Weight Loss, Liver Support & Improved Circulation
[ Gentianella alborosea (Gilg) Fabris ]
Dried leaves & flowers
Code 328 -- Price: $3.95
85 grams (net wt)
Makes 4 Gallons of Tea
(Using 20 g. or ≅ 1/4 cup
to make one gallon)
Code 328C -- Price: $11.95
120 Capsules @ 500 mg. each
Summarized Description:
Hercampuri is one of our
The entire plant has a common set of medicinal properties,
and although many internet vendors have been promoting
its ability to control appetite and help with weight loss,
it has been appreciated in the Andes, long before the Incas,
for its other benefits.
 Besides weight loss, it
has strong liver supportive / protective abilities. It's only
downside is its bitter taste, since many of its medicinal
components (eritaurina, coumarin, anthracite, tannins,
triterpenoids, etc.) are natural "bitters." Most users
of hercampuri tea have to use a strong sweetener (i.e.
sugar, honey, panella, stevia) to help mask the flavor.
Others will only take it in capsule or tablet form.
Hercampuri Capsules: User Instructions
Take one capsule, morning and evening. (Two capsules per day).
. . . or as prescribed by your health care practitioner.
Hercampuri Tea: Preparation & Protocol
The following protocol
is well-established among the people's of the Peruvian Andes.
As is the case with other traditionals,
please note that these are indigenous uses, few of which have gone through rigorous clinical
testing. This ethnobotanical information is provided as a guideline to how others use this product.
Since this product comes as dried leaves and flowers, proper preparation is discussed herein
before getting into protocol.
I. Preparation --- if you can boil water, you
can make this product: Professional herbalists will
recognize this as a standard decoction.
- Add 1/4 cups of Hercampuri to a large sauce pan,
along with one gallon of purified water (3.75 liters).
Each 85 g. bag measures out to 3 to 3.5 cups, so you
have plenty of product to make 4 gallons.
- Heat until a very low-level boil or "barely boiling" level
has been reached.
- Continue to stir occasionally over 25 minutes.
- Remove heat source and let cool.
- Pour the contents of your pan through a strainer
and into a large glass vase or container so
as to remove most of the tea fragments.
- Add sweetener or other flavoring, as desired, to help
mask the herbal bitters.
- Dispose of fragments.
- Drink your tea hot . . . refrigerate glass vase and
enjoy Hercampuri later as a refreshing cold tea . . . or refrigerate
and reheat later if you want to enjoy the product as a hot tea.
More specific protocols for the use of the product are provided below.
II. Protocol.
You may leisurely drink from
two to four cups of the finished tea per day. A "rest period"
of one day per week is advised, and if taken for longer periods,
one "rest month" per six months of usage.
Contraindications / Precautions
Although there are no reported contraindications
or side effects, hercampuri should not be taken by those with anemia.
Medical Properties
The properties listed below have
been provided to us by local shamanic, herbalist, and other practitioner
sources. Speaking in general terms, it is prized for its detoxifying and cleansing effects,
though in
some parts of Peru it is not used frequently.
We wish to remind the reader that these are ethnobotanical
uses and not curative representations made by Alpha Omega Labs:
- Antibacterial
- Antidiabetic
- Antiinflammatory
- Antiviral
- Choleretic
- Detoxifying (blood)
- Diuretic
- Homeostatis : regulates circulation and blood pressure
- Hepatoprotective
- Hypocholesterolemic
- Hypoglycemic
- Pancrea-protective
- Acne
- Gallstones
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Hepatitis
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hypertension
- Malaria
- Obesity
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Varicose Veins
- Yellow Fever
To U.S. Users: This product
have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
is a traditional medicinal herb native to Peru. We
have the plant wildcrafted and shipped from the
Junín region, east of Lima, in a area well above
4,000 meters in elevation.
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