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Definition Page:
CAM --
an acronym for "Complimentary and Alternative Medicine."
The term is widely used to define a therapy or medicinal
modalities which are not established or widely accepted
in the orthodox medical community as defined in the West.
(Many CAM approaches, such as TCM, ayurveda, or accupuncture
ARE orthodox in THEIR countries of origin -- which only
annunciates the myopic boundaries of the very term itself,
which was created by the orthodox community in the U.S.
as a pejorative term.) The National Center for CAM in
NIH (National Institute of Health, in the U.S.) defines CAM's
healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies used in
addition to, or instead of, traditional treatments.
Although this acronym is also used, medically, for
adhesion molecule, usage readily determines the
writer's application.