Other Therapeutic Uses
for Cansema® Salves & Tonic /
Conditions for Which Escharotics Should Not Be Used

When we began our journey selling escharotic preparations
in 1990, the focus of our work was on various cancer cell types.
As we make clear in Chapter 1 of Meditopia,
our first product was a topical salve we would later call
Cansema, the
latest incarnation of a formulary art that we were able to
back 500 years. (Note: We use the word Cansema® to
define our escharotic black salves because it us our
U.S. registered trademark.
However, we use a variety of labels around the world for this product,
for legal and jurisdictional purposes.)
 We also knew from the beginning
that variations of this formula could be used to effectively treat
internal cancers. Many of our customers reported miraculous changes
when they ate the Salve internally. However, to accommodate internal
use, we eventually created a tonic
for internal use.
 Over the years, our customers
have used Cansema® Salves and Tonic to successfully treat a wide
variety of conditions. The purpose of this web page is to report
those conditions for which these products have been reported to have
success. These reports are anecdotal. They have not been verified
with any rigorous clinical studies. They are reported as a basis
for further research. Additionally, you may be prosecuted in certain
countries (primarily the major Western countries) for even repeating
this information. [Notice for U.S. consumers: The comments on
this page are made for research and investigative purposes. No
product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any disease in your jurisdiction.]
 Conversely, we have had
customers who have used Cansema® Salves & Tonics to treat
various conditions in which neither product has provided
any efficacy. Even if anecdotal, we feel it is just as important
to report what customers have said about these products as it
pertains to their non-performance with specific conditions.
This information is provided below, together with product names
and links that are better suited in the treatment of these
Medicinal Indications
 Below are common uses of Cansema® --
completely legal in many jurisdictions. Note that we provide links to
Wikipedia for general definition of terms, in the event the reader is
unfamiliar with the condition listed. Listing here is, more or less,
ranked with most important conditions first:
- Skin Cancers -- primarily basal, squamous, and merkel cell carcinomas; melanoma.
There are hundreds of testimonials (mostly human, though some veterinary) which
are viewable in the Cansema testimonial section
that validate this empirical observation.
- Internal Cancers -- To gain a sense of the broad range of internal cancers
that escharotics can successfully address, again, peruse the listings in the
Cansema testimonial section.
- Actinic Keratosis -- [Note : the treatment
of AK, in most cases, often requires more applications than it does with skin cancers].
To see a pictorial of Cansema working on a diagnosed case of AK,
click on Appendix F.
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Phyllodes Tumors
- Mastocytomas -- Strangely,
the majority of reports we have had on mast cell tumors come from vet cases. (Mastocytomas affect
both humans and most species of mammal).
- Bacterial Skin Infections -- By way of example, see
Case #112813 (Trench Foot).
- Warts --
These include common (verruca vulgaris), flat (verruca plana), mosiac,
and plantar (verruca plantaris). We do not recommend that escharotics be
used to address genital warts, because of the sensitivity of the location and the
fact that, on average, more applications are needed to completely remove warts
than is required to remove skin cancers of the same size.
Medical Conditions for Which Escharotics
Are Not Indicated
 Below we list conditions for which escharotics,
whether ours or someone else's, should not be used for either treatment or experimentation
purposes on account of established non-performance for these indications, or inappropriate use.
This list covers the most common conditions and is not intended or represented as being
all-inclusive. In this section, the conditions are listed alphabetically:
- Acne -- Contraindicated. Escharotics are too aggressive for acne and can even make it worse.
We have other products that treat acne gently and are very effective in a majority of cases, most notably
Calcium Sulfate Hydronium Solution (H3O).
- Angiomas -- Not reactive to angiomas.
- Birthmarks -- Same comment as liver/age spots.
- Boils -- the most
common etiology is the bacteria, staphlococcal bacteria. Cansema will clear out the bacteria, but
because there is nowhere nearly the data for boils that we have for skin cancer, we do not advise that
the Salve be indicated for boils.
- Burns -- Contraindicated. Will aggravate the healing of the burn.
- Carbuncles --
Again, we're usually dealing with a bacterial infection. Not indicated for the same reason as "boils' above.
- Cosmetic Applications -- No escharotic that we know of should be used for
cosmetic purposes. A single application is frequently used by practitioners to
"test" suspicious growths, and this is particularly common in the third world where
biopsies are unavailable or not in use. However, escharotics are contraindicated for repeated
applications where diseased tissue has not been previously confirmed.
- Dermatitis -- Cansema® will kill the bacteria that is
the moset common etiology, but it's more aggressive than is necessary to do the job.
- Diabetic ulcers -- This is not something
that any escharotic preparations are designed to address. It's contraindicated. Don't do it.
- Lipomas -- (Note:
A few customers have reported success with one or more lipomas; however, instances of
non-performance outweigh the positive reports.)
- Liver / age spots -- It's not contraindicated, as such, but it
doesn't work, so don't do it.
- Mycosis -- As
naturopaths, there are other things we use to address fungal infections. Additionally,
although Cansema® will kill fungal infections on the skin (tinea pedum, versicolor,
corporis, etc.), it does so with an unnecessary aggressiveness, whereas other
established remedies (i.e. Lugol's Iodine),
are more gentle and in many cases more thorough. When it comes to fungal infections,
escharotics are the wrong tool for the job, generally speaking.
- Pilonidal diseae -- It's not a malignancy and will not cure the condition.
- Scars -- particularly
keloids, about which
we receive a great many inquiries. Scars should never be treated with an escharotic salve --
ours, or anybody else's. Instead, use the OmniPatch for this.
- Staph infections --
Cansema® will usually get rid of the infection effectively, but in the major of applications, this is akin to
shooting a mouse with an elephant gun. The response is appropriate for skin cancer, but, in our view, is excessive
to what is required to get rid of a simple staph infection.
When in Question . . .
 If you have more specific questions not covered
above on this subject, please email us.
Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador
May 25, 2015