"The problem with being human is that we're born into this world
without a operator's manual." --- Buckminster Fuller

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Health Zone
How the Right Lifestyle Choices, such as Right Diet, Right Exercise, and Right Environment can help you prevent and, in some cases, even CURE major degenerative diseases -- including cancer, heart disease, and strokes...
We are frequently asked (particularly by cancer patients who use our products), "What diet should I be on?" or "What else can I do in terms of diet that can improve my condition?"
That people should be so confused is not surprising. Even medical doctors give out conflicting information as to what diet, exercise, or other lifestyle choices their patients should make to stay on the course back to good health.

To make things easier, we commissioned the study and review of 30 of the most respected books in the public domain on the relationship between lifestyle - primarily diet - and disease prevention and cure. Each volume had to draw its conclusions from peer-reviewed scientific studies - the bulk of which had been conducted over the last 25 years. The books we reviewed had copyright dates running from 1980 to 2001. Since the focus of much of our work has been cancer and heart disease, we placed emphasis in our review in these two areas -- knowing full well that a cancer or heart disease-preventive diet would vary little, if any, from a "health-supporting diet" intended to prevent or even cure other degenerative diseases.

Concensus Color Rating System
The various subset elements of conflicting expert opinion To assist in identifying those recommendations which have the greatest weight among our authors, we have divided the advice of the writers into three distinct areas in accordance with how concurrence exists in the field. Red advice means that a particular conclusion comes as close to unanimous support from nutritional / medical authorities as you will ever get. An example would be the conclusion that smoking tobacco, as a lifestyle choice, increases your risk for lung cancer and emphysema. Orange advice means that the evidence is strong, but not unanimous. An example would be a reduction in total caloric fat intake for cancer patients, or advice that a diet low in animal proteins (which acidify the body) is health-supporting - giving rise to advice which favors vegetarianism. Yellow advice means that the evidence is credible and worthy of note, but tends to be the domain of one, perhaps two, experts in the field, but is not highly regarded by most authorities. An example would be the use of pancreatic enzyme in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
This rating system is provided only to offer comparisons to where concensus lies. It is not a rating system that necessarily parallels our own views: for instance, the use of Cansema Salve to remove skin cancers would only garner a yellow rating; while the use of radiation therapy as a viable approach to eliminating cancer would easily secure an orange to red rating. Obviously, this rating system isn't designed to concur with our own collective opinion.
Ratings can also change over time. The entire notion that your diet influences your chances of getting cancer is red today; but was yellow to orange sixty years ago. Indeed, it was largely regarded as medical heresy.
Because of these disparities, we weigh in with the collective opinion of our own staff when our judgement differs from the verdict of the concensus color rating system. We do not always disagree, but when we do, we insert this variance in the text and clearly indicate that it is our own collective opinion and why.

How to Proceed
In the right column, you will find that we break down our "Health Zone" documents into two sections: (1) 28 Things You Can Do ..., and (2) Book Reviews, which provide depth into our source documentation.
We suggest you read "28 Things" first. It is concise and contains the most critical things you could be doing NOW to improve your health. Then read through our book reviews and short advice summaries on the books used to compose the above summaries.

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The "Health
Zone" Documents

The Top 28 Things You Can Do To Prevent or Assist in the Cure of Heart Disease & Cancer.

The prevention and cure of degenerative disease begins with the kitchen ... continues with a sensible exercise plan ... and only then ends with supplements that assist your own body in returning you to health. You work against your own efforts - whether you are using Alpha Omega's products, or someone else's - if your diet isn't health-supporting.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition
BOOK REVIEWS: Cancer, Heart Disease & Diet.

"Top 28 Things" was put together after reviewing dozens of books and hundreds of articles and studies. Here, we've taken thirty (30) published books and provided you with our own critical book review, along with the "do's" and "don't's" that represent the distilled advice of the book -- or what you might think as the DNA of the author's message. You don't have to spend months in the library reading the latest dietary advice. We break it all down for you, plus supply links to amazon.com if you still want to buy the book.

Eat to Beat Cancer
Eat to Beat Cancer: A Research Scientist Explains How You and Your Family Can Avoid Up to 90% of All Cancers is just one of the many books reviewed in our book review section.