Anorex is a serious, powerful anorectic (weight-loss) agent designed
specifically for people who need to lose serious amounts of fat -- 20 pounds
or more. If you're significantly overweight (more than 20 lbs. of excess
body weight and/or a BMI [body mass index] greater than 30, which you
can determine using our Vitalio
Body Fat Analyzer),
you know that ordinary diet pills are simply insufficient to produce the
significant weight loss necessary to overcome your tough weight-loss problem ...
you need Anorex. Anorex is not intended for "hobby dieters" or
those wishing to lose a few "vanity pounds." Caution: this
weight-loss product is not a toy.
A company in the U.S. called Klein-Becker. As we state elsewhere in
our FAQ section, about half of all products on the Alpha Omega Labs
site are made in our own manufacturing facilities. The other half
are purchased under contract, at wholesale on the open market,
or under other arrangements by third parties. This product
falls into the latter and was added after we reviewed the
maker's clinical data and anecdotal evidence we had received
elsewhere. It's a good product -- it works -- or we wouldn't
carry it.
Describe the best candidate for this product?
Any significantly overweight person who is in otherwise good health.
Anorex is the ideal weight-loss supplement for the significantly overweight;
however, if a customer is currently taking a spirin, ephedra-based
supplement, or any other weight-loss compound, he/she should not
take Anorex. (See additional warnings on the label.)
Are there any studies and/or patents?
The maker's primary clinical study was conducted at Beht Israel
Medical Center, New York. Studies were completed independently
of Klein-Becker usa (tm) and its holding company, Basic Research ®.
Published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition
vol. 16, no. 5, 1997, 501 (#116). Anorex's core formulation is
protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,055,460.
What if Anorex gives me "the jitters"?
Although the amount proven effective in the clinical trials is 2 capsules
3 times a day, many peoplewho are sensitive to stimulants have reduced
the serving as low as one capsule twice a day and have still seen
results. You may want to start with this amount and gradually
increase the number of capsules (not exceeding the recommended
serving) until you find what works best for your body. If you still
find Anorex too powerful, we recommend Anorex-SF ®,
also carried by Alpha Omega, which the product's maker
advertises (apparently with no raised eyebrows from the U.S.
FTC or FDA) as "the most effective stimulant-free fat-loss
formulation in the world."
Why is Anorex more expensive than other weight-loss compounds?
Anorex contains a powerful concentration of high-quality ephedra
with a large ratio of ephedrine to pseudoephedrine. This is made
possible through Klein-Becker's (tm) use of a proprietary
extraction of a unique, high-quality plant source. This process
guarantees uniformity, consistency, and potency. Anorex utilizes
the most concentrated, highest-quality ephedra product available.
This high-ratio ephedra is very expensive to produce, and is
exclusive to Klein-Becker usa. High-ratio ephedra, caffeine,
and acetylsalicylic acid are the active ingredients in Anorex.
This product appears to be made by an American pharmaceutical company -- so why would you carry it?
Natural solutions to health care problems are not the sole
domain to those of us who are manufacturers in the alternative
health care community. The impetus behind our work, as stated
in our welcome page,
is the quest for products that are (1) really effective,
(2) safe, and (3) cost effective. Although one might
argue that this product stretches what are our usual standards
on point #3, the fact remains that relative to the options
now available to those with serious obesity problems,
this product fills the bill. Weight loss is not the
focus of our current research efforts at Alpha Omega
Laboratories, so for the purposes of constructing a
truly meaningful weight-loss program within the confines
of our web site, Anorex was judged to meet what we regard
as the most important criteria. That it is made
by a pharmaceutical company is not important to our
end -- or those who could or should be using this product.