includes 6% essential oil composed of the monoterpenes and sesquiterpene class of
compounds (including zingiberen, alpha and beta-turmerone), a yellow dye called kurkuminoid
as much as 5% (includes curcumin 50-60% , monodesmetoksikurkumin and bidesmetoksikurkumin),
protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin C.
 In the practice of Jamu, turmeric is well known to :
- Treat painful joints and bones
- Help with dyspepsia (acid and gas)
- Treat indigestion and stomach
- Help treat pancreatic and rectal cancers
- Treat anti-inflammatory and aid as an anti-bacterial
- Reduce flatulence and nausea
- Lower high cholesterol levels
- Assist secondarily in weight loss
- Provide skin rejuvenation
- Assist with childbirth aftercare
- Help with liver disorders
- Aid with heart difficulties by "cleansing the blood"
Various other scientific studies:
Chany Fadlina Saputri, Pharmacy ITB in his thesis in 2006 showed antihypercholesterolemia activity of turmeric in animal experiments.
Turmeric extract 200 mg / kg body weight of the mice showed activity as antihypercholesterolemia, and can lower LDL without Affecting HDL.
Research from Thamlikitkul V, J. Med Assoc Thai, in 1989 stated that more than 50% of patients who undergo gastric disorders get satisfactory
results using turmeric extract. Based on the research of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR L.Rizka Andalusia 1992,
showed that the essential oil of the curcumin rhizoma exerted strong anti-hepatotoxic activity.
Code: JM118
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: In the Jamu tradition,
Curcuma zedoaria is primary used as a nutraceutical to aid cancer patients.
Secondary uses include: cholesterol lowering, lung disorders (asthma,
tuberculosis), abdominal pain and flatulence, and as a hepatoprotective.
Composition: Curcuma Zedoaria Rhizome Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: For treatment, take two capsules, 2x a day.
The "maintenance dosage" is two capsules, 1x a day. CAUTION: Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Zedoarin, kurdiona and kurkumol are substances known to be anti-neoplastic.
It induces apoptosis
in human ovarian cancer cells and was found to exert
effects on melanoma.
Code: JM1183
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Overcoming indigestion, shedding flatulence.
Secondary uses: increases appetite, reduces heartburn and nausea; provides general pain relief.
- Kaempferiae Rhizome Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Curcumae domesticae, Rhizoma Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Foeniculi Fructus Extract, 110 mg.
- Glycyrrhizae Radix Extract, 82.50 mg.
- Coriandri Fructus Extract, 82.50 mg.
Baseline Protocol: For treatment, take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dose may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Kencur useful to address the complaints of abdominal pain and flatulence, increases appetite;
turmeric is used for appetite enhancer; licorice is beneficial to help maintain digestive health;
coriander is usually used to facilitate digestion and appetite enhancement;
fennel is an appetite enhancer and helps maintain healthy digestive function.
Code: JM1184
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps reduce blood fat;
lowers LDL and raise HDL levels. Secondary uses: weight loss, irregular menstruation,
vaginal discharge, antiseptic.
Composition: Murrayae Folium Extract. 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Using use, reducing fatty and oily foods is
recommended. The use of this product should be accompanied by regular exercise, a diet low
in calories and low in fat.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Murraya Folium contains cadinene, eugenol, citronellol,
s-guaiazulene which work to reduce levels of fat in the blood.
Code: JM1185
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps shed urinary stones and helps smooth urination.
Secondary uses: Restores the function of damaged kidneys back to normal,
lowers serum levels of glucose in the blood, so as to prevent damage to the liver
and the pancreas; fever, anti-inflammation, neutralizes toxins, aphrodisiac, and detoxifying.
Composition: Elephantopi Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Further advise: Only for patients with kidney stones and bladder stones that have been diagnosed.
During use, consult your doctor regularly. If there is no improvement of symptoms, contact your doctor.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The content of active substances in liman flavonoid luteolin-7-glucoside
is efficacious in addressing urinary tract stones and is diuretic.
Liman extract is able to normalize the lipid profile such as total cholesterol,
LDL and triglycerides while increasing HDL. In addition, liman is able to restore
the function of damaged kidneys back to normal. Liman extract can significantly
reduce levels of serum glucose in the blood so as to prevent damage to the liver
and the pancreas caused by diabetes. Research by Ngamrojanavanich, et al.
proves that ethanol extracts in liman is able to increase the secretion of
urine (diuretic) and relieve pain when urinating.
Code: JM119
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Reduces fat levels in the blood.
Secondary uses: weight loss, irregular menstruation, and vaginal discharge.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 412.5 mg.
- Murrayae Folium Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Guazumae Folium Extract, 55 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Note: User should cut out as
much fatty/fried foods as possible while taking this product.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Formula contains
sesquiterpene, hydroxy cinnamic acid, and flavonoids that can reduce fat levels
in the blood; s-allyl cysteine works as hypolipidemic to lower fat levels in the blood;
Murrayae folium extract contains cadinene, eugenol, citronellol, s-guaiazulene working to
reduce levels of fat in the blood.
Code: JM120
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Like Kunti,
used as a nutraceutical aid to cancer patients.
Secondary uses: antibacterial, antiseptic and antioxidant/inflammatory, analgesic,
and for the treatment of constipation.
Composition: Phaleriae Fructus Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The alkaloids in this herbal work to neutralize toxins in the body.
Its saponins work as a source of antibacterial and anti-virus activity, boosting\
the immune system and general vitality. The flavonoids act as an antioxidant, help with
blood circulation, and as an anti-inflammatory. Polyphenols work as antihistamines (anti-allergy).
Code: JM121
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: For immune system support.
Secondary uses: prevent cancer, maintain cardiovascular health and normal cholesterol
levels, and lower blood sugar.
Composition: Garcinia mangostana Fructus/Cortex Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: The properties of "purple mangosteen" come, in part, from its antioxidants,
which fight free radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals, superoxide anion, and singlet oxygen.
In the mangosteen peel, xhantone containing compounds which are powerful antioxidants that
help maintain immune system and mental health. Xanthone is believed to have health benefits,
especially for cardiovascular health such as cardiovascular diseases, arterosclerosis,
hypertension and thrombosis. Xanthone helps widen blood vessels and improving blood flow.
 Additionally, mangosteen is also rich in potassium,
a mineral that plays an important role in energy metabolism and heart health.
Xanthone compounds in the skin of the fruit stimulate the immune system by activating
natural killer cells (NK Natural Killer Cell or Cell) in the body.
Code: JM121B
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: For immune system support,
maintaining a healthy body, and increasing endurance.
Composition: Garciniae Fructus Cortex Extract, 330 mg.;
Annonae muricata Folium Extract, 220 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Additional Comments: This formula is a variation
of Mastin (above), with the difference being the addition
of graviola extract.
Code: JM1205
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps enhance the immune system.
- Garciniae cortex, Fructus Extract, 330 mg.
- Punica granatum, Folium Extract, 220 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Mangosteen and pomegranate white skin are both established
immune boosters.
Code: JM103
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: Reduce body fat and lose weight.
Secondary uses: Lowering fat levels in the blood and overcoming constipation.
- Rhei Radix Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Murrayae Folium Extract, 110.0 mg.
- Curcumae aeruginosae, Rhizoma Extract, 110.0 mg.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Guazumae Folium Extract. 55.0 mg.
- Gallae Extract, 55.0 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules before bedtime.
Recommendation: The use of this product should be accompanied by regular exercise
and a diet low in calories and low in fat. Pregnant women who are suffering from diarrhea
should not take these pills.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Guazumae Folium (Jatibelanda) inhibits the absorption of fat and increases spending fats through defecation.
Murrayae Folium (Myrtle) is very effective in helping dissolve excess fat and inhibits the absorption of cholesterol and fat in the body.
Rhei Radix (Rhubarb) contains anthraquinone compounds that function as laksansia that helps to expedite the process of defecation.
Curcumae aeruginosae Rhizoma (Temuhitam) is effective in assisting with weight lose.
Gallae (Majaan) contains gallotannin that helps reduce obesity.
Curcuma domestica (turmeric) contains curcumin to help reduce levels of fat in the body
and protect the digestive tract from stomach acid.
Folium Aloe vera (Aloe vera) facilitates bowel movement.
Code: JM122
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: As an aid
to constipation. Helps "smooth" bowel movement naturally.
Secondary uses: diarrhea, stomach pain, bleeding in the GI tract,
assists menstruation, helps overcome jaundice.
Composition: Rhei Radix Extract, 550 mg
Baseline Protocol: Rheum officinale
Take two capsules, regularly, before bedtime.
The dose may be increased up to two capsules, 4x daily or as needed.
Additional protocol recommendation: Take while increasing consumption of high-fiber
vegetables and fruits for best results. Drink plenty of mineral water. Reduce fatty foods.
Comments on Known Mechanism(s)
of Action: Rheum (rhubarb) has long been used
a variety of ailments of the GI tract. Its medical components include
"anthraquinone derivatives
such as chrysophanic acid (=chrysophanol), emodin, aloe-emodin, rhein & physcion,
with their O-glycosides such as glucorhein, chrysophanein, glucoemodin; sennosides A-E, reidin C" among others.
Code: JM1222
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: To relieve gout.
Secondary uses: overcome stiff and painful joints, bone pain, improve blood circulation, and smooth urination (diuretic).
- Zingiberis Rhizome Extract, 192.50 mg.
- Apii graveolentis Herbal Extract, 137.50 mg
- Equiseti Herbal Extract, 110 mg.
- Orthosiphonis Folium Extract, 110 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. For best results, avoid nuts and
limit fatty foods.
Additional Comments:
Zingiberis rhizome (ginger: warming herb, anti-inflammatory and joint analgesic), Equiseti herbs (muscle relief),
Languatis rhizome (galangal): as a stimulant to relieve aches;
Orthosiphonis folium (cat whiskers): contains glycosides, orthosiphonin, believed to dissolve uric acid;
Curcumae domestica rhizome (turmeric): as an anti-inflammatory on joints.
Code: JM1223
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Relieves cold symptoms.
Secondary uses: appetite enhancer, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, anti-inflammation, pain reliever,
febrifuge, heartburn, antihistamine, migraine headache, "body warmer," adjunct to weight reduction.
- Kaempferiae Rhizome Extract, 165 mg.
- Foeniculi Fructus Extract, 165 mg.
- Andrographis Herbal Extract, 110 mg.
- Momordicae Folium Extract, 110 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day,
or until symptoms have passed.
Additional Comments: Fennel contains essential oils,
fenkon, pinene, limonene, dipenten, feladren, metilchavikol, anisaldehid, anisat acid and fatty oils,
as natural analgesics which works by inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins. Essential oils contained
in fennel are used to cope with asthma and colds. The content of essential oils in kencur also work
as an analgesic (painkilling) and to keep warm. Astrographis paniculata extract is able to inhibit
the production of nitric oxide (NO) as a free radical, olehlipopolysaccharide-stimulated (LPS)
in vitro on Bacillus Calmette-Guein (BCG) vaccine-induced macrophage. It is known that NO is a
free radical compound responsible in the process of inflammation.
Code: JM1224
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To relieve rheumatism and relieve
stiff, tired joints. Secondary uses: stimulates endurance and stamina, anti-inflammatory and joint pain
naturally, decrease joint swelling and improve joint function.
- Kaempferiae Rhizome Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Zingiberis Rhizome Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Curcumae domesticate Rhizoma Extract, 275 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, once daily.
Additional Comments:
Caffeic acid from the turmeric extract acts as a systemic stimulant, reduces fatigue and inflammation.
Protochatechuic acid and ukanon A, B, C and D in turmeric stimulates the body's endurance, stamina and immunity.
The content of ginger extract modulates pain levels and the incidence of nodules in patients with rheumatism.
The content of essential oils in kencur works as an analgesic (painkilling) and to keep warm.
Code: JM123
Price: $29.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Reduces levels of urinary calcium
and kidney stone formation. Secondary uses: exerts protective effects on the liver, spleen,
and stomach.
Composition: Phyllanthi Herbal Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Comments on Properties / Available Forms:
This is the very same herbal we
sell in tea form, as this plant is a traditional
South American herbal, as well.
The most common use of "niruri" is the prevention of
nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).
However, clinical studies have concluded that it also has
anti-tumor, anti-HIV, and anti-diabetic activity.
"Niruri" also plays prominent in the Ayurvedic
herbal tradition.
Code: JM124
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used as a cancer
preventive and cancer treatment adjunct. Secondary uses: asthma, lumbago,
diabetes, and dysentery.
Composition: Morindae Fructus Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day, regularly.
The dosage may be increased to four times daily, or as needed. Caution:
This product may lower blood pressure, so it is contraindicated for persons with
low blood pressure.
Additional Comments: Noni is an
established anti-cancer preventive.
Other benefits include:
- Increase Endurance Body
- Normalize Blood Pressure
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
- Anti-bacterial
- Helps regulate mood cycle
Code: JM125
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to relieve cough with phlegm
and other respiratory ailments, including bronchitis, asthma, and coryza.
Secondary uses: dysentery, jaundice, intestinal worms, and female disorders.
Composition: Hirtae Herbal Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Additional Comments:
"Patikan's" medical
and pharmacological properties are well established. (See also
of Medicinal Plants Research article.)
Code: JM126
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To reduce appetite
and assist in weight lose. Secondary use: to reduce fat levels in the blood, protect
heart and liver, reduce inflammation, and relax muscles.
Composition: Guazumae Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Better results are obtained if used
in conjunction with a regular program of exercise, and a diet low in calories and fat.
Additional Comments:
In addition to its use in weight lose, Pingset also exhibits
anti-diabetic properties,
It exhibits wide ranging anti-microbial properties.
Code: JM127
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to reduce
body fat. Secondary use: normalizes cholesterol levels.
- Guazumae Folium Extract, 412.5 mg.
- Camellia sinensis Folium Extract, 137.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Better results are obtained if used
in conjunction with a regular program of exercise, and a diet low in carbohydrates and fat,
and high in high-fiber vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to drink at 2.5 liters a day
of purified water.
Additional Comments: The tannins and mucilago
contains in this formula precipitate mucosal proteins that exist in the surface of the small
intestine, thereby reducing the absorption of food (inhibit fat accumulation process).
Mucilago also acts as a lubricant so that the food is not given a chance to be absorbed.
The combination of polyphenols and EGCG in the green tea fraction of this formula
can increase fat burning in the body.
Code: JM1272
Price: $24.95; contains 60 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Increase appetite and weight.
Secondary uses: warm the body and increase endurance.
- Curcumae aeruginosae Rhizoma Extract, 110 mg.
- Caricae Folium Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 110 mg.
- Languatis Rhizome Extract, 27.5 mg.
- Zingiberis purpurei Rhizome Extract, 82.5 mg.
- Litseae Folium Extract, 55 mg.
- Andrographis Herbal Extract, 82.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Children should use half the adult dosage.
Should not be used by pregnant women.
Additional Comments:
Curcumae aeruginosae Rhizoma (Temuhitam), Languatis Rhizoma (galangal), Caricae Folium (Papaya Leaf) and Curcumae Rhizoma (Turmeric)
work together to improve appetite. Zingiberis purpurei Rhizoma (bengle) increases appetite and helps the
body generate warmth. Litseae Folium (Krangean) efficacious for reducing stress.
Andrographidis Herba (Bitter) efficacious as an immunostimulant.
Code: JM128
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To relieve
symptoms of diabetes.
Composition: Andrographis Herbal Extract, 550 mg
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: Alpha Omega Labs
carried Andrographis paniculata for years prior to the FDA's destruction of
our lab in the U.S. in 2003, so we are very familiar with its properties.
If you are interested in this herbal, please read our detailed
information page.
49. Sarat/syzygium polyanthum -- (Indonesian Bay Leaf)
Code: JM129
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Lowers uric acid
levels, relieves aches and pains in the joints, and acts as a general pain-reliever (analgesic).
Secondary use: diarrhea and as an anti-bacterial / anti-fungal.
Composition: Polyanthi Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. Avoid foods high in
purines, such as all meats,
beer (from the yeast), beans, and wheat.
Additional Comments:
Extracts of the plant leaf are
highly anti-oxidant.
[ Additional pictures. ]
Code: JM130
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Relieves symptoms
of mild high blood pressure.
Composition: Apium graveolens Herbal Extract. 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Additional Comments:
Celery has been used for medicinal purposes
for centuries.
It is also used and appreciated in
Code: JM131
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used to treate
rheumatism (decreases joint swelling and improves joint function)
and fatigue, relieves gout, reinvigorates and has a warming effect.
- Zingiberis Rhizome Extract, 165 mg.
- Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma Extract,
165 mg.
- Curcumae Rhizoma Extract, 110 mg.
- Equiseti Herba Extract, 55 mg.
- Piperis nigri Fruxtus Extract, 55 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Caffeic acid from turmeric extract is stimulating, reducing fatigue and inflammation.
Protochatechuic acid and ukanon A, B, C and D in turmeric can stimulate the body's endurance, stamina and immunity.
The content of ginger extract works synergically with other ingredients to reduce pain and
"the incidence of nodules in patients with rheumatism. The content of essential oils in
kencur works as an analgesic (painkilling) and have a warming effect.
Code: JM132
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used to treat
constipation, hemorroids, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
and as an adjunct to weight loss and as a nutraceutical
for those with colon cancer.
Composition: Sennae Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules regularly
before bedtime. The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. The performance of
the product is enhanced with the consumption of fresh high-fiber fruits and vegetables.
Contraindicated by those who have serious intestinal obstructions.
Drink at least 2.5 liters of purified water per day.
Additional Comments:
Review other
statements on medical uses.
Code: JM133
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Helps to
maintain healthy skin. Secondary uses: fatigue, arthritic pain, stress,
gastritis, and hemorrhoids.
Composition: Azadirachtae Folium Extract, 500 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take one capsule daily.
Additional Comments: Alpha Omega Labs was
one of the first companies to introduce neem products
on the internet. Neem has a wide range of applications, as can be seen from
his common use table.
Code: JM1335
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Improves capillary circulation and "coloring."
Secondary uses: relieve itching, helps eradicate lethargy; "keeps female organs healthy";
general anti-microbial.
- Extract Gallae, 165 mg.
- Elephantopi Folium Extract, 110 mg.
- Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma Extract, 110 mg.
- Herbal Extract Centellae, 82.50 mg
- Piperis beetle Folium Extract, 82.50 mg
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Elephantopi Folium (Leaf Tread Liman), serves as general anti-microbial;
Centellae Herba (Centella asiatica), Asiaticoside compounds inhibit
the growth of bacteria, serve as natural antibiotics;
Piperis Folium (betel leaf) phenolic compounds contained in the betel
control pathogenic microbials; Kavakrol act as a disinfectant and anti-fungal;
Gallae (Majaan) overcomes problems of "pale skin,"
Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma (Turmeric) contains curcumin and essential oils
that serve as broad-spectrum antimicrobials.
Code: JM134
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Halitosis,
canker sores, excess vaginal mucus (which can be a source of unwanted scents),
cancer prevention, mild vermifuge.
Composition: Piperis Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dose may be increased up two capsules, 4x daily.
Additional Comments:
Apart from its traditional use, Piper betel exhibits
strong antimutagenic,
antitumor, and antioxidant properties, which research -- to date -- appears
to credit to hydroxychavicol (HC), one of its constituents.
Another research paper covers a
wider range of
antimicrobial activity, and another its
Code: JM135
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To increase
appetite and expel worms (i.e. anthelmintic).
Composition: Curcumae aeruginosae Rhizoma Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Additional Comments:
C. aeruginosa has a
unique chemical profile
and has long been respected as a vermifuge. New studies continue to uncover
unique applications for this herbal, including a recent one which confirmed
its positive effects on
pattern baldness (i.e. "slowing hair loss while at the same time increasing hair growth.")
Code: JM136
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Calm the nerves
and overcome sleep disturbance. Secondary use: reduce anxiety and stress, lowering
high blood pressure, menstrual cramps.
Composition: Valerianae Radix Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules regularly before bedtime.
Additional Comments:
Valerian has been
used as a sedative for
well over 2,000 years.
"Valerian is thought to enhance the signalling of one of the main sedative neurotransmitters,
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
Also, new research suggests that Valerian may be effective in preventing
neurogenerative disorders.
Code: JM137
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use:
Helps improve appetite; vermifugal (pinworms). Secondary uses:
Laxative, aids menstruation, beriberi.
Composition: Caricae Folium Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: Papaya leaf extract
is bitter (papain enzyme -- hence easier to take in encapsulated form).
Its flavonoids (phenolic compounds) are anti-oxidant (free radical "catchers").
Code: JM1372
Price: $23.50; contains 30 capsules x 550 mg.
Traditional Use: to reduce "excess fat in the abdomen," weight loss.
Secondary uses: shrinks the stomach, restores sagging abdominal muscles, reduces wrinkles and creases on the skin.
- Gallae Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Guazumae Folium Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Lignum Sappan Extract, 137.5 mg.
- Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma Extract, 110 mg.
- Gambir Extract, 27.5 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed. The performance of this product
is enhanced by regular exercise and a diet low in calories and low in fat.
Additional Comments:
Gallae (Majaan), for anti-obesity; Guazumae Folium (Teak Dutch), anti-obesity;
Curcumae Rhizoma domestica (Turmeric), helps reduce body fat;
Sappan Lignum (Wood Secang) works to reduce food absorption in the
intestinal lining; Gambir also helps reduce food absorption.
Code: JM138
Price: $28.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use:
Increases sexual arousal, stamina, and energy levels in men.
Composition: Eurycomae Radix Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Tongkat ali is an herbal well known for improving sexual arousal in men.
It increases libidio naturally, by part, by increasing testosterone,
which declines in men, more or less, after the age of 30.
Benefits of Testosterone:
- Improves sexual function
- Makes bones stronger
- Increases muscle density.
- Reduces body fat.
- Increases the rate of burning energy and oxidative phosphorylation.
- Reduces stress.
- Improves brain function including memory.
 Besides the increase in testosterone, Tongli can also
lower blood pressure so as to minimize the risk of diseases associated with increased blood pressure.
Tongkat Ali has no side effects, like its pharmaceutical "equivalents."
Factors That Cause Decreased Stamina Men:
- Age
- High stress
- Work that is too heavy
- Healthy lifestyles.
- Lack of exercise
- Diabetes
Additional supporting factors:
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Avoid cigarettes, liquor.
Sustained Use: "Tongli is not Viagra," nor does it
behave the way that pharmaceutical "male enhancement" products do. The best results tend to be
experienced over time, and are quite notable, in most men, after one week of uninterrupted use.
Code: JM139
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To maintain healthy liver function;
treat dyspepsia.
Composition: Curcumae Zanthorrhiza Rhizoma Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
Additional Comments: Impressive and complete
monograph at GlobinMed.
Code: JM140
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: To assist with
diabetic conditions by reducing blood sugar levels. This product should
only be taken by those with diabetes.
Composition: Swietenia mahagoni seed extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: See
MDPI monograph.
Code: JM141
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Maintain healthy heart
conditions; reduce arthritic pain and inflammation. Secondary uses: liver and gallbladder disorders.
Composition: Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma Extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments:
Frequently taken for
arthritic conditions. Early research shows promise in the treatment of
breast, colon,
and prostate cancer.
Code: JM142
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used as an
adjunct for cancer patients.
Composition: Annonae muricata folium extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: At Alpha Omega Labs,
we use "xirat" (which we call Guanabana or Graviola) quite extensively.
By way of example, see
Oleander Graviola Blend.
Code: JM143
Price: $27.95; contains 100 capsules x 500 mg.
Traditional Use: Used for general health
and to address a wide range of conditions (see "Comments" and links below).
Composition: Nigella sativa seed extract, 550 mg.
Baseline Protocol: Take two capsules, 2x a day.
The dosage may be increased or decreased as needed.
Additional Comments: "Black seed" exhibits a wide
range of medical properties, including "
antiinflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antimicrobial and antineoplastic"
activities. Nigella sativa is a powerful antioxidant, with
strong oxygen
scavenger and anti-neoplastic properties. Indeed, one site, referencing
the more than
700 different studies which reference it, commented only half-jokingly,
that black seed
'is the remedy for everything but death. . . "
 It is turning out to be one of our most important
medicinal herbals.

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador
 As anyone who has visited Indonesia
can attest, village markets are awash with small shops that specialize
in Jamu herbal remedies. Despite the influx of modern pharmaceuticals,
the demand for Jamu never subsides, because -- according to the locals --
"our herbal products work . . ." [See pictorial below. ]
To U.S. Users:
These products have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
 Ethnobotanical information is provided
for reference and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice,
diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all
possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects.
You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult
your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
 hroughout the ancient, pre-industrial
world, each indigenous culture has developed herbal traditions that conform
to the botanical, climactic, social, and religious environment in which they
have developed.
 Years ago, we dealt extensively with
ayurvedic medicine and time-tested
formulas that arose from Vedic tradition -- extensively used and revered to
this day throughout India. We did this until sourcing became a problem
and most of the formulas we worked with entered into the list of
our historicals.
 Here -- in early 2016 -- we are
adopting a complete line of Jamu products that draw from an herbal tradition
in Indonesia and Malaysia that has stood the test of time for centuries.
But discussing the specific herbals, it would be good to review the
essence of Jamu ...
 This history of Jamu goes back to
ancient traditions in Java,
where it is most prevalent. It recent times it is formally recognized as having
originated with the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of
Medang, roughly
1,300 years ago. One classic Jamu-related work from the time of the
Majapahit Empire
contains 3,000 entries of Jamu recipes. More recently, the twelve-volume Javanese
Serat Centhini (1814),
provides a wide variety of Jamu references in its many narratives.
 Though Jamu has been influenced by
Ayurvedic medicine,
from India, it consists of unique, time-tested formulas that are unique to
Indonesian culture, botanical biomes, and availability of natural materials
in the region in which the art has flowered.
 Also, unique to Jamu is its proliferation to many
unique sub-cultures . . . because the herbal tradition did not remain localized.
From Java, the Jamu tradition spread throughout the
Indonesian archipelago,
the largest in the world, comprising
more than 17,000 islands.
 Although it took years for the Indonesian government to put
safeguards in place to ensure the quality and efficacy of Jamu remedies, since October, 2007,
the Indonesian Ministry of Health (National Institutes of Health Research and Development)
the "Hortus Medicus" in Tawangmangu "to prove that Jamu is safe and can be used as an alternative
in seeking treatment options (at) the community (level)." Since that time, Indonesians
have statistically chosen Jamu as an alternative medicine rather than complementary medicine --
(see chart in link above).
Jamu in the Indonesian
Market: A Brief Pictorial
In small shops all over Indonesia,
Jamu remedies can be found to meet the health care demands of ordinary people.
Instead of having an adversarial relationship with the government, Jamu
manufacturers work with the government to provide safeguards so that
confidence in natural remedies is not put in jeopardy.
Herbal shops frequently
show prominent advertising. Not only is the product shown, along
with occasional promotional specials, but the function of the product
and what it treats is displayed, as well. This is completely illegal
in the U.S. and most Western countries.
Just as pharmaceuticals are sold
in Western countries in stores that also carry sundries, the same holds
true in Indonesia. The exception is that in most areas of Indonesia
the Jamu product far outweigh the presence of patent, orthodox
Even the smallest of shops
will carry a dizzying array of Jamu herbal products, and most are
surprisingly well-stocked . . .
Jamu Products:
Traditional Indications
& Medical Properties
Again, we wish to emphasize that "indications" below relate to the
traditional uses of the listed items. This is provided
for reference and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice,
diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all
possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects.
You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult
your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
 Below you will find the traditional
indications and medical properties for each of the formulas detailed in the left column of this page:
- Abdominal Pain -- Kunti
- Analgesic -- Madewa, Zolit
- Anthelmintic -- (See "Vermifugal")
- Antiallergic -- Pacego
- Antibacterial -- Madewa, Pacego, Sarat,
Zolit, Kalis
- Antifungal -- Sarat, Kalis
- Antihistamine -- NaturFlu
- Antiinflammation -- Busir, Pacego, Pingset,
Ukon, Zolit, Bites BRD, Kalis,
Liman, NaturFlu, NeoSendi
- Antimicrobial, General -- Siputih
- Antioxidant -- Madewa
- Antipyretic -- Zolit, Bites BRD
- Antiseptic -- Madewa, Kustrol
- Anxiety -- Gotu Kola
- Aphrodisiac -- Liman
- Appetite, Excessive (also see "Weight, Excess") -- Jati Belanda, Kenis,
- Appetite, Poor -- Jahe, Sitam, Sukan, Anis,
Gogandis, Kalis, Kusmag, NaturFlu,
- Arthritic Pain -- Simimba, Ukon
- Asthma -- Kunti, Pacego, Patikan
- Beriberi -- Sukan
- Bleeding, internal (GI Tract) -- Molax
- Blood Cleansing -- Kattuk
- Blood Pressure, High / Normalization -- Daratin, Pacego,
Seleri, Slipi, Keling
- Blood Sugar, High -- Bilon, Mastin,
- Bones, Strengthens -- Tongli
- Brain Function Enhancement -- Tongli
- Breast Milk -- see "Lactation" below
- Breast Tightening -- Dara
- Bronchitis -- Patikan, Kalis (eliminates the phlegm)
- Cancer (adjunct nutraceuticals) -- Kunti, Madewa,
Mastin, Pacego [Noni]
- Cancer, Breast -- Ukon
- Cancer, Colon -- Senna (adjunct), Ukon
- Cancer prevention -- Mastin, Pacego, Sirihan,
Xirat, Zolit
- Cancer, Prostate -- Ukon
- Canker Sores -- Sirihan
- Cardioprotective -- Pingset, Ukon
- Cardiovascular Health (gen.) -- Mastin
- Cholesterol, High / Normalization -- Kunirin, Kunti,
Mastin, Pingset Plus, Diyet
- Circulation, Improved Cardiovascular -- Daratin, Gotu Kola, Murat,
- Cognition, Poor -- Gotu Kola
- Colds -- NaturFlu
- Constipation -- Busir, Jambu biji, Madewa,
Molax, Senna, Sukan, Modi
- Coryza -- Patikan
- Coughs -- Bilon, Patikan, Bodi, Kalis
- Dengue Fever -- Jambu biji
- Diabetes -- Pacego, Sambiloto, Tungit,
Anis, Asrirapat, Gogandis
- Diarrhea -- Jambu biji, Molax, Sarat, Bites BRD
- Digestive Function -- Kunirin
- Diuretic -- Keling, Murat
- Dysentery -- Pacego, Patikan
- Dyspepsia -- Tulak
- Endurances, increases -- Pacego, Mastin Plus, NeoSendi,
- Fat, Reduce Abdomen -- Susut Perut
- Fat, Reduce Blood -- Losterin, Kustrol
- Fat, Reduce Body -- Bodi, Diyet, Modi
- Fatigue -- Simimba
- Febrifuge (reduces fever) -- Kattuk, Bodi, Liman,
- Female Disorders (gen.) -- Patikan
- Female Organ, General Health -- Siputih
- Flatulence -- Jahe, Kunti, Anis, Gogandis,
Kusmag, NaturFlu
- Gallbladder Protective -- Ukon
- Gastritis -- Simimba
- Glucose (reduces blood glucose levels) -- Liman
- Gout -- Sendi, Murat
- Halitosis -- Sirihan
- Headache -- Jahe, Bodi
- Headache, Migrane -- NaturFlu
- Heart, Healthy (prevention) -- (See "Cardioprotective")
- Heartburn -- Kusmag, NaturFlu
- Hemorrhoids -- Busir, Senna, Simimba
- Hepatoprotective -- Kunti, Niran (Chanca piedra),
Pingset, Tulak, Asrirapat, Bites BRD, Liman
- Herxheimer's Response -- Jahe
- Hypertension -- Anis, Gogandis
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) -- Senna
- Immune System, Compromised -- Habbatus Sauda
- Immune System, Support -- Keling, Mastin Plus,
Mastin Pome
- Indigestion -- Bilon, Jahe, Anis, Gogandis,
- Insomnia -- Slipi
- Itching -- Kalis, Siputih
- Kidney Stones -- Keji beling, Niran (Chanca piedra),
- Kidneys (maintain their health) -- Java tea
- Kidneys (repair when damaged) -- Liman
- Jaundice -- Molax, Patikan
- Joint Inflammation -- Kunirin, Sendi, NeoSendi
- Joint Pain Relief -- Sarat, Sendi, Murat, NeoSendi
- Lactation, Deficient -- Asima, Kattuk
- Laxative (when less severe than Constipation, see above) -- Diyet
- Lethargy -- Siputih
- Liver (maintain health) -- Java tea, Sambiloto
(see our Andrographis paniculata articles), Ukon
- Lumbago -- Pacego
- Male Deficiency (Male Enhancement) -- Jacki, Tongli
- Male Pattern Baldness -- Sitam
- Memory Enhancement -- Tongli
- Menstruation, Induce / Expedite -- Asrirapat, Emkapsul
- Menstruation, Irregular / Problematic -- Jambu biji, Losterin,
Molax, Slipi, Sukan, Kustrol
- Menstruation, Pain -- Emkapsul
- Mood Cycle, Regulation -- Pacego, Slipi
- Mucus, Excessive -- Delimas
- Muscle Pain -- Keling
- Muscle Relaxer -- Pingset
- Muscle Toning, Abdominal -- Susut Perut
- Nausea -- Jahe, Anis, Gogandis,
Kusmag, NaturFlu
- Nervousness -- Slipi
- Neurogenerative Disorders (prevention) -- Slipi
- Pain, Bone -- Murat
- Pain Relief, General -- Kusmag
- Pancrea-protective -- Liman
- Post-Childbirth -- Asrirapat, Bodi, Dara
- Respiratory Ailments (gen.) -- Patikan
- Rheumatism -- Sendi, Anis, Kalis,
- Skin, Coloring of -- Siputih
- Skin, Healthy -- Simimba
- Sore Throat -- Bilon
- Spleen Protective -- Niran (Chanca piedra)
- Stamina, Increased -- Daratin
- Stomach Pain -- Molax, Bites BRD
- Stomach Protective -- Niran (Chanca piedra)
- Stones, Kidney -- Coralgin
- Stress -- Simimba
- Toxins, neutralizes -- Liman
- Tuberculosis -- Kunti
- Ulcer -- Jambu biji
- Uric Acid Levels, Reduction -- Sarat
- Urinary, Irregularity (fem.) -- Gotu Kola
- Urinary, Irregularity (gen.) -- Coralgin,
Niran (Chanca piedra)
- Urinary Stones -- Liman
- Urinary Track (gen. health) -- Keji beling
- Uteran Health (gen.) -- Asrirapat
- Vaginal Discharge -- Losterin, Sirihan, Asrirapat, Kustrol
- Vermifugal -- Delimas, Patikan, Simimba,
Sitam, Sukan (pinworms)
- Weight, Excess (Weight Loss) -- Jati belanda, Losterin,
Pingset, Pingset Plus, Diyet,
Senna (weight loss adjunct), Kustrol, Modi,
NaturFlu (weight loss adjunct), Progen,
Susut Perut
- Wrinkles -- Susut Perut