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Note that "Lab Notes" are posted by Alpha Omega researchers and none of
its content
is intended to convey that any particular product can diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent
any disease. All anecdotal information is preliminary.
Lab Notes : H3O & Athlete's Foot
"My son, Jeff, 26 years old, has been plagued by chronic foot fungus
infection for several years. I provided him with a 2.5 pH solution
of H3O, which he sprayed on his feet following a morning shower.
He also sprayed inside his work boot and tennis shoes. Within two
weeks of the first application of H3O, the infection disappeared.
He has been using the product since the Fall of 1996 and has
relatively few problems with reoccurring athlete's foot infection."
Although not a focus of our
work, or that of our associates, several dozen reports have
been received by testers of H3O (from 1996 to 2001) claiming
that H3O is very effective is the treatment of athlete's foot.
Those who felt incline to do this kind of testing were those
for whom conventional treatment was either ineffective, or did
not prevent frequent recurrence. pH ranges were in the 2.0 to
2.5 for the majority. Some users were below 1.5, however, at
this pH range, either stinging or an undesirable tingling were
present. End user testings continues.