Supplements vs. "Treatments" - A Primer in Product Claims

We sell to countries all over
the world - although the vast majority are English-speaking nations.
Still, being a Bahamian company, people are surprised to hear us
use language on pages throughout our site that appear to imitate
the presentations of distinctly U.S. alternative health care
companies. Specifically, we have frequently received
questions that invariably sound something like this: "You say
that (such and such product) is a nutritional supplement or an
'adjunct,' and NOT a treatment or a cure for any disease.
If this is so, why do you link to a testimonial page where many
people claim to have been cured."

Such a seemingly obvious
contradiction deserves a thoughtful response.

There is no question
that our presentation of materials is, at least in this one
respect, unduly influenced by the legal milieu and political
machinations of the food and drug bureaucracy
in the U.S. Put yourself in our shoes: our city of
Freeport is just 90 km. (56 miles) from
Fort Launderdale, Florida, and the U.S. remains one of our
bigger markets. The jurisdiction of the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration isn't confined to the U.S. We learned very
early on that it wields an influence that is worldwide -
to the consternation of many of the other 185-plus countries
in the world, many of which have ethnobotanical and other
medicinal cultures that are not at all homogenous with
more narrow Western thinking concerning all things

Example: In 1995 one
of Alpha Omega's top herbalists travelled to
in what is now Ukraine (part of the U.S.S.R. when the
disaster struck in 1986). His mission was to help with
some of the thousands of officially unreported cases of
skin cancer that have developed in the 15-plus years
since the accident - cases which are but a small part
of its
health consequences.

In the process of videotaping the
results of Cansema Salve on skin cancer sufferers there,
he was surprised to hear Ukrainian doctors tell him
it was too bad they couldn't officially use the product
(which we were willing to donate) to help with their
skin cancer case load. "Why?" our herbalist asked.
"Because even here, almost halfway around the world,
your Food and Drug Administration would never allow it,"
was the reply. (Throughout Asia,
if you speak English, and you come from North America -
well, you simply MUST be an American.

By the way, we now
have a
video clip taking during our sojourn to the Ukraine.)

This does not mean that
progress is not possible. Since the passage of
the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
for short), there has been an easing of restrictions on
supplemental products. (Hence, the ubiquitous appearance of
that phrase, readable a thousand times in the aisle of
any American health food store: "This statement has not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
[Section 403(r)(6)(C) of the Act.]." In deference to our
American neighbors, and their ever vigilant customs officials,
we ourselves have elected to follow these guidelines - to the
confusion of our customers everywhere else.

Given that any food,
any nutrient, any supplement, any drug,
any promising technique, any anything
that a patient or otherwise ill person has, is going to
be USED to somehow ameliorate their disease or affliction,
all this rubbish is bound to strike the average person
as just so much legalistic, Clintonesque hair splitting.
It is particularly nauseating to our senior customers,
many of them coming to us only after being sent home to die -
and only after their doctor
unceremoniously announced that their condition was such
he could no longer help them (and only coincidentally
corresponding with an expiration in their HMO insurance
coverage). Countless times, we have dealt with
advanced Stage IV cancer patients in the U.S., doing
our best to comply with relevant laws regarding
health claims, only to be scolded with some variation
of: "Enough of this nonsense, damn it. Just give
me a straight answer!" To which we can only
reply: "We're doing our very best..."

To understand how we could have
possibly gotten ourselves into this predictament, it is important
to go back in time and enter into the dark recesses of the
economic, political, and cultural climate that would
give rise to the Food, Drug & Cosmetic (FDC)Act of 1938,
as Amended, and Amended, and Amended again. This is
important, even if you're not American, because the
propensity of U.S. policy makers to follow their manifest destiny of
self-appointed policemen to the world, as demonstrated previously,
goes on unabated in the area of health care. In all fairness to the FDA, and their
mirrored drug agencies in other Western countries, it should
be noted that their own
renditions are not without merit. It is hard to imagine,
for instance, a modern, prosperous free market economy without
a system for inspecting its food plants, established
standards for tolerances on known poisonous substances,
the ability to prosecute those who would foist adulterated
or misbranded drugs on the public, etc. Furthermore, we
can hardly throw our hat in with the more virulent anti-government
groups in the U.S. who think that the world would be a
better place if you could somehow, by magic, just get
rid of the FDA altogether. Nonsense. Since 80% of its
functions are necessary, even critical, to protect the general
public, how could you?
If you could get rid of the FDA, you would only have to turn
around and re-create an agency that was nearly just like it.

But that's the operative word.

Rather than throw the baby
out with the bath water, our focus is on one arcane piece of thinking
that is part of the very cornerstone of the FDA and its fellow
agencies. In terms of what we know today about the science of
pharmacology, phytopharmacology, ethnobotany, and their related
disciplines, much of this cornerstone is rigidly drawn from
the 19th century. It is as if you passed a law that all
practicing cartographers be not only licensed with the Flat Earth Society,
but must share their philosophy about the earth, or they
could not engage in map making.
Where would modern physics be today if those in charge passed
laws that the only acceptable knowledge that could be taught
in the universities, applied in industry, and accepted for
peer-reviewed publication, was that which could be found
in 19th century textbooks on physics. We would simply ban
all mention of Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Bose ... and
commit ourselves to only those theories which would
correspond with thoughts and theories of Galileo and

If the metaphor seems
exaggerated, it most decidedly is not.

At the precipice of the health
care crisis in the U.S., and elsewhere in the West, where costs
are skyrocketing out of control, is the notion that any
health claim concerning the curative properties of a
given substance or compound must be based on a singular,
pure, chemical entity - as opposed to the synergistic
of a number of medicinal compounds, as we see in
plant medicine; that this claim is not legitimate
unless it has been backed up by laboratory paperwork
that is no longer measured in number of pages, or linear
feet, but train-hauled boxcars; and that the
threshold to obtaining the right to make this
claim is set so high, in terms of financial
requirements, that only an elite class of
drug companies be able, for all intents and purposes,
to obtain it. The result? The ability to have
monopolist claim over a compound you may now call
an "approved drug," a "treatment," - even a "cure." Whether
or not your compound can effectively treat anything
is, has, and continues to be, quite immaterial.
Whether or not it is cost effective is immaterial.
Whether or not there are disturbing side effects is,
likewise, immaterial.

This has set in
motion a practice that is now over a half century old,
whereby drug companies no longer seek out proven
remedies and attempt to market them. Instead, we
have a system where companies seek out singular,
chemical entities, obtain patents, and then go about
the business of identifying their physiological
effects on humans to see which diseases they
might remotely have an effect on.

If you ran a car company,
would you design your car first and create parts that
fit that design? Or would you spend your time
in the machine shop, creating oddly-shaped tooling
and metal parts that no one had ever used before,
and then say, "Let's see if we can build a car
that could use this part! No one has ever used this
funny part before us - so we'll have the only car
that has one!"

Surely this wasn't
the intent of those who sought to protect the public
with better governmental oversight of the food,
drug, and cosmetic supplies consumed by an
unsuspecting public. But that is the prevailing
insanity upon which the drug industry is built today.

Is this system profitable? Very.

Is it fair? This is debatable.

Is it an efficient system for bringing
safe, effective remedies to the public? On the contrary, it is
just the opposite - and the corruption it has woven into the
fabric of the modern health care system
been documented many times over.

Lest our thoughts on the
subject be viewed as a total assault on the sensibilities of
the orthodox, we wish to make one important point: when
we say that our products are adjunctive, that they are
nutritional support products, we are quite serious.

The terms "treatment,"
"cure," and "prevent," are, in our mind, synonymous with
the intervention of a health care professional. Granted,
a good many of our users stick to self-administration of
their health care products. This is almost never optimal.
And most do it because they have to - not because they
are rejecting the professional advice and care of
an good physician, whose counsel is balanced, work is
competent, and fees are reasonable. They behave as
they do because, at least in terms of much public
perception, the "good doctor" is an endangered species.

That so many people
today REFUSE to see a physician when they are sick is
not a testimony to the resourcefulness of consumers.
Instead, it is a reflection of a health care system that
is failing them, in no less a fashion than if people were
forced to reject dentists and fill their own cavities;
spurn electricians and foolishly attempt to wire their
own homes; or scorn professional mechanics to rebuilt
their own car engines - never mind their lack of

point to the work of Adam Smith ("Wealth of Nations," 1776)
as ground zero for the creation of our modern,
free market economies. In its very first chapter,
Smith astutely points out the importance of
division of labor in an advancing society.
This is a principle that applies as much here as to any
other in society: it is highly unlikely that the
vast majority of consumers can, or even should,
hope to replace the expertise of men and women
who spend four years in medical school, several
years in internship, and a lifetime thereafter
devoted, quite often, to highly specialized
areas of medicine, honing their craft - all with
a devotion to finding effective treatments
for their patients, who have invested their
care, their trust, and all the vulnerabilities
that are attendent therein.

For all that Alpha Omega Labs
has done to help countless thousands of people, this is not
our job. It is the job of your doctor - be it your M.D.,
N.D., D.O., D.C... or whatever modality you choose.
If you cannot find a doctor with whom you feel comfortable,
it doesn't mean you cannot obtain our products.
But know that there is a better way and you can
help, in your own way, to MAKE the system work better.
Already, scores of doctors are using our products,
not because they learned about them in medical
school, but because they were shocked to see
their patients' response to one of our products,
so they emailed us and began a dialogue in earnest.

When we say that our
products are adjunctive, and not a treatment or a cure,
we impress upon our customers an important part of the
health care system that isn't missing. It's just
been temporarily broken. And like all things that are
vital, and important, and life-supporting, and
time-honored, it can be repaired.
And it should be repaired.

For the thousands
of people who have written us, to let us know how
well Alpha Omega products worked for them, we are
grateful. They chose, of their own volition, to use
our product as a treatment. This was their choice.

However, the use
of adjunctive products in such a way that it circumvents
the realignment of the health care system so that
it incorporates these products and other products
like them, is not, in the aggregate, a healthy development.

It is a distinction
we make not to conveniently skirt a legal minefield;
it is a sensible position, based on common sense,
the best scientific findings, and our own feeble attempt
to inject a Socratic re-examination of a health care
system that requires its citizens to repeat, at
least once, some faint repetition of the
Hippocratic Oath ...

It needs something more than

It needs to be lived.
© Copyright 2001, Alpha Omega Labs - Nassau, Bahamas