DC Microbe Electrifier usage

The idea behind these instructions is to give you a guideline for amount of usage to match your body's amount of resultant cleansing so that you don't try to do too much too soon and get sick from excess cleansing. The immune system & liver & kidneys will cleanse the blood of deactivated viruses/bacteria/yeast but only at a rate that is unique to you. Therefore you should start out slowly and every week increase usage time if you feel up to it. If you have a Magnetic Pulser then use it first and don't start using the Microbe Electrifier till you stop getting major cleansing reactions from the Pulser.


It normally takes people 6-8 weeks to complete microbe electrification treatment although circulation impaired people and people with CFIDS, AIDS, and other immune dysfunction diseases often have to progress (increment the usage time weekly) more slowly which prolongs the complete treatment time.
Precautions: It's best to do blood electrification first thing in the morning and even better if before eating anything. In the morning is when the blood is the cleanest and there is the least possibility of problems from transfection. This unit should be used before ingesting anything that can put many chemicals (natural or synthetic) into the bloodstream. 
Protocol: Start by using the DC Microbe Electrifier for 15 minutes. If the next day you don't feel very toxic (with headaches, tiredness, achiness, etc) then increase your usage time by 5 minutes. But if you get excess cleansing reactions then lessen the treatment time to 5-10 minutes. To aid the body expel the trash from the bloodstream you can drink a lot of water or celery juice and take as a diuretic parsley tea, watermelon, or cucumber. Your cleansing reactions determine the pace you need. It's normal to be able to increase your usage time once a week (if you're not having excessive cleansing reactions). Don't go so fast that you overly sicken yourself with excess cleansing reactions. If you don't start out slow the first 2 weeks then you may overly lower your immune system (from white blood cell lysing) so that you could get sick from some infection. I know of 2 people who used theirs for 1 hour daily the first week and wound up getting pneumonia. Haste makes waste. Do enough time so that you feel cleansing reactions but don't overdo it. If you have an almost non-functioning immune system and don't experience any cleansing reactions then take an herbal immune booster such as Beta Glucan from www.nsc24.com or Colostrum to increase your immunity.
If you've used the device for 2 months and you are still getting cleansing reactions from it then you should continue using it daily until you no longer get those reactions and then for one more week for 2-3 hours daily (1 in the morning and 1-2 at night). Make sure the DC Microbe Electrifier is used every day without skipping any. AIDS patients need to use it the same time every day (+/- 2hrs) because HIV has a 1.2 day life cycle. For viral infections such as EBV or HPV, if you skip a day then you'll have to continue using it for at least 21 days from that skipped day because of the 21 day life cycle of most viruses. Don't skip a day! 
Positive Thinking: It may be helpful if you encouraged yourself daily to resist the tendency to become skeptical and give up. Do this by thinking positive thoughts about the new life you'll have once you've regained your health. It will be definitely worth any trouble encountered. Life can be so sweet when vitality brightens every moment of your existence.

DC Microbe Electrifier Instructions

If the four 9 volt batteries need replacement the current light will not light at all when the wet electrodes are on you. To replace the batteries just use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the cases bottom 4 screws, pull off the cover, and then pull or pry off the snap clips from each battery so that they can be replaced with new alkaline ones. Reinstall the padding as it was so as to prevent the batteries from rattling when the box is jiggled.

Choosing electrode site: Both electrodes on the inside of one wrist is the easiest site for convenient usage, but it affects the least amount of blood. But for some people the wrist is the preferred electrode site because it will allow more electrical current than other arrangements. Using one electrode on one wrist and the second one on the other wrist is my favorite because plenty of blood is affected. The worry for some people might be any disliking of the electrical current by the heart (although most all of the current travels through the blood and not through the heart muscles). Using the electrodes on both ankles affects the most amount of blood, but will barely allow enough electrical current for some people (due to mineral deficiencies) and is hardest for initiating and maintaining correct electrode placement.

Locating electrode placement sites for one wrist: The locations on the two main arteries is on the thumb side of either wrist about 1+1/2 inches below the wrist crease to the outside of the main tendons, between them and the bones. Over these arteries, starting about 1" from the crease, is where the electrodes should be placed. The placement site for the little finger side is actually more on the side of the wrist. (picture)

Locating electrode placement sites for both wrists: The locations are the thumb side of the wrists about 1+1/2 inches below the wrist crease to the outside of the main tendon. Each wrist should have one electrode held in place by one wrist band. (picture) This is the most preferred electrode placement.

Locating electrode placement sites for ankles: On the inner side of each foot locate the pulse of the unseen artery between the ankle and the heel. If you can't feel it then go for a brisk walk for ten minutes and then feel for it without elevating your foot. On top of these pulsating arteries are the sites. (picture)

Connecting Electrodes: Clean & dry the electrode sites. Soak each of the cloth electrodes thoroughly with tap water. Squeeze the middle of the insulation of the DC Microbe Electrifier's alligator clips (at the end of its wires) so that you open the jaws and then let them bite onto the electrodes ends. (picture) Place the electrode over the artery. Then put the elastic band around it and the wrist. Don't pull it tight. Just enough stretch to keep it in place is good. If using electrodes on the ankles, then attach them there with 1" wide medical tape. Re-wet the cloth electrode after 1 hour of use if the current light goes out. 

Making Saltwater: If your tap water isn't very electrically conductive then you can make some saltwater by putting a couple of shakes of salt from the saltshaker into a cup of purified water and stirring it. This is very electrically conductive but also very corrosive to the alligator clips.

Using the device: Connect the wet electrodes to you and flip the switch to the ON position. The current light will indicate when you are getting 130uA through your bloodstream. If it won't light then one of three conditions exist; 1) Your body's salt & mineral level is very low, 2) Where you placed the electrodes is unsuitable, 3) You need to use saltwater on the electrodes instead of tap water.
If your body's salt level is low then start salting your food with sea salt (which doesn't cause high blood pressure). If the electrodes 'sting' or 'bite' then the electrodes need to be cleaned to let the accumulated salt leave, or your skin is dirty, or you need to relocate the electrodes.

Comfort Suggestions: If the elastic strap is too tight it will leave ridges on the skin when taken off. You can also sew something soft onto the inside of the band (if a natural fiber then not where the electrodes will be because natural fibers will wick away the electrodes moisture). If your skin becomes irritated where the electrodes touch then maybe you should place the electrodes on the ankles instead of the wrists.