Blood Purifier / Anti-Microbial / Weight Loss / Indigestion


(Schkuhria pinnata)
Ground Leaves & Root
of Canchalagua

Code 317 -- Price: $4.95
Ground tea leaves: 85 gr. (net wt)
Makes Nearly 2 Gallons of Tea
(Using 11 g. or ≅ 2 T. to make a quart)

Code 317C -- Price: $11.95
120 Capsules x 500 mg.

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Summarized Description: Canchalagua is one of our native traditionals, and although originating from the Andes of South America, it has, over the past century, been naturalized to many places around the world. Like Ajo Té, canchalagua has a broad range of medicinal uses and because of its immune-boosting properties, there are few ailments that do not see at least some benefit from its use.
Capsule Instruction: Take one capsule, 2x a day, unless otherwise instructed by your naturopath or other health care practitioner.

Tea Uses & Protocols

I. Preparation --- if you can boil water, you can make this product: Professional herbalists will recognize this as a standard decoction.
  1. Add 1/3 cups of Canchalagua to a large sauce pan, along with one quart of purified water (0.95 liters). You have enough product in the product bag to do this seven to eight times.
  2. Heat until a very low-level boil or "barely boiling" level has been reached and continue boiling for 15 minutes.
  3. Stir occasionally.
  4. Remove heat source and let cool.
  5. Pour the contents of your pan through a strainer and into a large glass vase or container so as to remove most of the tea fragments.
  6. Dispose of tea fragments.
  7. Drink your tea hot . . . refrigerate glass vase and enjoy later as a refreshing cold tea . . . or refrigerate and reheat later if you want to enjoy the product as a hot tea. You may add cinnamon, lemon, and/or honey to taste. More specific protocols for the use of the product are provided below.
II. Protocols.
Take under the advisement of your naturopath or other health care practitioner.

None reported.

James Duke's Handbook of Medical Plants of Latin America
Medicinal Activities
Further information for practitioners: World-famous botanist Dr. James Duke attributes the following activities to this plant (p. 612-613; see hardcopy cover at right), drawn from the extant literature. (See his graduation for "level of efficacy" on our traditionals page; followed by Duke's bibliographic abbreviations (in capital letters), which we identify on a separate page.)

  • Antiallergic (f; MPG)
  • Antidiabetic (f; MPG);
  • Antiinflammatory (f1; MD2, RA2);
  • Antimalarial (f1; MPG; RA2; X17486688);
  • Antispasmodic (1; RA2);
  • Antitussive (f; RA2);
  • Antiyeast (1; RA2);
  • Bactericide (1; MPG; RA2);
  • Capillary Tonic (f; RA2);
  • Cicatrizant (f; MPG);
  • Cytotoxic (1; X17486688);
  • Depurative (f; MPG; RA2)
  • Detoxicant (f; MPG);
  • Digestive (f; MPG; RA2);
  • Diuretic (f; MPG; RA2);
  • Fungicide (1; RA2);
  • Hypoglycemic (f; EGG, RA2);
  • Insecticide (f; DLZ);
  • Lipolytic (f; MPG);
  • NF-kappaB-Inhibitor (1; RA2);
  • NO-Inhibitor (1; RA2);
  • Pediculicide (f; RA2);
  • Plasmodicide (1; RA2; X17486688);
  • Pulicide (f; MPG, RA2);
  • Stomachic (f; RA2);
  • Styptic (f; RA2);
  • Vulnerary (f; MPG; RA2).

Further information for practitioners: Duke provides the following indications for this plant:
  • Abscesses (f; MPG);
  • Acne (f; EGG);
  • Allergies (f; MPG; RA2);
  • Bacillus (1; MPG);
  • Bacteria (f1; MPG; RA2);
  • Biliousness (f1:ROE);
  • Bleeding (f; RA2);
  • Calculus (f; ROE);
  • Chancre (f; ROE);
  • Childbirth (f; ROE);
  • Coughs (f; RA2);
  • Cystosis (f; DLZ);
  • Dermatosis (f; RA2);
  • Diabetes (f; EGG; MPG; RA2);
  • Digestion (f; RA2);
  • Dysmenorrhea (f; ROE);
  • Dyspepsia (f; MPG);
  • Eczema (f; RA2);
  • Enteritis (f; ROE);
  • Fungus (1; RA2);
  • Gastritis (f; RA2; ROE);
  • Hepatitis (f; RA2; ROE);
  • Hyperglycemia (f; RA2);
  • Infection (f1; MPG; RA2);
  • Inflammation (f1; MPG; RA2);
  • Malaria (f1; DLZ; MPG; RA2; X17486688);
  • Mycosis (1; RA2);
  • Nephrosis (f; DLZ);
  • Obesity (f; DLZ; MPG);
  • Oliguria (f; MPG);
  • Ophthalmia (f; ROE);
  • Pediculosis (f; RA2);
  • Prostatitis (f; RA2);
  • Pulmonosis (f; ROE);
  • Respirosis (f1; ROE);
  • Rheumantism (f; RA2);
  • Sores (f; MPG);
  • Spasms (1; RA2);
  • Splinters (f; EGG);
  • Stomachache (f; RA2; ROE);
  • Stomatitis (f; MPG);
  • Stones (f; ROE);
  • Tumors (f; ROE);
  • UTI's (urinary track infections); (f; RA2);
  • Wounds (f; MPG; RA2);
  • Yeast (f1; RA2);
  • Yellow Fever (f; ROE).

To U.S. Users: This product have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bienvenidos a Pastaza

Sourcing From
Amazonian Wilderness

All the materials used to make our Amazonian & Andean Medicinal Teas are wild-crafted and harvested from the Central Andes and Amazonian regions of Ecuador and Peru. There are no cultivated varieties used. Click photo to enlarge.

Dosage / Usage
Duke provides a "food farmacy potential" score for this plant of, "FNFF=X" ("I found nothing credible suggesting the plant as food.") He indicates a recommended dosage as "1 cup shoot or plant infusion 3x/day as blood cleanser and diuretic (RA2); 1 to 2 g. capsule 2x/day for acne and as antimalarial." (RA2)
Indications for its ethnobotanical use worldwide are broad and fall into the following categories (p. 613):
  1. Gastrosis, malaria, and stomachaches (Africa).
  2. Gastrosis, stomachaches (Kenya)
  3. Malaria (Altenos indians).
  4. Antispasmodic (Native American)
  5. Diarrhea, respiratory infection, UTI's, antibiotic, vulnerary, weight loss, depurative (Argentina)
  6. Weight loss -- (root decoction / Bolivia / Peru)
  7. Malaria, cystosis, nephrosis (Bolivia)
  8. Acne, eczema, dermatitis, blood cleaner (Ketchwa)
  9. Repel fleas and lice (Bolivia and elsewhere in Latin America); used similarly in Paraguay as an insecticide.
  10. Indigestion (Peru / Mexico)
  11. Vaginal yeast --(Peru)
  12. Obesity (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador)

Additional Online
Resources on
This Herb

  1. This plant's entry on Herbal Ayurveda.
  2. Pictorial from Discover Life.
  3. Rainfree "Tropical Plant Database" entry for canchalagua. Provides additional detail on the plant's medicinal properties, along with medical literary citations, as well as a chart on ethnomedical uses.
  4. USDA entry for canchalagua from the its Natural Resources Conservation Service. Provides detail on its botanical classification, as well as a map of its distribution inside the continental U.S. See also the USDA's entry by its Germplasm Resources Information Network, with additional database resources on the plant. (Similarly, a distribution map for New South Wales, Australia is online, a photos from the same areas in NSW can be found on Flickr.)
  5. description of the plant, with emphasis on its physicalities.
  6. Entry for the plant from the Southwest Environmental Information Network, again focussing on the plant's physicalities.
  7. A rigorous antioxidant evaluation of the plant, published by the Chemical Society of Mexico. (This is the English version). Speaking of Mexico, there's a good site in Spanish on this plant with pictures and helpful links. A similar study to the one above, also focussing on the plant's "sesquiterpene lactones," and yet another from IngentaConnect.
  8. Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness -- brief entry from the Western New Mexico Department of Natural Sciences for this plant, with pictures.
  9. MetAfro entry, listing references to medicinal studies (with distribution) on canchalagua in Africa.
  10. Scientific study showing efficacy of this plant against acne; another supporting its hypoglycemic activity in diabetes; another showing its effect in treating malaria.