"Perhaps the greatest immune-enhancing
supplement known to man." (Dr. R.McCraw)
BetaMax 500
(60 Capsules)Code: 565 -- $49.95
A dietary supplement used to support immune function. Beta
glucan is derived from the baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Fatty acids have been extracted from this product
thereby increasing purity and quality. Literature reports use of
beta glucan to enhance macrophage activity for patients who
may have chronic disease, cancer, flu viruses, bacteria,
parasites, radiation, stress, intense exercise, and diabetes.
BetaMax 250 / IP6
(250 grams)Code: 567 -- $210
A dietary supplement used to support immune function. Beta 1,3
D glucan is derived from bakers yeast, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Fatty acids have been extracted from our proprietary beta
product increasing purity and quality. Literature reports use of
beta glucan to activate macrophages. Documentation in
literature has shown tumor regression in mice when given beta
glucan at 30-70 mg per kilogram of body weight. IP6 (inositol
hexaphosphate) is a component found in rice bran. IP6 is rapidly
absorbed by cells and metabolized to lower phosphates and
inositol. It has been suggested that lower inositol phosphates
may mediate cancer inhibition. In cancer remediation, as
reported by Von Addrenne, the phytic acid or IP-6 pushes
oxygen from the blood stream deep into tissue and this oxygen
concentration is toxic to the mutated cancer cells. Both IP6 and
lower phosphates have metal chelating activity and may interfere
with tumor formation by suppressing metal catalyzed oxidation of
fats. Both beta glucan and IP6 have been shown to exert both
chemo preventive and anti-cancer effects. Wholesalers: inquire
about bulk powder.
Historical: The page below shows
how we sold Beta Glucan until Sept., 2003
eta 1,3-D Glucan (normally abridged to
"beta glucan" for convenience) is a powerful immune booster.
Derived from cell walls of yeast (Saccromyces cerevasiae),
it triggers an immune response in the body, creating
a system of defense against a broad range of pathogenic
organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasitic and
neoplastic invaders).
How It Works Beta Glucan activates immune cells called "macrophages" - responsible for finding and trapping foreign or invasive agents that threaten the body. When activated, these cells initiate a chain of events that cause the body as a whole to be alerted and mobilized. In this heightened state of alert, the immune system is better prepared to repair damaged tissue, help other substances such as antibiotics, anti-fungals, and anti-parasitics. In this state, the macrophages are also better able to recognize and destroy mutated cells. This is an important supplement for those with degenerative diseases, such as cancer, because the disease itself suppresses the immune system. Beta Glucan helps to reverse this. Why We Carry It Many of Alpha Omega's formulas, particularly Cansema, particularly in its internal versions, and the CanSupport formulas work in conjunction with the immune system. So immune boosting adjunctives can actually make our key products work better. Secondly, in some countries, such as Japan, Beta Glucan is already being used clinically as a distinct cancer therapy. Given the focus of our work, it would be inconsistent with our policy of bringing the best cancer support products from around the world to our customers if we were to overlook this important supplement. |
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