Natural sequestering agents of toxic radioactive isotopes & heavy metals
Defense Formula A
Code DF101 -- Price: $28.00
8 Fl. Oz. (240 ml.) Order NowEmail
Summarized Description:
The onslaught of ambient, harmful heavy metals and radionuclides is a leading
contributor to the epidemic rise of "diseases of civilization," many of which were
unheard of prior to the twentieth century. These health threats
now stand on par with the disease-bearing contributions of
GMO foods and
toxic agricultural inputs;
flourine in everything from municipal water, to dental products, and even salt;
toxic chemicals from
chemtrails spraying (geoengineering),
mercury-laden vaccinations, etc. Fortunately, there are a variety of naturally
occurring compounds which act as natural sequestering agents and detoxifiers --- of which
two in this formula have been sold separately by Alpha Omega Labs in the past :
shilajit (humic / fulvic acid blend)
and bentonite clay. Defense Formula A
is the first time that Alpha Omega Labs has ever provided the public
with a comprehensive formula in the attempt to cover the broadest
range of disease-causing toxicants. If Alpha Omega Labs didn't exist,
we would still have made this formula for ourselves, if only because of
the frightening way that radionuclides are proliferating in the
troposphere, where we all live, producing horrific, toxic effects
precisely as Walter Russell prediced they would nearly 50 years ago
[ Atomic Suicide (1958) ]. We don't just sell this product.
We take it ourselves --- daily.
With a 10% alcohol content for
extended preservation, this product has a minimum shelf-life of 5 years
from the date of purchase.
Established Properties of Its Components
"American Shilijit" (or "shilajit" -- a
blend of 10-12% fulvic acid [lower
molecular weight humic acids] and 60-65% humic acid) corresponds to Indian "shilajit," which
has long been respected for its medical, health properties, as we discussed on our original
shilajit product page. In fact, the International Journal of
Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research published a review article in 2010 referring
to shilajit as an ancient panacea. (1)
The variety of shilajit that we use corresponds to what, in India, is referred to as
"lauha shilajit," said to be the "most effective according to the therapeutic point of
view" (2) Shilijit or "shilajit" -- comprises a complex array
of humates, which are crucial components of the carbon cycle and other physiological
processes -- (yet, paradoxically, orthodoxists staunchly proclaim that there are no studies
to support "any benefits to human health"). (3)
Humates are required for healthy microbial activity, but are not broken down
it. They are chemically reactive yet refractory to microbial activity. (4) The shilajit in this product is included for its
metal sequestration properties.
Calcium Bentonite Clay has been used for centuries
to treat hundreds of medicinal conditions, and its use by
peoples is diverse through many different cultures.
Its inclusion in this formula is for the
purpose of
sequestering and removing toxins,
in particular, radionuclides. As one observer notes:
"The nuclear catastrophe raging through Japan’s nuclear power complex
is generating an intense fear of radioactive fallout potentially
reaching North America. Clay will do more than any other substance
(natural or pharmaceutical) to remove radioactive isotopes from our
bodies and to assist our bodies in returning to a state of good health.
Most of the clean-up at Chernobyl was accomplished with Bentonite Clay." (5)
Protecting the body from radiation is one of bentonite clay's most
noted properties. (6) Alpha Omega Labs has experimented
extensively with healing clays, including bentonite clay, over its 25 year history.
(The picture at left shows clay blends that were offered by our company prior to
the FDA's destruction of our U.S. lab in 2003.)
Although NaturalNews
was the first alternative news organization of which we are aware that recommended
using calcium bentonite clay to protect against the worldwide effects of
Fukushima, we had long been aware of its detoxification and sequestering
properties. Zeolite Blend (crystalline) --
The detoxifying effects of zeolite have been known
ancient times, more recently, its ability to remove
from the body has been documented. Cilantro -- Another
potent detoxifier, cilantro plays an important role in
metal removal. Lugol's Iodine --
(potassium iodide, iodine crystal) -- We were among the first to begin
discussing the dangers of "halogen displacement"
on the internet, which has been documented since the 50's. More recently,
Dr. Mark Sircus has raised the alert as to the importance of
eliminating lower weight halogens (i.e. primarily chlorine, flourine, and their compounds)
through iodine supplementation. More important still, are the effects that
Lugol's has on radioactive Iodine-131, thus
protecting the thyroid from damage. Goldenberry Juice (extract) / Grain
Alcohol (5%) Base -- This base serves to add flavor and natural preservation (shelf-life)
to the overall formula.
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review & Research; Volume 1, Issue 1;
May 2010-July 2010, p. 2.
Ibid. See references under "Varieties of Shilajit."
Humic Substances: Structures, Models & Functions, edited by
Elham A. Ghabbour, Geoffrey Davies, Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain), 2001;
p. 21.
See :
See :
To U.S. Users: This product
have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
In 2000, we introduced a line of clay
products, called Enchanted Ruins (now among our
historicals). As an aside, we
made mention of the Otomac indians who live along the Orinoco River in
Venezuela who live on clay (earth) for two to three months out of the
year, due to a loss of access to their regular food sources. Most of the articles on the internet
that deal with geophagy (or "earth-eating") --
(Wikipedia being a
case-in-point) -- take a pejorative slant, despite the fact that we have yet
to understand the mechanisms
by which the body extracts minerals and expels toxins using various grades of
homogenous, natural earth compounds. In my travels through the Amazon, I have
been amazed at the ways in which various clay compounds are regarded with a
certain reverence by different indigenous groups. Now that we know various earth
compounds have the ability to extract heavy metals and radionuclides from the body,
I wonder if an impartial re-examination of human nutrition needs might compel
us to consider earth a separate "food group." After all, if we learned anything
at all about "biological transmutation" from
Professor C. Louis Kervran it is that the entire, monumental evidence of
transmutation has been swept under the rug by the orthodox community . . . if for no
other reason than its inclusion would nullify the validity of large chunks of
unsubstantiated nonsense that forms the academic cornerstone of nutrition,
physiology, organic chemistry, and a dozen other biological disciplines. The relevance of this observation to
the current product page is that three "earth compounds" make up the
backbone of Defense Formula A: shilajit, calcium bentonite clay,
and zeolite. With
the effects of nuclear radiation affecting the viability
of life on earth, perhaps we should consider the regular inclusion
of "earth compounds" as a necessary component of extending our survival.
How Much
Is Enough?
The "on label" dosage for this supplement
is one-half teaspoon (2.5 ml.), two times a day -- (the same as with our
Amazon Tonic III formula).
Admittedly, this would be a "low dosage." We ourselves take one
teaspoon, twice a day, or double this amount. Through working with the
product, you will discover which works best for you. Fortunately, within the range,
it is impossible to "overdose." So . . . experiment.
What Else
Can I Take?
A variety of foods are been shown
support natural detoxification pathways. Additionally, there are certain
lifestyle choices that will help keep you detoxified:
Soluble, dietary fibers (our preferences including grain brans and psyllium husk) (7).
Diets high in sulfur-containing foods, including alliums (onions, garlic, and chives) --
since toxic metals have affinity for sulfur-containing peptides. (8)
Educate yourself about GMO (genetically modified organism) food,
because these ubiquitous crops tend to be heavily treated with
herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and other soil amendments
that are unnatural to the body and burden its already overworked
detoxification pathways.