Gotas or "GS Drops"® from Uruguay is now accepted as a legitimate cancer treatment by many practitioners in South America. Will its success migrate north? Code 888 -- Price: $24.95 2 fl. oz. (59 ml.) Order
he addition of "GS Drops®" (1) to the Alpha Omega
Labs' line of cancer support products follows the introduction
of our newest Cansema and
CanSupport products
(which we manufacture "in-house") and the
Protocel line.
We introduce GS Drops knowing that no one product "works" in every case (although the Gotitas web site below makes more liberal statements in this regard). There is, within a wide range of modalities, therapeutics, and varying protocols, no magic approach to dealing with cancer. But, like Cansema, GS Drops has reportedly helped in thousands of cases, including a broad range of cancer cases, psoriasis and varicose veins. The product is used by many oncologists and general practitioners in that country in place of chemotherapy and radiation treatment despite some "complementary" overtures in the Gotitas web site presentation. Since our GS Drops come directly from the manufacturer (Renilur, S.A. in Montevideo, Uruguay) and Alpha Omega Labs acts only as the repackager, pertinent links are provided below. Claims are quite liberal compared to advertising standards in other countries (notably U.S. and British commonwealth countries), so if you are a reseller, please take note:
Note: GS ® Drops and Gotas ® are registered trademarks of RENILUR S.A. - Calle Colonia Nro. 1104 Apto. 19 - Montevideo - Uruguay. Telefax: (+598) 2 908 7124 - (+598) 99 703.085 (+598) 99 221.700